Biden's Gestapo Pawed Through Melania's Wardrobe and Left it a Mess

Is Melania going to throw everything away or send to cleaners thinking it might have got pawed through or sniffed by those goons?

If I were her I would burn it all.
Play these clowns like a fiddle.

But you're only capable of clapping yiur hands, and all moonie can do is pass gas.

You clods aren't musical at all.
Yea I guess we better check that underwear drawer for all those nuclear secrets!

First reported by NY Post.

They were under orders from Wray to find him some nice dresses to wear.
I see, you need to put people in your position.
You see poorly, then. It's a nice match for your thinking ability, at least.

That is pretty sick. It was not the FBI that did wrong. It was her husband.

Bullshit. There is ZERO evidence that Trump has EVER done anything illegal. After spending 6 years, 40 million dollars, and having 150 of the most anti Trump, and unethical pieces of shit in law enforcement, they couldn't find ANYTHING illegal.

Hell, they couldn't even MANUFACTURE a crime.

So, your claim is bullshit, as is anything that the fbi claims.

They are PROVEN liars.
I'm right there with (I'm guessing) her. Democrats stole that election.

They definitely did. If Biden got so many more votes than Trump, where's all the parades in his honor from all his adoring fans? Yeah, none, bullshit. Because if that motherfucker got that many votes, he would have some, and some more than that. Bitch.
Nobody gets the most votes in America ever with no enthusiasm, dipshit. That does not happen without Democrat or some other entity cheating.
No enthusiasm=no votes for the entire history of America. STFU.

Biden does not have now, and never had the amount of supporters they claim he did.

Gaddafi needed parades for his ego.. Biden doesn't.

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