Pepper-Spray by a Cruel and Cowardly NYC Cop

No the idea is to violate other people's rights which is wrong when you want to exert your right to free speech you don't trample on other people's rights...

If the idea is to break the law and become a criminal do not complain when you are treated just like a criminal and get pepper sprayed.

You really are missing the point.

Gandhi's intent was to break the law in order to draw attention to a perceived injustice. The British Empire responded by using deadly force to break up the protests, and lost in the long run.

Martin Luther King's intent was to break the law to draw attention to a perceived injustice. The authorities responded by using firehouse and billy clubs, and lost in the long run.

These protestors were going nowhere until a couple of cops overreacted to what was happening, now there are enough people there to shut down traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge. If the police overreact again they will end up loosing. The problem is not the protests, it is how the government reacts to them.
No the idea is to violate other people's rights which is wrong when you want to exert your right to free speech you don't trample on other people's rights...

If the idea is to break the law and become a criminal do not complain when you are treated just like a criminal and get pepper sprayed.

Except that complaining about it is part and parcel of making use of it. Since the protesters aren't trying to use physical force to overthrow the system, it's all about hearts and minds.

And besides, the use of pepper spray in that instance WAS improper use of force, so the complaint is legitimate. You will not see complaints about police arresting people who are breaking the law.

Now that's a laughable statement, Dragon. You would have seen complaints about the police whether pepper spray was used or not. It's part of the modern day activist's playbook. Or have you forgotten Lawrence O'Donnell's rant about the police slamming a protester's head into a parked Volvo (for some reason the fact it was a Volvo seems to have some special meaning to Lawrence) when in fact that never happened. The protesters that were arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge complained that nobody told them they would be arrested if they blocked the roadway. They lie. They knew very well that they would be arrested for leaving the pedestrian walkway. So they broke the law and then immediately complained that those mean police people were picking on them...and you know what? They'll get some main stream media coverage that defends their complaints because that's how it works these days.

Police made 700 arrests yesterday, can you show me where Dragon is complaining about them?
pepper spray ,fire hoses, and billy clubs,are things most libbs have experienced !! it is as much a rite of passage for the faggot left as greased gerbil's and AIDS are !!:razz::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

This was 2 Girls standing on their own. It was a cheap shot. Had you Daughters that you even may disagree with Politically, you would not be happy seeing this.

With an out of control mob, the circumstances are different. Them Mace, Tear Gas, and Fire hoses come into play. The Cops Inciting Riots? No Fucking way. Strip that Assholes Rank.
No the idea is to violate other people's rights which is wrong when you want to exert your right to free speech you don't trample on other people's rights...

If the idea is to break the law and become a criminal do not complain when you are treated just like a criminal and get pepper sprayed.

Except that complaining about it is part and parcel of making use of it. Since the protesters aren't trying to use physical force to overthrow the system, it's all about hearts and minds.

And besides, the use of pepper spray in that instance WAS improper use of force, so the complaint is legitimate. You will not see complaints about police arresting people who are breaking the law.

Now that's a laughable statement, Dragon. You would have seen complaints about the police whether pepper spray was used or not. It's part of the modern day activist's playbook. Or have you forgotten Lawrence O'Donnell's rant about the police slamming a protester's head into a parked Volvo (for some reason the fact it was a Volvo seems to have some special meaning to Lawrence) when in fact that never happened. The protesters that were arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge complained that nobody told them they would be arrested if they blocked the roadway. They lie. They knew very well that they would be arrested for leaving the pedestrian walkway. So they broke the law and then immediately complained that those mean police people were picking on them...and you know what? They'll get some main stream media coverage that defends their complaints because that's how it works these days.

Stupidity is not a Defense. :)
Except that complaining about it is part and parcel of making use of it. Since the protesters aren't trying to use physical force to overthrow the system, it's all about hearts and minds.

And besides, the use of pepper spray in that instance WAS improper use of force, so the complaint is legitimate. You will not see complaints about police arresting people who are breaking the law.

