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Perry Blew it, Romney leads, new gallop poll.

Go back to the poll. 22% WILL NOT VOTE for a Mormon. 22%.

But the brain dead people in Washington just keep ignoring this, and keep trying to shove Romney down our throats. And they'll be scratching their heads next year when Obama beats him easily.

Well name a few. Leading up to the 2008 election the same was said about Obama and the country not being ready for a black president. No third party came. The same was said in the election of 2000, no third party came. I even remember watching the third party debates on CSPAN, tell you what, it had ten times the depth of any political debate going on at the time. As for this Mormon thing, It means very little. 22% of any group means nothing to no one. A bigger number said they would not vote foe a black man or woman for president. Where you get that number any way ?

Not true.

In U.S., 22% Are Hesitant to Support a Mormon in 2012

The very same poll that said that 22% wouldn't vote for an LDS only recorded only about 5% of the population admitted they wouldn't vote for a black and 6% wouldn't vote for a woman. I personally think both numbers are probably a lot higher. But clearly, people feel comfortable enough with their disdain for Mormons they aren't afraid to tell pollsters.

Another point. I think a LOT of Americans are actually pretty unaware of how batshit crazy Mormon beliefs actually are. They've never heard of Blood Atonement, Being a god on your own world, Magic Underwear, etc.

The MSM won't tell us now, but watch. The minute Romney gets the nomination, they are going to do all sorts of exposes and documentaries on the Mormon faith.

On that I agree, if he gets the nomination all the stops will be pulled, But you left out some information that was presented in the poll there. If you are who I believe you are, then this is nothing new. Matter of fact, we should hear from AR or MarkL sometime soon. The thing is this, voters will not stick with Obama Just because Romney got the nomination (which he wont) and you left out the part in your poll where the 22% you are so fond of throwing around here (elsewhere if you are who I think you are) was about the same for Catholics at one time as well.
On that I agree, if he gets the nomination all the stops will be pulled, But you left out some information that was presented in the poll there. If you are who I believe you are, then this is nothing new. Matter of fact, we should hear from AR or MarkL sometime soon. The thing is this, voters will not stick with Obama Just because Romney got the nomination (which he wont) and you left out the part in your poll where the 22% you are so fond of throwing around here (elsewhere if you are who I think you are) was about the same for Catholics at one time as well.

First, I am me, I'm not anyone else. I don't get into personalities on boards, because, frankly, I'm more interested in what is being said than who is saying it. I don't know or care who AR or Mark are.

To the point, though, you guys keep brining up the JFK angle, but it doesn't work.

Yes, in 1959 there WERE 25% who said they wouldn't vote for a Catholic. It had declined to 18% in 1960 and by 1961 was down to 13%.

But here's the key point. At that time, Catholics represented 25% of the population in 1960. So for every Protestant not willing to vote for JFK because he was Catholic there was a Catholic willing to vote for him because he was.

There are only 6 million Mormons in the US, about 2% of the population. So they can't make up those numbers.

Second point- Everyone forgets how close 1960 actually was. The Democrats SHOULD have run away with that election- Young, Charismatic War hero JFK versus a guy who was known as "Dick". Even Eisenhower wasn't terribly fond of Nixon by 1960. To top it all off, there was a RECESSION going on, which should have made it a cinch for JFK to cream Nixon. A clear majority identified themselves as Democrats.

JFK only beat Nixon by 120,000 votes, or .2% of those cast. Only vote fraud in Chicago and Texas kept Nixon from eeking out a win in the Electoral College.

Now, again, I go back to the point I made the other night. Obama beat McCain by 12 million votes. Prospective Republican has to keep everyone McCain had and get 6 million of Obama's people to change their minds after admitting to themselves they screwed up.

A lot harder to do with a guy who isn't as Charsimatic as JFK, was a draft-dodging war coward, and belongs to a much smaller religion that is FAR Crazier.
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If Joe is right, then America is a bigoted country and deserves 4 more years of Obama.

Plain and simple.

Has it occured to your tiny little mind that some biases are justified?

Let's be honest, we'd never elect a Jehovah's Witness, a Rastafarian, a Scientologist, an Atheist or a Muslim to the highest office in the land. There is a whole list of religions that are so strange, so out of the mainstream that they can't get elected.

