Perfect But not how they figured.

Government is what it is, until it's changed, and a new administration never starts with a clean slate, nor does it want to.

I wouldn't even use the phrase "what's different," but instead look at what changed by necessity, such as better oversight by the SEC of Wall Street and big banks that has occurred AFTER the Bush/Obama TARP legislation which saved the economy from further free-fall. Those changes seem to be working as promised: The promise being recovery would be slow and painful.

The latest reports are extremely encouraging, whether or not the right wants to admit it.

Gains in just about every category of merchandise and store led to retailers reporting their strongest monthly sales growth in a decade, a 9.1% sales increase, the strongest monthly sales growth in a decade.

Private employers added 162,000 jobs last month, and employment numbers in the previous two months were revised upward. The unemployment number increased by a small percentage because finally people who had stopped looking for work can see the economy improving and are back out there looking again.

IHS Global Insight says the economy has about 1.7 million more jobs today than it would have had without the stimulus.
Economic index forecasts stronger growth -

GDP growth is a POSITIVE 5.6% (the highest growth in 6 years), after falling to NEGATIVE 6.4% under Bush.

The Conference Board Index of Leading Economic Indicators is up for the ELEVENTH consecutive month.

The manufacturing sector expanded in March at its strongest pace since July 2004. The Institute for Supply Management, a trade group of purchasing executives, said that its gauge of industrial companies rose to 59.6 in March from 56.5 in February. It is the EIGHTH straight month of expansion.

The Institute for Supply Management’s non-manufacturing barometer rose to 55.4 in March, up from 53 in February, exceeding expectations. Much of the momentum came from a surge in new orders and business activity. It was the highest reading for the survey since May 2006. Exports also rose significantly.

The "Obama Doctrine" on foreign policy has completely changed from the "Bush Doctrine" of preemptive strikes to negotiating where possible and defense where necessary. Both the wars are winding down, not expanding. In fact, the Pentagon is now revising war strategy by moving to ground intelligence in partnership with mission-oriented military involvement, rather than injecting the military into ground wars against perceived enemy states.

LOL, run on it... L O FUCKING L....

Your attitude speaks volumes. You people don't WANT the economy to improve. Without a bad economy, you've got nothing to run against. Pathetic.

"You people"? Your attitude speaks volumes you political infant. Don't grab numbers that mean dick to the working middle class American and claim we are saved. Of course there is more money in the stock market, Obama and the FED have dumped TRILLIONS into it you idiot.

You want the economy to seem better even when it's not because without it you have nothing... You would support a failing economy over a recovery in hop0es that you can buy votes for your party... "you people" are pathetic.

200k jobs created in march 1.5 million lost~
I like how you quote the guy that touts 200k jobs created in a month as good while not mentioning the 1.5 million jobs in that same moth as lost as a bad thing... Of course then he claims that 700k jobs being lost under Bush was "OMFG THE SKY IS FALLING!" Double as bad as it was under Bush and you have Obama...

Anyways why am I talking to you? You claim I only focus on the bad while you seem to over credit the president for the good…

Lets see, you get “Obama wins the NPP” before he is even president and I get, Obama expands Afghanistan, lies that Iraq war is over and starts 2 new wars, Libya and Pakistan… Oh oh, your turn!

Why do you keep touting that inaccurate statistic? You have been proven wrong every time you post it. We are not losing 1.5 million jobs a month and have had a net gain of over 650,000 jobs over the last three months

Because if they were honest, they'd have to admit Obama's accomplishments.

And let's be truthful here: A racist POS like Rabbi would rather lie to his dying grandmother than admit that a black man has achieved anything as President. That's what happens when you start from the premise that black people can't lead.

Remind me what those accomplishments were.
Economy. Sucks.
Employment. Sucks
Deficit. Sucks.
Health care reform. Sucks.
Housing market. Sucks.
Gas prices. Suck
Relations with Britain. Suck.
Relations with Israel. Suck.
Relations with Iran. Suck
Relations with N.Korea. Suck
Afghan War. Sucks.
Bipartisan tone. Sucks.

Accomplishment? He "got" OBL. Liek he personally rooted him out and pulled the trigger. In fact if Sen. Obama;'s view was law President Obama would never have been able to claim credit.