Now that's a laughable statement, Dragon. You would have seen complaints about the police whether pepper spray was used or not. It's part of the modern day activist's playbook. Or have you forgotten Lawrence O'Donnell's rant about the police slamming a protester's head into a parked Volvo (for some reason the fact it was a Volvo seems to have some special meaning to Lawrence) when in fact that never happened. The protesters that were arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge complained that nobody told them they would be arrested if they blocked the roadway. They lie. They knew very well that they would be arrested for leaving the pedestrian walkway. So they broke the law and then immediately complained that those mean police people were picking on them...and you know what? They'll get some main stream media coverage that defends their complaints because that's how it works these days.

Police made 700 arrests yesterday, can you show me where Dragon is complaining about them?

I wasn't talking about Dragon...I was talking about the activists themselves and their supporters in the main stream media. The police arrested 700 for blocking the Brooklyn Bridge and the activists complained that they shouldn't have been arrested because they didn't "hear" the police tell them they'd be arrested if they blocked the roadway. It's a continuation of their tactics from the beginning of this ridiculous protest. Have a march that forces the police to arrest you...accuse the police of violating your first amendment rights and "brutalizing" you...and then provide edited video clips to a compliant main stream media to get your story out.
pepper spray ,fire hoses, and billy clubs,are things most libbs have experienced !! it is as much a rite of passage for the faggot left as greased gerbil's and AIDS are !!:razz::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

This was 2 Girls standing on their own. It was a cheap shot. Had you Daughters that you even may disagree with Politically, you would not be happy seeing this.

With an out of control mob, the circumstances are different. Them Mace, Tear Gas, and Fire hoses come into play. The Cops Inciting Riots? No Fucking way. Strip that Assholes Rank.

Ah, we go again with the over the top exaggerations. The police incited riots? Because they arrested activists that continued to break the law until they forced the police to arrest them?

Bottom line is this...the activists WANTED to be arrested because they wanted the media coverage. They would have continued to escalate their illegal behavior until that happened because quite frankly without arrests to sensationalize a protest of about 150 people in a city the size of New York is a non news story.

The police did their job. That they've been able to make as many arrests as they've been forced to make without any serious injuries should get them an "atta boy" not accusations that "they" are to blame for the "riots".
pepper spray ,fire hoses, and billy clubs,are things most libbs have experienced !! it is as much a rite of passage for the faggot left as greased gerbil's and AIDS are !!:razz::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

This was 2 Girls standing on their own. It was a cheap shot. Had you Daughters that you even may disagree with Politically, you would not be happy seeing this.

With an out of control mob, the circumstances are different. Them Mace, Tear Gas, and Fire hoses come into play. The Cops Inciting Riots? No Fucking way. Strip that Assholes Rank.

Ah, we go again with the over the top exaggerations. The police incited riots? Because they arrested activists that continued to break the law until they forced the police to arrest them?

Bottom line is this...the activists WANTED to be arrested because they wanted the media coverage. They would have continued to escalate their illegal behavior until that happened because quite frankly without arrests to sensationalize a protest of about 150 people in a city the size of New York is a non news story.

The police did their job. That they've been able to make as many arrests as they've been forced to make without any serious injuries should get them an "atta boy" not accusations that "they" are to blame for the "riots".

What that Asshole did using Mace in that situation was wrong. There is no excuse for it. I'm on the side of the Cop's maintaining Order, I live in NYC. What he did provoked what went on today, and what is to come,that is my point and I stand by it.

"Ata Boy's are deserved, for keeping the lid on, like Today. The Idiot's in Uniform that want to Provoke and Incite should just stay home. The rest, cover each other, measure twice, cut once.
Now that's a laughable statement, Dragon. You would have seen complaints about the police whether pepper spray was used or not. It's part of the modern day activist's playbook. Or have you forgotten Lawrence O'Donnell's rant about the police slamming a protester's head into a parked Volvo (for some reason the fact it was a Volvo seems to have some special meaning to Lawrence) when in fact that never happened. The protesters that were arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge complained that nobody told them they would be arrested if they blocked the roadway. They lie. They knew very well that they would be arrested for leaving the pedestrian walkway. So they broke the law and then immediately complained that those mean police people were picking on them...and you know what? They'll get some main stream media coverage that defends their complaints because that's how it works these days.

Police made 700 arrests yesterday, can you show me where Dragon is complaining about them?