I'm an agnostic. I don't believe in ANY sky pixies. (and that's what God is. A sky Pixie you make wishes to.) But I'm enough of a realist that most of you are so terrified of death and the end of your linear existence, you'd never elect an atheist.

You don't want to touch my main point. Are you really trying to say that Mitt Romney, with his weird religion, lack of moral convictions, slimy business practices and overall fakeness, is the only person the GOP can come up with to face Obama? Seriously? Then maybe we don't deserve to win if the best we can come up with is the guy who came in third last time.

I never hear Romney supporters say, "This is why I am so thrilled to support Romney!" Their arguments are always couched in, "Well, he's just moderate enough to appeal to independents (despite the weird religion, etc.) to win." In short, you aren't thrilled with him, but you think you can get independents to get excited about him.

Obama's supporters WILL be excited about him. They will be looking for validation. It's human nature.

The kind of thinking that is propelling Romney is the kind of thinking that propelled McCain and Bob Dole. It's hoping the wind will be blowing in your direction because you can't generate your own power.
Their arguments are always couched in, "Well, he's just moderate enough to appeal to independents (despite the weird religion, etc.) to win."

You have NEVER heard me say that.

I support him because he is the right man for such fragile economic times. Just like I did in 2008 when the anti-Mormon hucksters threw their support to RINO McCain just to stop the more qualified and more conservative Romney from having a chance to win the nomination.

He was the right man then.

He is the right man now.

Now jump back on your lying bigoted train and do your best to submarine this election, but hopefully the rest of America is better than you are. If not, then yes we deserve 4 more years of Obama and worse.

I don't like the guy, but I really don't trust what the Mormon Cult would do if it ever got control of the country. The worst Obama can do in a second term is be even less effective than he is now.

And comparing a cult started by child molestors to the Catholic Church is kind of insulting to Catholics...

You need to go start a 3rd party for twisted, hateful, bigoted, anti-American fuckers like yourself. Your party symbol could be an asshole - your portrait will do as a model.

Lot's of people will vote third party if Romney's the nominee, and you'll be howling and screaming when Obama coasts to a second term.

Oh, if Romney's the nominee, I'll vote for Obama. I'll send him money and I'll campaign for him.

Well then, you must be one stupid idiot.

Mitt Romney as governor of Ma, went in with a state budget deficit of 3 billion dollars and at the end of his 4 year term created a 2 billion dollar SURPLUS, without raising taxes. That's a 5 billion dollar swing. He did this is a deep, deep blue state where they continually re-elect Barney Frank and John Kerry. He vetoed over 800 spending bills from a very liberal house of representatives and a state senate. He passed a health care bill designed to promote " personal responsibility," to account for a small percentage of people who could afford health care but chose to let the tax payer flip the bill. He has stated that he would have liked to change some things, but remember he had an overwhelming democrat majorities in both the house of representatives and the senate. He has stated REPEATEDLY that he would repeal Obamacare on his first day, I beleive it as he states that it is a state issue and not a federal one.

He is also one of the only candidates who has a grasp on what it takes to create jobs, he has created thousands in the private sector. He and Herman Cain have been job creators. Both spent most of their lives in the private sector, creating jobs, the rest have not.

What Mitt did with the olympics was miraculous, he took a failing project and turned it into one of the most successful and profitable olympics ever done. He did it. His work at Bain Capitol, rescuing companies from bankrupsty and turning them into profitable organizations is more than impressive.

Mitt's job plan, a real one, is detailed and complete. He understands business and what business needs in order to create opportunity and to grow this economy, create jobs and prosperity for all of us. He is also the ONLY candidate that understands our trade deficit and what is needed to keep China from stealing our jobs, ( we have lost 2.5 million to them) our product lines and keep them from manipulating their currency to favor the 'Chinese yet destroy us.

I would suggest that you read a little and quit with your one liners. You are looking very stupid and it shows big time.
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I don't like the guy, but I really don't trust what the Mormon Cult would do if it ever got control of the country. The worst Obama can do in a second term is be even less effective than he is now.

And comparing a cult started by child molestors to the Catholic Church is kind of insulting to Catholics...

You need to go start a 3rd party for twisted, hateful, bigoted, anti-American fuckers like yourself. Your party symbol could be an asshole - your portrait will do as a model.

