Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: ‘Salvation’ Depends on Being ‘Useful.’

He's no less or no more of a Christian than any of us.
If he’s engaging in homosexual practices he’s not a Christian

It's funny. It seems you can engage in every other thing the Bible speaks out about and still be a Christian but for some, this seems to be the exception.

Franklin Graham will explain away Trump's many adulterous affairs. His taking the Lord's name in vain but this? Well that's just not acceptable.
There's no excuse for adulterous affairs.
Interesting you would say that on my post
I am the result of an affair.
Neither wanted me around so I was put up for adoption. solved this 70 year mystery.
It's funny. It seems you can engage in every other thing the Bible speaks out about and still be a Christian but for some, this seems to be the exception.
Franklin Graham will explain away Trump's many adulterous affairs. His taking the Lord's name in vain but this? Well that's just not acceptable.
Yeah. And one need only look at good ol' USMB to see how some who claim to be "Christian" soil the notion every single day here.
To say someone is or is not a good Christian by what they post on usmb is a bit of a stretch.
I loved when Pelosi told the Vatican they were wrong and didn't know what they were talking about when the Vatican corrected her on abortion.

The Vatican is wrong on abortion. God gave women choice. The Vatican denies that choice.

The Catholic Church, throughout recorded history has been corrupt and political. Not suprising that you consider a group which covers up corruption and pedophilia to be a reliable moral arbitor.

Wow, that's pretty impressive, that you have been around longer than the Vatican, have helped more people than the Vatican, have more money than the Vatican, know more than the Vatican and the best one is that you speak for God...quite impressive.

Do remember that "The Vatican" is merely a collective name for whatever group of guys was running an institution at any given point in human history, guys who have very consciously excluded the other half of the human species from the institution. It's just a boys' club. Their claim to having some sort of authority is absurd. BTW: over the course of centuries, these boys have screwed up big-time.
I agree with you. They lost their way and became a tradition of men. Christians should study the Bible and follow Jesus, the Head of the Church, not a Pope.

But do not take the bible as inerrant or infallible, learn to take much of what is in it as allegory. strip away anything that cannot be attributed to Jesus himself (like Paul, Timothy, Revelations), and consider all ancient pertinent writings including the Gnostic Gospels.

Learn to discern that which is connected to the thoughts and teachings of Jesus, and those writers who were merely concerned with continuing the primitive customs of the day, like a woman being "unclean" after childbirth and "unclean" for a certain time depending on the sex of the child she had, and requiring a guy to impregnate his dead brother's wife. I'm not even going to touch on animal sacrifices.

Also, compare it to what was going on spiritually among people all over the earth at the same time. There are deeper meanings to all of this that are universal among humans.
If you claim to be a Christian and don't believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, you're a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Good Lord, put the crack pipe down. No one is disputing his faith and beliefs are different than most others. That’s actually the point of the OP, his faith is a twisted version of Christianity. He is the son of a Jesuit, and is in a looney Christian denomination that promotes queers.

Why do you think that you have any right to define what Christianity is and judge another Christian? graham, jeffress, southern baptists, are all pretty twisted themselves.

Go pray your way. Let other people pray their way. There is no reason for you to interfere with the spiritual lives of others.

I have the First Amendment right to define Christianity however I want, and there isn’t a damned thing you can do about it. I can judge other Christians if I want as well.

Funny how you attack me and question my right to define what a Christian is, then you turn around and call certain Christians twisted yourself. It’s almost unreal how fucking retarded you people are.

Yes, little boy. You have the right to define Christianity however you want, but for yourself only. Buttigieg has the same right. Why are you attacking him? I have the same right. As I said before, I think that the southern baptists are a pretty twisted group of people who have no recognition of Jesus at all. They are not a pretty people. Islam is not a religion? There is something called the "end times"? Women must subject themselves to the penis in their households? This is bullshit. All they seem to want to do is cause more mayhem between Christian groups, as well as people of other faiths. Europeans have done this for centuries, then they landed this cancer on the North American continent.

