PETA: Minnesota dentist who shot Cecil the lion should be 'hanged'

Hopefully this whole ordeal teaches the jerk a lesson.
Didn't stop him when he killed the bear in Wisconsin and LIED about it.
Dude enjoys killing animals. Whats next? Humans?

Sophistry. Hunting animals where it is PERFECTLY LEGAL to do so is not at all equivalent to murdering a human being nor is it an indicator of the likelihood one would ever do so.
Serial killers start off with cats and dogs. Just sayin'.
From what I hear the bastard used to stay up at nights all by himself watching this as a training film and modeling himself after Olivier's "Dr. Christian Szell"

Hopefully this whole ordeal teaches the jerk a lesson.
Didn't stop him when he killed the bear in Wisconsin and LIED about it.
Dude enjoys killing animals. Whats next? Humans?

Sophistry. Hunting animals where it is PERFECTLY LEGAL to do so is not at all equivalent to murdering a human being nor is it an indicator of the likelihood one would ever do so.
Serial killers start off with cats and dogs. Just sayin'.

And they usually torture them. That's not hunting.
Hopefully this whole ordeal teaches the jerk a lesson.
Didn't stop him when he killed the bear in Wisconsin and LIED about it.
Dude enjoys killing animals. Whats next? Humans?

Sophistry. Hunting animals where it is PERFECTLY LEGAL to do so is not at all equivalent to murdering a human being nor is it an indicator of the likelihood one would ever do so.
Serial killers start off with cats and dogs. Just sayin'.

And they usually torture them. That's not hunting.
What do you call shooting an animal in the neck and letting it bleed out for a few days...
Hopefully this whole ordeal teaches the jerk a lesson.
Didn't stop him when he killed the bear in Wisconsin and LIED about it.
Dude enjoys killing animals. Whats next? Humans?

Sophistry. Hunting animals where it is PERFECTLY LEGAL to do so is not at all equivalent to murdering a human being nor is it an indicator of the likelihood one would ever do so.
Serial killers start off with cats and dogs. Just sayin'.

I'll also note the fallacy of your logic:

A hunts animals legally
B is a serially killer who started off killing cats and dogs
Therefore A is going turn into a serial killer

Pins the Bogometer. Fo shizzle.
How would they like it ...all those lower forms of life who kill animals for sport.

They want to hang something on the wall? here....hang this

Hopefully this whole ordeal teaches the jerk a lesson.
Didn't stop him when he killed the bear in Wisconsin and LIED about it.
Dude enjoys killing animals. Whats next? Humans?

Sophistry. Hunting animals where it is PERFECTLY LEGAL to do so is not at all equivalent to murdering a human being nor is it an indicator of the likelihood one would ever do so.
Serial killers start off with cats and dogs. Just sayin'.

And they usually torture them. That's not hunting.
What do you call shooting an animal in the neck and letting it bleed out for a few days...

Cruel if the hunter knowing allows that to happen. I'm not advocating torturing animals. But sometimes wild animals are wounded and evade capture. So, unless you are willing to outlaw all hunting, there will be that risk.

And I say this as a non-hunter with no desire to hunt at all. I saw this as someone who respects individual liberty and the rule of law.
There is no one bigger into CAT RESCUE than I am, I love, care for and cry when they die in my arms, BUT people, let the legal system work, if there was a problem it will be worked out. The OVERZEALOUS responses of many of you, are pure MENTAL ILLNESS! I do hate to say that it is mostly the leftists that treat this awful story as a CAUSE CELEBRE, but they do let the selling of human baby parts pass them by.... morally MORE REPREHENSIBLE than killing that poor lion!

I wonder just how equivalent these 2 stories are!

Shut up about Cecil the Lion, please

Telegraph ^ | 7/30/15 | Rupert Myers
The outrage over Cecil's death is absurd when you think of the other, bigger problems which people are happy to ignore There is a new, pointless ride opening in town designed to give users an instant but ephemeral rush. It isn’t the slide down the ugly, unnecessary Olympic tower, but the convenient and free outrage bus currently stopping on your street and picking up passengers for Cecil, the beautiful dead lion. Out of any and all proportion to the severity of his dreadful act of animal murder, the dentist who killed Cecil has become an international focal point of hate...
That is right, as an American organization send a message that those humans who are accused of mistreating animals will be hanged on the gallows.

Does your fruit loop fucking bat shit crazy ass understand the hypocrisy??

So now Lions lives are worth more than human lives.

Ya'll are some cold blooded mofo's...................

Humans as intelligent forward thinking beings should limit our population for the good of this planet. We should simply because our food supply is going to run out and we're going to kill all life on this planet if we don't. We should understand what happens when a population out grows its food supply. It applies to us!

Humans are great but we're also smart enough not to do stupid shit like wipe out all life on this planet.
That is right, as an American organization send a message that those humans who are accused of mistreating animals will be hanged on the gallows.

