People in Washington state to use restrooms based on 'identity,' not anatomy, commission rules

What's the issue exactly?

"Why These High School Girls Don’t Want a Transgender Student in Their Locker Room

...they would tell the world why they don’t want a high school student who was born male, but identifies as a female, to use the girls’ locker room.

They would tell the world why allowing a transgender student to see them in a state of undress would be an invasion of their personal privacy.

Speaking out, they knew, could make them the public face of a very private issue.

It could lead their classmates to call them “bigots,” “insensitive,” and “homophobes.”

But after seeing their high school back down to threats that the U.S. Department of Education would strip away federal funding, and watching school officials overrule their parents, a group of six high school girls in Cook County, Ill., decided to speak out.

On Dec. 7, before a crowded school board meeting packed with news media, they would tell the world why they don’t want a high school student who was born male, but identifies as a female, to use the girls’ locker room.

They would tell the world why allowing a transgender student to see them in a state of undress would be an invasion of their personal privacy.

They would explain why, at 15 and 16 years old, changing alongside biological women is already hard enough."

“It is unfair to infringe upon the rights of others to accommodate one person,” the six girls, in a joint statement, told an audience of at least 500.

“Although we will never fully understand your personal struggle,” they said, addressing the transgender student, “please understand that we, too, all are experiencing personal struggles that need to be respected.”
High School Girls Don’t Want Transgender in Locker Room
What's the issue exactly?

"Why These High School Girls Don’t Want a Transgender Student in Their Locker Room

...they would tell the world why they don’t want a high school student who was born male, but identifies as a female, to use the girls’ locker room.

They would tell the world why allowing a transgender student to see them in a state of undress would be an invasion of their personal privacy.

Speaking out, they knew, could make them the public face of a very private issue.

It could lead their classmates to call them “bigots,” “insensitive,” and “homophobes.”

But after seeing their high school back down to threats that the U.S. Department of Education would strip away federal funding, and watching school officials overrule their parents, a group of six high school girls in Cook County, Ill., decided to speak out.

On Dec. 7, before a crowded school board meeting packed with news media, they would tell the world why they don’t want a high school student who was born male, but identifies as a female, to use the girls’ locker room.

They would tell the world why allowing a transgender student to see them in a state of undress would be an invasion of their personal privacy.

They would explain why, at 15 and 16 years old, changing alongside biological women is already hard enough."

“It is unfair to infringe upon the rights of others to accommodate one person,” the six girls, in a joint statement, told an audience of at least 500.

“Although we will never fully understand your personal struggle,” they said, addressing the transgender student, “please understand that we, too, all are experiencing personal struggles that need to be respected.”
High School Girls Don’t Want Transgender in Locker Room

We're talking about bathrooms. And you don't share a stall.

So what is the issue, exactly?
What's the issue exactly?

"Why These High School Girls Don’t Want a Transgender Student in Their Locker Room

...they would tell the world why they don’t want a high school student who was born male, but identifies as a female, to use the girls’ locker room.

They would tell the world why allowing a transgender student to see them in a state of undress would be an invasion of their personal privacy.

Speaking out, they knew, could make them the public face of a very private issue.

It could lead their classmates to call them “bigots,” “insensitive,” and “homophobes.”

But after seeing their high school back down to threats that the U.S. Department of Education would strip away federal funding, and watching school officials overrule their parents, a group of six high school girls in Cook County, Ill., decided to speak out.

On Dec. 7, before a crowded school board meeting packed with news media, they would tell the world why they don’t want a high school student who was born male, but identifies as a female, to use the girls’ locker room.

They would tell the world why allowing a transgender student to see them in a state of undress would be an invasion of their personal privacy.

They would explain why, at 15 and 16 years old, changing alongside biological women is already hard enough."

“It is unfair to infringe upon the rights of others to accommodate one person,” the six girls, in a joint statement, told an audience of at least 500.

“Although we will never fully understand your personal struggle,” they said, addressing the transgender student, “please understand that we, too, all are experiencing personal struggles that need to be respected.”
High School Girls Don’t Want Transgender in Locker Room

We're talking about bathrooms. And you don't share a stall.

So what is the issue, exactly?

A distinction without a difference.

Privacy is the issue, and the right of girls to have a choice.
What's the issue exactly?

"Why These High School Girls Don’t Want a Transgender Student in Their Locker Room

...they would tell the world why they don’t want a high school student who was born male, but identifies as a female, to use the girls’ locker room.

They would tell the world why allowing a transgender student to see them in a state of undress would be an invasion of their personal privacy.

Speaking out, they knew, could make them the public face of a very private issue.

