Senators Introduce "CECIL Act" After Outcry Over Killed African Lion


New bill aims to prevent Cecil's hunter from importing his trophy.

WASHINGTON - Four Democratic senators announced Friday that they will introduce a bill named for the beloved Zimbabwean lion Cecil, who was killed by an American trophy hunter earlier this month.

The Conserving Ecosystems by Ceasing the Importation of Large (CECIL) Animal Trophies Act would extend current U.S. import and export restrictions on animal trophies to include species that have been proposed for listing as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Current law provides protection only for species whose status on the list has been finalized by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and it can take over a year for the agency to complete an assessment.

Democrats Bob Menendez (N.J.), Cory Booker (N.J.), Richard Blumenthal (Conn.) and Ben Cardin (Md.) are co-sponsoring the legislation. Click here to read the full text of the bill.

“Cecil’s death was a preventable tragedy that highlights the need to extend the protections of the Endangered Species Act," Menendez said in a statement on Friday. "When we have enough concern about the future of a species to propose it for listing, we should not be killing it for sport." In a similar statement, Blumenthal called the hunting of endangered species "a reprehensible and repugnant act."

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has already proposed adding the African lion to the list of species covered by the Endangered Species Act, but the agency has yet to finalize the designation. The CECIL Act would ensure that species under consideration for protection are automatically covered by the tightest import restrictions on sport hunted trophies.

In the case of Cecil, this would mean that the Minnesota dentist who shot and killed the lion, identified as Walter Palmer, would need a special permit directly from the U.S. secretary of the interior in order to import a trophy of Cecil from Zimbabwe to the United States.

According to news reports, Palmer left Cecil's carcass in the Zimbabwean bush, taking with him only the animal's skin and head, ostensibly to have them mounted into a replica trophy for display.

The death of the 13 year-old African lion has sparked global outrage, and prompted a request by the government of Zimbabwe to have Walter Palmer extradited to the country to face potential poaching charges.

More: Senators Introduce CECIL Act After Outcry Over Killed African Lion

Sounds like a good start.

Not to me it doesn't!!!

When can we expect these men, Democrats Bob Menendez (N.J.), Cory Booker (N.J.), Richard Blumenthal (Conn.) and Ben Cardin (Md.) to co-sponsor a bill to repeal legalized murder of unborn and born live infants by Abortion Doctors? When will they demand that the lives of unborn children in this country must be protected and call abortion what it is? MURDER!

How dare the left cry out about a dead lion killed on a hunting expedition while turning a blind eye to the slaughter of 60 million babies in America!

How dare the left tell us that the life of a lion in Africa is of more value than a human being! Have you people lost your minds???

Cecil does not have a BROTHER! Cats do not have BROTHERS! A BROTHER IS A HUMAN BEING! NOT A LION!

You should be ashamed of yourselves! Where is your conscience?!

I tell you the truth! You who cry out over these two lions killed on a hunting expedition - demanding extradition of the hunter (hunters) who obviously had permits and permission by authorities to hunt where they were hunting - while remaining completely silent over the slaughter of over 60 million babies and the selling of body parts of babies by Planned Parenthood - of making profit off those body parts and boasting of their plans to by a Lambourghini with their blood money? You're going to answer for it at the judgment seat of Jesus Christ ! ! ! !

Your conscience is going to stand up and testify against you and you will spend the rest of eternity in hell paying for it!

Jack Hanna ‘Horrified’ By Cecil The Lion’s Death

“Jungle” Jack Hanna says he is at a loss for words over the killing of Cecil, a beloved lion in Zimbabwe, by an American dentist.

In a Facebook post on Thursday, Hanna says he was "horrified" over the famed lion's death.

"Words can’t describe the sadness Sue and I feel. The illegal circumstances surrounding Cecil’s death highlight the grave reality of increased wildlife poaching and trafficking." Hanna continues "Although we are horrified, the productive response to tragedy is supporting the folks who are trying to find solutions to the global wildlife crisis."