Does your fruit loop fucking bat shit crazy ass understand the hypocrisy??

So now Lions lives are worth more than human lives.

Ya'll are some cold blooded mofo's...................

Humans as intelligent forward thinking beings should limit our population for the good of this planet. We should simply because our food supply is going to run out and we're going to kill all life on this planet if we don't. We should understand what happens when a population out grows its food supply. It applies to us!

Humans are great but we're also smart enough not to do stupid shit like wipe out all life on this planet.

May we start by dispatching all the people in Oregon, then go onto Liberals and Democrats that feel that way? Showing us by doing in yourselves would be the best example for the rest of us...perhaps if we didn't SAVE a smelt fish, and added 40 or so % to our agriculture output because we can now water the most fertile growing land in America, we could gain TIME so the scientist could work on extracting MORE FOOD from available land!
At the current rate we will have 11.2 billion people in 85 years on this planet. Do you really think we can feed it?
Humans as intelligent forward thinking beings should limit our population for the good of this planet. We should simply because our food supply is going to run out and we're going to kill all life on this planet if we don't. We should understand what happens when a population out grows its food supply. It applies to us!

Humans are great but we're also smart enough not to do stupid shit like wipe out all life on this planet.

Based on your lunatic rant, you would definitely be the poster child for planned parenthood.

Someone peed in your gene pool, son .........

We are not going to run out of food in your lifetime, or your childrens.

Besides subsidies paid to farmers not to grow food and other non essential uses, such as ethanol and animal food we have barely started to produce food at our capacities.

Just more fear mongering by simple minded people to deflect from the subject of fucking being baby killers and selling of baby parts ...............
Hopefully this whole ordeal teaches the jerk a lesson.

Why is he a jerk?
For trophy hunting animals whose populations have already been decimated by mankind. Hunting for food, or to control a population is one thing. But hunting because it makes your dick hard is despicable, especially if its species only exists because of massive ongoing conservation to protect them from assholes like this dentist.

Hey douche bag then you should be calling for the head of Mugabe. You know. The top dude in Zimbabwe.

Did you read about his birthday party menu and presents? It's disgusting. I don't believe in trophy hunting to begin with but there's a lot of fucking hypocrisy being thrown around right now.

From Mugabe's birthday bash:

"The elephant wasn’t enough, though. Musasa also submitted for mass consumption two buffaloes, two sables and five impalas.

Then there was the lion, shot and mounted. And the crocodile, shot and mounted. Those, Musasa said, weren’t for eating. “I personally identified an old lion, a huge one,” he told the L.A. Times."

But lookeee here. Mugabe's pissed off at safaris.

Zimbabwe s Mugabe condemns white safaris eats baby elephant at birthday bash - The Washington Post

Zimbabwe’s Mugabe condemns ‘white’ safaris, eats baby elephant at birthday bash

I'm not into trophy hunting and I believe from all I have read on this incident is that this hunt was illegal.

Fine and dandy. Throw the book at all involved.

But for crying out loud let's get a grip on the organization that is calling for the dentist to be hanged.

Do any of you realize PETA"s kill statistics? They are outrageous. So if the dentist deserves to be hung, PETA deserves to pay a price for their extreme animal cruelty.
At the current rate we will have 11.2 billion people in 85 years on this planet. Do you really think we can feed it?

Matthew, seriously do you think anyone really gives a shit what is going to happen in 85 years?
Hopefully this whole ordeal teaches the jerk a lesson.

Why is he a jerk?
For trophy hunting animals whose populations have already been decimated by mankind. Hunting for food, or to control a population is one thing. But hunting because it makes your dick hard is despicable, especially if its species only exists because of massive ongoing conservation to protect them from assholes like this dentist.

I agree :clap2:
Hopefully this whole ordeal teaches the jerk a lesson.

Why is he a jerk?
For trophy hunting animals whose populations have already been decimated by mankind. Hunting for food, or to control a population is one thing. But hunting because it makes your dick hard is despicable, especially if its species only exists because of massive ongoing conservation to protect them from assholes like this dentist.

You do realize that it isn't exac
Now that the dentist is fucked, Zimbabwe needs to put a whoa on letting assholes around the world come to Africa and killing their animals.

If you read the article it sounds as if they could give a crap less if you kill another animal that might kill them the next day. It is everyone else that has their shorts in a knot.
I find PETA almost impossible to distinguish from pro-lifers. The same death threats, the same bizarre declarations that killing non-people is murder. Two peas in a pod, those groups are, which is why I just call them prolife/PETA.
I find PETA almost impossible to distinguish from pro-lifers. The same death threats, the same bizarre declarations that killing non-people is murder. Two peas in a pod, those groups are, which is why I just call them prolife/PETA.

I don't hear a lot of organized pro-life organizations calling for the killing of anyone. But let's face it, killing is the business of PP. That and selling body parts.

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