Perhaps time to challenge why a POTUS cannot be indicted

Point of fact, there is no historical president for what they have on Trump.

Another example of why this cartoon says it all.....

Changing quoted text is against board rules. went back and corrected your mistake......If there's any fairness with the powers that be on this forum....they'd know....

Anyway......I have no time for eternal Trump ass kissers.......I'm going to dinner...

and you modified the fonts in the quote box

So, making the fonts bigger is one of the many rules??

I'm sincerely asking.

Editing quotes. You may selectively quote, provided that it does not change the context or meaning of the quote. When you comment on the quote, do it outside of the quote box. Do not post inside of the quote box or alter the member names in "link-back" text..

Show where it gives leave to modify the fonts.

When you quote someone, you quote as is.
The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Being serious here.......Do you REALLY want to begin comparing lies between Obama and Trump???........REALLY????

I had may disagreements with Obama's policies, but lets not go into number and impact of lies between these twp.
America gets along real well with sane countries like Israel , Poland, Hungary and Saudi Arabia.

Not to mention enlightened world leaders like Rod Duterte of the Philippine Republic.

Gee, you forgot Russia....what an oversight......:LOL:

...and then, libs, get blamed for being too close to despotic socialists???

The Russian Federation really isn't a close friend of the United States. Our President is working on mending fences, but has established sanctions against Uncle Pooty.
Obama set the bar for Presidential indictment very high with Solyndra, Fast and Furious, cash payments to a terrorist state and dereliction of duty as Commander-In-Chief during the Benghazi massacre.

Don't forget to wipe, flush and wash your hands after that "conclusion" that SURELY came out of one of your orifices.....

(don't forget to also include being half black to your list of indictable Obama offenses.)
That's right you just tried to use your race card again. My fualt.
Another example of why this cartoon says it all.....

Changing quoted text is against board rules. went back and corrected your mistake......If there's any fairness with the powers that be on this forum....they'd know....

Anyway......I have no time for eternal Trump ass kissers.......I'm going to dinner...

and you modified the fonts in the quote box

So, making the fonts bigger is one of the many rules??

I'm sincerely asking.

Editing quotes. You may selectively quote, provided that it does not change the context or meaning of the quote. When you comment on the quote, do it outside of the quote box. Do not post inside of the quote box or alter the member names in "link-back" text..

Show where it gives leave to modify the fonts.

When you quote someone, you quote as is.

Gee, I'd hire a lawyer just to decipher your rules......but they're all too busy defending the Trump staff and appointees....
The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Being serious here.......Do you REALLY want to begin comparing lies between Obama and Trump???........REALLY????

I had may disagreements with Obama's policies, but lets not go into number and impact of lies between these twp.

I didn’t believe Trumps campaign promises either, that one of the reasons I didn’t vote for him. I haven’t had a President that I voted for in office in a long time.

Rightwinger challenged my accuracy, I was simply backing up my claim.
Changing quoted text is against board rules. went back and corrected your mistake......If there's any fairness with the powers that be on this forum....they'd know....

Anyway......I have no time for eternal Trump ass kissers.......I'm going to dinner...

and you modified the fonts in the quote box

So, making the fonts bigger is one of the many rules??

I'm sincerely asking.

Editing quotes. You may selectively quote, provided that it does not change the context or meaning of the quote. When you comment on the quote, do it outside of the quote box. Do not post inside of the quote box or alter the member names in "link-back" text..

Show where it gives leave to modify the fonts.

When you quote someone, you quote as is.

Gee, I'd hire a lawyer just to decipher your rules......but they're all too busy defending the Trump staff and appointees....

Maybe you should focus on these instead of a message board

That's right you just tried to use your race card again. My fualt.

As Freud once stated......
"......sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.....and one must call it for what it is.""""
I don't give a shit what color Obama was, he was a fuck up as president. Worse than Carter. You loons keep bringing up his color. If you really not racist, why bring it up?
Obama was never in danger of being indicted, fool. There is no equivalence.

Trump is not being railroaded. He knowingly made these payments. He and his people have lied endlessly about their relationship with Russia. Criminality is found everywhere they look. This will be worse than watergate for Republicans.

God are you one stupid shit. I never said Obama was close to being indicted. I never said Trump was being railroaded you dumb fuck.

When you can actually fucking comprehend what you read let me know, you are just too fucking dumb.

What's with the name calling? :dunno:


You said, " judges could be found all around the country to indict Obama". No they couldn't.
Firstly, judges dont indict anyone.
Secondly, an indictment requires a crime.
There were none.

