Perry To Pelosi: I want to debate you...Pelosi says no thanks


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2009
Pelosi mocks Perry’s debate request - 2chambers - The Washington Post

Pelosi said:
“Well, he did ask if I could debate here in Washington on Monday. It is my understanding that the letter has come in,” Pelosi said. “Monday, I’m going to be in Portland in the morning. I’m going to be visiting some of our labs in California in the afternoon. That’s two. I can’t remember what the third thing is.”

[ame=]Pelosi Declines Rick Perry's Debate Proposal - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Nancy Pelosi too busy to debate Rick Perry - YouTube[/ame]
Pelosi mocks Perry’s debate request - 2chambers - The Washington Post

Pelosi said:
“Well, he did ask if I could debate here in Washington on Monday. It is my understanding that the letter has come in,” Pelosi said. “Monday, I’m going to be in Portland in the morning. I’m going to be visiting some of our labs in California in the afternoon. That’s two. I can’t remember what the third thing is.”

[ame=]Pelosi Declines Rick Perry's Debate Proposal - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Nancy Pelosi too busy to debate Rick Perry - YouTube[/ame]

Democrats throw fits when challenged on merits and facts.

They would much rather lie and hide from debate.
Why would Perry make such a weird request? Why would Pelosi ever want to do this? Theres nothing to gain by doing this. Weird.
Why would Perry make such a weird request? Why would Pelosi ever want to do this? Theres nothing to gain by doing this. Weird.

Perry would make this request because he needs more traction with his republican primary voters and this both gives him media air time and, if pelosi said yes, a chance to play up to the base.

Pelosi has nothing to gain and no reason to do it.
Pelosi mocks Perry’s debate request - 2chambers - The Washington Post

Pelosi said:
“Well, he did ask if I could debate here in Washington on Monday. It is my understanding that the letter has come in,” Pelosi said. “Monday, I’m going to be in Portland in the morning. I’m going to be visiting some of our labs in California in the afternoon. That’s two. I can’t remember what the third thing is.”

[ame=]Pelosi Declines Rick Perry's Debate Proposal - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Nancy Pelosi too busy to debate Rick Perry - YouTube[/ame]

Perry's running for Congress? :lol:
Democrats throw fits when challenged on merits and facts.

They would much rather lie and hide from debate.

Perry has facts? Do you think he'd remember them by the time the debate rolled around? :lol:
This sort of thing really illustrates what a joke the Republican party has become.
Pewrry knew she would say no and now he's going to make "hay" about it. Perry has some terrible ideas. That is why he's in the place he is.
This makes zero sense.....Well unless Perry wanted to blast her for the insider trading thing, therefore looking strong with the rightwingers....

But um yeah who cares.

Don't think they want to get too deep into that. I have a feeling that would tar everybody. Good for us, but I don't see them volunteering info. Perry's probably being taken to the woodshed right now, if that was his agenda.
Perry To Pelosi: I want to debate you...Pelosi says no thanks
I would usualy always take the side of a person offering a debate, like Saddam Hussein who wanted to debate Bush, or Gadaffi who wanted to debate Obama, but in this case I just have to tell a related story: my rooster wanted to debate my duck. the duck said no...
This sort of thing really illustrates what a joke the Republican party has become.
Whereas Obama and G.E. illustrate what a joke the Democrat party has become.

That would make an interesting debate Perry vs. Pelosi, looks like they have about he same double digit I.Q.
This sort of thing really illustrates what a joke the Republican party has become.
Whereas Obama and G.E. illustrate what a joke the Democrat party has become.

That would make an interesting debate Perry vs. Pelosi, looks like they have about he same double digit I.Q.

I find the republican focus on GE laughable, given all the other corporations they skip over and their absolute refusal to close loopholes.

And Pelosi is infinitely more of a gifted politician then Perry. And much more articulate.

Perry's a fucking joke.
Perry To Pelosi: I want to debate you...Pelosi says no thanks
I would usualy always take the side of a person offering a debate, like Saddam Hussein who wanted to debate Bush, or Gadaffi who wanted to debate Obama, but in this case I just have to tell a related story: my rooster wanted to debate my duck. the duck said no...

Were you trying to make a point or were you just practicing posting?
Were you trying to make a point or were you just practicing posting?
I was trying to make a point, that Rick Perry means no more to America then my rooster, even if he gets elected, because special interests LIKE meaningless POTUSES who keep things the same
He asked KNOWING FULL WELL she would say no.

He did it so right wing fools could claim she was "scared" to debate the worst debator in presidential election debates history.
He asked KNOWING FULL WELL she would say no.

He did it so right wing fools could claim she was "scared" to debate the worst debator in presidential election debates history.

No it was two things.

1 a way to save his sorry ass.

Two It is always easy to point out the cowardess of democrats. Last election they were instructed to not discuss accomplishments.

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