People in Washington state to use restrooms based on 'identity,' not anatomy, commission rules

A distinction without a difference.

You may undress in front of other women before going to the bathroom. But most women don't. They simply go into the stall where they have privacy and THEN take care of their business.

You may not be able to comprehend the distinction. A rational person could.

Explain why rest rooms are labeled "Men" or "Women."

Explain why you strip nude before you go to the bathroom stall. As you've equated locker rooms where people undress completely with the privacy of a bathroom stall, insisting there's no distinction.

And of course, you're running from my original question: what's the issue exactly?

A biological woman goes to the bathroom. A transwoman goes to the bathroom. And.........then, per your batshit, western civilization somehow ends.

Political Chic is obsessed with how people pee

This is about the way individual get to order their lives.

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Under the oppression of Liberalism, Progressivism, socialism, Nazism, communism and fascism, there is no room for individualism.

Everyone must obey what their brilliant lords and masters decree.

And so ends this noble experiment called America.

And how does a transwoman going to the bathroom end America, chicken little?

And of course, are you still insisting that stripping nude in front of someone else has 'no distinction' with going into a bathroom stall and taking care of your business?

As you're wrong, of course.
You may undress in front of other women before going to the bathroom. But most women don't. They simply go into the stall where they have privacy and THEN take care of their business.

You may not be able to comprehend the distinction. A rational person could.

Explain why rest rooms are labeled "Men" or "Women."

Explain why you strip nude before you go to the bathroom stall. As you've equated locker rooms where people undress completely with the privacy of a bathroom stall, insisting there's no distinction.

And of course, you're running from my original question: what's the issue exactly?

A biological woman goes to the bathroom. A transwoman goes to the bathroom. And.........then, per your batshit, western civilization somehow ends.

Political Chic is obsessed with how people pee

This is about the way individual get to order their lives.

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Under the oppression of Liberalism, Progressivism, socialism, Nazism, communism and fascism, there is no room for individualism.

Everyone must obey what their brilliant lords and masters decree.

And so ends this noble experiment called America.

And how does a transwoman going to the bathroom end America, chicken little?

And of course, are you still insisting that stripping nude in front of someone else has 'no distinction' with going into a bathroom stall and taking care of your business?

As you're wrong, of course.

Can you explain why you made this up?
"And of course, are you still insisting that stripping nude in front of someone else has 'no distinction' with going into a bathroom stall and taking care of your business?"

Do you realize that no such 'insistence,' nor even any conversation close to that ever took place.?

I asked you to explain why rest rooms are labeled with "Men" or "Women," and you translated that into "are you still insisting that stripping nude in front of someone else."

But, you must be tired of folks attaching 'weird' to your name, huh?

If hallucinations are an ongoing problem for you, you should avail yourself of the post-Bolshevik 'ObamaCare.'
You did know that it was a Bolshevik program, didn't you?
Just one more aspect of communism and Liberalism.
Transgenders in Washington state to use restrooms based on identity, not anatomy, commission rules

A legislative battle over transgender restroom access is brewing inWashington after a state commission enacted rules requiring that bathroom, shower and locker room use in public accommodations be based on “gender identity,” not sex.

State legislators are already working to draft bills in reaction to the Washington State Human Rights Commission’s newly enacted rules, saying the panel overstepped its authority by leaving the Legislature out of such a major change in policy and understanding.

“For the Human Rights Commission to unilaterally make a [Washington Administrative Code] change — they’re not an elected body,” said Republican state Rep. Graham Hunt. “They’re making decisions that widely affect the public although they’re not elected and held accountable to the public in the same fashion.”

The commission took action after an eight-month dispute over transgender access at the YMCA of Pierce and Kitsap counties, which at first allowed and then prohibited opposite-sex use of bathrooms, showers and locker rooms.

In a Dec. 15 statement, YMCA President and CEO Bob Ecklund said the organization planned to be in compliance with revisions to the Washington Administrative Code effective Dec. 26.