The DOJ asks a grand jury for an indictment, but Mr. Holder was the Big O's wing man so he wasn't going to do it.

Obama could have easily been indicted for perjury because of his lies concerning whether or not people could keep their doctors and plans.

Yes. The DOJ does that when there is suspected criminality. Not when there isn't.

Perjury ? WTF?

Perjury is lying while giving sworn testimony, dope. :laugh2:

Obama was testifying before the American people about the ACA. But that wasn't his only lie. He promised the most transparent administration ever, promised that people would be able to view legislation BEFORE passage- but instead had the ACA passed in the middle of the night where even Congress didn't know what was in it.


If that's your standard, then we have Trump on anout 5000 counts of "perjury".

Because you make dopey, statements.
Also don't believe that your backhanded insults are any more sophisticated than my direct approach.

You actually believe that this won’t hurt Presidents in the future, we came off 8 years of stupid scandals and judges could be found all over the country to indict Obama on nonsense and take up the country’s time and assets along with the Presidents time to defend indictments. It’s time that dividers like yourself are taken to a prison where you can all sit in a prison and rot, while peaceful good Americans can life in peace without the extreme left or right nuts.

Obama was never in danger of being indicted, fool. There is no equivalence.

Trump is not being railroaded. He knowingly made these payments. He and his people have lied endlessly about their relationship with Russia. Criminality is found everywhere they look. This will be worse than watergate for Republicans.

God are you one stupid shit. I never said Obama was close to being indicted. I never said Trump was being railroaded you dumb fuck.

When you can actually fucking comprehend what you read let me know, you are just too fucking dumb.

What's with the name calling? :dunno:


You said, " judges could be found all around the country to indict Obama". No they couldn't.
Firstly, judges dont indict anyone.
Secondly, an indictment requires a crime.
There were none.

Dumb shit, you took the gloves off, if you don’t like the name calling then maybe you should have used your shit for brains and fuckin figured it out.

You are now quoting out of context, if you can’t be honest and you need to cherry pick, then fuck you.

I was giving a what if, I said Obama was innocent. Like I said, when you can comprehend what you fucking read let me know. Your dishonesty isn’t surprising, dumb ass.

I was completely honest. Your examples were not. If you're going to compare Trump to anyone, it should be Nixon.
You actually believe that this won’t hurt Presidents in the future, we came off 8 years of stupid scandals and judges could be found all over the country to indict Obama on nonsense and take up the country’s time and assets along with the Presidents time to defend indictments. It’s time that dividers like yourself are taken to a prison where you can all sit in a prison and rot, while peaceful good Americans can life in peace without the extreme left or right nuts.

Obama was never in danger of being indicted, fool. There is no equivalence.

Trump is not being railroaded. He knowingly made these payments. He and his people have lied endlessly about their relationship with Russia. Criminality is found everywhere they look. This will be worse than watergate for Republicans.

God are you one stupid shit. I never said Obama was close to being indicted. I never said Trump was being railroaded you dumb fuck.

When you can actually fucking comprehend what you read let me know, you are just too fucking dumb.

What's with the name calling? :dunno:


You said, " judges could be found all around the country to indict Obama". No they couldn't.
Firstly, judges dont indict anyone.
Secondly, an indictment requires a crime.
There were none.

Dumb shit, you took the gloves off, if you don’t like the name calling then maybe you should have used your shit for brains and fuckin figured it out.

You are now quoting out of context, if you can’t be honest and you need to cherry pick, then fuck you.

I was giving a what if, I said Obama was innocent. Like I said, when you can comprehend what you fucking read let me know. Your dishonesty isn’t surprising, dumb ass.

I was completely honest. Your examples were not. If you're going to compare Trump to anyone, it should be Nixon.

I wasn’t comparing, how stupid are you? I was giving a what if scenario, my you are a moron, how do you even breathe? I have dealt with someone this stupid in a long time, are you a public school teacher?
Obama was never in danger of being indicted, fool. There is no equivalence.

Trump is not being railroaded. He knowingly made these payments. He and his people have lied endlessly about their relationship with Russia. Criminality is found everywhere they look. This will be worse than watergate for Republicans.

God are you one stupid shit. I never said Obama was close to being indicted. I never said Trump was being railroaded you dumb fuck.

When you can actually fucking comprehend what you read let me know, you are just too fucking dumb.

What's with the name calling? :dunno:


You said, " judges could be found all around the country to indict Obama". No they couldn't.
Firstly, judges dont indict anyone.
Secondly, an indictment requires a crime.
There were none.