I wasn't talking about Dragon...I was talking about the activists themselves and their supporters in the main stream media. The police arrested 700 for blocking the Brooklyn Bridge and the activists complained that they shouldn't have been arrested because they didn't "hear" the police tell them they'd be arrested if they blocked the roadway. It's a continuation of their tactics from the beginning of this ridiculous protest. Have a march that forces the police to arrest you...accuse the police of violating your first amendment rights and "brutalizing" you...and then provide edited video clips to a compliant main stream media to get your story out.

The activists made a big deal about NYPD arresting a 13 year old girl yesterday. I might have missed it, but I didn't see any media covering it either.
This was 2 Girls standing on their own. It was a cheap shot. Had you Daughters that you even may disagree with Politically, you would not be happy seeing this.

With an out of control mob, the circumstances are different. Them Mace, Tear Gas, and Fire hoses come into play. The Cops Inciting Riots? No Fucking way. Strip that Assholes Rank.

Ah, we go again with the over the top exaggerations. The police incited riots? Because they arrested activists that continued to break the law until they forced the police to arrest them?

Bottom line is this...the activists WANTED to be arrested because they wanted the media coverage. They would have continued to escalate their illegal behavior until that happened because quite frankly without arrests to sensationalize a protest of about 150 people in a city the size of New York is a non news story.

The police did their job. That they've been able to make as many arrests as they've been forced to make without any serious injuries should get them an "atta boy" not accusations that "they" are to blame for the "riots".

What that Asshole did using Mace in that situation was wrong. There is no excuse for it. I'm on the side of the Cop's maintaining Order, I live in NYC. What he did provoked what went on today, and what is to come,that is my point and I stand by it.

"Ata Boy's are deserved, for keeping the lid on, like Today. The Idiot's in Uniform that want to Provoke and Incite should just stay home. The rest, cover each other, measure twice, cut once.

What is "provoking" the continuation of a nonsensical protest is the idea that someone's rights have been violated. I'm against using pepper spray on the activists as well but not because I think it's police brutality...but because it's playing into the protester's hands. They should have simply arrested those three girls for not vacating the sidewalk instead of turning them into martyrs.

I'm curious as to what you think these ongoing demonstrations are supposed to accomplish? Income redistribution? The more you progressives try that, the worse you screw up the economy. Right now this whole dog and pony show is a blessing for the Obama White House because all the media coverage the protests are getting is taking attention away from what an abysmal job this Administration has done with the economy and unemployment, not to mention things like Solyndra and Fast & Furious.
Until the protesters actually have some solutions to the problems we face instead of attacking Wall Street as a symbol of capitalism I can't take them seriously. It's one thing to advocate the tearing down of a system you don't like but before you do so you better have a viable alternative. Anarchy isn't a viable solution but that's all people like this have to offer.

Telling others to "give me more of what you have!" while holding cities hostage until your demands have been met won't help our country to get back on it's feet. It's the epitome of mob rule.
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Ah, we go again with the over the top exaggerations. The police incited riots? Because they arrested activists that continued to break the law until they forced the police to arrest them?

Bottom line is this...the activists WANTED to be arrested because they wanted the media coverage. They would have continued to escalate their illegal behavior until that happened because quite frankly without arrests to sensationalize a protest of about 150 people in a city the size of New York is a non news story.

The police did their job. That they've been able to make as many arrests as they've been forced to make without any serious injuries should get them an "atta boy" not accusations that "they" are to blame for the "riots".

What that Asshole did using Mace in that situation was wrong. There is no excuse for it. I'm on the side of the Cop's maintaining Order, I live in NYC. What he did provoked what went on today, and what is to come,that is my point and I stand by it.

"Ata Boy's are deserved, for keeping the lid on, like Today. The Idiot's in Uniform that want to Provoke and Incite should just stay home. The rest, cover each other, measure twice, cut once.

What is "provoking" the continuation of a nonsensical protest is the idea that someone's rights have been violated. I'm against using pepper spray on the activists as well but not because I think it's police brutality...but because it's playing into the protester's hands. They should have simply arrested those three girls for not vacating the sidewalk instead of turning them into martyrs.

I'm curious as to what you think these ongoing demonstrations are supposed to accomplish? Income redistribution? The more you progressives try that, the worse you screw up the economy. Right now this whole dog and pony show is a blessing for the Obama White House because all the media coverage the protests are getting is taking attention away from what an abysmal job this Administration has done with the economy and unemployment, not to mention things like Solyndra and Fast & Furious.

