Perhaps time to challenge why a POTUS cannot be indicted

Obama did not commit a crime in the Benghazi debacle, dope.

No less than 8 investigations found no wrong doing.

Trump ass kissers' Dictum number five:

"Whenever you can't defend the orange clown, please bring up Benghazi....even if you can't spell it."
The DOJ rule (and that's ALL it is) saying that President's can be indicted and thus are above the law...was a result of Nixon's DOJ.

No Comrade, it was Clinton.

The October 2000 memo from the Clinton Justice Department says:

In 1973, the Department concluded that the indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions. We have been asked to summarize and review the analysis provided in support of that conclusion, and to consider whether any subsequent developments in the law lead us today to reconsider and modify or disavow that determination. We believe that the conclusion reached by the Department in 1973 still represents the best interpretation of the Constitution.

'What Are We Doing?': Levin Explains Why Trump Can't Be Indicted
Solyndra cheated the taxpayers. We were stuck holding the bag while Solyndra's execs and Obama's cronies lived large. I think a creative prosecutor would have easily been able to find charges against Solyndra and that Solyndra's people could have easily been convinced to give up people higher on the food chain. example of a right winger's level of intelligentsia....

BTW, nitwit....would you feel the same about Trump and Carrier Air Conditioners?
Factual Reporting: HIGH

IDGF about bias, will use left and right.

Refute the logic of point or go the fuck away.

Power Line - Media Bias/Fact Check are getting your talking points for a right wing blog and treating it as gospel "truth"........which is exactly what ignorant morons do.
And you get your talking points from every left wing radical garbage rag out there. What of it?

You consistently refer back to NYT, WaPo or HuffPo for your shit? So the fuck what? Why should anyone take you seriously?

I refer to sources, either on the left, or the right, when it is warranted, I don't commit ad hominem fallacies. That is attacking the source of an argument, rather than the argument itself. How many times have you gone to a conservative source for facts? Just for an argument? I go equally to the left and the right.

It is clear you do not have an argument. If you did, you would answer my response, but it is clear that you are aware of the two tiered justice and law application that is being used. One standard to judge Trump by, another for every other corrupt piece of shit politician in D.C.

Hey, I never voted for Trump, do you know why? I could see he was a piece of shit corrupt politician. But you know what sickens me? Douche bags like you who think he is different somehow than Obama, Bush or Clinton. Somehow more corrupt than all the others? Seriously? He has far less connections to the endemic corruption.

You just don't give a flying fuck. Blind hypocrisy is what you live by. I probably should feel sorry for you and apologize since I suppose it is not your fault, since you don't have an original critical thought in your head of your own. You are told what to think by your corporate overlords. You probably don't have much choice in the matter, do you?

I sincere;y don't give a flying fuck about what you think of me......BUT, in fairness, I would ask others if my threads are not much than my personal opinions....Like this O/P.
And so, I posted an alternate opinion that just showed you that in order to worry about "indictments" you first needed to show that there was a need for them. Point of fact, there is no historical precedent for what they have on Trump. It isn't going to happen, so why do you need to worry about "indicting a sitting president?"

You are first assuming a need for them.

As I have clearly shown that is a pretty big leap. IOW, a LEAP TOO FAR.

THAT is what you are upset about, your thread is based on sheer folly.

It isn't going to happen. So stop putting the cart before the horse, there is no need to even speculate.
Why don't you just be honest and pick up a rifle, traitor? You are waging war against the legally elected government, and will be treated as what you are.

Here, yourself a T-shirt with this slogan...and wear it at your next cross burning.....

"My second amendment "trumps" your first amendment....:

The DOJ rule (and that's ALL it is) saying that President's can be indicted and thus are above the law...was a result of Nixon's DOJ.

No Comrade, it was Clinton.

The October 2000 memo from the Clinton Justice Department says:

In 1973, the Department concluded that the indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions. We have been asked to summarize and review the analysis provided in support of that conclusion, and to consider whether any subsequent developments in the law lead us today to reconsider and modify or disavow that determination. We believe that the conclusion reached by the Department in 1973 still represents the best interpretation of the Constitution.

'What Are We Doing?': Levin Explains Why Trump Can't Be Indicted

Hey, you know you just FULLY agreed with Lesh???.....

Given your level of reading comprehension, probably not......Carry on.
If liberals think its a really great idea to have the sitting President indicted and having to go to court, and maybe even go to prison as our President, they are nuts.

Can you imagine a summit meeting between President Trump and world leaders in the visitors room of a federal penitentiary? What would that tell the rest of the world about America?
Point of fact, there is no historical president for what they have on Trump.

Another example of why this cartoon says it all.....

Changing quoted text is against board rules. went back and corrected your mistake......If there's any fairness with the powers that be on this forum....they'd know....

Anyway......I have no time for eternal Trump ass kissers.......I'm going to dinner...
Point of fact, there is no historical president for what they have on Trump.

Another example of why this cartoon says it all.....

Changing quoted text is against board rules. went back and corrected your mistake......If there's any fairness with the powers that be on this forum....they'd know....

Anyway......I have no time for eternal Trump ass kissers.......I'm going to dinner...

and you modified the fonts in the quote box
What would that tell the rest of the world about America?

The rest of the sane world is already laughing at the orange clown.....

The so-called "sane" world, places like France are burning and collapsing due to draconian carbon taxes and being overrun by islamonazi invaders.

