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People's Respect Toward Authority Figures

deltex1- Thanks soooooo much for that outline:) I've already written part of my essay but I will revise it with your outline. And you communicated every perfectly so thanks for that! I'm gonna absolutely try to base my essay and opinions on the facts, if that makes sense.....

Flopper- Thanks for your input as well! But shouldn't the lower socioeconomic classes have the most respect for authority because police enforce the laws and (sometimes) prevent bad things from happening?? Like robberies or something?? And if they do happen don't the police get right on it??

LoneLaughter- Yeah, my teacher is pretty motivated and strict because I am in the IB program. But everyone in this program has a desire to learn and is motivated so I think, in my own opinion, that my essay matters more...

ricechickie- I'm sure a lot of wealthy people have suffered from it but it has not been released or something because the wealthy pay for it to not be released?? I'm not sure...

Thank you for your help everyone!! If it's ok with everyone I would like to incorporate some of your ideas into my essay, just the ideas not your actual words (I will also cite them)?? Thanks again!
Yes, the lower socioeconomic class should have the most respect for authority because police enforce the laws and (sometimes) prevent bad things from happening. However, those most likely to be doing those bad things are their family, friends, neighbors, and people they identify with. That's not the case with the upper socioeconomic class.
Yes, the lower socioeconomic class should have the most respect for authority because police enforce the laws and (sometimes) prevent bad things from happening. However, those most likely to be doing those bad things are their family, friends, neighbors, and people they identify with. That's not the case with the upper socioeconomic class.

Be careful with that.

A lot of what goes on in those "upper socioeconomic class(es)" is not at all pretty. Just typically done in a more sophisticated fashion. Oh, and better hushed up.
What does the situation in Ferguson, Missouri say about race relations in the United States?

----- it might say that race relations could be better if we reacted to facts rather than speculation

What does it say about people's respect towards authority figures such as police?

------it might say they need to understand the danger to the person in authority...and the respect they should give authority, properly handled

Is there a problem in America and what is it?

----communication, understanding and taking responsibility for ones actions

IS this an example of excessive force and racism?

-----Not at this point in time. The facts are not in.

How does respect to authority figures factor in to the situation?

----in many cases...perhaps this one...it could be the difference between life and death. Don't take the chance of miscommunicating your intentions

What do we do to move forward?

-----Apologize to one another. Reach out. Communicate. Listen.

I'll shut up now.
Alright, thank you for your input deltex1:) I'll explain to my teacher about this...but are you sure that it is impossible for me to write this essay right now?? Um can you read the prompt??

"Write a five paragraph response to the question below. Answer all parts of the question. You must use your knowledge of the topic and opinion to answer the question. Do not use first person. You must write as if you are writing an editorial in the paper or on the Internet. You will not be graded on your opinion but you must use evidence to support your ideas.

What does the situation in Ferguson, Missouri say about race relations in the United States? What does it say about people's respect towards authority figures such as police? Is there a problem in America and what is it? IS this an example of excessive force and racism? How does respect to authority figures factor in to the situation? What do we do to move forward?

If possible, choose a side: Brown or Wilson."

So, thank you for your help:)

I could write 5 paragraphs on each of those questions... However, I will offer you a severely cropped version of my answers, hopefully it helps :)

I would argue that race relations are far better, but the media knows how to present a story in the way best suited to create further stories. In the case of most race relation related stories, they are overblown and hyped simply to whip people into a frenzy and create more news. I find it disgusting that the media are traitors to peace in America. I was raised in a color-blind household and in my experience there is little difference between races; only in how one is raised. That said, there are clearly still pockets of hatred that exist, and perhaps always will, but I do think for the most part we are not a racially divided country.

Ugh, what Ferguson says about respect is terrible, and I fear it is not just that little area either. Many American's are spoiled; they break laws and despise getting caught, resent the officers who catch them for doing their jobs. A young lady in my employee a while back hated a particular officer merely because he gave her a ticket for speeding, and she disliked all the other officers because they might give her a ticket later. It baffles me to be honest. I can only boil it down to a few things; none flattering. Envy that someone else has a power to punish for what many arrogantly see as a minor offense (like running a red light or stop sign, speeding, etc.)

If there is a problem in America it is arrogance, the loss of self-responsibility, and a lack of compromise. I believe it is related to all the others issues as well; many people seem to believe that they know better than everyone else, that they are 'better' than everyone else. It is simply not true. We cannot all have exactly what we want, we have to learn compromise, be responsible for our own actions, and respect everyone we live around as well. That delicate balance has been lost in America; the major issues dividing us have become too polarized and our country has forgotten how to compromise and pick its battles. No longer do we work together, but against each other - and to no good ends.