It could lead their classmates to call them “bigots,” “insensitive,” and “homophobes.”

But after seeing their high school back down to threats that the U.S. Department of Education would strip away federal funding, and watching school officials overrule their parents, a group of six high school girls in Cook County, Ill., decided to speak out.

On Dec. 7, before a crowded school board meeting packed with news media, they would tell the world why they don’t want a high school student who was born male, but identifies as a female, to use the girls’ locker room.

They would tell the world why allowing a transgender student to see them in a state of undress would be an invasion of their personal privacy.

They would explain why, at 15 and 16 years old, changing alongside biological women is already hard enough."

“It is unfair to infringe upon the rights of others to accommodate one person,” the six girls, in a joint statement, told an audience of at least 500.

“Although we will never fully understand your personal struggle,” they said, addressing the transgender student, “please understand that we, too, all are experiencing personal struggles that need to be respected.”
High School Girls Don’t Want Transgender in Locker Room

We're talking about bathrooms. And you don't share a stall.

So what is the issue, exactly?

A distinction without a difference.

Privacy is the issue, and the right of girls to have a choice.
You have complete privacy in a stall

You don't pee standing up do you?
What's the issue exactly?

"Why These High School Girls Don’t Want a Transgender Student in Their Locker Room

...they would tell the world why they don’t want a high school student who was born male, but identifies as a female, to use the girls’ locker room.

They would tell the world why allowing a transgender student to see them in a state of undress would be an invasion of their personal privacy.

Speaking out, they knew, could make them the public face of a very private issue.

It could lead their classmates to call them “bigots,” “insensitive,” and “homophobes.”

But after seeing their high school back down to threats that the U.S. Department of Education would strip away federal funding, and watching school officials overrule their parents, a group of six high school girls in Cook County, Ill., decided to speak out.

On Dec. 7, before a crowded school board meeting packed with news media, they would tell the world why they don’t want a high school student who was born male, but identifies as a female, to use the girls’ locker room.

They would tell the world why allowing a transgender student to see them in a state of undress would be an invasion of their personal privacy.

They would explain why, at 15 and 16 years old, changing alongside biological women is already hard enough."

“It is unfair to infringe upon the rights of others to accommodate one person,” the six girls, in a joint statement, told an audience of at least 500.

“Although we will never fully understand your personal struggle,” they said, addressing the transgender student, “please understand that we, too, all are experiencing personal struggles that need to be respected.”
High School Girls Don’t Want Transgender in Locker Room

We're talking about bathrooms. And you don't share a stall.

So what is the issue, exactly?

A distinction without a difference.

Privacy is the issue, and the right of girls to have a choice.
You have complete privacy in a stall

You don't pee standing up do you?

Why do rest rooms have the terms "Men" or "Women" on the entrance?

Stop pretending that you Leftists aren't all about ending the traditions of Western Civilization.
Last edited:
What's the issue exactly?

"Why These High School Girls Don’t Want a Transgender Student in Their Locker Room

...they would tell the world why they don’t want a high school student who was born male, but identifies as a female, to use the girls’ locker room.

They would tell the world why allowing a transgender student to see them in a state of undress would be an invasion of their personal privacy.

Speaking out, they knew, could make them the public face of a very private issue.

It could lead their classmates to call them “bigots,” “insensitive,” and “homophobes.”

But after seeing their high school back down to threats that the U.S. Department of Education would strip away federal funding, and watching school officials overrule their parents, a group of six high school girls in Cook County, Ill., decided to speak out.

On Dec. 7, before a crowded school board meeting packed with news media, they would tell the world why they don’t want a high school student who was born male, but identifies as a female, to use the girls’ locker room.

They would tell the world why allowing a transgender student to see them in a state of undress would be an invasion of their personal privacy.

They would explain why, at 15 and 16 years old, changing alongside biological women is already hard enough."

“It is unfair to infringe upon the rights of others to accommodate one person,” the six girls, in a joint statement, told an audience of at least 500.

“Although we will never fully understand your personal struggle,” they said, addressing the transgender student, “please understand that we, too, all are experiencing personal struggles that need to be respected.”
High School Girls Don’t Want Transgender in Locker Room

We're talking about bathrooms. And you don't share a stall.

So what is the issue, exactly?

A distinction without a difference.

Privacy is the issue, and the right of girls to have a choice.
You have complete privacy in a stall

You don't pee standing up do you?

Why do rest rooms have the terms "Men" or "Women" on the entrance?

Stop pretending that you Leftists aren't all about ending the traditions of Western Civilization.
And transgendered are women
Why do you care what plumbing the person in the next stall uses?

