People should stop hating on trans people, in other cultures, other than US American,it is viewed as normal.

I have no problem with the extremely tiny percentage of people thinking they are a member of a different gender.

I DO have a problem with all authoritarians who try to destroy anybody who refers to a person by their actual gender or doesn't think that the first sign of femininity in a boy or masculinity in a girl requires immediate hormone therapy and "transitioning".

I don't care what anybody does as long as they keep it to themselves and leave everybody else alone.
But that is not what you alluded to. You compared them to someone pretending to be a dog and asked me if I would give it a treat. Seems to me you care alot.
Pink. Do you wear pink shirts to go with your gray business suit?

How about feet? Do you have a foot fetish? you have a habit you do that may gross someone out or wonder why you do it?

If my friends like to dress as women from time to time, appear in drag shows and sing and dance or do skits for the audience....AND WIN...who the hell am I to judge them? They are both over 40. One is tall and skinny...he does an awesome Cher and Streisand. The other is short and average body. He does a great Sonny but prefer to be Cher but is too short. So..he settles for Lucy in Vitaveetavegamen. Since he is hispanic, once in awhile he will do Desi. When dressed as women, they are both stunning.

So you go ahead and compare them to dogs. I will continue to love them as my friends. Even though they stole my clothes sometimes, lol.

Merely pointing out that nobody can physically be something they are not. Also pointing out we don't cater to people who think they are other things they cannot be, only these weirdos.

So now we have to let them in our military, let them steal a high school athletic trophy away from real girls, and possibly a college scholarship. Let them in female dressing rooms in stores and gyms, start letting them make changes to switch sex before puberty when they don't even know what's going on, and have these flakes reading our children stories at the library or school. Sorry, but I'm totally against that.

Now if I had any sexual oddities, I'd keep them where they belong--at home. No need for me to prance around revealing those strange characteristics about myself and expect everybody to just conform and accept them.
Agreed. are the one that needs to calm down. Getting pissed off at the members here when you are just a newbie ain't doing you any favors.

The problem I see with you is, you are indignant that folks do not want to accept who you are or rather...who you want to be, then insisting we are all bigots or racists or whatever.

This is not true. Many go on religious beliefs. Some on emotion. Some in just flat out anger or disgust. What you are responding to and HOW you are responding is not helping you at all and in fact is pushing people away. Calm yer jets and knock off the name calling. These folks don't agree with you but they have not resorted to name calling. Yet. are the one that needs to calm down. Getting pissed off at the members here when you are just a newbie ain't doing you any favors.

The problem I see with you is, you are indignant that folks do not want to accept who you are or rather...who you want to be, then insisting we are all bigots or racists or whatever.

This is not true. Many go on religious beliefs. Some on emotion. Some in just flat out anger or disgust. What you are responding to and HOW you are responding is not helping you at all and in fact is pushing people away. Calm yer jets and knock off the name calling. These folks don't agree with you but they have not resorted to name calling. Yet.

Sorry about that.

I wonder if it had anything to do with my upbringing. I had a very rough life growing up with kids picking on me and such and i wonder if i have ptsd from what the kids did to me.
This recognition Jones, this desire, is ok whilst it resides in the head, though makes the mistake at the point it mutilates its original equipment, when it betrays its inherent biological fate. There’s something of Narcissus here, who kept biological inheritance with which to feed the ego, though in the physically transgendered, Narcissus crosses a boundary, burns a bridge, to possess the Same it was as the Other of the sexual act. Our original Narcissus was in no way envious of the other’s sexuality that had fallen in love with him, which is a (healthy [italics]) acceptance of one’s biological fate.
Like Thailand has the Kathoey who are considered a third gender,i know some Polynesian cultures as well consider trans people a third gender, like Tahiti,Samoa and such.

Multi culturalism is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was all the rage for faggots to run around citing how 'enlightened' Arab countries were compared to Da EVul Xians N Stuff. Now they're strangely silent on it, and even Hillary still couldn't say 'Muslim terrorist' after one of them shot up a fag bar in Florida.
Yeah, there are many countries where LGBTQ are punished with death as well. Cherry pick another one. Just because degenerates are tolerated in some cultures does not make it right OR mainstream.

Isn't it odd that there are countries that jail or kill homosexuals, religions that encourage throwing homosexuals off of tall buildings or throwing them into the ocean in cages - and all we hear is how terrible the United States is and how great are those countries and those religions.

And as much as we hear that, none of the leftists, homosexual or not, ever leave here and go to those bastions of liberty.