While filming Jack Hanna’s Into the Wildin 2011, Jack met with the Oxford WildCRU researchers in Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park. There, he learned about Cecil and the other lions that are being studied to better understand the threats facing them. He says it’s the closest he has ever been to a lion in the wild.

"On these reserves, animals are incredibly protected. It's amazing to watch what rangers do in Africa,” Jack explained to 10TV.

Hanna goes on to say the lion’s killing highlights the risk of poaching and trafficking of exotic animals in Africa. He says over the past 70 years, the lion population in Africa has fallen from 450,000 to less than 30,000.

More: Jack Hanna Horrified By Cecil The Lion's Death - WBNS-10TV Columbus Ohio

Maybe Cecil's death will improve things.

New bill aims to prevent Cecil's hunter from importing his trophy.

WASHINGTON - Four Democratic senators announced Friday that they will introduce a bill named for the beloved Zimbabwean lion Cecil, who was killed by an American trophy hunter earlier this month.

The Conserving Ecosystems by Ceasing the Importation of Large (CECIL) Animal Trophies Act would extend current U.S. import and export restrictions on animal trophies to include species that have been proposed for listing as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Current law provides protection only for species whose status on the list has been finalized by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and it can take over a year for the agency to complete an assessment.

Democrats Bob Menendez (N.J.), Cory Booker (N.J.), Richard Blumenthal (Conn.) and Ben Cardin (Md.) are co-sponsoring the legislation. Click here to read the full text of the bill.

“Cecil’s death was a preventable tragedy that highlights the need to extend the protections of the Endangered Species Act," Menendez said in a statement on Friday. "When we have enough concern about the future of a species to propose it for listing, we should not be killing it for sport." In a similar statement, Blumenthal called the hunting of endangered species "a reprehensible and repugnant act."

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has already proposed adding the African lion to the list of species covered by the Endangered Species Act, but the agency has yet to finalize the designation. The CECIL Act would ensure that species under consideration for protection are automatically covered by the tightest import restrictions on sport hunted trophies.

In the case of Cecil, this would mean that the Minnesota dentist who shot and killed the lion, identified as Walter Palmer, would need a special permit directly from the U.S. secretary of the interior in order to import a trophy of Cecil from Zimbabwe to the United States.

According to news reports, Palmer left Cecil's carcass in the Zimbabwean bush, taking with him only the animal's skin and head, ostensibly to have them mounted into a replica trophy for display.

The death of the 13 year-old African lion has sparked global outrage, and prompted a request by the government of Zimbabwe to have Walter Palmer extradited to the country to face potential poaching charges.

More: Senators Introduce CECIL Act After Outcry Over Killed African Lion

Sounds like a good start.

Not to me it doesn't!!!

When can we expect these men, Democrats Bob Menendez (N.J.), Cory Booker (N.J.), Richard Blumenthal (Conn.) and Ben Cardin (Md.) to co-sponsor a bill to repeal legalized murder of unborn and born live infants by Abortion Doctors? When will they demand that the lives of unborn children in this country must be protected and call abortion what it is? MURDER!

How dare the left cry out about a dead lion killed on a hunting expedition while turning a blind eye to the slaughter of 60 million babies in America!

How dare the left tell us that the life of a lion in Africa is of more value than a human being! Have you people lost your minds???

Cecil does not have a BROTHER! Cats do not have BROTHERS! A BROTHER IS A HUMAN BEING! NOT A LION!

You should be ashamed of yourselves! Where is your conscience?!

I tell you the truth! You who cry out over these two lions killed on a hunting expedition - demanding extradition of the hunter (hunters) who obviously had permits and permission by authorities to hunt where they were hunting - while remaining completely silent over the slaughter of over 60 million babies and the selling of body parts of babies by Planned Parenthood - of making profit off those body parts and boasting of their plans to by a Lambourghini with their blood money? You're going to answer for it at the judgment seat of Jesus Christ ! ! ! !