America gets along real well with sane countries like Israel , Poland, Hungary and Saudi Arabia.

Not to mention enlightened world leaders like Rod Duterte of the Philippine Republic.
God are you one stupid shit. I never said Obama was close to being indicted. I never said Trump was being railroaded you dumb fuck.

When you can actually fucking comprehend what you read let me know, you are just too fucking dumb.

What's with the name calling? :dunno:


You said, " judges could be found all around the country to indict Obama". No they couldn't.
Firstly, judges dont indict anyone.
Secondly, an indictment requires a crime.
There were none.

The DOJ asks a grand jury for an indictment, but Mr. Holder was the Big O's wing man so he wasn't going to do it.

Obama could have easily been indicted for perjury because of his lies concerning whether or not people could keep their doctors and plans.

Yes. The DOJ does that when there is suspected criminality. Not when there isn't.

Perjury ? WTF?

Perjury is lying while giving sworn testimony, dope. :laugh2:

Obama was testifying before the American people about the ACA. But that wasn't his only lie. He promised the most transparent administration ever, promised that people would be able to view legislation BEFORE passage- but instead had the ACA passed in the middle of the night where even Congress didn't know what was in it.

He lied, Obama was good at that, Gitmo and tax cuts repealed on the first day, a transparent administration, keep your doctor, keep your insurance, the seas started to recede. How can anyone believe the BS Obama spouted? I knew it was a lie, the left still can’t figure it out.
None of those are lies
Point of fact, there is no historical president for what they have on Trump.

Another example of why this cartoon says it all.....

Changing quoted text is against board rules. went back and corrected your mistake......If there's any fairness with the powers that be on this forum....they'd know....

Anyway......I have no time for eternal Trump ass kissers.......I'm going to dinner...

and you modified the fonts in the quote box
Modifying fonts is allowed for emphasis
Point of fact, there is no historical president for what they have on Trump.

Another example of why this cartoon says it all.....

Changing quoted text is against board rules. went back and corrected your mistake......If there's any fairness with the powers that be on this forum....they'd know....

Anyway......I have no time for eternal Trump ass kissers.......I'm going to dinner...

and you modified the fonts in the quote box
Modifying fonts is allowed for emphasis

NOT in the quote box
What's with the name calling? :dunno:


You said, " judges could be found all around the country to indict Obama". No they couldn't.
Firstly, judges dont indict anyone.
Secondly, an indictment requires a crime.
There were none.

The DOJ asks a grand jury for an indictment, but Mr. Holder was the Big O's wing man so he wasn't going to do it.

Obama could have easily been indicted for perjury because of his lies concerning whether or not people could keep their doctors and plans.

Yes. The DOJ does that when there is suspected criminality. Not when there isn't.

Perjury ? WTF?

Perjury is lying while giving sworn testimony, dope. :laugh2:

Obama was testifying before the American people about the ACA. But that wasn't his only lie. He promised the most transparent administration ever, promised that people would be able to view legislation BEFORE passage- but instead had the ACA passed in the middle of the night where even Congress didn't know what was in it.

He lied, Obama was good at that, Gitmo and tax cuts repealed on the first day, a transparent administration, keep your doctor, keep your insurance, the seas started to recede. How can anyone believe the BS Obama spouted? I knew it was a lie, the left still can’t figure it out.
None of those are lies

I couldn’t keep my insurance nor my doctor, he was never transparent, let alone the most transparent, he didn’t close Gitmo on day one likemhe promised, he didn’t repeal the tax cuts on his first day in office either.

Look like lies to me.
Point of fact, there is no historical president for what they have on Trump.

Another example of why this cartoon says it all.....

Changing quoted text is against board rules. went back and corrected your mistake......If there's any fairness with the powers that be on this forum....they'd know....

Anyway......I have no time for eternal Trump ass kissers.......I'm going to dinner...

and you modified the fonts in the quote box

So, making the fonts bigger is one of the many rules??

I'm sincerely asking.
What's with the name calling? :dunno:


You said, " judges could be found all around the country to indict Obama". No they couldn't.
Firstly, judges dont indict anyone.
Secondly, an indictment requires a crime.
There were none.

The DOJ asks a grand jury for an indictment, but Mr. Holder was the Big O's wing man so he wasn't going to do it.

Obama could have easily been indicted for perjury because of his lies concerning whether or not people could keep their doctors and plans.

Yes. The DOJ does that when there is suspected criminality. Not when there isn't.

Perjury ? WTF?

Perjury is lying while giving sworn testimony, dope. :laugh2:

Obama was testifying before the American people about the ACA. But that wasn't his only lie. He promised the most transparent administration ever, promised that people would be able to view legislation BEFORE passage- but instead had the ACA passed in the middle of the night where even Congress didn't know what was in it.

He lied, Obama was good at that, Gitmo and tax cuts repealed on the first day, a transparent administration, keep your doctor, keep your insurance, the seas started to recede. How can anyone believe the BS Obama spouted? I knew it was a lie, the left still can’t figure it out.
None of those are lies

Here is another link to all his lies.

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact
America gets along real well with sane countries like Israel , Poland, Hungary and Saudi Arabia.

Not to mention enlightened world leaders like Rod Duterte of the Philippine Republic.

Gee, you forgot Russia....what an oversight......:LOL:

...and then, libs, get blamed for being too close to despotic socialists???

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