Perceive it as you like... has it, does it, can it be?

Great find and it irritates me . I should have done something similar a few years ago .
Just for the easy money from the Gullibles

Have only scanned it but can see that all of his material is easy to find and it is largely garbage which I am fully aware of already .
It is reasonably clever because it throws in around 20% truth mixed with tripe and onions .

I wonder how many Sheeple he has hanging on to every word and how much money he receives from the suckers?
Intensely annoyed and envious .

See, Before the News , for 85% of his information which is mostly-- say 85% again -- low grade nonsense , imho
Marshall has quite the story there NT.....~S~
Indeed he does. When I came across this about 4 years ago, I had a flashback of the cloned sheep called Dolly. Only to think that there are disturbed minds that go out of their way to clone humans for all kinds of ill-gotten and nefarious means.
Indeed he does. When I came across this about 4 years ago, I had a flashback of the cloned sheep called Dolly. Only to think that there are disturbed minds that go out of their way to clone humans for all kinds of ill-gotten and nefarious means.
While Marshall seems a tad 'out there' , i would agree world governments and the elites they rub elbows with are rather good at hiding things from the general public

While Marshall seems a tad 'out there' , i would agree world governments and the elites they rub elbows with are rather good at hiding things from the general public

I did read another article a while ago, relating to Marshall, that the elite clone celebrities of all kinds and use them as their 'living abuse doll'. Abuse in every aspect.
Some content inside the Donald Marshall website has the following;

Queen Elizabeth Found Guilty in Case of Missing Children​

Donald Marshall Revolution
It's at the bottom of the page. A very long page.

On February 25, 2013 six international judges found Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Phillip, guilty in the disappearance of ten native children from the Catholic-run Kamloops Residential School in British Columbia. The children left for a picnic with the Royal couple on Oct. 10, 1964, and their grieving parents haven't seen them since.
The order to arrest the Queen was issued by the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels, after nearly a year of litigation. This prosecution concerned 50,000 missing native Canadian children and included a 1964 kidnapping case that implicated the Queen.
The four month long trial found Pope Joseph Ratzinger, Queen Elizabeth and forty other global elites guilty of crimes against humanity. The guilty verdict may have even influenced the surprising resignation of the Pope, which was announced later that same week.
In 2011, forensic evidence of at least 31 mass grave sites with human remains had been discovered on the grounds of former Indian Residential Schools. Despite government efforts to discredit and conceal evidence from the public, Kevin Annett, founder of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, maintains that this evidence provides proof that the Crown of England, the Vatican and the Canadian government are directly responsible for the deaths of more than 50,000 children across Canada. At the time of their disappearance, the children were attending church-owned Indian Residential Schools, which were in operation from the 1840s to the 1990s.

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