There was a time people didn't want to pee if a negro was in the next stall
"Why These High School Girls Don’t Want a Transgender Student in Their Locker Room

...they would tell the world why they don’t want a high school student who was born male, but identifies as a female, to use the girls’ locker room.

They would tell the world why allowing a transgender student to see them in a state of undress would be an invasion of their personal privacy.

Speaking out, they knew, could make them the public face of a very private issue.

It could lead their classmates to call them “bigots,” “insensitive,” and “homophobes.”

But after seeing their high school back down to threats that the U.S. Department of Education would strip away federal funding, and watching school officials overrule their parents, a group of six high school girls in Cook County, Ill., decided to speak out.

On Dec. 7, before a crowded school board meeting packed with news media, they would tell the world why they don’t want a high school student who was born male, but identifies as a female, to use the girls’ locker room.

They would tell the world why allowing a transgender student to see them in a state of undress would be an invasion of their personal privacy.

They would explain why, at 15 and 16 years old, changing alongside biological women is already hard enough."

“It is unfair to infringe upon the rights of others to accommodate one person,” the six girls, in a joint statement, told an audience of at least 500.

“Although we will never fully understand your personal struggle,” they said, addressing the transgender student, “please understand that we, too, all are experiencing personal struggles that need to be respected.”
High School Girls Don’t Want Transgender in Locker Room

We're talking about bathrooms. And you don't share a stall.

So what is the issue, exactly?

A distinction without a difference.

Privacy is the issue, and the right of girls to have a choice.
You have complete privacy in a stall

You don't pee standing up do you?

Why do rest rooms have the terms "Men" or "Women" on the entrance?

Stop pretending that you Leftists aren't all about ending the traditions of Western Civilization.
And transgendered are women
Why do you care what plumbing the person in the next stall uses?

There was a time people didn't want to pee if a negro was in the next stall

Stop lying, and see if you can figure out what deoxyribonucleic acid is, and what it tells.

Bruce Jenner is a man.
Rachel Dolezal is white.
Barack Obama is a failure.
And you are a left winger.

"There was a time people didn't want to pee if a negro was in the next stall."
OMG, is that old.

Coulter said this about you:
  1. Thrilled with their role as ‘white friend-of-the-blacks,’ many found that they could actually make a living at it! The part requires sneering at nonexistent racists, and memorizing one line: “Goddam it, this may cost me my career but I’m going to speak up for racial equality and let the chips fall where they may!”
Define normal!

The easy way to solve the problem of bashful pottyers is to make every 'public single occupant' restroom a gender neutral restroom and-----and change all public restrooms to single occupant restrooms as soon as is economically feasible.

Every woman who has ever stood in a long line at a concert, sporting event etc. while men walk in and out of their restroom with no waiting should love the idea of equal line time... right?

Normal is NOT "trans" anything, that's what's normal.

Stop normalizing people who clearly have distorted and psychological issues.
Why the hell should the 99.9% of us have to bow to the .01% of those who are psychologically impaired? If it shouldn't be a 'big deal' for me to pee next to a man-who-think-he's-a-woman, then why is it a 'big deal' for that man-who-thinks-he's-a-woman to pee next to a man? THEY are the ones who need to figure it out, the rest of us should not be forced to do so. This is all bullshit, give me a break.
Why the hell should the 99.9% of us have to bow to the .01% of those who are psychologically impaired? If it shouldn't be a 'big deal' for me to pee next to a man-who-think-he's-a-woman, then why is it a 'big deal' for that man-who-thinks-he's-a-woman to pee next to a man? THEY are the ones who need to figure it out, the rest of us should not be forced to do so. This is all bullshit, give me a break.

Sadly, 65,915,796 voted for bulls**t in 2012.
What's the issue exactly?

"Why These High School Girls Don’t Want a Transgender Student in Their Locker Room

...they would tell the world why they don’t want a high school student who was born male, but identifies as a female, to use the girls’ locker room.

They would tell the world why allowing a transgender student to see them in a state of undress would be an invasion of their personal privacy.

Speaking out, they knew, could make them the public face of a very private issue.

It could lead their classmates to call them “bigots,” “insensitive,” and “homophobes.”

But after seeing their high school back down to threats that the U.S. Department of Education would strip away federal funding, and watching school officials overrule their parents, a group of six high school girls in Cook County, Ill., decided to speak out.

On Dec. 7, before a crowded school board meeting packed with news media, they would tell the world why they don’t want a high school student who was born male, but identifies as a female, to use the girls’ locker room.

They would tell the world why allowing a transgender student to see them in a state of undress would be an invasion of their personal privacy.

