People in Washington state to use restrooms based on 'identity,' not anatomy, commission rules

You know, the most important part of this story isn't that the LGBT cult freakshow is trying to insert men into little girls bathrooms. It's that A STATE LEGISLATURE IS ACTUALLY FIGHTING BACK AGAINST THE LGBT CULT REICHT.

Have you in recent years with all the PC bullshit even heard of a single politician daring a PEEP against each and every whim this cult shoves down the public's throat without their permission or ability to resist...even with free speech in protest? (remember, now you can be fined for protesting their advances)??? THE LEGISLATURE IN WASHINGTON STATE IS ACTUALLY FIGHTING BACK!!!"

:bowdown: Washington State Legislature... :clap:
And? Why should 99.9% of us have to accommodate the 0.1%? If it's "no big deal" then why don't they make the adjustment instead of demanding the rest do so? Oh, are they uncomfortable peeing in the bathroom they don't "identify" with? Boo fucking hoo.

Seems they already did make an "adjustment"

Nope, not when they're demanding normal people make special accommodations for them.

I don't give a shit if they're uncomfortable using the bathroom that matches their physical gender.

What accommodation do you have to make?

Do you really think she should have to use the boys room?


Having a male in the female restroom. Figures you needed that pointed out.

That does not tell me what accommodation you have to make. How are you at all inconvenienced by someone peeing in a stall?

Does he have a penis? Then yes.

Oh, would he be uncomfortable in the boys room? Too fucking bad. The vast majority of us would be uncomfortable with him in the ladies room. Sick and tired of tiny minorities demanding that the rest of the world cow-tow to their whims. Fuck that.

Fortunately, lawmakers and courts are disagreeing with your opinion.

The only thing that changes hearts and closed minds like yours is to have a transgendered child or loved one. I wouldn't wish that on that individual, though.

Because men don't belong in the women's room and NO, I should NOT have to accommodate their delusions. They're not women. Period.

Their bodies are fine, it's their minds that need help. They need psychiatrists not surgeons.
This is about the way individual get to order their lives.

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Under the oppression of Liberalism, Progressivism, socialism, Nazism, communism and fascism, there is no room for individualism.

Everyone must obey what their brilliant lords and masters decree.

And so ends this noble experiment called America.

And how does a transwoman going to the bathroom end America, chicken little?

And of course, are you still insisting that stripping nude in front of someone else has 'no distinction' with going into a bathroom stall and taking care of your business?

As you're wrong, of course.

Can you explain why you made this up?
"And of course, are you still insisting that stripping nude in front of someone else has 'no distinction' with going into a bathroom stall and taking care of your business?"

I did in the post you're replying to. You insisted there was no distinction between changing in a locker room and going to the bathroom in a private stall.

So either you strip nude in front of other women before going into a bathroom stall.......or there is an obvious distinction between a locker room and the privacy of a bathroom stall.

Pick one.

And how does American end because a transwoman goes to the bathroom? Remember, your hysteric overreaction doesn't actually mean that transwomen have done anything to deserve it, chicken little.

You've kinda painted yourself into a corner again, PC. As you have nothing to quote instead of replying. And you aren't particularly good at reasoning on your own.

"You insisted there was no distinction between changing in a locker room and going to the bathroom in a private stall."

Could you give the quote of mine where I said that?

Even better, you said there's no difference between stripping nude in a locker room and

We're talking about bathrooms. And you don't share a stall.

So what is the issue, exactly?

A distinction without a difference.

Privacy is the issue, and the right of girls to have a choice.

So apparently you're stripping naked before going into the privacy of a bathroom stall. Or.....there is a difference between stripping naked in a locker room and using a private bathroom stall.

Pick one.

Oh, and you never could explain how a transwoman going to the bathroom results in the 'end of America'. Or have you abandoned those panty shitting hysterics?

"Police in Dallas are looking for a man who took pictures of a woman trying on clothes in a Target.

The incident happened around 3 p.m. last Thursday at the store near Abrams Road and Northwest Highway."
WHAT A SURPRISE: Man Wanted for Taking Pictures of a Woman in a Target Changing Room | RedState

Liberals continue to support a President whose greatest accomplishment has been as titular head of the LGBT Movement.

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