Lot's of people will vote third party if Romney's the nominee, and you'll be howling and screaming when Obama coasts to a second term.

Oh, if Romney's the nominee, I'll vote for Obama. I'll send him money and I'll campaign for him.

Let's quit pretending you are a conservative, you voted for Obama last time, God could run and you would still be voting for Obama. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: What you have figured out is that the independent vote is breaking hard for Mitt Romney, that scares you, so you get on this thread and PRETEND to be a Republican. You are not you are an Obama supporter, always have been, and will still be no matter who the Republican nominee is.
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On that I agree, if he gets the nomination all the stops will be pulled, But you left out some information that was presented in the poll there. If you are who I believe you are, then this is nothing new. Matter of fact, we should hear from AR or MarkL sometime soon. The thing is this, voters will not stick with Obama Just because Romney got the nomination (which he wont) and you left out the part in your poll where the 22% you are so fond of throwing around here (elsewhere if you are who I think you are) was about the same for Catholics at one time as well.

First, I am me, I'm not anyone else. I don't get into personalities on boards, because, frankly, I'm more interested in what is being said than who is saying it. I don't know or care who AR or Mark are.

To the point, though, you guys keep brining up the JFK angle, but it doesn't work.

Yes, in 1959 there WERE 25% who said they wouldn't vote for a Catholic. It had declined to 18% in 1960 and by 1961 was down to 13%.

But here's the key point. At that time, Catholics represented 25% of the population in 1960. So for every Protestant not willing to vote for JFK because he was Catholic there was a Catholic willing to vote for him because he was.

There are only 6 million Mormons in the US, about 2% of the population. So they can't make up those numbers.

Second point- Everyone forgets how close 1960 actually was. The Democrats SHOULD have run away with that election- Young, Charismatic War hero JFK versus a guy who was known as "Dick". Even Eisenhower wasn't terribly fond of Nixon by 1960. To top it all off, there was a RECESSION going on, which should have made it a cinch for JFK to cream Nixon. A clear majority identified themselves as Democrats.

JFK only beat Nixon by 120,000 votes, or .2% of those cast. Only vote fraud in Chicago and Texas kept Nixon from eeking out a win in the Electoral College.

Now, again, I go back to the point I made the other night. Obama beat McCain by 12 million votes. Prospective Republican has to keep everyone McCain had and get 6 million of Obama's people to change their minds after admitting to themselves they screwed up.

A lot harder to do with a guy who isn't as Charsimatic as JFK, was a draft-dodging war coward, and belongs to a much smaller religion that is FAR Crazier.

Meh, you are entitled to your opinion. I have more faith in my countrymen then you I guess. As for you being the same guy I have seen on other boards posting the same anti Mormon stuff, I guess you have a familiar posting style, but I swear I have heard the exact same stuff.
so fume all day, man, it doesn't erase the fact. Polls show a Mormon can't win.

Oh yeah, just like they could never become Congressmen, Senators, Governors....

Face it, you are nothing but a stupid, bigoted shit. Good for you that you've managed to get the DNC to fund your hatred.

They become Governors, Senators, Congressmen because either they live in states with large LDS population, or because they don't get the scrutiny. .

Massachusetts does not have a large LDS population, and people scrutinize politics very closely.

You continue to be wrong, you bigoted piece of shit.
Well name a few. Leading up to the 2008 election the same was said about Obama and the country not being ready for a black president. No third party came. The same was said in the election of 2000, no third party came. I even remember watching the third party debates on CSPAN, tell you what, it had ten times the depth of any political debate going on at the time. As for this Mormon thing, It means very little. 22% of any group means nothing to no one. A bigger number said they would not vote foe a black man or woman for president. Where you get that number any way ?

Not true.

In U.S., 22% Are Hesitant to Support a Mormon in 2012

The very same poll that said that 22% wouldn't vote for an LDS only recorded only about 5% of the population admitted they wouldn't vote for a black and 6% wouldn't vote for a woman. I personally think both numbers are probably a lot higher. But clearly, people feel comfortable enough with their disdain for Mormons they aren't afraid to tell pollsters.

Another point. I think a LOT of Americans are actually pretty unaware of how batshit crazy Mormon beliefs actually are. They've never heard of Blood Atonement, Being a god on your own world, Magic Underwear, etc.