And Obama isn't black, turkey.
Why do you keep touting that inaccurate statistic? You have been proven wrong every time you post it. We are not losing 1.5 million jobs a month and have had a net gain of over 650,000 jobs over the last three months

Because if they were honest, they'd have to admit Obama's accomplishments.

And let's be truthful here: A racist POS like Rabbi would rather lie to his dying grandmother than admit that a black man has achieved anything as President. That's what happens when you start from the premise that black people can't lead.

And Obama isn't black, turkey.

LOL! Case in point.

Nice work, Rabbi. Right on cue.
Last edited:
The fringe left of “Obama is the greatest president in history” is lol…

Maybe you can give us this list of accomplishment? You have tried before but usually half your list is false then part of the list is pointless and the rest is usually debatable, *unconstitutional (LOL)* or simply not important in the public’s eye. Some things Obama has done have had ZERO affects on America and if you told a general Obama supporter of that accomplishment they probably didn’t even know about it because it was so pointless.

Point is RW, you can come up with a list that can be ripped apart in seconds because you’re BushBama supporting fanboi while the list I (or many others) can provide is devastating to the “Nobel peace prize” winner… Yeah, that NPP that’s on your list of “accomplishments” LOL.

Here RW, give me a good list of what Obama should run off in 2012… You can even include “I fucking beat OBL fucking bitch ass yo!”

And for fun I’ll take that list and compare it to his 2008 list just to prove how much like Bush Obama has become.

Now If I were only a Right wing Bush supporting hack then you could attack me on that and call it a day! But no, I see you for what you are and can't be bought off with "you supported Bush when he did it." Instead you just look moronic supporting Bush style policies now because a Democrat is in charge... The same policies you not so long ago attacked every moment of everyday.

When can we expect to see that? You continue to make the allegation, so the ball's in your court to prove it.

[ame=]YouTube - Obama On Tax Cuts - Nothing Changes[/ame] on the bush tax cuts

[ame=]YouTube - Obama on Iraq; Pull Out, Stay, Pull Out, Stay Longer?[/ame] On getting out of Iraq (we're still there btw)

I have other stuff to do atm and don’t have time to look up more for you but here is Obama flip flopping on 2 BIG issues....

Later I guess I can look up where he was against Bush for going into wars but now Obama started 2 on his own. I can look up where he attacks bush on bail outs and so on while Obama passes one of the most botched bail outs/stimulus in the history of mankind where he changed the goalpost from ending a recession to saving us from a depression that still might happen lolz.

Anyways< I said I needed a list for you and all I got was BS on the economy that was cherry picked beyond belief… Sure people buy a TV but the housing market is the worst it has been since the great depression… It’s easy to show rich people shuffling their money around and claim things are getting better while UE rises and people have less money overall…

Look, you stupid fuck, campaign statements do not ALL magically come true. Pick any president and show me where ALL HIS CAMPAIGN PROMISES were written in stone once he became President.

You've now backpedaled to try to prove that certain campaign promises are an indication that Obama has flipflopped in general, which is pure bullshit. Here's another link for ya to peruse, although I'm sure you'll claim it's "cherry-picked BS" ignoring the fact the PolitiFact is a Pulitzer Prize winner for accuracy.

PolitiFact | The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises

Good luck finding something that says Obama opposed TARP (bank bailouts). Of course he didn't, but the right wing noise machine chose to label both Bush and Obama "Socialists" because of it. Here's one of those favorite RWNMs stating just that.

Record Shows Obama Was on Board With TARP in September, and Every Bit As Socialist As He Claims Bush Was |

I don't even get your last gasp attempt at something in your last paragraph. Are you now trying to claim the credit bubble/housing crisis is all Obama's fault? Either that, or you are one of those pathetically ignorant people who think in a matter of a couple of years, everything should be back to being hunky-dory following the longest, if not the worst recession in history.
When can we expect to see that? You continue to make the allegation, so the ball's in your court to prove it.

[ame=]YouTube - Obama On Tax Cuts - Nothing Changes[/ame] on the bush tax cuts

[ame=]YouTube - Obama on Iraq; Pull Out, Stay, Pull Out, Stay Longer?[/ame] On getting out of Iraq (we're still there btw)

I have other stuff to do atm and don’t have time to look up more for you but here is Obama flip flopping on 2 BIG issues....

