Perhaps the best Line in the 2008 Presidental Race so far:

Well here is a quote I can actually back up with facts, I apologize for last one, I was mislead by "friends" to believe the quote was legit. This one I assure is:

"I've now been in 57 states -- I think one left to go." --at a campaign event in Beaverton, Oregon

you should be more careful about the "friends" you pick up while you're out on your skateboard.
And here is one more:
"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed." --on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people
Why don't you ask McCain who the PM is of Russia or the General of are Army is. The guy seriously believes Palin has foreign relations experience because Russia is next to Alaska. I guess since I live two hours from Canada I have foreign relations experience.
McCain actually said the "fundamentals" of the economy are sound. I take that to mean the capitalistic system and it's free market economy are sound.
He didn't say the economy is booming. He has said the economy is slow, and I agree, but we are not in a recession despite the fact that a few misguided people who seem to think, or wish, we are.
Those that are looking to the Feds for more oversight and regulatory control over our economy need only look at Fannie May and Freddie Mac, at least partially government controlled entities, to see what happens when Uncle Sam gets involved in the free markets.
If the "fundamentals" are at risk, it is because certain politicians like Obama want unspecified "Change" and control of the economy. Want government control of your economy? Move to Cuba.
McCain actually said the "fundamentals" of the economy are sound. I take that to mean the capitalistic system and it's free market economy are sound.
He didn't say the economy is booming. He has said the economy is slow, and I agree, but we are not in a recession despite the fact that a few misguided people who seem to think, or wish, we are.
Those that are looking to the Feds for more oversight and regulatory control over our economy need only look at Fannie May and Freddie Mac, at least partially government controlled entities, to see what happens when Uncle Sam gets involved in the free markets.
If the "fundamentals" are at risk, it is because certain politicians like Obama want unspecified "Change" and control of the economy. Want government control of your economy? Move to Cuba.
Do you watch the news! We are not in a recession, we are in a depression!
McCain actually said the "fundamentals" of the economy are sound. I take that to mean the capitalistic system and it's free market economy are sound.

Yeah, agreed, that's what he meant. Incidently that's what most of the so-called liberal pundits on TV are saying about his gafe, as well.

He didn't say the economy is booming. He has said the economy is slow, and I agree, but we are not in a recession despite the fact that a few misguided people who seem to think, or wish, we are.
Those that are looking to the Feds for more oversight and regulatory control over our economy need only look at Fannie May and Freddie Mac, at least partially government controlled entities, to see what happens when Uncle Sam gets involved in the free markets.

We don't have free markets. We never did.

If the "fundamentals" are at risk, it is because certain politicians like Obama want unspecified "Change" and control of the economy. Want government control of your economy? Move to Cuba.

Do you have any idea what you're talking about?

If you do, you really ought to tell us what you're talking about because right now what you write indicates otherwise.
The reason behind my quote was the topic of this thread which is "Perhaps the best Line in the 2008 Presidental Race so far" Therefore making any quotes relevant in this post.

McCain dosen't know much about the economy, no new suprise he has made that publicly known. Thats why each of the canidates have a slew of advisers helping them along the way, he is also smart enough to admit his shortcomings, and also smart enough to surround himself with brilliant people who are sharp on those issues.

Hows this for relevant issues that you seem to want to discuss:
William Ayers
How will he pay for all the empty promises
No foreign affairs experience
Nuclear energy that he dosent want
Drilling in AK to help reduce oil costs

So please do not think I am some uninformed "boy" I know the issues, but was merely responding to thread topic only.
Actually, what happened was that McCain said that the economy was sound, and during Obama's speech that morning, he said something about McCain believing the economy was sound.

Later that afternoon, McCain was told by some of his people that Wall St was tanking, and that he needed to amend what he'd said, so that afternoon he changed it to our economy is fundamentally sound, and then started talking about the blue-collar workers.

Nope.....McInsane is probably the biggest idiot I've seen in a while. Figures that he's a ring-knocker (ask a military man what that means).
McCain actually said the "fundamentals" of the economy are sound. I take that to mean the capitalistic system and it's free market economy are sound.
He didn't say the economy is booming. He has said the economy is slow, and I agree, but we are not in a recession despite the fact that a few misguided people who seem to think, or wish, we are.
Those that are looking to the Feds for more oversight and regulatory control over our economy need only look at Fannie May and Freddie Mac, at least partially government controlled entities, to see what happens when Uncle Sam gets involved in the free markets.
If the "fundamentals" are at risk, it is because certain politicians like Obama want unspecified "Change" and control of the economy. Want government control of your economy? Move to Cuba.

The part that was "funny" about it was his timing. ie not the best day to try to put on a stiff upper lip.

And, has anyone noticed that the references to 1929 have gone through the roof this week.
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Its okay, but its kind of cheesy.

I think its appalling that the political discourse in the country has sunken to giggles and whispers about Obama being a secret muslim, lipstick on a pig, or Old Man doesn't know how to get on a computer.

Lehman Bros., and Merril Lynch just crashed and burned. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had to be taken over by the government. 8 years of republican economic stewarship and oversight has been an unmitigated disaster. Alan Greenspan - not exactly a liberal - says this is the worst financial crisis he's seen in his lifetime....maybe the worst in the last half century.

And its because of the Bush republicans. But, we're stuck talking about Obama's birth certificate.

I didn't see any liberal democrats stand up and take on the Federal Reserve when it was adjusting interest rates, injecting liquidity, and aiding and abetting too huge bursting bubbles in a matter of less than 10 years.

In fact, the things that are REALLY causing problems in this country know no political allegiance. They happen independent of congress, and neither democrats nor republicans have the balls to stop it.

We're not "stuck" talking about birth certificates. Sadly enough, it just happens to be more interesting to most voters than monetary policy.
But certainly there are guiding principles to minimize financial risk, such as not starting an unecessary war, not engaging overly much in deficit spending, and not shipping jobs overseas.
GreenPartyAZ says, "Vote Republican, it's easier than thinking!":eusa_whistle:
That is the best quote of this election!:lol:

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