The MSM won't tell us now, but watch. The minute Romney gets the nomination, they are going to do all sorts of exposes and documentaries on the Mormon faith.

On that I agree, if he gets the nomination all the stops will be pulled, But you left out some information that was presented in the poll there. If you are who I believe you are, then this is nothing new. Matter of fact, we should hear from AR or MarkL sometime soon. The thing is this, voters will not stick with Obama Just because Romney got the nomination (which he wont) and you left out the part in your poll where the 22% you are so fond of throwing around here (elsewhere if you are who I think you are) was about the same for Catholics at one time as well.

Oh, I think that Romney will win and if you can show me a better financial record ANYWHERE from any candidate be they Republican or Democrat, I will be glad to read it. But, I think it would be wise for you nay-sayers to first know the record before you speak your opinion, because everyone has one, but some don't have an educated one. Reading and researching is a good thing for all to do. Read this-it's short, brief, but educational:

Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not true.

In U.S., 22% Are Hesitant to Support a Mormon in 2012

The very same poll that said that 22% wouldn't vote for an LDS only recorded only about 5% of the population admitted they wouldn't vote for a black and 6% wouldn't vote for a woman. I personally think both numbers are probably a lot higher. But clearly, people feel comfortable enough with their disdain for Mormons they aren't afraid to tell pollsters.

Another point. I think a LOT of Americans are actually pretty unaware of how batshit crazy Mormon beliefs actually are. They've never heard of Blood Atonement, Being a god on your own world, Magic Underwear, etc.

The MSM won't tell us now, but watch. The minute Romney gets the nomination, they are going to do all sorts of exposes and documentaries on the Mormon faith.

On that I agree, if he gets the nomination all the stops will be pulled, But you left out some information that was presented in the poll there. If you are who I believe you are, then this is nothing new. Matter of fact, we should hear from AR or MarkL sometime soon. The thing is this, voters will not stick with Obama Just because Romney got the nomination (which he wont) and you left out the part in your poll where the 22% you are so fond of throwing around here (elsewhere if you are who I think you are) was about the same for Catholics at one time as well.

Oh, I think that Romney will win and if you can show me a better financial record ANYWHERE from any candidate be they Republican or Democrat, I will be glad to read it. But, I think it would be wise for you nay-sayers to first know the record before you speak your opinion, because everyone has one, but some don't have an educated one. Reading and researching is a good thing for all to do. Read this-it's short, brief, but educational:

Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Romney is the son of George W. Romney (the former Governor of Michigan) and Lenore Romney. He was raised in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan and then served as a Mormon missionary in France. He received his undergraduate degree from Brigham Young University, and thereafter earned Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration joint degrees from Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School. Romney entered the management consulting business which led to a position at Bain & Company, eventually serving as its CEO to lead it out of crisis. He was also co-founder and head of the spin-off company Bain Capital, a private equity investment firm which became highly profitable and one of the largest such firms in the nation, and the wealth Romney accumulated there would help fund all of his future political campaigns. He ran as the Republican candidate in the 1994 U.S. Senate election in Massachusetts but lost to incumbent Ted Kennedy. Romney organized and steered the 2002 Winter Olympics as President and CEO of the Salt Lake Organizing Committee, and helped turn the troubled Games into a financial success.

Next- you might try reading his job's plan a long and detailed one, but long and detailed is what this country needs because it has taken us a long time to get into the crisis we are in now. We absolutely need a successful business man to lead us out of this recession ( depression to many) that the socialist/ marist ( Obama) has put us in and will keep us in should he be re-elected.
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Their arguments are always couched in, "Well, he's just moderate enough to appeal to independents (despite the weird religion, etc.) to win."

You have NEVER heard me say that.

I support him because he is the right man for such fragile economic times. Just like I did in 2008 when the anti-Mormon hucksters threw their support to RINO McCain just to stop the more qualified and more conservative Romney from having a chance to win the nomination.

He was the right man then.

He is the right man now.

Now jump back on your lying bigoted train and do your best to submarine this election, but hopefully the rest of America is better than you are. If not, then yes we deserve 4 more years of Obama and worse.

ooooh, that's even a stupider line of reasoning.

Seriously, you're going with that?