Your conscience is going to stand up and testify against you and you will spend the rest of eternity in hell paying for it!


I feel sorry for you. Are fetuses being poached? Oh, and I look forward to meeting your Sky Daddy.

Where is your heart for the 60 million plus unborn babies being murdered by abortion doctors in this nation, Lakhota? You need a new heart from Jesus Christ. The one you have now is not working. It's going to send you to hell one day.

I tell you the truth. You and everyone like you who cry over these dumb beasts and have yet to shed a tear for the millions of babies being slaughtered in America so that their body parts can be sold by that cult called Planned Parenthood are going to answer to God one day for this.

Remember this day, Lakhota. Because it is determining where you spend eternity. Repent or do not repent. Your choice. Eternal life or eternal death in Hell. Your choice. Choose wisely.

Hell has no exits.

Where is your heart for the 60 million plus unborn babies being murdered by abortion doctors in this nation, Lakhota? You need a new heart from Jesus Christ. The one you have now is not working. It's going to send you to hell one day.

I tell you the truth. You and everyone like you who cry over these dumb beasts and have yet to shed a tear for the millions of babies being slaughtered in America so that their body parts can be sold by that cult called Planned Parenthood are going to answer to God one day for this.

Remember this day, Lakhota. Because it is determining where you spend eternity. Repent or do not repent. Your choice. Eternal life or eternal death in Hell. Your choice. Choose wisely.

Hell has no exits.

Fuck you and your fetus fetish. This thread is about Cecil the lion. Peddle your crazy shit somewhere else.

New bill aims to prevent Cecil's hunter from importing his trophy.

WASHINGTON - Four Democratic senators announced Friday that they will introduce a bill named for the beloved Zimbabwean lion Cecil, who was killed by an American trophy hunter earlier this month.

The Conserving Ecosystems by Ceasing the Importation of Large (CECIL) Animal Trophies Act would extend current U.S. import and export restrictions on animal trophies to include species that have been proposed for listing as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Current law provides protection only for species whose status on the list has been finalized by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and it can take over a year for the agency to complete an assessment.

Democrats Bob Menendez (N.J.), Cory Booker (N.J.), Richard Blumenthal (Conn.) and Ben Cardin (Md.) are co-sponsoring the legislation. Click here to read the full text of the bill.

“Cecil’s death was a preventable tragedy that highlights the need to extend the protections of the Endangered Species Act," Menendez said in a statement on Friday. "When we have enough concern about the future of a species to propose it for listing, we should not be killing it for sport." In a similar statement, Blumenthal called the hunting of endangered species "a reprehensible and repugnant act."

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has already proposed adding the African lion to the list of species covered by the Endangered Species Act, but the agency has yet to finalize the designation. The CECIL Act would ensure that species under consideration for protection are automatically covered by the tightest import restrictions on sport hunted trophies.

In the case of Cecil, this would mean that the Minnesota dentist who shot and killed the lion, identified as Walter Palmer, would need a special permit directly from the U.S. secretary of the interior in order to import a trophy of Cecil from Zimbabwe to the United States.

According to news reports, Palmer left Cecil's carcass in the Zimbabwean bush, taking with him only the animal's skin and head, ostensibly to have them mounted into a replica trophy for display.

The death of the 13 year-old African lion has sparked global outrage, and prompted a request by the government of Zimbabwe to have Walter Palmer extradited to the country to face potential poaching charges.

More: Senators Introduce CECIL Act After Outcry Over Killed African Lion

Sounds like a good start.

Not to me it doesn't!!!

When can we expect these men, Democrats Bob Menendez (N.J.), Cory Booker (N.J.), Richard Blumenthal (Conn.) and Ben Cardin (Md.) to co-sponsor a bill to repeal legalized murder of unborn and born live infants by Abortion Doctors? When will they demand that the lives of unborn children in this country must be protected and call abortion what it is? MURDER!

How dare the left cry out about a dead lion killed on a hunting expedition while turning a blind eye to the slaughter of 60 million babies in America!