I never claimed Buttplug didn’t have the same right.

BULL SHIT. That's exactly what you've been doing.

Wrong. He has the right, and we have the right to criticize him and point out what an idiot he is.
I loved when Pelosi told the Vatican they were wrong and didn't know what they were talking about when the Vatican corrected her on abortion.

The Vatican is wrong on abortion. God gave women choice. The Vatican denies that choice.

The Catholic Church, throughout recorded history has been corrupt and political. Not suprising that you consider a group which covers up corruption and pedophilia to be a reliable moral arbitor.

Wow, that's pretty impressive, that you have been around longer than the Vatican, have helped more people than the Vatican, have more money than the Vatican, know more than the Vatican and the best one is that you speak for God...quite impressive.

The record of the Catholic Church throughout recorded history is a litany of corruption, torture, genocide and other horrors. The Church condoned all manner of wars and abuses, and encouraged forced coversions of "heathens".. The destructive and corrosive effect of a priesthood that doesn't marry cannot be overstated. I have no regard for the Catholic Church whatsoever. Their worldwide cover up of sexual abuse and perversion is the last straw.

So virtually every Latino is complicit in these church abuses?

I didn't say that the Church membership is corrupt. I said the Vatican is corrupt. The Vactican is the leadership and the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. The Vatican has been corrupt, complicit, and/or an active participant in some of the worst atrocities in human history, including the Spanish Inquisitions, the Crusades, and the Holocaust, the genocide of aboriginals in South America, and on and on.

But then the Presbyterian Church, has as part of its founding documents, a statement that the "Pope is the AntiChrist", so maybe my faith has coloured my perception of the Catholic Church.
Mayor Pete said, "I care about this because my faith teaches me that salvation has to do with how I make myself useful to those who have been excluded, marginalized, and cast aside and oppressed in society."

THAT is your idea of heresy?

You wouldn't have like that Jesus guy much at all...

That might depend on how he defines “being useful” to the “marginalized” is. Using them as victims in identity politics to further a Marxist Agenda? Yes that might be heresy.

Whatever his intent is, it’s not tied to salvation. Salvation is accomplished in the belief in Jesus as the Christ.

Your problem here is you're addicted to this idea that you get to dick-tate what other people think.

The speaker CLEARLY spoke of his personal values, even went out of his way to preface that that was what he was doing. Yet here you sit purporting to judge what he means about his own values. YOU DON'T GET TO DO THAT, K?

This is what I call rhetorical fascism. "Don't tell me what you think, let me tell YOU what you think". Control freak writ large. YOU DON'T OWN other people's ruminations. Get that through your dense cranium.

Yes, I get to “judge” him and his values and beliefs. I know that really irks you for some reason. That little Marxist in you wants to squash any dissent from your chosen elites.

If only we would just stop opposing leftwingers, we could have “peace”.
Good Lord, put the crack pipe down. No one is disputing his faith and beliefs are different than most others. That’s actually the point of the OP, his faith is a twisted version of Christianity. He is the son of a Jesuit, and is in a looney Christian denomination that promotes queers.

Why do you think that you have any right to define what Christianity is and judge another Christian? graham, jeffress, southern baptists, are all pretty twisted themselves.

Go pray your way. Let other people pray their way. There is no reason for you to interfere with the spiritual lives of others.

I have the First Amendment right to define Christianity however I want, and there isn’t a damned thing you can do about it. I can judge other Christians if I want as well.

Funny how you attack me and question my right to define what a Christian is, then you turn around and call certain Christians twisted yourself. It’s almost unreal how fucking retarded you people are.

Yes, little boy. You have the right to define Christianity however you want, but for yourself only. Buttigieg has the same right. Why are you attacking him? I have the same right. As I said before, I think that the southern baptists are a pretty twisted group of people who have no recognition of Jesus at all. They are not a pretty people. Islam is not a religion? There is something called the "end times"? Women must subject themselves to the penis in their households? This is bullshit. All they seem to want to do is cause more mayhem between Christian groups, as well as people of other faiths. Europeans have done this for centuries, then they landed this cancer on the North American continent.