Romney's economic history is fucking over working people to make rich people richer. As Huckabee said about him devastatingly, "He looks like the guy who lays you off!" Romney's America is one where we don't have a middle class.

Seriously, if I were Obama, I would LOVE to run against Romney on that basis. Let's do exactly what Ted Kennedy did in 1994, show some commercials with shuttered AmPad plants and ex-AmPad workers who lost good union wages.

Sadly, that is the mentality of the people in the GOP establishment, that this is just peachy, and if we can get a guy who can say "Jay-zus" convincingly, we can fool the stupids into voting against their own economic interests. The problem is, Mitt's version of Jay-zus isn't the one the rest of them worship, which is why they are never going to be able to foist this guy on the country.
On that I agree, if he gets the nomination all the stops will be pulled, But you left out some information that was presented in the poll there. If you are who I believe you are, then this is nothing new. Matter of fact, we should hear from AR or MarkL sometime soon. The thing is this, voters will not stick with Obama Just because Romney got the nomination (which he wont) and you left out the part in your poll where the 22% you are so fond of throwing around here (elsewhere if you are who I think you are) was about the same for Catholics at one time as well.

Oh, I think that Romney will win and if you can show me a better financial record ANYWHERE from any candidate be they Republican or Democrat, I will be glad to read it. But, I think it would be wise for you nay-sayers to first know the record before you speak your opinion, because everyone has one, but some don't have an educated one. Reading and researching is a good thing for all to do. Read this-it's short, brief, but educational:

Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Romney is the son of George W. Romney (the former Governor of Michigan) and Lenore Romney. He was raised in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan and then served as a Mormon missionary in France. He received his undergraduate degree from Brigham Young University, and thereafter earned Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration joint degrees from Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School. Romney entered the management consulting business which led to a position at Bain & Company, eventually serving as its CEO to lead it out of crisis. He was also co-founder and head of the spin-off company Bain Capital, a private equity investment firm which became highly profitable and one of the largest such firms in the nation, and the wealth Romney accumulated there would help fund all of his future political campaigns. He ran as the Republican candidate in the 1994 U.S. Senate election in Massachusetts but lost to incumbent Ted Kennedy. Romney organized and steered the 2002 Winter Olympics as President and CEO of the Salt Lake Organizing Committee, and helped turn the troubled Games into a financial success.

Next- you might try reading his job's plan a long and detailed one, but long and detailed is what this country needs because it has taken us a long time to get into the crisis we are in now. We absolutely need a successful business man to lead us out of this recession ( depression to many) that the socialist/ marist ( Obama) has put us in and will keep us in should he be re-elected.

Romney was an outstanding investor.
Oh yeah, just like they could never become Congressmen, Senators, Governors....

Face it, you are nothing but a stupid, bigoted shit. Good for you that you've managed to get the DNC to fund your hatred.

They become Governors, Senators, Congressmen because either they live in states with large LDS population, or because they don't get the scrutiny. .

Massachusetts does not have a large LDS population, and people scrutinize politics very closely.

You continue to be wrong, you bigoted piece of shit.

Well, let's look at that. Romney spent 7 million of his own money, was running unopposed for the GOP nomination, and ran against a complete non-entity on teh Democratic side in 2002. It was a year when Republicans had a very good year, retaking the senate, gaining seats in the House and picking up key governorships. 9/11 had cowed the Democrats into supporting Bush, and Democrats were demoralized.

And in this election, Mitt Romney only got 49% of the vote. That was it. When the 2006 election loomed, polls showed him trailing Devall Patrick by double digits. People wanted to bounce him out in the worst way.

Learn to apply some reasoned analysis, guy. Romney has lost far more elections than he's won. He's to politics what the Chicago Cubs are to Baseball, and unlike the Cubs, he isn't a loveable loser.

He's just some weird Mormon Robot.
Meh, you are entitled to your opinion. I have more faith in my countrymen then you I guess. As for you being the same guy I have seen on other boards posting the same anti Mormon stuff, I guess you have a familiar posting style, but I swear I have heard the exact same stuff.

I'm sure you have... Lots of people HATE Mormons for a good reason.