What is "provoking" the continuation of a nonsensical protest is the idea that someone's rights have been violated. I'm against using pepper spray on the activists as well but not because I think it's police brutality...but because it's playing into the protester's hands. They should have simply arrested those three girls for not vacating the sidewalk instead of turning them into martyrs.

100% agreement.

I'm curious as to what you think these ongoing demonstrations are supposed to accomplish? Income redistribution? The more you progressives try that, the worse you screw up the economy. Right now this whole dog and pony show is a blessing for the Obama White House because all the media coverage the protests are getting is taking attention away from what an abysmal job this Administration has done with the economy and unemployment, not to mention things like Solyndra and Fast & Furious.

I'm against them. They are misguided at best, and Poorly organized. I seriously doubt the Protesters Themselves know what they want, or that they are being used.

I am not Progressive.

The diversion is also away from Apple, Google, and Microsoft, the ACORN Affiliates, and so much more. The Demonstrations need to be shown for what they are in each case.

Still, right or wrong we need a strong Focus on Non Violence. Lose that, and it will go from bad to worse.
Until the protesters actually have some solutions to the problems we face instead of attacking Wall Street as a symbol of capitalism I can't take them seriously. It's one thing to advocate the tearing down of a system you don't like but before you do so you better have a viable alternative. Anarchy isn't a viable solution but that's all people like this have to offer.

Telling others to "give me more of what you have!" while holding cities hostage until your demands have been met won't help our country to get back on it's feet. It's the epitome of mob rule.

The message is total bullshit, in that sense. If the message were pointing out corruption and injustice that would be calling for something different. The fact that it is Anti Capitalist, suggests that DNC Demonizing of the Business Community, while hiding Government involvement in what went wrong, backfired either as an unintended consequence or intentionally according to plan. Progressive is very outspoken about it's War against Individual Liberty and Private Property. Students racking up tens or hundreds of Thousands of Dollars for over priced Education, are misdirecting their anger. :eusa_whistle:
not to mention things like Solyndra

You can shove that up your ass.

If you fucking wingnut assholes had been around when Apollo 1 exploded on the launchpad, you would have had us scrap the entire space program and we never would have gone back into space.

Fucking idiot.

:eusa_whistle: Either that or we just have an acute sense for spotting Incompetence, and corruption. Go ahead and rest the pins.

Another prospective that sounds very fesable

[ame=]TPTB Plan To Overthrow Freedom According To This Document! - YouTube[/ame]
What a non-event! Protesters get a little wiff of gas. Big deal. Some things are traditional. An old-time hardcore protester would probably be deeply insulted by the lack of response. No clouds of teargas, dogs, fire-hoses, billy-clubs or blood? Today's protesters are looking like a bunch of wuzzies.
What a non-event! Protesters get a little wiff of gas. Big deal. Some things are traditional. An old-time hardcore protester would probably be deeply insulted by the lack of response. No clouds of teargas, dogs, fire-hoses, billy-clubs or blood? Today's protesters are looking like a bunch of wuzzies.

Chill out, and No..... you can't shoot Phosphorous Flares at them either. :D

Funny, that 1 Cop, not being able to control Himself, multiplied the problem. Nothing underhanded since, and that is very admirable. Most People do not want violence to come from this, and that is a good thing.
What a non-event! Protesters get a little wiff of gas. Big deal. Some things are traditional. An old-time hardcore protester would probably be deeply insulted by the lack of response. No clouds of teargas, dogs, fire-hoses, billy-clubs or blood? Today's protesters are looking like a bunch of wuzzies.

That's because they are! This little bunch is just unhappy, snot-nosed Ivy League brats, without the spectre of being drafted and sent to 'Nam to motivate them. They aren't scared enough, or desperate enough, to act like the ones in the sixties!
What a non-event! Protesters get a little wiff of gas. Big deal. Some things are traditional. An old-time hardcore protester would probably be deeply insulted by the lack of response. No clouds of teargas, dogs, fire-hoses, billy-clubs or blood? Today's protesters are looking like a bunch of wuzzies.

Chill out, and No..... you can't shoot Phosphorous Flares at them either. :D

Funny, that 1 Cop, not being able to control Himself, multiplied the problem. Nothing underhanded since, and that is very admirable. Most People do not want violence to come from this, and that is a good thing.

Awww, can't we at least de-louse and dry-shave them?:lol:

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