I do think that the Brown case is an example of racism though not the actual shooting itself; that is yet unknown. There is a perhaps softer racism displayed by the white on black race claimers that is clearly evidenced in comments left on news reports everywhere. Still I do not believe that most of those people would be saying such horrible unfounded things if the media had not put forward the one-sided story in the way they did. This is a tough case because of the tale Johnson gave us, and it does display the lack of respect and distrust of police that exists. As for the shooting itself, it is actually impossible to say if it was racially motivated yet; but personally, I honestly do not believe it was. As for excessive police force, we just do not know yet - we don't have enough facts to make that call.

How to move forward... We simply do. If Wilson was wrong then he should be punished and I think we need to search for a way to weed out bigoted officers who do not belong in such a position of trust. However, if Wilson was not then there needs to be an honest discussion about the terrible over reaction that occurred. The Media, Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Jackson, they need to start it, they need to apologize and have the discussion with all of us, with open minds, and actually work to find 'real' cases of racism instead of 'assuming' racism right off the bat. They will never do it, but it would be the 'right' thing to do.

Perhaps an honest discussion about the 'military' weapons would be in order as well; the media should tell people what these officers actually have acquired from the military, and let the officers tell them why they acquired that stuff - for example the officers in my state picked up an armored vehicle some years back because it gave their officers cover in the event of armed standoffs and most of what my officers acquired is bunny boots. The hype is overblown and the equipment acquired is logical; the people just do not see it because of the uninformed portrayals of the situation. IF the police at Ferguson were truly going to 'war' as some media idiots portrayed; then there would not be a protestor or looter left alive, only idiots and rabble rousers do not see that the officers were using non-lethal weapons, and tactics intended to both protect officers and contain the lunatic fringes that were looting and throwing things at the police. *rolls eyes*
Let's us know how it comes out...you sound like an "A"....

Anyone who kisses your ass sounds like an "A" to you. You should try not to influence our youth. They deserve better.
You are a fine example to our youth with your uncalled for vulgarity in the presence of a young lady. Did you ever hear of motivation?

Can you hear anything over the sound of your own voice?
Let's us know how it comes out...you sound like an "A"....

Anyone who kisses your ass sounds like an "A" to you. You should try not to influence our youth. They deserve better.
You are a fine example to our youth with your uncalled for vulgarity in the presence of a young lady. Did you ever hear of motivation?

Can you hear anything over the sound of your own voice?

Yes. Your whining is coming over loud and clear.
Let's us know how it comes out...you sound like an "A"....

Anyone who kisses your ass sounds like an "A" to you. You should try not to influence our youth. They deserve better.
You are a fine example to our youth with your uncalled for vulgarity in the presence of a young lady. Did you ever hear of motivation?

Can you hear anything over the sound of your own voice?

Yes. Your whining is coming over loud and clear.

Thanks for confirming my previous observation.
Respect for authority is like it is for anyone on this planet, it must be earned and not given just because of your social standing..
You aren't suppose to write the paper for the kid, they need to learn how themselves...

heh if one tries to plagiarize that they will surely get an F ;)

The mere fact that the OP has come here to ask for assistance and other views shows me that they seek a wider prospective and understanding on the issue; and that in itself is enough to reassure me that the OP will not simply copy what I've answered, but think about what I've said and how it differs from their own opinions.

The assignment is not simply to write their opinions down, but also to research and learn about the world around them; which includes the different ways people can see the same incident.
Base any guilt or innocence your essay on the law & facts in the case, not media hype. Remember use of force is based on what reasonable person would have done in the same situation & proof beyond any reasonable doubt by a jury of your peers.

Missouri 563.046 Law enforcement officer's use of force in making an arrest.

1. A law enforcement officer need not retreat or desist from efforts to effect the arrest, or from efforts to prevent the escape from custody, of a person he reasonably believes to have committed an offense because of resistance or threatened resistance of the arrestee. In addition to the use of physical force authorized under other sections of this chapter, he is, subject to the provisions of subsections 2 and 3, justified in the use of such physical force as he reasonably believes is immediately necessary to effect the arrest or to prevent the escape from custody.

2. The use of any physical force in making an arrest is not justified under this section unless the arrest is lawful or the law enforcement officer reasonably believes the arrest is lawful.

3. A law enforcement officer in effecting an arrest or in preventing an escape from custody is justified in using deadly force only

(1) When such is authorized under other sections of this chapter; or

(2) When he reasonably believes that such use of deadly force is immediately necessary to effect the arrest and also reasonably believes that the person to be arrested

(a) Has committed or attempted to commit a felony; or

[Robbery, assaulting a police officer, and going for their weapon are all felonies]

(b) Is attempting to escape by use of a deadly weapon; or

(c) May otherwise endanger life or inflict serious physical injury unless arrested without delay.

