Pepper spray reflects policing of Black kids


Platinum Member
Oct 13, 2016
Multi-Dimensional Warrior
The 9-year-old Black girl sat handcuffed in the backseat of a police car, distraught and crying for her father as the white officers grew increasingly impatient while they tried to wrangle her fully into the vehicle.

“This is your last chance,” one officer warned. “Otherwise pepper spray is going in your eyeballs.”

Less than 90 seconds later, the girl had been sprayed and was screaming, “Please, wipe my eyes! Wipe my eyes, please!”

What started with a report of “family trouble” in Rochester, New York, and ended with police treating a fourth-grader like a crime suspect, has spurred outrage as the latest example of law enforcement mistreatment of Black people.

If you need pepper spray to subdue an unarmed 9 year old girl who was handcuffed in the back of a police car, you shouldn't be a cop.
This is why we fight for equality.

These kids are getting more violent today.

See the source image
Sometimes even a child needs to be subdued for their own safety.
Obviously. An unarmed 9 year old girl can put up quite a struggle handcuffed in the back of a cruiser.
While she might not be able to inflict any damage on police officers she could certainly hurt herself. Self harm killed Freddie Gray. Being restrained in the back of a police van did not prevent Gray from banging his head against the wall.
The 9-year-old Black girl sat handcuffed in the backseat of a police car, distraught and crying for her father as the white officers grew increasingly impatient while they tried to wrangle her fully into the vehicle.

“This is your last chance,” one officer warned. “Otherwise pepper spray is going in your eyeballs.”

Less than 90 seconds later, the girl had been sprayed and was screaming, “Please, wipe my eyes! Wipe my eyes, please!”

What started with a report of “family trouble” in Rochester, New York, and ended with police treating a fourth-grader like a crime suspect, has spurred outrage as the latest example of law enforcement mistreatment of Black people.

If you need pepper spray to subdue an unarmed 9 year old girl who was handcuffed in the back of a police car, you shouldn't be a cop.
This is why we fight for equality.

You shouldn't be having kids if your 9 year old requires police to subdue her azz.........

thugs having thugs...end welfare
The kid will probably grow up with an insatiable taste for Tabasco sauce.

I put that shit on everything.
The 9-year-old Black girl sat handcuffed in the backseat of a police car, distraught and crying for her father as the white officers grew increasingly impatient while they tried to wrangle her fully into the vehicle.

“This is your last chance,” one officer warned. “Otherwise pepper spray is going in your eyeballs.”

Less than 90 seconds later, the girl had been sprayed and was screaming, “Please, wipe my eyes! Wipe my eyes, please!”

What started with a report of “family trouble” in Rochester, New York, and ended with police treating a fourth-grader like a crime suspect, has spurred outrage as the latest example of law enforcement mistreatment of Black people.

If you need pepper spray to subdue an unarmed 9 year old girl who was handcuffed in the back of a police car, you shouldn't be a cop.
This is why we fight for equality.

You shouldn't be having kids if your 9 year old requires police to subdue her azz.........

thugs having thugs...end welfare
Yeah as if these METH heads aren't having kids to support their habits. Yeah end welfare..
The parents should have gotten mental health personal and a straight jacket.
So after the pepper spray was used, what happened next? Was the girl charged with whatever she could be charged with for being so uncooperative and then taken to the detention place for under age delinquents?

God bless you always!!!

The cops should not have peppered sprayed her, that is just plain nuts. The kid is obviously out of control and her own parents couldn't handle her and called the police because they failed miserably. Maybe they need to look at working with this child and learn how to parent or lose their right to parent as they are failures at this point.
How curious!

If the sweet little young lady had been of ethnicity W, X, or Y, the liberal media would have ignored this incident.

But because she is of ethnicity Z, all hell has broken loose.
The 9-year-old Black girl sat handcuffed in the backseat of a police car, distraught and crying for her father as the white officers grew increasingly impatient while they tried to wrangle her fully into the vehicle.

“This is your last chance,” one officer warned. “Otherwise pepper spray is going in your eyeballs.”

Less than 90 seconds later, the girl had been sprayed and was screaming, “Please, wipe my eyes! Wipe my eyes, please!”

What started with a report of “family trouble” in Rochester, New York, and ended with police treating a fourth-grader like a crime suspect, has spurred outrage as the latest example of law enforcement mistreatment of Black people.

If you need pepper spray to subdue an unarmed 9 year old girl who was handcuffed in the back of a police car, you shouldn't be a cop.
This is why we fight for equality.

Many young white cops are psychopaths that need to be fired . They have lowered the bar and you’re getting mostly white psychopaths

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