Dumb shit, you took the gloves off, if you don’t like the name calling then maybe you should have used your shit for brains and fuckin figured it out.

You are now quoting out of context, if you can’t be honest and you need to cherry pick, then fuck you.

I was giving a what if, I said Obama was innocent. Like I said, when you can comprehend what you fucking read let me know. Your dishonesty isn’t surprising, dumb ass.

I was completely honest. Your examples were not. If you're going to compare Trump to anyone, it should be Nixon.

I wasn’t comparing, how stupid are you? I was giving a what if scenario, my you are a moron, how do you even breathe? I have dealt with someone this stupid in a long time, are you a public school teacher?

What if you didn't stupidly use Obama as an example?
Your point would have made some sense.
God are you one stupid shit. I never said Obama was close to being indicted. I never said Trump was being railroaded you dumb fuck.

When you can actually fucking comprehend what you read let me know, you are just too fucking dumb.

What's with the name calling? :dunno:


You said, " judges could be found all around the country to indict Obama". No they couldn't.
Firstly, judges dont indict anyone.
Secondly, an indictment requires a crime.
There were none.

Dumb shit, you took the gloves off, if you don’t like the name calling then maybe you should have used your shit for brains and fuckin figured it out.

You are now quoting out of context, if you can’t be honest and you need to cherry pick, then fuck you.

I was giving a what if, I said Obama was innocent. Like I said, when you can comprehend what you fucking read let me know. Your dishonesty isn’t surprising, dumb ass.

I was completely honest. Your examples were not. If you're going to compare Trump to anyone, it should be Nixon.

I wasn’t comparing, how stupid are you? I was giving a what if scenario, my you are a moron, how do you even breathe? I have dealt with someone this stupid in a long time, are you a public school teacher?

What if you didn't stupidly use Obama as an example?
Your point would have made some sense.

Obviously not to you, I used Obama because he was the least likely to be involved in a scandal and I was showing how if we had the power to indict a Presidency his tenure would have been rocked with indictment after indictment because you can indictmso easily, that is why we have the impeachment process rather than an indictment first process. You being a stupid asinine partisan hack took offense immediately by me using Obama when had you any compression skills would have realized what I posted instead of being a dishonest partisan hack.and taking my posts out of context.
The DOJ asks a grand jury for an indictment, but Mr. Holder was the Big O's wing man so he wasn't going to do it.

Obama could have easily been indicted for perjury because of his lies concerning whether or not people could keep their doctors and plans.

Yes. The DOJ does that when there is suspected criminality. Not when there isn't.

Perjury ? WTF?

Perjury is lying while giving sworn testimony, dope. :laugh2:

Obama was testifying before the American people about the ACA. But that wasn't his only lie. He promised the most transparent administration ever, promised that people would be able to view legislation BEFORE passage- but instead had the ACA passed in the middle of the night where even Congress didn't know what was in it.

He lied, Obama was good at that, Gitmo and tax cuts repealed on the first day, a transparent administration, keep your doctor, keep your insurance, the seas started to recede. How can anyone believe the BS Obama spouted? I knew it was a lie, the left still can’t figure it out.
None of those are lies

I couldn’t keep my insurance nor my doctor, he was never transparent, let alone the most transparent, he didn’t close Gitmo on day one likemhe promised, he didn’t repeal the tax cuts on his first day in office either.

Look like lies to me.
98 percent of Americans kept their insurance
If only Trump could be 98 percent accurate
I don’t think the intent was for a president to get away with murder

The founders wanted nobody to be above the law
Correct, hence Article II, Section 4.

Once removed from office via the impeachment process a former president and private citizen can be indicted and subject to criminal prosecution.
I believe a President is a private citizen and should not be above the law

He is not above the law. Only the House can impeach, only the Senate can convict, and only then can he be tried for any crimes.

That is not "above the law" it is only immunity from prosecution unless impeached.
What's with the name calling? :dunno:


You said, " judges could be found all around the country to indict Obama". No they couldn't.
Firstly, judges dont indict anyone.
Secondly, an indictment requires a crime.
There were none.

Dumb shit, you took the gloves off, if you don’t like the name calling then maybe you should have used your shit for brains and fuckin figured it out.

You are now quoting out of context, if you can’t be honest and you need to cherry pick, then fuck you.

I was giving a what if, I said Obama was innocent. Like I said, when you can comprehend what you fucking read let me know. Your dishonesty isn’t surprising, dumb ass.