Later I guess I can look up where he was against Bush for going into wars but now Obama started 2 on his own. I can look up where he attacks bush on bail outs and so on while Obama passes one of the most botched bail outs/stimulus in the history of mankind where he changed the goalpost from ending a recession to saving us from a depression that still might happen lolz.

Anyways< I said I needed a list for you and all I got was BS on the economy that was cherry picked beyond belief… Sure people buy a TV but the housing market is the worst it has been since the great depression… It’s easy to show rich people shuffling their money around and claim things are getting better while UE rises and people have less money overall…

Look, you stupid fuck, campaign statements do not ALL magically come true. Pick any president and show me where ALL HIS CAMPAIGN PROMISES were written in stone once he became President.

You've now backpedaled to try to prove that certain campaign promises are an indication that Obama has flipflopped in general, which is pure bullshit. Here's another link for ya to peruse, although I'm sure you'll claim it's "cherry-picked BS" ignoring the fact the PolitiFact is a Pulitzer Prize winner for accuracy.

PolitiFact | The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises

Good luck finding something that says Obama opposed TARP (bank bailouts). Of course he didn't, but the right wing noise machine chose to label both Bush and Obama "Socialists" because of it. Here's one of those favorite RWNMs stating just that.

Record Shows Obama Was on Board With TARP in September, and Every Bit As Socialist As He Claims Bush Was |

I don't even get your last gasp attempt at something in your last paragraph. Are you now trying to claim the credit bubble/housing crisis is all Obama's fault? Either that, or you are one of those pathetically ignorant people who think in a matter of a couple of years, everything should be back to being hunky-dory following the longest, if not the worst recession in history.

It’s getting old talking to you.

I said give me a list so I can compare it to what Obama ran off in 2008... That would be camping promises.

Almost 3 years later, 2 new wars, more UE and you point at the stock markets as your proof that things are getting better....

I’m done with you because you can’t and won’t admit Obama has failed… You want to give him credit for taking a crap in the morning.
No one has ever even tried to prove me wrong on it because it's true?

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Unemployment went back up to 9%. Fact.

As expected.
...the unemployment rate is likely to rise later this year as people - perhaps feeling more confident about their prospects to find a job - stream back into the labor market. Unemployment rates often rise when the economy improves and people who haven't been looking for jobs start hunting again. People who aren't looking are not counted as unemployed. Some economists believe the jobless rate could edge past 9 percent again.

Read more: Unemployment Dips to 8.9 Pct., 192K Jobs Added Unemployment Dips to 8.9 Pct., 192K Jobs Added
LOL, run on it... L O FUCKING L....

Your attitude speaks volumes. You people don't WANT the economy to improve. Without a bad economy, you've got nothing to run against. Pathetic.

"You people"? Your attitude speaks volumes you political infant. Don't grab numbers that mean dick to the working middle class American and claim we are saved. Of course there is more money in the stock market, Obama and the FED have dumped TRILLIONS into it you idiot.

You want the economy to seem better even when it's not because without it you have nothing... You would support a failing economy over a recovery in hop0es that you can buy votes for your party... "you people" are pathetic.

200k jobs created in march 1.5 million lost~

I never claimed the middle class is "saved," asshole. And "you people" fits YOU to a T. You're all a bunch of whiners who can't see the forest for the trees. And puleeze, I could run circles around you any day in the political arena, because I've been on both sides of the fence. In fact, I've already done so in this thread. :lol:
Why do you keep touting that inaccurate statistic? You have been proven wrong every time you post it. We are not losing 1.5 million jobs a month and have had a net gain of over 650,000 jobs over the last three months

Because if they were honest, they'd have to admit Obama's accomplishments.

And let's be truthful here: A racist POS like Rabbi would rather lie to his dying grandmother than admit that a black man has achieved anything as President. That's what happens when you start from the premise that black people can't lead.

Remind me what those accomplishments were.
Economy. Sucks.
Employment. Sucks
Deficit. Sucks.
Health care reform. Sucks.
Housing market. Sucks.
Gas prices. Suck
Relations with Britain. Suck.
Relations with Israel. Suck.
Relations with Iran. Suck
Relations with N.Korea. Suck
Afghan War. Sucks.
Bipartisan tone. Sucks.

