Pete Buttige calls Jesus Christ an impoverished refugee in Christmas

Nothing good for society comes from homosexuality.
True but it also true that nothing bad for society comes from homosexuality either. What consenting adults do in private has no effect on society. It is our attitudes towards homosexuality that can be harmful. I don't know how many gays you know but the ones I know are, except for some pronouns, exactly like everyone else. They have the same hope and fears, the same need for love and acceptance, etc. Gays, such as Ellen Degeneres, Kate McKinnon, Oscar Wilde, and Elton John, have made great contributions to our society. Way more than anything I have done. You?
True but it also true that nothing bad for society comes from homosexuality either. What consenting adults do in private has no effect on society. It is our attitudes towards homosexuality that can be harmful. I don't know how many gays you know but the ones I know are, except for some pronouns, exactly like everyone else. They have the same hope and fears, the same need for love and acceptance, etc. Gays, such as Ellen Degeneres, Kate McKinnon, Oscar Wilde, and Elton John, have made great contributions to our society. Way more than anything I have done. You?

Do you call being a famous person as a great contribution to society? Why?

You was born with musical talent, and you are homosexual. Your talent helps you to become famous because people likes your music. However, is your music "homosexual"? If you didn't exist, will the world miss something important? How much the world changed because your music? How the world changed because your music? People became better people or they used more drugs to enjoy your melodies?

How much a magnificent painting or a theater work is needed for helping poverty in the world ? If the acting or musical performance is made specially to collect money and help the poor, I can tell you the poor will receive the leftovers while the producers and actors will take the big money.

You have mentioned comedians, musicians and etc like if they were really important in society when those people are nothing but entertainment.

Even Oscar Wilde, lets say in his book The Importance of Being Earnest. I have posted in other forums of literature, making my analysis, the well, agile and extraordinary transition of scenes in this work, which is easy to follow and calls all your attention... to a "dangerous levels".

It calls you to forget reasoning, and you easily fall in the plot. But, if you think like I do, you immediately will find discordance in the events. Example, how the hell Lady Bracknell never knew the name of her brother in law? and worst, how it comes that Algernon in all his life never tried to know his father's name?

The last part of the story can be taken as a conspiracy to cause Jack as having the name his girlfriend wanted for him, otherwise the whole final is ridiculous. But, it's entertainment. If not Oscar Wilde existed, people should have selected another writer.

Homosexuality has always brought disparity rather than diversity. The presence of homosexuals as an important presence in society has carried in history the destruction of it.

Today homosexuality is a big reason for the transmission of sexual diseases, and you can't deny this point. A neighbor of mine who is a pastor told me that because their continued abuse of having intercourse using the rectum, many of them have ended using diapers because they can't naturally hold their excrement. Do you call to that "a benefit for society"? If you promote homosexuality this means more people suffering the same, and such is negative.

The practice of homosexuality hurts society. And my point is not to condemn the ones who want to destroy their own bodies, but I strongly condemn the current attempts to spread out the practice of homosexuality in society as something normal and good, something that certainly it's not true.

You can practice homosexuality and that is fine, but if you come here to proliferate homosexuality to be practiced by others, then you will find my total and strong opposition. Homosexuality goes against nature and by such must be avoided by all means.
Do you call being a famous person as a great contribution to society? Why?
We're a capitalist society so that makes it easy to evaluate people's contributions to it. Would Elton be rich if society didn't value his contributions? He is way richer than I am.

You have mentioned comedians, musicians and etc like if they were really important in society when those people are nothing but entertainment.
Saving lives is great, it shows our humanity. Art too is great and it too shows our humanity. There is more than one facet to our humanity.

Homosexuality has always brought disparity rather than diversity. The presence of homosexuals as an important presence in society has carried in history the destruction of it.
You might say the same of any minority group. I heard similar statements about Blacks and Jews.

You can practice homosexuality and that is fine, but if you come here to proliferate homosexuality to be practiced by others, then you will find my total and strong opposition. Homosexuality goes against nature and by such must be avoided by all means.
Accepting homosexuals is very different from promoting homosexuality.

Homosexuality goes against nature and by such must be avoided by all means.
Many people, including myself, believe homosexuality is something we are born with so promoting it or banning it both go against nature.

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