If they can find another country with enough stupid people to give them lots of money and special privileges for being mentally ill sickos and pay for their mindless self-indulgences they would, but it seems Africans don't give a shit about American blacks whining idiocy and even the Dutch don't want all those disease ridden American faggots swamping the country, so they stay here.
I have no problem with the extremely tiny percentage of people thinking they are a member of a different gender.

I DO have a problem with all authoritarians who try to destroy anybody who refers to a person by their actual gender or doesn't think that the first sign of femininity in a boy or masculinity in a girl requires immediate hormone therapy and "transitioning".

I don't care what anybody does as long as they keep it to themselves and leave everybody else alone.

Except they never keep it themselves, and they in fact focus on grooming school kids now and using taxpayer money to do it with. are the one that needs to calm down. Getting pissed off at the members here when you are just a newbie ain't doing you any favors.

The problem I see with you is, you are indignant that folks do not want to accept who you are or rather...who you want to be, then insisting we are all bigots or racists or whatever.

This is not true. Many go on religious beliefs. Some on emotion. Some in just flat out anger or disgust. What you are responding to and HOW you are responding is not helping you at all and in fact is pushing people away. Calm yer jets and knock off the name calling. These folks don't agree with you but they have not resorted to name calling. Yet.

Sorry about that.

I wonder if it had anything to do with my upbringing. I had a very rough life growing up with kids picking on me and such and i wonder if i have ptsd from what the kids did to me.
Don't just say "sorry about that" and give an excuse. Tell these people you just met, you are sorry for calling them names and accusing them of bigotry and all sundry of things you came up with. Nor are they idiots. Stubborn maybe. But

I know growing up can be tough. Especially someone in your particular shoes. But we all grew up with the same problems. "You're a fatty", "Hey Skinny Minnie", "Bucky beaver has buck teeth", 'Whore", "Nobody likes you", "no, you can't sit with us", "you are not in our clique so can't be a cheerleader" on and so forth. Children can be extremely cruel...but you grow out of it, learn to ignore what they did to hurt you and move on.

Personally, I think many can learn something from you IF you express what you feel, felt, dealt with, expect, want for yourself. Like I said before, we have a mod here that is gay. He is much loved for a reason, regardless of his sexual preferences. He is not trans, though. I don't think there are any trans here..until now.

So tread carefully, and be informative. Oh, and have thick skin because many will NOT accept anything you say. But some will. Or think about it. old are you? Are you completely trans now, or in process? Are you in the states? How do your friends and family feel about it?
I think they are called LadyBoys in Thailand?

Anyway..that is one butt ugly trans.

When they look like that...I don't think they are normal at all. Something is seriously wrong if they see beauty. Kinda like anorexia people. They see fat when all they are are bones.


LadyBoys ^
Amazing, ain't it?
Like Thailand has the Kathoey who are considered a third gender,i know some Polynesian cultures as well consider trans people a third gender, like Tahiti,Samoa and such.

Who hates trannies ?
We hate left wing activist morons

Why is blm and antifa full of tyranny trannies ?
You are a idiot
Yes he am and so are I.
Whoever Controls Language Controls Thought

It's just as important to get rid of "they" referring to a singular noun. The Illiterate Liberal Language Lords go out of their way to force in that illogical and dysfunctional fad, such as, "If a lawyer does that, they should be disbarred" instead of "If lawyers do that, they should be disbarred."

"He or she" is too clumsy and led directly to the irrational "they." "He" has always been used for "he and she"; it is not strictly masculine. It originally meant "this person," just as the related "here" means "this place."

To spite these pushy retards, I go out of my way to use "he" as it always was used before these language-benders took over. "If a lawyer does that, he should be disbarred. are the one that needs to calm down. Getting pissed off at the members here when you are just a newbie ain't doing you any favors.

The problem I see with you is, you are indignant that folks do not want to accept who you are or rather...who you want to be, then insisting we are all bigots or racists or whatever.

This is not true. Many go on religious beliefs. Some on emotion. Some in just flat out anger or disgust. What you are responding to and HOW you are responding is not helping you at all and in fact is pushing people away. Calm yer jets and knock off the name calling. These folks don't agree with you but they have not resorted to name calling. Yet.

Sorry about that.