They would explain why, at 15 and 16 years old, changing alongside biological women is already hard enough."

“It is unfair to infringe upon the rights of others to accommodate one person,” the six girls, in a joint statement, told an audience of at least 500.

“Although we will never fully understand your personal struggle,” they said, addressing the transgender student, “please understand that we, too, all are experiencing personal struggles that need to be respected.”
High School Girls Don’t Want Transgender in Locker Room

We're talking about bathrooms. And you don't share a stall.

So what is the issue, exactly?

A distinction without a difference.

You may undress in front of other women before going to the bathroom. But most women don't. They simply go into the stall where they have privacy and THEN take care of their business.

You may not be able to comprehend the distinction. A rational person could.
Define normal!

The easy way to solve the problem of bashful pottyers is to make every 'public single occupant' restroom a gender neutral restroom and-----and change all public restrooms to single occupant restrooms as soon as is economically feasible.

Every woman who has ever stood in a long line at a concert, sporting event etc. while men walk in and out of their restroom with no waiting should love the idea of equal line time... right?

Normal is NOT "trans" anything, that's what's normal.

Stop normalizing people who clearly have distorted and psychological issues.
Even people who are not "normal" gotta pee
What's the issue exactly?

"Why These High School Girls Don’t Want a Transgender Student in Their Locker Room

...they would tell the world why they don’t want a high school student who was born male, but identifies as a female, to use the girls’ locker room.

They would tell the world why allowing a transgender student to see them in a state of undress would be an invasion of their personal privacy.

Speaking out, they knew, could make them the public face of a very private issue.

It could lead their classmates to call them “bigots,” “insensitive,” and “homophobes.”

But after seeing their high school back down to threats that the U.S. Department of Education would strip away federal funding, and watching school officials overrule their parents, a group of six high school girls in Cook County, Ill., decided to speak out.

On Dec. 7, before a crowded school board meeting packed with news media, they would tell the world why they don’t want a high school student who was born male, but identifies as a female, to use the girls’ locker room.

They would tell the world why allowing a transgender student to see them in a state of undress would be an invasion of their personal privacy.

They would explain why, at 15 and 16 years old, changing alongside biological women is already hard enough."

“It is unfair to infringe upon the rights of others to accommodate one person,” the six girls, in a joint statement, told an audience of at least 500.

“Although we will never fully understand your personal struggle,” they said, addressing the transgender student, “please understand that we, too, all are experiencing personal struggles that need to be respected.”
High School Girls Don’t Want Transgender in Locker Room

We're talking about bathrooms. And you don't share a stall.

So what is the issue, exactly?

A distinction without a difference.

You may undress in front of other women before going to the bathroom. But most women don't. They simply go into the stall where they have privacy and THEN take care of their business.

You may not be able to comprehend the distinction. A rational person could.

Explain why rest rooms are labeled "Men" or "Women."

The truth is that for fascists.....Liberals,.... no one has any rights not assigned to them by big government.
What's the issue exactly?

"Why These High School Girls Don’t Want a Transgender Student in Their Locker Room

...they would tell the world why they don’t want a high school student who was born male, but identifies as a female, to use the girls’ locker room.

They would tell the world why allowing a transgender student to see them in a state of undress would be an invasion of their personal privacy.

Speaking out, they knew, could make them the public face of a very private issue.

It could lead their classmates to call them “bigots,” “insensitive,” and “homophobes.”

But after seeing their high school back down to threats that the U.S. Department of Education would strip away federal funding, and watching school officials overrule their parents, a group of six high school girls in Cook County, Ill., decided to speak out.

On Dec. 7, before a crowded school board meeting packed with news media, they would tell the world why they don’t want a high school student who was born male, but identifies as a female, to use the girls’ locker room.

They would tell the world why allowing a transgender student to see them in a state of undress would be an invasion of their personal privacy.

They would explain why, at 15 and 16 years old, changing alongside biological women is already hard enough."

“It is unfair to infringe upon the rights of others to accommodate one person,” the six girls, in a joint statement, told an audience of at least 500.

“Although we will never fully understand your personal struggle,” they said, addressing the transgender student, “please understand that we, too, all are experiencing personal struggles that need to be respected.”
High School Girls Don’t Want Transgender in Locker Room

We're talking about bathrooms. And you don't share a stall.

So what is the issue, exactly?

A distinction without a difference.

You may undress in front of other women before going to the bathroom. But most women don't. They simply go into the stall where they have privacy and THEN take care of their business.

You may not be able to comprehend the distinction. A rational person could.

Explain why rest rooms are labeled "Men" or "Women."