I was completely honest. Your examples were not. If you're going to compare Trump to anyone, it should be Nixon.

I wasn’t comparing, how stupid are you? I was giving a what if scenario, my you are a moron, how do you even breathe? I have dealt with someone this stupid in a long time, are you a public school teacher?

What if you didn't stupidly use Obama as an example?
Your point would have made some sense.

Obviously not to you, I used Obama because he was the least likely to be involved in a scandal and I was showing how if we had the power to indict a Presidency his tenure would have been rocked with indictment after indictment because you can indictmso easily, that is why we have the impeachment process rather than an indictment first process. You being a stupid asinine partisan hack took offense immediately by me using Obama when had you any compression skills would have realized what I posted instead of being a dishonest partisan hack.and taking my posts out of context.
If Republicans could have indicted the Great Obama , they would have
Crooked Donnie will not be so lucky
Yes. The DOJ does that when there is suspected criminality. Not when there isn't.

Perjury ? WTF?

Perjury is lying while giving sworn testimony, dope. :laugh2:

Obama was testifying before the American people about the ACA. But that wasn't his only lie. He promised the most transparent administration ever, promised that people would be able to view legislation BEFORE passage- but instead had the ACA passed in the middle of the night where even Congress didn't know what was in it.

He lied, Obama was good at that, Gitmo and tax cuts repealed on the first day, a transparent administration, keep your doctor, keep your insurance, the seas started to recede. How can anyone believe the BS Obama spouted? I knew it was a lie, the left still can’t figure it out.
None of those are lies

I couldn’t keep my insurance nor my doctor, he was never transparent, let alone the most transparent, he didn’t close Gitmo on day one likemhe promised, he didn’t repeal the tax cuts on his first day in office either.

Look like lies to me.
98 percent of Americans kept their insurance
If only Trump could be 98 percent accurate

When the plan's price doubles over 2-3 years that is not "keeping your plan"
Yes. The DOJ does that when there is suspected criminality. Not when there isn't.

Perjury ? WTF?

Perjury is lying while giving sworn testimony, dope. :laugh2:

Obama was testifying before the American people about the ACA. But that wasn't his only lie. He promised the most transparent administration ever, promised that people would be able to view legislation BEFORE passage- but instead had the ACA passed in the middle of the night where even Congress didn't know what was in it.

He lied, Obama was good at that, Gitmo and tax cuts repealed on the first day, a transparent administration, keep your doctor, keep your insurance, the seas started to recede. How can anyone believe the BS Obama spouted? I knew it was a lie, the left still can’t figure it out.
None of those are lies

I couldn’t keep my insurance nor my doctor, he was never transparent, let alone the most transparent, he didn’t close Gitmo on day one likemhe promised, he didn’t repeal the tax cuts on his first day in office either.

Look like lies to me.
98 percent of Americans kept their insurance
If only Trump could be 98 percent accurate

Do you have a link to that? You are the ones that brought up the campaign promise breaker Obama.
What's with the name calling? :dunno:


You said, " judges could be found all around the country to indict Obama". No they couldn't.
Firstly, judges dont indict anyone.
Secondly, an indictment requires a crime.
There were none.

Dumb shit, you took the gloves off, if you don’t like the name calling then maybe you should have used your shit for brains and fuckin figured it out.

You are now quoting out of context, if you can’t be honest and you need to cherry pick, then fuck you.

I was giving a what if, I said Obama was innocent. Like I said, when you can comprehend what you fucking read let me know. Your dishonesty isn’t surprising, dumb ass.

I was completely honest. Your examples were not. If you're going to compare Trump to anyone, it should be Nixon.

I wasn’t comparing, how stupid are you? I was giving a what if scenario, my you are a moron, how do you even breathe? I have dealt with someone this stupid in a long time, are you a public school teacher?

What if you didn't stupidly use Obama as an example?
Your point would have made some sense.

Obviously not to you, I used Obama because he was the least likely to be involved in a scandal and I was showing how if we had the power to indict a Presidency his tenure would have been rocked with indictment after indictment because you can indictmso easily, that is why we have the impeachment process rather than an indictment first process. You being a stupid asinine partisan hack took offense immediately by me using Obama when had you any compression skills would have realized what I posted instead of being a dishonest partisan hack.and taking my posts out of context.

So, you cried because you said I took you out of context. I did not. Your point is the same and completely retarded. My point remains the same.

Indictments require crimes, dope.
A prosecutor needs to prove guilt beyond a reasonable dout.

Obama never committed any crimes. There was never anything to indict him on.

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