Persian Folk-Tale: An OPEC Parody [Genie-Trump]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is an OPEC-yarn inspired by Ishtar.

Signing off,



As commerce-minded U.S. President Donald Trump prepared for his monumental meeting with OPEC and North Korea ahead of the G7 Summit, he reflected on the long history of political negotiations between kingdoms, warrior-clans, nation-states, and capitalist societies. He remembered the Cold War and the Gulf War. He recounted the War of 1812 and the rivalry between Elizabeth and Mary. Yes, Trump was feeling very 'evaluative.'


Meanwhile, in the Middle East, OPEC nations were talking about renewable energy to deal with the modern problem of overuse of fossil-fuels and industrial pollution. They liked wind-energy and biomass fuels, and Algeria had already begun developing impressive wind-farms. The representatives of OPEC wanted to talk with Trump about the 'economics' of new age idealism and the reality of industrial waste.


A Middle Eastern superhero named Sharif-Flame [SF] wanted to tackle a corrupt American superhero named Green Lantern [GL] who was actually the Hollywood (USA) super-celebrity Tom Cruise. SF wanted to talk with GL about America's lack of concern regarding industrial waste and the ravenous use of fossil fuels, so that America would 'kick-start' the global community's interests in eco-friendly renewable energy. However, when SF approached GL and revealed himself to him, GL only wanted to know if he could date a beautiful Middle Eastern damsel! SF acted amused, but he was secretly enraged.


Nevertheless, GL kept his promise and advised various actors and film-producers to explore eco-conscious films and present stories about the need for more renewable energy in the modern global market. Then, GL went to talk to President Trump personally about the shifts in eco-policy and what it might mean for negotiations between America and OPEC. Trump, however, was busy at the moment thinking about North Korea's nuclear-missiles and asked GL to continue his research into movie-marketing, so GL went ahead and continued doing that.


An Algerian-American radical living in California named Ajay Satan caught wind of all this 'renewable energy' eco-intrigue and decided to plan an eco-terrorist attack on MGM Studios. Ajay dressed up like an office-worker carrying a large package which obviously resembled skis and placed the package on the footsteps of the main office of MGM Studios and left it there for it to leak out this very noxious fume which made everyone gag (but it wasn't poisonous). Ajay then sent an anonymous note to the LA Post, which read, "Invest in renewables, or Earth will literally stink."


After this deed, Ajay then donned an eccentric vigilante-costume for Halloween Eve and paraded through the streets of LA (Figueroa, etc.) carrying smoke-bombs which he liberally set-off and then said through his megaphone, "The American city has become a smoke-pipe." Ajay then fled to Algeria and retired and began writing a novel titled Becoming Human: Renewables in the Age of Democracy. It would eventually win him the Nobel Prize.


Ajay Satan inspired comic book writers for G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero to pen stories about female patriots tackling female terrorists over the issue of renewables. The female-warriors wanted to send the message that creating eco-efficient policies translated to a more 'fertile' planet for all humans, and readers loved it!. The comic book series was being planned into a full-length big-budget Hollywood (USA) movie titled Femme-Renew (directed by Michael Bay and starring Emily Blunt, Jennifer Connelly, and Aishwarya Rai). Even President Trump was excited.


TRUMP: We want voters to care about petroleum.
CARTER: Modern-day citizens are concerned about pollution and waste.
TRUMP: I know they're interested in renewables, but we keep pace with OPEC.
CARTER: Yes, well, Algeria is way ahead of America in wind-energy development.
TRUMP: I know that; that's why I continued to work with energy policy related matters.
CARTER: What will become of Third World nations who don't have funds?
TRUMP: They'll need to look into affordable renewables such as biomass.
CARTER: Hmm, CNN can do a survey of American men --- "Are Muslim women attractive?"
TRUMP: Such a survey could cause a stir; especially since many think I'm racist.
CARTER: Well, your Muslim-immigration limit policy suggestion was very controversial!
TRUMP: I only wanted to calm people down panicking after 9/11.
CARTER: Right; you wanted to assure them that Muslim-traffic is on everyone's mind...
TRUMP: Precisely; but the media has demonized me as some 'racist capitalist fat-cat.'
CARTER: Well, we'll see how CNN presents stories about 'TrumpUSA pragmatism.'
TRUMP: I remember a simpler time when we made harmless stupid statements.
CARTER: Sure; e.g., "Persian women living in America are oddly lovely!"
TRUMP: Sometimes, I wish I was a genie...



{Do you find Middle Eastern women attractive? Jerry Springer wants to know!}


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