How dare the left tell us that the life of a lion in Africa is of more value than a human being! Have you people lost your minds???

Cecil does not have a BROTHER! Cats do not have BROTHERS! A BROTHER IS A HUMAN BEING! NOT A LION!

You should be ashamed of yourselves! Where is your conscience?!

I tell you the truth! You who cry out over these two lions killed on a hunting expedition - demanding extradition of the hunter (hunters) who obviously had permits and permission by authorities to hunt where they were hunting - while remaining completely silent over the slaughter of over 60 million babies and the selling of body parts of babies by Planned Parenthood - of making profit off those body parts and boasting of their plans to by a Lambourghini with their blood money? You're going to answer for it at the judgment seat of Jesus Christ ! ! ! !

Your conscience is going to stand up and testify against you and you will spend the rest of eternity in hell paying for it!


I feel sorry for you. Are fetuses being poached? Oh, and I look forward to meeting your Sky Daddy.

Are babies being poached? You had better believe they are! And the Poachers are called PLANNED PARENTHOOD.

Baby-selling Planned Parenthood doc I want a Lamborghini

Good to know the Senate is spending their time on the important things

New bill aims to prevent Cecil's hunter from importing his trophy.

WASHINGTON - Four Democratic senators announced Friday that they will introduce a bill named for the beloved Zimbabwean lion Cecil, who was killed by an American trophy hunter earlier this month.

The Conserving Ecosystems by Ceasing the Importation of Large (CECIL) Animal Trophies Act would extend current U.S. import and export restrictions on animal trophies to include species that have been proposed for listing as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Current law provides protection only for species whose status on the list has been finalized by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and it can take over a year for the agency to complete an assessment.

Democrats Bob Menendez (N.J.), Cory Booker (N.J.), Richard Blumenthal (Conn.) and Ben Cardin (Md.) are co-sponsoring the legislation. Click here to read the full text of the bill.

“Cecil’s death was a preventable tragedy that highlights the need to extend the protections of the Endangered Species Act," Menendez said in a statement on Friday. "When we have enough concern about the future of a species to propose it for listing, we should not be killing it for sport." In a similar statement, Blumenthal called the hunting of endangered species "a reprehensible and repugnant act."

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has already proposed adding the African lion to the list of species covered by the Endangered Species Act, but the agency has yet to finalize the designation. The CECIL Act would ensure that species under consideration for protection are automatically covered by the tightest import restrictions on sport hunted trophies.

In the case of Cecil, this would mean that the Minnesota dentist who shot and killed the lion, identified as Walter Palmer, would need a special permit directly from the U.S. secretary of the interior in order to import a trophy of Cecil from Zimbabwe to the United States.

According to news reports, Palmer left Cecil's carcass in the Zimbabwean bush, taking with him only the animal's skin and head, ostensibly to have them mounted into a replica trophy for display.

The death of the 13 year-old African lion has sparked global outrage, and prompted a request by the government of Zimbabwe to have Walter Palmer extradited to the country to face potential poaching charges.

More: Senators Introduce CECIL Act After Outcry Over Killed African Lion

Sounds like a good start.

Not to me it doesn't!!!

When can we expect these men, Democrats Bob Menendez (N.J.), Cory Booker (N.J.), Richard Blumenthal (Conn.) and Ben Cardin (Md.) to co-sponsor a bill to repeal legalized murder of unborn and born live infants by Abortion Doctors? When will they demand that the lives of unborn children in this country must be protected and call abortion what it is? MURDER!

How dare the left cry out about a dead lion killed on a hunting expedition while turning a blind eye to the slaughter of 60 million babies in America!

How dare the left tell us that the life of a lion in Africa is of more value than a human being! Have you people lost your minds???

Cecil does not have a BROTHER! Cats do not have BROTHERS! A BROTHER IS A HUMAN BEING! NOT A LION!

You should be ashamed of yourselves! Where is your conscience?!

