Personal finance

Well, in case you haven't noticed, I'm an insider who is also an outsider. Look how Winco mocks my profession. HE teaches the important subjects but apparently cannot read for comprehension nor inference.

I believe--and hope--that it has always made me a little more sympathetic to kids who just don't "do school" well. People like Winco also feel I am not really "school". Well, screw that anyway. In many ways, school sucks.
I'm not sure why you think like you do.
My best Middle School Geometry class was loaded with Band Kids.
All the best band students took advanced band or jazz band and that was only offered ONE period. So all those students were automatically grouped together.
That meant that these wonderful students all got grouped together in advanced math, ie Geometry.

After I retired from the 7-3 teaching job, I continued my part time job of 7 years, which is enrolling HS dropouts back into the system, and offering them a way to earn their GED or get credit retrieval. These student had previously dropped out of school, both traditional and alternative. This is different. No bells, no specific schedule, but they must meet requirements.

Many of these students are outcasts, or looked down upon because they are different. Some trans, some gay, some with child, ALL are welcome and most succeed, because they were given a 2nd alternative and a chance. Many are working full time and this gives them a chance to work AND get their GED or Diploma.

Sorry Sue that you think I'm a ghoul and a miserable teacher.
You still say you live in Lynden.
You should have an idea how the schools are doing.

The Blaine Borderites, how is their public school system?

Oh, and ESL.......English as a Second Language.
Lynden zip code, but actually live in Meridian school district, several miles south of Lynden. At 72 yo and no kids or grand-kids involved with Lynden school district, it's low on my attention priority list.
Blaine seems about as good as many in this state, maybe a bit better.
Do you want to cut ELA, Science, Math, History, Foreign Languages, Phys Ed?
Hey shithead, ever hear of electives?
No need to "cut" any courses, you just change one elective slot to a one quarter required basic economics and personal finances class.
If you are this obtuse you obviously are not really a "teacher", just another troll.
Check book? This is not 1985.
If they have a checking account, they still need to know how to read the balance sheet and do the math of deposits and withdrawals. It's basic applied math to a real world situation. Not everyone has internet access or wants to do their banking online.
Hell, most young people can't figure how to make change without the cash register telling them how much.
Consumer economics is a graduation requirement at our local high school
Should be at every high school.
But then there are increasing numbers of high schools giving diplomas and the students don't need to even read or do math at a sixth grade level, so go figure.
Hey shithead, ever hear of electives?
No need to "cut" any courses, you just change one elective slot...

Which would make the course changed to also an elective. You know, credits, graduation, etc.? You clearly haven't thought it through.
Which would make the course changed to also an elective. You know, credits, graduation, etc.? You clearly haven't thought it through.
It means one period out of say six in a day, in one quarter/semester has an elective slot, like music, art, basket weaving, etc. replaced with the personal finance and economic basics required class. For one credit out of the dozens needed to graduate.
Thanks for showing you aren't really a teacher and know squat about education/schooling.
It means one period out of say six in a day, in one quarter/semester has an elective slot, like music, art, basket weaving, etc. replaced with the personal finance and economic basics required class. For one credit out of the dozens needed to graduate.
Thanks for showing you aren't really a teacher and know squat about education/schooling.

Thanks for showing you have NO idea about how schedules are made and credits needed for graduation. YOU are playing ignorant little imagination games, dumbass.
Lynden zip code, but actually live in Meridian school district, several miles south of Lynden. At 72 yo and no kids or grand-kids involved with Lynden school district, it's low on my attention priority list.
Blaine seems about as good as many in this state, maybe a bit better.

Should be at every high school.
But then there are increasing numbers of high schools giving diplomas and the students don't need to even read or do math at a sixth grade level, so go figure.
You say you are not involved, it's low on your attention priority list, YET you claim, without EVER entering a HS classroom, that students are given diplomas even though they read or do math at a 6th grade level.

This simply isn't true of schools in the PNW.
Maybe inner city schools like Chicago or Baltimore, but NOT in the PNW.

Many adults over 40 can't count back change either, so this isn't anything new.

Just like many here claim that schools don't have shop, (wood or metal) or FFA, simply isn't true in WA State. WA State has all of these.
You say you are not involved, it's low on your attention priority list, YET you claim, without EVER entering a HS classroom, that students are given diplomas even though they read or do math at a 6th grade level.

This simply isn't true of schools in the PNW.
Maybe inner city schools like Chicago or Baltimore, but NOT in the PNW.

Many adults over 40 can't count back change either, so this isn't anything new.

Just like many here claim that schools don't have shop, (wood or metal) or FFA, simply isn't true in WA State. WA State has all of these.
So do and some don't. Best get around the state a bit more.
Reminds me of this advert I hear often on the radio about help with student loans. One of the "actors" says something to the effect, "I thought they wouldn't loan me more (money for college) than I could pay back." So many layers of dufus and stupid in that statement, but main one is how did he even qualify for collage when it sounds like he shouldn't have passed high school? At least back in the 1960s when I went through such we were taught between than now five decades later.
Tell me you didn't misspell College as Collage while complaining about layers of dufus and stupid and passing HS.

Yup, you did that, and I expect some kind of lame excuse to follow.
Just like many here claim that schools don't have shop, (wood or metal) or FFA, simply isn't true in WA State. WA State has all of these.

So do and some don't. Best get around the state a bit more.
Sure pal.
Which school(s) did you teach in?
You're one of those, 'I live near a school, so I'm an expert on education,' guys.

Of course some do and some don't,
I said WA State has all of these.
I didn't say EVERY WA State school has ALL of these.
Best you stop telling me to get around the State a bit more.
Tell me you didn't misspell College as Collage while complaining about layers of dufus and stupid and passing HS.

Yup, you did that, and I expect some kind of lame excuse to follow.
Failure to proof read and typo. But only Libturds pick nit over trivial matters.
Sure pal.
Which school(s) did you teach in?
You're one of those, 'I live near a school, so I'm an expert on education,' guys.

Of course some do and some don't,
I said WA State has all of these.
I didn't say EVERY WA State school has ALL of these.
Best you stop telling me to get around the State a bit more.
Best you learn to communicate more precisely.
I graduated in this state about 54 years ago.
Wife and I between us raised five kids whom went to school in this state.
Of our 13 grandkids, nine are being educated in this state.

If you understood my earlier post, I retaught at home to my children and grands what the education system botched on.

One example, about ten years back when my oldest was using his G.I. Bill to do college, they required he and all other students redo basic level English Comp. and math/Algebra that should be done in high school, but isn't done well enough. Hence every one has to redo it again.

I guess you mean the people from Fairhaven.
Like many of them you lack courage and balls to make public your bona fides. And likely exaggerate and embellish.
When click on the "About" part of your Profile page here;
"This member limits who may view their full profile."
It's usually the pseudo-liberal whom can't be open and honest on what they are.

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