Accomplishment? He "got" OBL. Liek he personally rooted him out and pulled the trigger. In fact if Sen. Obama;'s view was law President Obama would never have been able to claim credit.

And Obama isn't black, turkey.

And it all SUCKED before January 2009.

Economy. Sucks.
Employment. Sucks
Deficit. Sucks.
Health care reform. Sucks. REALLY SUCKED
Housing market. Sucks.
Gas prices. Suck
Relations with Britain. Suck.
Relations with Israel. Suck.
Relations with Iran. Suck
Relations with N.Korea. Suck
Afghan War. Sucks.
Bipartisan tone. Sucks.

I doubt our "relations" with Britain "suck," however. You just made that up that one. As for Iran, I suppose you'd love for us to invade? Ditto North Korea? As for Israel, it's time they got used to not leaning so heavily on Uncle Sam as a cash cow with a pat-on-the head. Israel's economy and Israel's military is strong. They don't need us, and we can't afford to prop them up anymore. As an ally, we would need to go to their defense if they were attacked, period.
Your attitude speaks volumes. You people don't WANT the economy to improve. Without a bad economy, you've got nothing to run against. Pathetic.

"You people"? Your attitude speaks volumes you political infant. Don't grab numbers that mean dick to the working middle class American and claim we are saved. Of course there is more money in the stock market, Obama and the FED have dumped TRILLIONS into it you idiot.

You want the economy to seem better even when it's not because without it you have nothing... You would support a failing economy over a recovery in hop0es that you can buy votes for your party... "you people" are pathetic.

200k jobs created in march 1.5 million lost~

I never claimed the middle class is "saved," asshole. And "you people" fits YOU to a T. You're all a bunch of whiners who can't see the forest for the trees. And puleeze, I could run circles around you any day in the political arena, because I've been on both sides of the fence. In fact, I've already done so in this thread. :lol:

Get off my back you Obama loving fanboi POS. You use general statements and put anyone you don't like in there while you cheerlead a failing economy that had fucking TRILLIONS dumped on it AND seem to support Obama starting new wars all because he wacked 1 single fucking person... I'm sitting here wondering if Obama has outpaced Bush on innocent civilians being killed in a shorter period of time, something tells me you don’t give a shit because Obama is a Democrat.

Learn t take it all into context or expect people to agree with you like I have while pointing out the rest of the fucking simple to see reality of the situation. YES, 1.5 MILLION people singing up for first time UE is very very very bad even when 200k jobs are “created”.... You can't claim under Bush it was the end of the world and under Obama it's just "meh" and not deservingly get some shit.

You can’t say stock market is looking (LOL) slightly better while the housing market is actually GETTING WORSE than where it was at its worst during the start of the recession.

Bush fucking sucked, I didn’t vote for him. Obama fucking sucks and I didn’t vote for him… Don’t bitch at me because you support 1 of the 2 most ridiculous presidents in American history.
Because if they were honest, they'd have to admit Obama's accomplishments.

And let's be truthful here: A racist POS like Rabbi would rather lie to his dying grandmother than admit that a black man has achieved anything as President. That's what happens when you start from the premise that black people can't lead.

Remind me what those accomplishments were.
Economy. Sucks.
Employment. Sucks
Deficit. Sucks.
Health care reform. Sucks.
Housing market. Sucks.
Gas prices. Suck
Relations with Britain. Suck.
Relations with Israel. Suck.
Relations with Iran. Suck
Relations with N.Korea. Suck
Afghan War. Sucks.
Bipartisan tone. Sucks.

Accomplishment? He "got" OBL. Liek he personally rooted him out and pulled the trigger. In fact if Sen. Obama;'s view was law President Obama would never have been able to claim credit.

And Obama isn't black, turkey.

And it all SUCKED before January 2009.

Economy. Sucks.
Employment. Sucks
Deficit. Sucks.
Health care reform. Sucks. REALLY SUCKED
Housing market. Sucks.
Gas prices. Suck
Relations with Britain. Suck.
Relations with Israel. Suck.
Relations with Iran. Suck
Relations with N.Korea. Suck
Afghan War. Sucks.
Bipartisan tone. Sucks.