I didn't post "an opinion". I posted a detailed analysis why the JFK comparison was completely full of shit, where you didn't address the point. In short, you made a stupid statement, and I slapped you down... so you change the subject. Thanks for doing that.
Let's quit pretending you are a conservative, you voted for Obama last time, God could run and you would still be voting for Obama. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: What you have figured out is that the independent vote is breaking hard for Mitt Romney, that scares you, so you get on this thread and PRETEND to be a Republican. You are not you are an Obama supporter, always have been, and will still be no matter who the Republican nominee is.

Now, guy, you don't know who I voted for in 2008. (I voted for McCain because he wasn't Romney. Being "not Romney" will be my primary voting thing this year, too.) So you are being dishonest claiming to know things you don't. They'll never teach you the secret handshake to get into heaven like that.

The independent vote isn't "Breaking" for Romney. In fact, most polls show Romney and Perry running about the same against Obama, slightly behind him and lots of undecided. And again, this is before the Mainstream Media does stories like "Latter Day Saints- Menace or Threat" stories.

This is how this is likely to play out. The GOP establishment will foist Romney on the voters, by attacking anyone who runs against him. Tea Partiers and Evangelicals will be massively unenthused. Some will vote for him, some will stay home, some will vote for Obama, some will find a worthy third party to vote for.

The end result is that Obama will do better than he did in 2008. He'll take Missouri this time. Go to Missouri and find out how they feel about Mormons down there.

I guess I have always been confused about this aspect of Republicans. "Hey, remember that LOSER from the last election cycle? The guy who came in third? Yeah, let's nominate HIM!"
Oh, I think that Romney will win and if you can show me a better financial record ANYWHERE from any candidate be they Republican or Democrat, I will be glad to read it. But, I think it would be wise for you nay-sayers to first know the record before you speak your opinion, because everyone has one, but some don't have an educated one. Reading and researching is a good thing for all to do. Read this-it's short, brief, but educational:

Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Romney's financial record has been screwing working folks to make himself richer. That's a GIFT for Obama.

As much as people like Amelia and Puketore scream about 'anti-Mormon "bigotry" from Huckabee, the most damning thing that Huck said about Romney was "I look like the guy you work with, he looks like the guy who lays you off."

The GOP is not going to win unless it makes inroads amongst working people, and a guy who blurts out things like "Corporations are people, too, my friend" aren't the guy. (Watch, if Romney's the nominee, wait for Obama to play the shit out of that quote.)

The GOP also needs to make inroads into the minority vote. That's not going to be easy with a guy like Romney whose religion holds that Dark skin is a curse from God, and denied blacks membership in their church until 1978. (Hell bells, Strom Thrumond had black staffers by 1978!)

It's almost like the GOP establishment got into a room and said, "Man, we got a pretty good chance to beat Obama. How do we possibly muck that up? I know, let's nominate the weird Mormon Robot. He came in third last time."
And then there's this...

Mitt Romney to report raising up to $13 million, lower than previous quarter and 2008 pace - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe - Boston.com

WASHINGTON – Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney is on pace to raise between $11 million and $13 million for the latest fund-raising quarter, a haul that would be much lower than the $18.2 million haul he brought in during the previous three months, according to a source familiar with the campaign’s finances.

Romney aides have predicted that his top campaign rival – Texas Governor Rick Perry – will raise more than he will, even though Perry has been in the race for only six weeks.

But it appears that Romney will be behind the pace that he set during his first presidential campaign, in 2008, when the former Massachusetts governor was relatively unknown on the national stage and was competing with a strong field of fundraisers.

So, gee, Amelia and Maple, why aren't the rich people as enthusiastic about Romney this time?
Meh, you are entitled to your opinion. I have more faith in my countrymen then you I guess. As for you being the same guy I have seen on other boards posting the same anti Mormon stuff, I guess you have a familiar posting style, but I swear I have heard the exact same stuff.

I'm sure you have... Lots of people HATE Mormons for a good reason.

I didn't post "an opinion". I posted a detailed analysis why the JFK comparison was completely full of shit, where you didn't address the point. In short, you made a stupid statement, and I slapped you down... so you change the subject. Thanks for doing that.

No you did not. What you did is post the exact same stuff you got kicked off town hall for posting. Actually, it was because you had multiple accounts and would debate your self. Even got caught lying about being in the army or marines or something and basically laughed out of the place. So how many user names you have here ?
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