Transgenders in Washington state to use restrooms based on identity, not anatomy: rule

Well, the scientific left wingers cannot tell you if a person with a dick with two balls is a man. Well, wait a minute. They think when a guy cuts those things off and shoves them up inside their pelvis that they are women. Even though they do not have any ovaries and they cannot ever actually be woman.

They are all so "scientific" aren't they?


I wonder if lions ever have a question about genders in their species.

I am guessing they accept life as it is. Benign. No questioning, no complaining, no excuses, just is.

Just in case you ever wanted to know how " perfectly natural" a sex change operation is.

So long balls!!

No one has balls up there anyway.
Explain why rest rooms are labeled "Men" or "Women."

Explain why you strip nude before you go to the bathroom stall. As you've equated locker rooms where people undress completely with the privacy of a bathroom stall, insisting there's no distinction.

And of course, you're running from my original question: what's the issue exactly?

A biological woman goes to the bathroom. A transwoman goes to the bathroom. And.........then, per your batshit, western civilization somehow ends.

Political Chic is obsessed with how people pee

This is about the way individual get to order their lives.

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Under the oppression of Liberalism, Progressivism, socialism, Nazism, communism and fascism, there is no room for individualism.

Everyone must obey what their brilliant lords and masters decree.

And so ends this noble experiment called America.

And how does a transwoman going to the bathroom end America, chicken little?

And of course, are you still insisting that stripping nude in front of someone else has 'no distinction' with going into a bathroom stall and taking care of your business?

As you're wrong, of course.

Can you explain why you made this up?
"And of course, are you still insisting that stripping nude in front of someone else has 'no distinction' with going into a bathroom stall and taking care of your business?"

I did in the post you're replying to. You insisted there was no distinction between changing in a locker room and going to the bathroom in a private stall.

So either you strip nude in front of other women before going into a bathroom stall.......or there is an obvious distinction between a locker room and the privacy of a bathroom stall.

Pick one.

And how does American end because a transwoman goes to the bathroom? Remember, your hysteric overreaction doesn't actually mean that transwomen have done anything to deserve it, chicken little.

You've kinda painted yourself into a corner again, PC. As you have nothing to quote instead of replying. And you aren't particularly good at reasoning on your own.
Explain why you strip nude before you go to the bathroom stall. As you've equated locker rooms where people undress completely with the privacy of a bathroom stall, insisting there's no distinction.

And of course, you're running from my original question: what's the issue exactly?

A biological woman goes to the bathroom. A transwoman goes to the bathroom. And.........then, per your batshit, western civilization somehow ends.

Political Chic is obsessed with how people pee

This is about the way individual get to order their lives.

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Under the oppression of Liberalism, Progressivism, socialism, Nazism, communism and fascism, there is no room for individualism.

Everyone must obey what their brilliant lords and masters decree.

And so ends this noble experiment called America.

And how does a transwoman going to the bathroom end America, chicken little?

And of course, are you still insisting that stripping nude in front of someone else has 'no distinction' with going into a bathroom stall and taking care of your business?

As you're wrong, of course.

Can you explain why you made this up?
"And of course, are you still insisting that stripping nude in front of someone else has 'no distinction' with going into a bathroom stall and taking care of your business?"

I did in the post you're replying to. You insisted there was no distinction between changing in a locker room and going to the bathroom in a private stall.

So either you strip nude in front of other women before going into a bathroom stall.......or there is an obvious distinction between a locker room and the privacy of a bathroom stall.

Pick one.

And how does American end because a transwoman goes to the bathroom? Remember, your hysteric overreaction doesn't actually mean that transwomen have done anything to deserve it, chicken little.

You've kinda painted yourself into a corner again, PC. As you have nothing to quote instead of replying. And you aren't particularly good at reasoning on your own.

"You insisted there was no distinction between changing in a locker room and going to the bathroom in a private stall."

Could you give the quote of mine where I said that?

Or is your other disability showing?

You, know, other than Liberalism. could simply admit to being a liar.
Political Chic is obsessed with how people pee

This is about the way individual get to order their lives.

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Under the oppression of Liberalism, Progressivism, socialism, Nazism, communism and fascism, there is no room for individualism.