I doubt our "relations" with Britain "suck," however. You just made that up that one. As for Iran, I suppose you'd love for us to invade? Ditto North Korea? As for Israel, it's time they got used to not leaning so heavily on Uncle Sam as a cash cow with a pat-on-the head. Israel's economy and Israel's military is strong. They don't need us, and we can't afford to prop them up anymore. As an ally, we would need to go to their defense if they were attacked, period.

I'm not a Rabbi fan but see that's the fucking BS I'm talking about... You claim he would love to attack a country and use that to not only make him out to be bad but to JUSTIFY you supporting Obama despite FOUR FUCKING WARS, 2 in which he started.

Obama ran off being the anti Bush in 2008… Obama was going to be the
Anti rich, anti corporation loving President
War ending anti war starting President
Anti torture and homeland security
The non divider of parties
What Obama has become is the very definition of what he ran against in 2008… Sure, he did a few things that he promised but on almost any big issue he foundered or did an exact opposite.
YouTube - Obama On Tax Cuts - Nothing Changes on the bush tax cuts

YouTube - Obama on Iraq; Pull Out, Stay, Pull Out, Stay Longer? On getting out of Iraq (we're still there btw)

I have other stuff to do atm and don’t have time to look up more for you but here is Obama flip flopping on 2 BIG issues....

Later I guess I can look up where he was against Bush for going into wars but now Obama started 2 on his own. I can look up where he attacks bush on bail outs and so on while Obama passes one of the most botched bail outs/stimulus in the history of mankind where he changed the goalpost from ending a recession to saving us from a depression that still might happen lolz.

Anyways< I said I needed a list for you and all I got was BS on the economy that was cherry picked beyond belief… Sure people buy a TV but the housing market is the worst it has been since the great depression… It’s easy to show rich people shuffling their money around and claim things are getting better while UE rises and people have less money overall…

Look, you stupid fuck, campaign statements do not ALL magically come true. Pick any president and show me where ALL HIS CAMPAIGN PROMISES were written in stone once he became President.

You've now backpedaled to try to prove that certain campaign promises are an indication that Obama has flipflopped in general, which is pure bullshit. Here's another link for ya to peruse, although I'm sure you'll claim it's "cherry-picked BS" ignoring the fact the PolitiFact is a Pulitzer Prize winner for accuracy.

PolitiFact | The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises

Good luck finding something that says Obama opposed TARP (bank bailouts). Of course he didn't, but the right wing noise machine chose to label both Bush and Obama "Socialists" because of it. Here's one of those favorite RWNMs stating just that.

Record Shows Obama Was on Board With TARP in September, and Every Bit As Socialist As He Claims Bush Was |

I don't even get your last gasp attempt at something in your last paragraph. Are you now trying to claim the credit bubble/housing crisis is all Obama's fault? Either that, or you are one of those pathetically ignorant people who think in a matter of a couple of years, everything should be back to being hunky-dory following the longest, if not the worst recession in history.

It’s getting old talking to you.

I said give me a list so I can compare it to what Obama ran off in 2008... That would be camping promises.

Almost 3 years later, 2 new wars, more UE and you point at the stock markets as your proof that things are getting better....

I’m done with you because you can’t and won’t admit Obama has failed… You want to give him credit for taking a crap in the morning.

You know, it would really help you to not make a further fool of yourself by actually READING some of the links I provided.

We do not have MORE unemployment (several links provided).

The economy IS improving (and I did not "just" include the stock market as proof).

We are on the PROMISED path to ending the Iraq and Afghanistan wars (in thousands and thousands of posted reports).

We are NOT involved in "two more wars" (which are...???)
Look, you stupid fuck, campaign statements do not ALL magically come true. Pick any president and show me where ALL HIS CAMPAIGN PROMISES were written in stone once he became President.

You've now backpedaled to try to prove that certain campaign promises are an indication that Obama has flipflopped in general, which is pure bullshit. Here's another link for ya to peruse, although I'm sure you'll claim it's "cherry-picked BS" ignoring the fact the PolitiFact is a Pulitzer Prize winner for accuracy.

PolitiFact | The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises

Good luck finding something that says Obama opposed TARP (bank bailouts). Of course he didn't, but the right wing noise machine chose to label both Bush and Obama "Socialists" because of it. Here's one of those favorite RWNMs stating just that.

