Senators Introduce "CECIL Act" After Outcry Over Killed African Lion

A law should be put in place that bans all hunting of rare animals...If there's less then 10,000 of such species the punishment should be harsh.

20 years in prison.

I'm a liberal and I think what you're proposing is really stupid. Oh, and like you, I take a really dim view of trophy hunting.

Why? The longer we don't put real teeth behind the crime of trophy hunting the more species are going to die.

How's about jurisdiction for one thing ?

Last I heard there are no African lions roaming the plains of America.
A law should be put in place that bans all hunting of rare animals...If there's less then 10,000 of such species the punishment should be harsh.

20 years in prison.

I'm a liberal and I think what you're proposing is really stupid. Oh, and like you, I take a really dim view of trophy hunting.

Why? The longer we don't put real teeth behind the crime of trophy hunting the more species are going to die.

How's about jurisdiction for one thing ?

Last I heard there are no African lions roaming the plains of America.

Send the asshole to Zimbabwe so they can neck lase him.
A law should be put in place that bans all hunting of rare animals...If there's less then 10,000 of such species the punishment should be harsh.

20 years in prison.

I'm a liberal and I think what you're proposing is really stupid. Oh, and like you, I take a really dim view of trophy hunting.

Why? The longer we don't put real teeth behind the crime of trophy hunting the more species are going to die.

How's about jurisdiction for one thing ?

Last I heard there are no African lions roaming the plains of America.

Send the asshole to Zimbabwe so they can neck lase him.

So what in the hell do we need another fucking law for that, when we already have laws on the books dating back more then a hundred dam years.
So what in the hell do we need another fucking law for that, when we already have laws on the books dating back more then a hundred dam years.

Easy win ... Polling data ... Upcoming elections ... And a cute non-human victim.

After killing Cecil the Lion, Walter Palmer asked the Hunting Guide if he could track and kill an elephant the next day.
Elephant kills professional big game hunter in Zimbabwe - Telegraph

hopefully this happens to Palmer and every coward pos like him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No concern about the people of Zimbabwe, but we want to hang a guy for killing an animal. The every day people of Zimbabwe don't care about the lion, they are busy trying to survive day by day.
What lion Zimbabweans ask amid global Cecil circus US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Off topic for a second....

I hear that Jericho, Cecils "brother" (comrade in guarding cubs and lionesses) is indeed alive and still protecting Cecils cubs. Jericho could have killed them, but instead, "adopted" them as his own. I think that is awesome and rare for a lion to do.

Ok. Done. Carry on.

New York pays tribute to Cecil.

Empire State Building Pays Tribute To Endangered Animals, Remembers Cecil The Lion
Oh for fucks sake!
There are already laws regarding big game hunting and what can and cant be brought back.
If you poach an animal you more than likely wont be able to get it back to the states anyway because you wont have the proper permits.'s already illegal.

Yes, usually it it - if you're caught. However, dentist Walter Palmer thought he outsmarted the wildlife authorities by baiting Cecil off the protected Hwange national park. That's akin to baiting protected animals out of a zoo.

His guides did that. From what I understand he didnt know he was shooting a lion named Cecil.
Sure, Just like he didn't know the bear HE was dragging 40 miles back from where it was shot couldn't be shot where it was shot.
Oh for fucks sake!
There are already laws regarding big game hunting and what can and cant be brought back.
If you poach an animal you more than likely wont be able to get it back to the states anyway because you wont have the proper permits.'s already illegal.

Yes, usually it it - if you're caught. However, dentist Walter Palmer thought he outsmarted the wildlife authorities by baiting Cecil off the protected Hwange national park. That's akin to baiting protected animals out of a zoo.

His guides did that. From what I understand he didnt know he was shooting a lion named Cecil.
Sure, Just like he didn't know the bear HE was dragging 40 miles back from where it was shot couldn't be shot where it was shot.

You have proof or are you just blowing more shit out your ass?
With 93 million Americans out of the labor force and the economy in the toilet, I'm glad the Democrats are keeping their priorities straight.

Record 93 626 000 Americans Not in Labor Force Participation Rate Declines to 62.6
God damn those seniors for having the unmitigated gall to retire! When there is a Dem president they are required to slavishly work until they drop dead on the job. Seniors are only allowed to retire when a RepubliKlan is president because only then the LPR, like Deficits, doesn't matter.

"You know, Paul, Reagan proved deficits don't matter,"
- Dick Cheney
Oh for fucks sake!
There are already laws regarding big game hunting and what can and cant be brought back.
If you poach an animal you more than likely wont be able to get it back to the states anyway because you wont have the proper permits.'s already illegal.

Yes, usually it it - if you're caught. However, dentist Walter Palmer thought he outsmarted the wildlife authorities by baiting Cecil off the protected Hwange national park. That's akin to baiting protected animals out of a zoo.

His guides did that. From what I understand he didnt know he was shooting a lion named Cecil.
Sure, Just like he didn't know the bear HE was dragging 40 miles back from where it was shot couldn't be shot where it was shot.

You have proof or are you just blowing more shit out your ass?
I always have proof, you should know that by now!

Twin Cities dentist admits killing beloved lion thought he was acting legally -
In 2008, he pleaded guilty in federal court in Wisconsin to misleading a federal agent in connection with the hunting of a black bear. Two years earlier, Palmer had killed a bear near Phillips, in Price County. That location was 40 miles outside of the zone where he held a permit to hunt bear.

Palmer and others transported the bear carcass to a registration station inside the allowed hunting zone, according to court documents, and at the station, he falsely certified that the bear had been killed in the legal zone.
Oh for fucks sake!
There are already laws regarding big game hunting and what can and cant be brought back.
If you poach an animal you more than likely wont be able to get it back to the states anyway because you wont have the proper permits.'s already illegal.

Yes, usually it it - if you're caught. However, dentist Walter Palmer thought he outsmarted the wildlife authorities by baiting Cecil off the protected Hwange national park. That's akin to baiting protected animals out of a zoo.

His guides did that. From what I understand he didnt know he was shooting a lion named Cecil.
Sure, Just like he didn't know the bear HE was dragging 40 miles back from where it was shot couldn't be shot where it was shot.

Hadnt heard that. Got a link?
Oh for fucks sake!
There are already laws regarding big game hunting and what can and cant be brought back.
If you poach an animal you more than likely wont be able to get it back to the states anyway because you wont have the proper permits.'s already illegal.

Yes, usually it it - if you're caught. However, dentist Walter Palmer thought he outsmarted the wildlife authorities by baiting Cecil off the protected Hwange national park. That's akin to baiting protected animals out of a zoo.

His guides did that. From what I understand he didnt know he was shooting a lion named Cecil.
Sure, Just like he didn't know the bear HE was dragging 40 miles back from where it was shot couldn't be shot where it was shot.

You have proof or are you just blowing more shit out your ass?
I always have proof, you should know that by now!

Twin Cities dentist admits killing beloved lion thought he was acting legally -
In 2008, he pleaded guilty in federal court in Wisconsin to misleading a federal agent in connection with the hunting of a black bear. Two years earlier, Palmer had killed a bear near Phillips, in Price County. That location was 40 miles outside of the zone where he held a permit to hunt bear.

Palmer and others transported the bear carcass to a registration station inside the allowed hunting zone, according to court documents, and at the station, he falsely certified that the bear had been killed in the legal zone.

Dude sounds like a jackass...but you cant use past deeds against him,at least thats what liberals always say when it comes to a dead street thug,so I think it's only fair we apply that rule here right?

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