4. The defendant shall have the burden of injecting the issue of justification under this section.
Protesting the police is understandable after seeing that Ferguson's annual arrest warrant rate was 1.5 times the population & over 8 times the Missouri average. More than 3 arrest warrants per household were issued in 2013, just imagine the number of citations that were issued to generate that many arrest warrants for failure to pay or appear. Blacks in Ferguson must feel like they are under police siege.

They may have improperly chosen to protest the killing of Michael Brown an actual criminal thug, but they certainly have a legit beef against this brutal thug police department. They should have protested the police beating of Henry Davis in 2009. Ferguson Police most certainly committed many crimes against Henry Davis.

By Ferguson Police over ticketing, charging & arresting so many of it's citizens, it is a wonder any of them can get a job to pay their fines or vote for change with all their criminal records. With all those fines, warrants causing loss of jobs, Ferguson Police created a debtors prison city. With so many annual arrest warrants issued, few of these citizens have a chance to vote to change this police siege. Protesting is their only way to be heard & the police did their best to crush that freedom also.

Ferguson Police focused on crushing the protest against them & left the rest of the city undefended against looters to shape public opinion that they need to crack down on their freedoms for their own good.
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Here is a great example of the difference between theft & felony strong armed robbery.

Missouri Man Faces 30-Year Prison Term for Stealing 52-Cent Doughnut

Missouri 569.030 Robbery in the second degree:

1. A person commits the crime of robbery in the second degree when he forcibly steals property.

2. Robbery in the second degree is a class B felony.

There is a rather poignant thing said at the very end of the article you linked:

Masters, who has been arrested more than a dozen times for crimes ranging from shoplifting to drug possession to torching a car for insurance fraud, said he forgot about the doughnut theft as he spent the summer in jail on outstanding warrants.

He was indicted Sept. 14 for the robbery and is being held on $25,000 bail after having his case continued on Friday. With two prior felony convictions, Masters could face a long prison sentence if found guilty because prosecutors could pursue an enhanced sentence.

County Prosecutor Wendy Wexler Horn said it was "way too early to know how it is going to play out," but that the charge seemed appropriate given the store employees' allegations. She acknowledged some are questioning the seriousness of the charge.

"People are missing the point," Horn said. "It is not about the doughnut."

That said, I might be inclined to agree with your later post's point on Ferguson being a virtual debter's prison. Perhaps we need to rework the feasibility of paying fines when one is far too poor to realistically do so; community service might be a better option in those cases. Perhaps we should also look into the more minor offenses more carefully as well; parking tickets and minor traffic violations specifically - a waver of fines due to financial hardship perhaps.
LoneLaughter- my teacher said that we had to cite everything and I really don't want to lie to her, even by omission of something, but thanks for the tip:) I did look up the column in the Philadelphia Inquirer and it helped a lot!

HenryBHough- my teacher likes us to take risks and share our ideas and opinions (with evidence to back it up, of course) so we can show her the extent of what we are capable of:) Also, I agree that it is more hushed up because they have all that money that they can spend to keep it quiet.

Flopper- Yeah, I suppose that is true that those people are most likely the ones that are going to be doing the bad things, but if it is a good neighborhood...well, maybe not even then, I think because bad things have occurred where everyone knew each other...

deltex1- I hope I get an A:) And thanks for those answers and ideas. I used a one or two and then supported them with my own evidence from the case. And when my grade comes back, I will post it...

EverCurious- Ok, I promise you that I absolutely did NOT copy/plagiarize ANYTHING from your paper. That's really wrong and would most likely get me kicked out of school and the IB program (which I really want to stay in because I want a great college to go to). That said, I really liked your ideas! I came onto this site to look for other perspectives on this case and basically to see what other people thought like because not everyone thinks like I do. I wanted the multi-perspective on it, if that makes any sense.

Moonglow- Oh and I totally agree that respect should be earned not determined by your social class...but that is usually not the way it is...

KissMy- Thanks for the laws and explanations!! It was really clear and helpful:)

Thanks so much for what everyone is doing for me:) I like it when I can get several different people's opinions on something so that I can be more well-rounded on how other people feel when I present. It gives me a chance to see what other people think. And this case sort of peaks my interest for some reason.

LoneLaughter- my teacher said that we had to cite everything and I really don't want to lie to her, even by omission of something, but thanks for the tip:) I did look up the column in the Philadelphia Inquirer and it helped a lot!

HenryBHough- my teacher likes us to take risks and share our ideas and opinions (with evidence to back it up, of course) so we can show her the extent of what we are capable of:) Also, I agree that it is more hushed up because they have all that money that they can spend to keep it quiet.

Flopper- Yeah, I suppose that is true that those people are most likely the ones that are going to be doing the bad things, but if it is a good neighborhood...well, maybe not even then, I think because bad things have occurred where everyone knew each other...

deltex1- I hope I get an A:) And thanks for those answers and ideas. I used a one or two and then supported them with my own evidence from the case. And when my grade comes back, I will post it...

