Perfect example of Biden's ineptitude...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Biden in this tweet
illustrates how Biden can throw all sorts of crap out but when it comes to catch it??? Zero.. zilch...NADA...
BUT again due to the BIASED MSM we never saw if Biden caught a return pass or probably Demar Hamlin was told NOT to throw it!
Truly a sad state when at least the MSM can show the whole story!
I've tried to find the "ENTIRE" video of this perfect example of EDITED press but nothing exists..yet something was definitely edited out!
Biden in this tweet
illustrates how Biden can throw all sorts of crap out but when it comes to catch it??? Zero.. zilch...NADA...
BUT again due to the BIASED MSM we never saw if Biden caught a return pass or probably Demar Hamlin was told NOT to throw it!
Truly a sad state when at least the MSM can show the whole story!
I've tried to find the "ENTIRE" video of this perfect example of EDITED press but nothing exists..yet something was definitely edited out!

Its the weekend. Give it a rest.
Biden in this tweet
illustrates how Biden can throw all sorts of crap out but when it comes to catch it??? Zero.. zilch...NADA...
BUT again due to the BIASED MSM we never saw if Biden caught a return pass or probably Demar Hamlin was told NOT to throw it!
Truly a sad state when at least the MSM can show the whole story!
I've tried to find the "ENTIRE" video of this perfect example of EDITED press but nothing exists..yet something was definitely edited out!

They usually edit out the frequent stops for diaper changes & kid sniffing
So now a president's effectiveness is determined on whether or not he can run a post pattern?'s the weekend...give it a rest dude.
So now a president's effectiveness is determined on whether or not he can run a post pattern?'s the weekend...give it a rest dude.
No it is as I pointed out this how the MSM /White House EDIT what you see!
None of you Biden/Democrat truth deniers have YET to debunk the attached articles that show the BIASED MSM gave
Hillary 96% in 2016, then spent 92% of the news negative in the next 4 years then donated 90% to Biden.
But again none of you blind, truly MISINFORMED people will admit the truth, i.e. you've been grossly manipulated.

So Candyporn.... why don't you refute the two articles I submitted where 96% of MSM donations went to Hillary, the MSM pissed she lost and by the way..

Hillary Clinton Maintains 2016 Election ‘Was Not On the Level’: ‘We Still Don’t Know What Really Happened’​

but of course why wasn't she arrested for maintaining election issues and MUCH less for this:

Why Hillary Clinton Deleted 33000 Emails on Her Private ... › Politics › story​

Sep 27, 2016 — Clinton is doing her best to move beyond the controversy over her use of a private email server as secretary of state, saying only last night ...
But where have the MSM been on this destruction? ZZZZs!

Why wasn't she investigated with the same intensity as Trump? Why should they... they donated to her election!!

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