Perhaps Some Of The Democrats Here -


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
- could explain why they support the illegal alien invasion of the United States by South American and Middle Eastern nationals aside from expanding a guaranteed voting bloc of dependents.

I'm just curious what kind of rationale you're going to feed into the campaign.

Have at it, Dems.
Well it also makes dimocrats feel good to know people who simply want to be here can, sans any pesky immigration holdups in the form of laws, rules, etc. that millions before them were forced to comply with.
Perhaps Billy, blastoff and SJ could figure out the proper use of the "general discussion" forum.

If you want to bitch about politics, take to the appropriate folder.
Funny. You don't look much like a moderator to me.

This is not politics. This is a general discussion of motivation. You have something to add to the meal other than whine?
- could explain why they support the illegal alien invasion of the United States by South American and Middle Eastern nationals aside from expanding a guaranteed voting bloc of dependents.

I'm just curious what kind of rationale you're going to feed into the campaign.

Have at it, Dems.
This fails as a straw man fallacy.

You've contrived a lie to misrepresent the position of democrats, that they 'support' an 'illegal alien invasion,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. You then seek to 'compel' democrats to 'defend' the lie (straw man) you've contrived.

You're unaware of this, of course, because you're blinded by your ignorance, hate, and stupidity.
- could explain why they support the illegal alien invasion of the United States by South American and Middle Eastern nationals aside from expanding a guaranteed voting bloc of dependents.

I'm just curious what kind of rationale you're going to feed into the campaign.

Have at it, Dems.

The sheeple or the Obamallama's....or whatever name those creatures have, don't have rationale. :dunno:
- could explain why they support the illegal alien invasion of the United States by South American and Middle Eastern nationals aside from expanding a guaranteed voting bloc of dependents.

I'm just curious what kind of rationale you're going to feed into the campaign.

Have at it, Dems.
This fails as a straw man fallacy.

You've contrived a lie to misrepresent the position of democrats, that they 'support' an 'illegal alien invasion,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. You then seek to 'compel' democrats to 'defend' the lie (straw man) you've contrived.

You're unaware of this, of course, because you're blinded by your ignorance, hate, and stupidity.

It is no fallacy. I am misrepresenting nothing. You DO support an "illegal alien invasion", and there is nothing on this planet closer to the truth. I am seeking to compel the Democrats to do nothing, because their position is indefensible.

My vision is quite clear.

So. For what reason other than the one stated do you support it? Be honest, be brave.
I'll take workers from Mexico and points south. They will work harder and get more done than the Americans. I worked for a company that tried to replace the hispanic labor our subcontractors used to dig and place conduit for fiber optic builds. We placed ads and tried to hire thru the employment office. We got over 100 applications. Only 32 wanted to interview for the jobs, once they found out what we wanted them to do. Hired 22 people. 3 came back the second day. None worked a full week. Our subs paid $500 a week and provided transportation to and from the jobs, as well as paying for motel rooms when out of town.
I yearn to point out what squealing sissies and hysterical bedwetters most of the conservatives on this board are. And I do so, often, which is why they tend to go off into such amusing meltdowns when I appear.

However, I do it in the appropriate folders.

Please proceed more with the weeping now. Your anguish sustains me.


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