I wonder if it had anything to do with my upbringing. I had a very rough life growing up with kids picking on me and such and i wonder if i have ptsd from what the kids did to me.
Don't just say "sorry about that" and give an excuse. Tell these people you just met, you are sorry for calling them names and accusing them of bigotry and all sundry of things you came up with. Nor are they idiots. Stubborn maybe. But

I know growing up can be tough. Especially someone in your particular shoes. But we all grew up with the same problems. "You're a fatty", "Hey Skinny Minnie", "Bucky beaver has buck teeth", 'Whore", "Nobody likes you", "no, you can't sit with us", "you are not in our clique so can't be a cheerleader" on and so forth. Children can be extremely cruel...but you grow out of it, learn to ignore what they did to hurt you and move on.

Personally, I think many can learn something from you IF you express what you feel, felt, dealt with, expect, want for yourself. Like I said before, we have a mod here that is gay. He is much loved for a reason, regardless of his sexual preferences. He is not trans, though. I don't think there are any trans here..until now.

So tread carefully, and be informative. Oh, and have thick skin because many will NOT accept anything you say. But some will. Or think about it.
IGNORANCE: "If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich?"
INACTIVE AWARENESS: "If You're So Smart, Why Haven't You Made the Rich Richer?"
MANLY REVENGE: "If You're So Smart, Why Haven't You Made the Rich Poorer?"

High IQs create all the wealth of the ruling-class parasites. Those economic elitists also control education and the attitudes of the students. That's why superior minds are treated like freaks and losers by their fellow students: orders from above.
Pink. Do you wear pink shirts to go with your gray business suit?

How about feet? Do you have a foot fetish? you have a habit you do that may gross someone out or wonder why you do it?

If my friends like to dress as women from time to time, appear in drag shows and sing and dance or do skits for the audience....AND WIN...who the hell am I to judge them? They are both over 40. One is tall and skinny...he does an awesome Cher and Streisand. The other is short and average body. He does a great Sonny but prefer to be Cher but is too short. So..he settles for Lucy in Vitaveetavegamen. Since he is hispanic, once in awhile he will do Desi. When dressed as women, they are both stunning.

So you go ahead and compare them to dogs. I will continue to love them as my friends. Even though they stole my clothes sometimes, lol.

Merely pointing out that nobody can physically be something they are not. Also pointing out we don't cater to people who think they are other things they cannot be, only these weirdos.

So now we have to let them in our military, let them steal a high school athletic trophy away from real girls, and possibly a college scholarship. Let them in female dressing rooms in stores and gyms, start letting them make changes to switch sex before puberty when they don't even know what's going on, and have these flakes reading our children stories at the library or school. Sorry, but I'm totally against that.

Now if I had any sexual oddities, I'd keep them where they belong--at home. No need for me to prance around revealing those strange characteristics about myself and expect everybody to just conform and accept them.

I'm guessing you also have the self-confidence to feel okay with whatever quirks and oddities you might have without the approbation of others to validate you.
Pink. Do you wear pink shirts to go with your gray business suit?

How about feet? Do you have a foot fetish? you have a habit you do that may gross someone out or wonder why you do it?

If my friends like to dress as women from time to time, appear in drag shows and sing and dance or do skits for the audience....AND WIN...who the hell am I to judge them? They are both over 40. One is tall and skinny...he does an awesome Cher and Streisand. The other is short and average body. He does a great Sonny but prefer to be Cher but is too short. So..he settles for Lucy in Vitaveetavegamen. Since he is hispanic, once in awhile he will do Desi. When dressed as women, they are both stunning.

So you go ahead and compare them to dogs. I will continue to love them as my friends. Even though they stole my clothes sometimes, lol.

Merely pointing out that nobody can physically be something they are not. Also pointing out we don't cater to people who think they are other things they cannot be, only these weirdos.

So now we have to let them in our military, let them steal a high school athletic trophy away from real girls, and possibly a college scholarship. Let them in female dressing rooms in stores and gyms, start letting them make changes to switch sex before puberty when they don't even know what's going on, and have these flakes reading our children stories at the library or school. Sorry, but I'm totally against that.

Now if I had any sexual oddities, I'd keep them where they belong--at home. No need for me to prance around revealing those strange characteristics about myself and expect everybody to just conform and accept them.

Well that is discrimination.

One time i heard, that African Americans weren't allowed to serve in our armed forces, but today we say it was wrong to do that.

I think in time we will one day say the same about disallowing trans people not being able to serve.

Yes, because being black is absolutely the same thing as being a man pretending to be a woman, or vice versa. And it's not at all insulting to black people for you to try to appropriate their history to validate your desired victimhood.

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