Perverts! FBI Searched Melania’s Wardrobe

I wouldn't know about Adolf and his penis. That's your department, remember? You are the one fantasizing about him.

So, lots of wet dreams about der Fuhrer, eh? You nasty little Nazi. What's next? Go out to paint swastikas on Synagogues?
Carve swastikas on the naked asses of slaves and their democrat handlers! 🙄
Whatever I could do to hurt democrats I would. If I knew a secret I would tell it. If I knew of an act, I would conceal it. If I knew an agent, I would hide him, Nazi,Taliban, random white supremacist terrorist, it doesn't matter. Nasty little nazi is actually putting my hatred of democrats mildly. Compared to democrats nazis were kings on earth.
Never happened. Boy, are you gullible. There was not even one case of a racist policeman shooting any of those black crime suspects resisting arrest. Not one. Read the conclusion of the local, state and federal investigations, and grand jury reports.

You were obviously fooled by the repetitive use of "black suspect" and "white cop" in misleading news reports and from the lying lips of racist BLM ilk.
What the fuck do you think an FBI raid means? Do you think they come by drink coffee, politely ask permission to check your shelves, and call it a day?

Man, have you idiots watched any procedural tv shows in the last 20 years?
You loons are now calling it anything but a raid. Lol
You said: "You've got to wonder where the hate for the cops was when they were gunning down black folks left and right a few years back with near complete impunity."

One incident would not be "gunning black folks down left and right a few years back..." There is no evidence of racism in this case. You completed that sentence with "...with near complete impunity." This officer was quickly arrested and charged. He was also quickly fired from his job as a policemen. He was tried in court under state and federal charges, convicted and sentenced to 20 years in prison. That is not impunity. And this was an unusual case where the officer was guilty of using unreasonable force.

I'm curious why you picked this lesser known case. It does not support your earlier statement but that picture does suggest it. You know that what I said is true: "There was not even one case of a racist policeman shooting any of those black crime suspects resisting arrest. Not one. Read the conclusion of the local, state and federal investigations, and grand jury reports."

This case is probably the best choice for you, though, because of the picture and the fact the policeman was wrong. But no racism, no pattern of racist cops and the officer was held accountable.

Also, before that picture, the suspect had assaulted the policeman, had been tased and had taser wires attached to him. The suspect physically put both the officer and himself on the ground in a struggle and had knocked the taser from his hand and to the ground before fleeing.

Still, the officer was convicted because the suspect was no longer attacking him when shot.

The point I made still stands. Most people were deceived into believing police were shooting black suspects because of their race, which was not true, and in the other highly publicized shooting cases the officers acted appropriately.
You said: "You've got to wonder where the hate for the cops was when they were gunning down black folks left and right a few years back with near complete impunity."

One incident would not be "gunning black folks down left and right a few years back..." There is no evidence of racism in this case. You completed that sentence with "...with near complete impunity." This officer was quickly arrested and charged. He was also quickly fired from his job as a policemen. He was tried in court under state and federal charges, convicted and sentenced to 20 years in prison. That is not impunity. And this was an unusual case where the officer was guilty of using unreasonable force.

I'm curious why you picked this lesser known case. It does not support your earlier statement but that picture does suggest it. You know that what I said is true: "There was not even one case of a racist policeman shooting any of those black crime suspects resisting arrest. Not one. Read the conclusion of the local, state and federal investigations, and grand jury reports."

This case is probably the best choice for you, though, because of the picture and the fact the policeman was wrong. But no racism, no pattern of racist cops and the officer was held accountable.

Also, before that picture, the suspect had assaulted the policeman, had been tased and had taser wires attached to him. The suspect physically put both the officer and himself on the ground in a struggle and had knocked the taser from his hand and to the ground before fleeing.

Still, the officer was convicted because the suspect was no longer attacking him when shot.

The point I made still stands. Most people were deceived into believing police were shooting black suspects because of their race, which was not true, and in the other highly publicized shooting cases the officers acted appropriately.
And nearly every trump supporter on this board rushed to the cop's defense. You guys crave violence. If it happens against a black person, in your view, all the better.

The only point you have is one you cover when you wear a hat.
And nearly every trump supporter on this board rushed to the cop's defense. You guys crave violence. If it happens against a black person, in your view, all the better.

The only point you have is one you cover when you wear a hat.
You are wrong again, but for a different reason this time. I'm not a Trump supporter. I despise him. I didn't vote for him in 2016 or 2020, and won't vote for him in 2024 if he's the candidate.

I'm also not a Republican nor a conservative. I'm an independent voter who mostly voted for moderate Democrats, including Obama and Clinton (an anti-Trump vote. I dislike her).

So, don't jump to conclusions. My only interest is in the Truth and that's why I take on the difficult challenges like mass deception about 'racist cops' we've been talking about. Just like I did that Walter Scott case, I take the time to learn the facts and truth of matters. I always have a search tab open where I verify facts, sources, definitions and history.

Though what I say sometimes sounds unlikey, that's why I say it. Someone needs to speak the truth without fear of peer pressure. That's how false narratives spread — they mostly go unchallenged. I'm not afraid to go against conventional 'wisdom' or to be ostracized. I'll be blunt, even if my view is unpopular.
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And nearly every trump supporter on this board rushed to the cop's defense. You guys crave violence.
Only for about 35 years, I think, have policemen been charged for shooting fleeing suspects. Before that, a suspect assaulting a cop then trying to flee was often shot. Crime suspects were not allowed to not comply to police orders and escape. A Supreme Court decision made around 1985 ruled that if the officer's life or the life of others was not in danger from a runner they could not shoot them.