Everyone must obey what their brilliant lords and masters decree.

And so ends this noble experiment called America.

And how does a transwoman going to the bathroom end America, chicken little?

And of course, are you still insisting that stripping nude in front of someone else has 'no distinction' with going into a bathroom stall and taking care of your business?

As you're wrong, of course.

Can you explain why you made this up?
"And of course, are you still insisting that stripping nude in front of someone else has 'no distinction' with going into a bathroom stall and taking care of your business?"

I did in the post you're replying to. You insisted there was no distinction between changing in a locker room and going to the bathroom in a private stall.

So either you strip nude in front of other women before going into a bathroom stall.......or there is an obvious distinction between a locker room and the privacy of a bathroom stall.

Pick one.

And how does American end because a transwoman goes to the bathroom? Remember, your hysteric overreaction doesn't actually mean that transwomen have done anything to deserve it, chicken little.

You've kinda painted yourself into a corner again, PC. As you have nothing to quote instead of replying. And you aren't particularly good at reasoning on your own.

"You insisted there was no distinction between changing in a locker room and going to the bathroom in a private stall."

Could you give the quote of mine where I said that?

Even better, you said there's no difference between stripping nude in a locker room and

We're talking about bathrooms. And you don't share a stall.

So what is the issue, exactly?

A distinction without a difference.

Privacy is the issue, and the right of girls to have a choice.

So apparently you're stripping naked before going into the privacy of a bathroom stall. Or.....there is a difference between stripping naked in a locker room and using a private bathroom stall.

Pick one.

Oh, and you never could explain how a transwoman going to the bathroom results in the 'end of America'. Or have you abandoned those panty shitting hysterics?
This is about the way individual get to order their lives.

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Under the oppression of Liberalism, Progressivism, socialism, Nazism, communism and fascism, there is no room for individualism.

Everyone must obey what their brilliant lords and masters decree.

And so ends this noble experiment called America.

And how does a transwoman going to the bathroom end America, chicken little?

And of course, are you still insisting that stripping nude in front of someone else has 'no distinction' with going into a bathroom stall and taking care of your business?

As you're wrong, of course.

Can you explain why you made this up?
"And of course, are you still insisting that stripping nude in front of someone else has 'no distinction' with going into a bathroom stall and taking care of your business?"

I did in the post you're replying to. You insisted there was no distinction between changing in a locker room and going to the bathroom in a private stall.

So either you strip nude in front of other women before going into a bathroom stall.......or there is an obvious distinction between a locker room and the privacy of a bathroom stall.

Pick one.

And how does American end because a transwoman goes to the bathroom? Remember, your hysteric overreaction doesn't actually mean that transwomen have done anything to deserve it, chicken little.

You've kinda painted yourself into a corner again, PC. As you have nothing to quote instead of replying. And you aren't particularly good at reasoning on your own.

"You insisted there was no distinction between changing in a locker room and going to the bathroom in a private stall."

Could you give the quote of mine where I said that?

Even better, you said there's no difference between stripping nude in a locker room and

We're talking about bathrooms. And you don't share a stall.

So what is the issue, exactly?

A distinction without a difference.

Privacy is the issue, and the right of girls to have a choice.

So apparently you're stripping naked before going into the privacy of a bathroom stall. Or.....there is a difference between stripping naked in a locker room and using a private bathroom stall.

Pick one.

Oh, and you never could explain how a transwoman going to the bathroom results in the 'end of America'. Or have you abandoned those panty shitting hysterics?

I made you squirm, huh?

Let's do so again: did I say what you've twice stated that I did-
"You insisted there was no distinction between changing in a locker room and going to the bathroom in a private stall."

If I did....why can't you provide same?

It is let me offer you this advice:
The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.
Proverbs 12:22
And how does a transwoman going to the bathroom end America, chicken little?

And of course, are you still insisting that stripping nude in front of someone else has 'no distinction' with going into a bathroom stall and taking care of your business?

As you're wrong, of course.

Can you explain why you made this up?
"And of course, are you still insisting that stripping nude in front of someone else has 'no distinction' with going into a bathroom stall and taking care of your business?"