EverCurious- Ok, I promise you that I absolutely did NOT copy/plagiarize ANYTHING from your paper. That's really wrong and would most likely get me kicked out of school and the IB program (which I really want to stay in because I want a great college to go to). That said, I really liked your ideas! I came onto this site to look for other perspectives on this case and basically to see what other people thought like because not everyone thinks like I do. I wanted the multi-perspective on it, if that makes any sense.

Moonglow- Oh and I totally agree that respect should be earned not determined by your social class...but that is usually not the way it is...

KissMy- Thanks for the laws and explanations!! It was really clear and helpful:)

Thanks so much for what everyone is doing for me:) I like it when I can get several different people's opinions on something so that I can be more well-rounded on how other people feel when I present. It gives me a chance to see what other people think. And this case sort of peaks my interest for some reason.

I like your style young lady. You are focused. One of my grandsons is sitting pretty at Texas A&M...full 5 year ROTC scholarship...$450 per month stipend....majoring in math. He is set for life. Graduated summa cum laude from high school....that is your goal....good luck.
Hi I'm new here but I am writing an essay for high school about the Ferguson shooting or the shooting where Police Officer Wilson shot Michael Brown, killing him. I have my opinion that racial relations in the US have been improving but not nearly enough so that racism is gone. Also, to me, this case says that people's respect toward authority figures, such as the police, has gone downhill. I suppose that to some people, when police enforce the laws, the people end up resenting them, hence the protests and vandalism. As for this case, I think that is an excessive use of force depending on which side you look at. From the police officer's side, it would not be because he must have believed that he was just enforcing the law. Although, from the majority black community, I believe that they think it is excessive because their story is so much more different than that of the police officer. So that is just my opinion but if anyone else could give me some more information on this or even their views, it would be greatly appreciated. If I was unclear about anything, please tell me. Thanks everyone!

If I was writing a (short) easy on The Ferguson incident I would stress withholding ALL opinions until ALL the facts are in. Who resents what may be interesting, but it could all be based on misperception of what really happened....who did wrong and who did right.
A logical answer to a slanted query. From the OP I infer that the opinion is fixed, the side to be chosen is Brown just as our new friend, @Yoite suspects is the favored response of three possible:Brown, Wilson, Neither!

Alright, thank you for your input deltex1:) I'll explain to my teacher about this...but are you sure that it is impossible for me to write this essay right now?? Um can you read the prompt??

"Write a five paragraph response to the question below. Answer all parts of the question. You must use your knowledge of the topic and opinion to answer the question. Do not use first person. You must write as if you are writing an editorial in the paper or on the Internet. You will not be graded on your opinion but you must use evidence to support your ideas.

What does the situation in Ferguson, Missouri say about race relations in the United States? What does it say about people's respect towards authority figures such as police? Is there a problem in America and what is it? IS this an example of excessive force and racism? How does respect to authority figures factor in to the situation? What do we do to move forward?

If possible, choose a side: Brown or Wilson."

So, thank you for your help:)

I meant it's not possible to choose...not that it's not possible to write an essay that you can't choose.
In a succinct manner, we have another logical answer to a misunderstood direction from a teacher.

The student (OP) truncated to "choose a side: Brown or Wilson."

Here's my take on it:

What does the situation in Ferguson, Missouri say about race relations in the United States?
The incident in Ferguson, Missouri is but one of the many magnets that attract racial activist and agitators to stir up newsworthy scenes wherein cameras will be recording and broadcasting the melee.

What does it say about people's respect towards authority figures such as police?

In the sense that videos have recorded looting, destruction of property, mob violence and inciting to riot, it is easy to assume that amongst the vast majority of the crowds gathered, respect for the police is not on the top of their list.

The crowd has shown complete disrespect for the law...or the police sent to quell the anarchy.

Is there a problem in America and what is it?

Many idiots have asked the first of this two-part question in conversation before, but this is a first for the writer to see it asked in print. Of course there is a problem in America! As a matter of fact, there are THOUSANDS of problems with the way life goes in America. The problems lie in cultural divides. What any one group believes to be proper is unacceptable to surrounding groups regardless of which group culture we sample.

There is a criminal culture within each race. That is the biggest problem we have.

IS this an example of excessive force and racism?

Excessive force by which side? Racism from which side? Was Brown's punching of Wilson excessive? Was the sixth shot necessary? Was the deadly force used by Wilson justified?

How does respect to authority figures factor in to the situation?

See the second question above.

What do we do to move forward?

We ask Al and Jesse to take a step back...back away from the microphone. Stop riling people up to hate longer and longer and get with the message of your brother Bill.

If possible, choose a side: Brown or Wilson."

It is not possible to choose the correct side until all evidence has been collected, recorded, examined and verified, so at this time...the choice should be neither.


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