Record Shows Obama Was on Board With TARP in September, and Every Bit As Socialist As He Claims Bush Was |

I don't even get your last gasp attempt at something in your last paragraph. Are you now trying to claim the credit bubble/housing crisis is all Obama's fault? Either that, or you are one of those pathetically ignorant people who think in a matter of a couple of years, everything should be back to being hunky-dory following the longest, if not the worst recession in history.

It’s getting old talking to you.

I said give me a list so I can compare it to what Obama ran off in 2008... That would be camping promises.

Almost 3 years later, 2 new wars, more UE and you point at the stock markets as your proof that things are getting better....

I’m done with you because you can’t and won’t admit Obama has failed… You want to give him credit for taking a crap in the morning.

You know, it would really help you to not make a further fool of yourself by actually READING some of the links I provided.

We do not have MORE unemployment (several links provided).

The economy IS improving (and I did not "just" include the stock market as proof).

We are on the PROMISED path to ending the Iraq and Afghanistan wars (in thousands and thousands of posted reports).

We are NOT involved in "two more wars" (which are...???)

LOL, still dreamin of Obama's cock I see...

I'm out, hahaha.
Whom are you trying to convince?

Are you so naïve as to believe you’re going to turn away Obama supporters from the president with tedious, inane posts such as this?

The hilarious irony is, of course, if anything you solidify the president’s supporters’ resolve to see him re-elected.

Nope.. we all know you Obama worshipers will stick by him even if he nukes Canada. You're that dumb.
"You people"? Your attitude speaks volumes you political infant. Don't grab numbers that mean dick to the working middle class American and claim we are saved. Of course there is more money in the stock market, Obama and the FED have dumped TRILLIONS into it you idiot.

You want the economy to seem better even when it's not because without it you have nothing... You would support a failing economy over a recovery in hop0es that you can buy votes for your party... "you people" are pathetic.

200k jobs created in march 1.5 million lost~

I never claimed the middle class is "saved," asshole. And "you people" fits YOU to a T. You're all a bunch of whiners who can't see the forest for the trees. And puleeze, I could run circles around you any day in the political arena, because I've been on both sides of the fence. In fact, I've already done so in this thread. :lol:

Get off my back you Obama loving fanboi POS. You use general statements and put anyone you don't like in there while you cheerlead a failing economy that had fucking TRILLIONS dumped on it AND seem to support Obama starting new wars all because he wacked 1 single fucking person... I'm sitting here wondering if Obama has outpaced Bush on innocent civilians being killed in a shorter period of time, something tells me you don’t give a shit because Obama is a Democrat.

Learn t take it all into context or expect people to agree with you like I have while pointing out the rest of the fucking simple to see reality of the situation. YES, 1.5 MILLION people singing up for first time UE is very very very bad even when 200k jobs are “created”.... You can't claim under Bush it was the end of the world and under Obama it's just "meh" and not deservingly get some shit.

You can’t say stock market is looking (LOL) slightly better while the housing market is actually GETTING WORSE than where it was at its worst during the start of the recession.

Bush fucking sucked, I didn’t vote for him. Obama fucking sucks and I didn’t vote for him… Don’t bitch at me because you support 1 of the 2 most ridiculous presidents in American history.

I bitch at you because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I couldn't care less if you hate Obama or Bush. But just read the goddamned facts on those points you choose to argue about, your personal biases aside.

It’s getting old talking to you.

I said give me a list so I can compare it to what Obama ran off in 2008... That would be camping promises.

Almost 3 years later, 2 new wars, more UE and you point at the stock markets as your proof that things are getting better....

I’m done with you because you can’t and won’t admit Obama has failed… You want to give him credit for taking a crap in the morning.

You know, it would really help you to not make a further fool of yourself by actually READING some of the links I provided.

We do not have MORE unemployment (several links provided).

The economy IS improving (and I did not "just" include the stock market as proof).

We are on the PROMISED path to ending the Iraq and Afghanistan wars (in thousands and thousands of posted reports).

We are NOT involved in "two more wars" (which are...???)

LOL, still dreamin of Obama's cock I see...

I'm out, hahaha.

And there we have it folks -- the IQ level of Avory is proven with childlike ad hominems when the debate is clearly lost. Waaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!

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