Explain why you strip nude before you go to the bathroom stall. As you've equated locker rooms where people undress completely with the privacy of a bathroom stall, insisting there's no distinction.

And of course, you're running from my original question: what's the issue exactly?

A biological woman goes to the bathroom. A transwoman goes to the bathroom. And.........then, per your batshit, western civilization somehow ends.

Disco was big for me....and I spent a lot of time in clubs,many of which had unisex bathrooms.

The difference is that it was the individual's option to patronize these establishments.

Liberals, Progressives, Democrats....insist on mandating every single aspect of life....cowards accept this.

Collectivization was a hallmark of an earlier iteration of Liberalism, the one that slaughtered 100,000 human beings.
"Why These High School Girls Don’t Want a Transgender Student in Their Locker Room

...they would tell the world why they don’t want a high school student who was born male, but identifies as a female, to use the girls’ locker room.

They would tell the world why allowing a transgender student to see them in a state of undress would be an invasion of their personal privacy.

Speaking out, they knew, could make them the public face of a very private issue.

It could lead their classmates to call them “bigots,” “insensitive,” and “homophobes.”

But after seeing their high school back down to threats that the U.S. Department of Education would strip away federal funding, and watching school officials overrule their parents, a group of six high school girls in Cook County, Ill., decided to speak out.

On Dec. 7, before a crowded school board meeting packed with news media, they would tell the world why they don’t want a high school student who was born male, but identifies as a female, to use the girls’ locker room.

They would tell the world why allowing a transgender student to see them in a state of undress would be an invasion of their personal privacy.

They would explain why, at 15 and 16 years old, changing alongside biological women is already hard enough."

“It is unfair to infringe upon the rights of others to accommodate one person,” the six girls, in a joint statement, told an audience of at least 500.

“Although we will never fully understand your personal struggle,” they said, addressing the transgender student, “please understand that we, too, all are experiencing personal struggles that need to be respected.”
High School Girls Don’t Want Transgender in Locker Room

We're talking about bathrooms. And you don't share a stall.

So what is the issue, exactly?

A distinction without a difference.

You may undress in front of other women before going to the bathroom. But most women don't. They simply go into the stall where they have privacy and THEN take care of their business.

You may not be able to comprehend the distinction. A rational person could.

Explain why rest rooms are labeled "Men" or "Women."

Explain why you strip nude before you go to the bathroom stall. As you've equated locker rooms where people undress completely with the privacy of a bathroom stall, insisting there's no distinction.

And of course, you're running from my original question: what's the issue exactly?

A biological woman goes to the bathroom. A transwoman goes to the bathroom. And.........then, per your batshit, western civilization somehow ends.

Political Chic is obsessed with how people pee
We're talking about bathrooms. And you don't share a stall.

So what is the issue, exactly?

A distinction without a difference.

You may undress in front of other women before going to the bathroom. But most women don't. They simply go into the stall where they have privacy and THEN take care of their business.

You may not be able to comprehend the distinction. A rational person could.

Explain why rest rooms are labeled "Men" or "Women."

Explain why you strip nude before you go to the bathroom stall. As you've equated locker rooms where people undress completely with the privacy of a bathroom stall, insisting there's no distinction.

And of course, you're running from my original question: what's the issue exactly?

A biological woman goes to the bathroom. A transwoman goes to the bathroom. And.........then, per your batshit, western civilization somehow ends.

Political Chic is obsessed with how people pee

This is about the way individual get to order their lives.

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Under the oppression of Liberalism, Progressivism, socialism, Nazism, communism and fascism, there is no room for individualism.

Everyone must obey what their brilliant lords and masters decree.

And so ends this noble experiment called America.
A distinction without a difference.

You may undress in front of other women before going to the bathroom. But most women don't. They simply go into the stall where they have privacy and THEN take care of their business.

You may not be able to comprehend the distinction. A rational person could.

Explain why rest rooms are labeled "Men" or "Women."

Explain why you strip nude before you go to the bathroom stall. As you've equated locker rooms where people undress completely with the privacy of a bathroom stall, insisting there's no distinction.

And of course, you're running from my original question: what's the issue exactly?

A biological woman goes to the bathroom. A transwoman goes to the bathroom. And.........then, per your batshit, western civilization somehow ends.

Political Chic is obsessed with how people pee

This is about the way individual get to order their lives.

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Under the oppression of Liberalism, Progressivism, socialism, Nazism, communism and fascism, there is no room for individualism.

Everyone must obey what their brilliant lords and masters decree.

And so ends this noble experiment called America.
If it offends you so much....on the extremely rare instance a transgender is using the ladies room, wait a few minutes and everything will be OK

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