I tell you the truth! You who cry out over these two lions killed on a hunting expedition - demanding extradition of the hunter (hunters) who obviously had permits and permission by authorities to hunt where they were hunting - while remaining completely silent over the slaughter of over 60 million babies and the selling of body parts of babies by Planned Parenthood - of making profit off those body parts and boasting of their plans to by a Lambourghini with their blood money? You're going to answer for it at the judgment seat of Jesus Christ ! ! ! !

Your conscience is going to stand up and testify against you and you will spend the rest of eternity in hell paying for it!


I feel sorry for you. Are fetuses being poached? Oh, and I look forward to meeting your Sky Daddy.

Are babies being poached? You had better believe they are! And the Poachers are called PLANNED PARENTHOOD.

Roe v. Wade makes it legal. Why don't you fetus nuts care about pregnant women who seek abortion for various mental, physical and/or financial reasons?

Where is your heart for the 60 million plus unborn babies being murdered by abortion doctors in this nation, Lakhota? You need a new heart from Jesus Christ. The one you have now is not working. It's going to send you to hell one day.

I tell you the truth. You and everyone like you who cry over these dumb beasts and have yet to shed a tear for the millions of babies being slaughtered in America so that their body parts can be sold by that cult called Planned Parenthood are going to answer to God one day for this.

Remember this day, Lakhota. Because it is determining where you spend eternity. Repent or do not repent. Your choice. Eternal life or eternal death in Hell. Your choice. Choose wisely.

Hell has no exits.

Fuck you and your fetus fetish. This thread is about Cecil the lion. Peddle your crazy shit somewhere else.

Fetus? Those are babies, Lakhota. This thread is about a man who places more value on a lion than he does on human life. A man who is doing his level best to convince the people reading that the life of a lion is of more value than the life of human beings who have become open season for poachers called - PLANNED PARENTHOOD.

That man is you!

Repent or you'll answer to God for it. You're in His Hands now.
Let's keep the discussion focused on the nauseating lion story, please. We have plenty of other threads regarding Planned Parenthood's meat factory.
Seems to me that the dentist should be incarcerated.....with the lions in a cage in a zoo.

If what he did is a crime in Zimbabwe then I take no issue with him being extradited to face justice there. We'd certainly want a foreign criminal brought to justice for crimes committed in our country. However, if what he did over there isn't against their laws then people need to drop this and move on. There is so much horrific stuff that happens to other human beings daily around the world that the general public ignores, but God forbid something happens to an animal and Westerners lose their shit. Priorities, people......
Seems to me that the dentist should be incarcerated.....with the lions in a cage in a zoo.

If what he did is a crime in Zimbabwe then I take no issue with him being extradited to face justice there. We'd certainly want a foreign criminal brought to justice for crimes committed in our country. However, if what he did over there isn't against their laws then people need to drop this and move on. There is so much horrific stuff that happens to other human beings daily around the world that the general public ignores, but God forbid something happens to an animal and Westerners lose their shit. Priorities, people......

You don't seem to know much about the facts surrounding this case. Mankind has a duty to protect these animals. Humans are the supreme predator on this planet - and with that comes a responsibility to protect lower forms of life.
Seems to me that the dentist should be incarcerated.....with the lions in a cage in a zoo.

If what he did is a crime in Zimbabwe then I take no issue with him being extradited to face justice there. We'd certainly want a foreign criminal brought to justice for crimes committed in our country. However, if what he did over there isn't against their laws then people need to drop this and move on. There is so much horrific stuff that happens to other human beings daily around the world that the general public ignores, but God forbid something happens to an animal and Westerners lose their shit. Priorities, people......

It is illegal to hunt on the reserve, period. It is illegal to hunt on private property next to the reserve (where the lion was lured) without a license. They are not issuing, and did not issue any licenses. As for being outraged over the incident, while there is human suffering going on somewhere, many of us can multi-task.
Too bad those democrats aren't more concerned with the harvesting and selling of human body parts than animals on the "proposed endangered list".

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