I did in the post you're replying to. You insisted there was no distinction between changing in a locker room and going to the bathroom in a private stall.

So either you strip nude in front of other women before going into a bathroom stall.......or there is an obvious distinction between a locker room and the privacy of a bathroom stall.

Pick one.

And how does American end because a transwoman goes to the bathroom? Remember, your hysteric overreaction doesn't actually mean that transwomen have done anything to deserve it, chicken little.

You've kinda painted yourself into a corner again, PC. As you have nothing to quote instead of replying. And you aren't particularly good at reasoning on your own.

"You insisted there was no distinction between changing in a locker room and going to the bathroom in a private stall."

Could you give the quote of mine where I said that?

Even better, you said there's no difference between stripping nude in a locker room and

We're talking about bathrooms. And you don't share a stall.

So what is the issue, exactly?

A distinction without a difference.

Privacy is the issue, and the right of girls to have a choice.

So apparently you're stripping naked before going into the privacy of a bathroom stall. Or.....there is a difference between stripping naked in a locker room and using a private bathroom stall.

Pick one.

Oh, and you never could explain how a transwoman going to the bathroom results in the 'end of America'. Or have you abandoned those panty shitting hysterics?

I made you squirm, huh?

Let's do so again: did I say what you've twice stated that I did-
"You insisted there was no distinction between changing in a locker room and going to the bathroom in a private stall."

If I did....why can't you provide same?

Even better, you said there's no difference between stripping nude in a locker room and

We're talking about bathrooms. And you don't share a stall.

So what is the issue, exactly?

A distinction without a difference.

Privacy is the issue, and the right of girls to have a choice.

So apparently you're stripping naked before going into the privacy of a bathroom stall. Or.....there is a difference between stripping naked in a locker room and using a private bathroom stall.

Pick one.'ve painted yourself into a corner again, hon. As your entire argument has degenerated into ignoring your own posts. While all I have to do is quote them.
Oh, and I'm still waiting for you to explain how a trans woman going to the bathroom 'ends America'.

That should be worth at least a giggle, my little chicken little.
Transgenders in Washington state to use restrooms based on identity, not anatomy, commission rules

A legislative battle over transgender restroom access is brewing inWashington after a state commission enacted rules requiring that bathroom, shower and locker room use in public accommodations be based on “gender identity,” not sex.

State legislators are already working to draft bills in reaction to the Washington State Human Rights Commission’s newly enacted rules, saying the panel overstepped its authority by leaving the Legislature out of such a major change in policy and understanding.

“For the Human Rights Commission to unilaterally make a [Washington Administrative Code] change — they’re not an elected body,” said Republican state Rep. Graham Hunt. “They’re making decisions that widely affect the public although they’re not elected and held accountable to the public in the same fashion.”

The commission took action after an eight-month dispute over transgender access at the YMCA of Pierce and Kitsap counties, which at first allowed and then prohibited opposite-sex use of bathrooms, showers and locker rooms.

In a Dec. 15 statement, YMCA President and CEO Bob Ecklund said the organization planned to be in compliance with revisions to the Washington Administrative Code effective Dec. 26.

Transgenders in Washington state to use restrooms based on identity, not anatomy: rule

Well, the scientific left wingers cannot tell you if a person with a dick with two balls is a man. Well, wait a minute. They think when a guy cuts those things off and shoves them up inside their pelvis that they are women. Even though they do not have any ovaries and they cannot ever actually be woman.

They are all so "scientific" aren't they?


I wonder if lions ever have a question about genders in their species.

I am guessing they accept life as it is. Benign. No questioning, no complaining, no excuses, just is.

Just in case you ever wanted to know how " perfectly natural" a sex change operation is.

So long balls!!

No one has balls up there anyway.
I live here. But the truth is the people of the state aren't that wacky. We elected a Republican governor a few cycles ago but the Dems took the election from him. It's the Seattle area and its' voting power that tilts the scales into whacko land.
Oh, and I'm still waiting for you to explain how a trans woman going to the bathroom 'ends America'.