So, a lot of people grew up with the understanding of the earlier way.

You guys crave violence. If it happens against a black person, in your view, all the better.
Black people are by far the most violent segment of society. Blacks commit violent crimes at six-times the rate of white people. Not even close.

Most homicides (and violent assaults and armed robberies) are committed by just 6% of the US population — black males.

Keep it real, candycorn.
I'm also not a Republican nor a conservative. I'm an independent voter who mostly voted for moderate Democrats, including Obama and Clinton
We'll see how your posting defines you as we go.

I apologize for jumping to conclusions.

Don't you think it's strange how white mass murderers seem to survive their carnage (unless they kill themselves) vs blacks who get shot in the back from 20 feet away because they "pose a threat" though? Let alone the Amber Guyger case...10 whole years for killing a black man in his own home.
Carve swastikas on the naked asses of slaves and their democrat handlers! 🙄
Whatever I could do to hurt democrats I would. If I knew a secret I would tell it. If I knew of an act, I would conceal it. If I knew an agent, I would hide him, Nazi,Taliban, random white supremacist terrorist, it doesn't matter. Nasty little nazi is actually putting my hatred of democrats mildly. Compared to democrats nazis were kings on earth.
Of course, you would. That's what Nazis do. Carve swastikas and gas Jews. Thanks for proving my point.

So, tell us more about your fantasy of having a threesome with Adolf and Himmler.
LOL, indeed. What is funnier than your orange douche bag thinking he was above the law? Now he knows that his ass belongs in jail. :auiqs.jpg:
Let's see a week and a half later. He is still free, and the raid has got him more popular. A friend off mine said he wouldn't vote for Trump again, but after that raid. He will vote for him if he runs.
Let's see a week and a half later. He is still free, and the raid has got him more popular. A friend off mine said he wouldn't vote for Trump again, but after that raid. He will vote for him if he runs.
What country do you think this is? Nazi Germany? We don't throw anyone in prison without due process. It will take much much longer than that for justice to do its thing.

Maybe even never. But so what? Just because OJ never went to prison for the specific crime of murder, does not make him any less of a murderer.

So too with your orange douche bag. Let me know if you are still confused.
What country do you think this is? Nazi Germany? We don't throw anyone in prison without due process. It will take much much longer than that for justice to do its thing.

Maybe even never. But so what? Just because OJ never went to prison for the specific crime of murder, does not make him any less of a murderer.

So too with your orange douche bag. Let me know if you are still confused.
Get your pussy hat ready. If he runs he will be your president.
Of course, you would. That's what Nazis do. Carve swastikas and gas Jews. Thanks for proving my point.

So, tell us more about your fantasy of having a threesome with Adolf and Himmler.
Hmmmmm. Your interest in my sex life certainly says more about you than me. You might want to discuss this with your therapist. Be sure and mention your interest in the imaginary sniffing of Melania's underwear.

The fact is. Nazis are better than democrats. So are the Chinese communists, the Khymer Rouge and the Ton Ton Macoute. You fixate on Nazis for some reason known only to your deep seated trauma.

The appropriate question is WHY are Nazis better than democrats. What makes democrats so reprehensible that they are worse than the worst of mankind.

This is the way democrats see boys and what they want to do them.

Compared to the depiction of boys under Nazis

Which is the more henious?
Hmmmmm. Your interest in my sex life certainly says more about you than me. You might want to discuss this with your therapist. Be sure and mention your interest in the imaginary sniffing of Melania's underwear.

The fact is. Nazis are better than democrats. So are the Chinese communists, the Khymer Rouge and the Ton Ton Macoute. You fixate on Nazis for some reason known only to your deep seated trauma.

The appropriate question is WHY are Nazis better than democrats. What makes democrats so reprehensible that they are worse than the worst of mankind.

This is the way democrats see boys and what they want to do them.

Compared to the depiction of boys under Nazis

Which is the more henious?

Ok, you don't want to talk about your threesome fantasy with Adolf and Himmler? I respect that. In fact, I am happy you choose not to revel. Must be pretty disgusting even for a nasty individual like you who talks about murdering opponents to not discuss it.

So, let's talk politics. How are Democrats in your opinion worse than Nazis (who murdered 6 million or more Jews) or Chinese Communists (who murdered more than 20 million of their fellow citizens) or the Khymer Rouge (responsible for one of the worst mass killings of the 20th Century) or the Ton Ton Macuoute?

I don't want any boring diatribe about the evils of Dems etc but a breakdown. Give me a list. A side-by-side list of the crimes Dems have committed that is more abhorrent than the list of evil people you admire. Go.
Ok, you don't want to talk about your threesome fantasy with Adolf and Himmler? I respect that. In fact, I am happy you choose not to revel. Must be pretty disgusting even for a nasty individual like you who talks about murdering opponents to not discuss it.

So, let's talk politics. How are Democrats in your opinion worse than Nazis (who murdered 6 million or more Jews) or Chinese Communists (who murdered more than 20 million of their fellow citizens) or the Khymer Rouge (responsible for one of the worst mass killings of the 20th Century) or the Ton Ton Macuoute?

I don't want any boring diatribe about the evils of Dems etc but a breakdown. Give me a list. A side-by-side list of the crimes Dems have committed that is more abhorrent than the list of evil people you admire. Go.
I am not here to educate you. You are too ignorant. Just read the news. Democrats are the most evil people to ever exist. Start with the abortion holocaust and take it through open borders.

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