That should be worth at least a giggle, my little chicken little.

Let's do so again: did I say what you've twice stated that I did-
"You insisted there was no distinction between changing in a locker room and going to the bathroom in a private stall."

If I did....why can't you provide same?

Never happened, did it.

So, based on the fact that you're doing your best to change the subject, we can stipulate that you made up a conversation that never took place.

On the bright side, it doesn't lower my opinion of you....any further.

In summary, you fascists/Liberals should mind your own business when it comes to privacy issues, and allow Americans their birthright: freedom.
"People in Washington state to use restrooms based on 'identity,' not anatomy, commission rules"

The propensity of most on the right to contrive a non-issue into a 'controversy' is indeed ridiculous.
Oh, and I'm still waiting for you to explain how a trans woman going to the bathroom 'ends America'.

That should be worth at least a giggle, my little chicken little.

Let's do so again: did I say what you've twice stated that I did-
"You insisted there was no distinction between changing in a locker room and going to the bathroom in a private stall."

If I did....why can't you provide same?

Never happened, did it.

So, based on the fact that you're doing your best to change the subject, we can stipulate that you made up a conversation that never took place.

On the bright side, it doesn't lower my opinion of you....any further.

In summary, you fascists/Liberals should mind your own business when it comes to privacy issues, and allow Americans their birthright: freedom.

I don't see anywhere in your response how transgendered using public restrooms "ends America"

Have you always struggled with your comprehension?
"People in Washington state to use restrooms based on 'identity,' not anatomy, commission rules"

And we see the hypocrisy common to most conservatives:

So much for “states' rights,” so much for states and local communities being allowed to decide how to best address local matters.
We're talking about bathrooms. And you don't share a stall.

So what is the issue, exactly?

A distinction without a difference.

You may undress in front of other women before going to the bathroom. But most women don't. They simply go into the stall where they have privacy and THEN take care of their business.

You may not be able to comprehend the distinction. A rational person could.

Explain why rest rooms are labeled "Men" or "Women."

Explain why you strip nude before you go to the bathroom stall. As you've equated locker rooms where people undress completely with the privacy of a bathroom stall, insisting there's no distinction.

And of course, you're running from my original question: what's the issue exactly?

A biological woman goes to the bathroom. A transwoman goes to the bathroom. And.........then, per your batshit, western civilization somehow ends.

Political Chic is obsessed with how people pee

you are obsessed with where less than 1% pee. Are they more equal than the rest of us ?
A distinction without a difference.

You may undress in front of other women before going to the bathroom. But most women don't. They simply go into the stall where they have privacy and THEN take care of their business.

You may not be able to comprehend the distinction. A rational person could.

Explain why rest rooms are labeled "Men" or "Women."

Explain why you strip nude before you go to the bathroom stall. As you've equated locker rooms where people undress completely with the privacy of a bathroom stall, insisting there's no distinction.

And of course, you're running from my original question: what's the issue exactly?

A biological woman goes to the bathroom. A transwoman goes to the bathroom. And.........then, per your batshit, western civilization somehow ends.

Political Chic is obsessed with how people pee

you are obsessed with where less than 1% pee. Are they more equal than the rest of us ?
When ya gotta go....ya gotta go
Define normal!

The easy way to solve the problem of bashful pottyers is to make every 'public single occupant' restroom a gender neutral restroom and-----and change all public restrooms to single occupant restrooms as soon as is economically feasible.

Every woman who has ever stood in a long line at a concert, sporting event etc. while men walk in and out of their restroom with no waiting should love the idea of equal line time... right?

Normal is NOT "trans" anything, that's what's normal.

Stop normalizing people who clearly have distorted and psychological issues.
Even people who are not "normal" gotta pee

And? Why should 99.9% of us have to accommodate the 0.1%? If it's "no big deal" then why don't they make the adjustment instead of demanding the rest do so? Oh, are they uncomfortable peeing in the bathroom they don't "identify" with? Boo fucking hoo.
Women should just be armed at all times even if the weapon is no more than a rock in a sock.

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