I never claimed Buttplug didn’t have the same right.

The rest of your post is a bunch of nonsense I’m not going to bother trying to decipher, other than the last little bit on how you really feel about Western civilization. It explains a lot about you. You’re welcome to move to Africa or the Middle East at any time if you hate Europeans so much.

So what you're saying is that YOUR First Amendment rights matter, but Lysistra has no right to her own beliefs. Non-Catholic women find the Catholic Church to be odious, at best. There is far too much emphasis on women's sexuality, and on sexuality in general. Women have no power, authority, and their spiritual lives are ruled by men who have taken vows of celibacy and consider women to be the source of all sin. Eve ate that apple and ruined it all.

Here's the problem for you Hawk: Everyone's right to freedom of religion is exactly the same as yours. You don't get to define religion for anyone but yourself. That's the real meaning of the First Amendment. You're free to believe as you wish but YOU HAVE TO EXTEND THAT FREEDOM TO EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE COUNTRY AND NONE THEM ARE REQUIRED TO BELIEVE AS YOU DO.

Conservatives are really quick to claim rights for themselves, but not to extend the same rights to those who disagree with them. Worse, they foolishly believe that other people having equal rights, somehow dimishes their rights, when in fact, the opposite is true. When everyone is free to worship as they believe, there is peace. The attempts to restricts the rights of others, generates conflict.

Had the bakers baked the cake, instead of publishing the names and addresses of the gay couple, and fighting the order to cease and desist their attacks on the gay couple, as their "right to free speech" the couple would have received a nice cake for their wedding, and the whole thing would have ended joyfully.

The bakers made a choice to make an issue on religious grounds, in violation of local laws. Instead of obeying court orders not to publish the names and addresses of the gay couple, the bakers kept fighting and fighting for the right to embarass, humiliate and threaten the gay couple, until the bakers lost everything, the couple nearly lost their children, and there is hate and resentment all around. Freedom has no value for anyone, unless it is there for everyone.

The religious right likes to claim victimhood, while they continue to attempt to restrict the rights of women to access safe, legal abortions, birth control (because it contributes to immoral lifestyles by preventing pregnancy), and in general, force their religious beliefs on their employees or students at their universities by writing their health insurance packages to exclude things THEY don't believe in. The health insurance is part of the employee's compensation package, and as such the employer should have NO RIGHT to determine what someone else's health insurance covers based on the employer's religious beliefs.

You’re confused. I never claimed Buttplug or LieSistrata never had the right to their own opinions. You seem to think that criticism of people is objecting to their right to that belief.

You have every “right” to be a moron and be wrong about everything. We have the right to point at you and laugh about it.
He's no less or no more of a Christian than any of us.
If he’s engaging in homosexual practices he’s not a Christian

It's funny. It seems you can engage in every other thing the Bible speaks out about and still be a Christian but for some, this seems to be the exception.

Franklin Graham will explain away Trump's many adulterous affairs. His taking the Lord's name in vain but this? Well that's just not acceptable.
There's no excuse for adulterous affairs.
Interesting you would say that on my post
I am the result of an affair.
Neither wanted me around so I was put up for adoption. solved this 70 year mystery.

About 6 years ago, my sister was contacted by a woman who claimed to be our sister. Our uncle confirmed to us that our mother had had a baby girl as the product of an affair, and he had paid her hospital bill for the delivery. We have welcomed our sister into the family. I hope your experience is similar.

I found a right wing "family values" Christian website that defined "adultery" as a relationship between a man and a women who is betrothed, or married. If the woman is single, and the man is married, it's not adultery. So these right wing hypocrites have found a way to excuse adulterous affairs. These hypocrites can justify anything.
He's no less or no more of a Christian than any of us.
If he’s engaging in homosexual practices he’s not a Christian

It's funny. It seems you can engage in every other thing the Bible speaks out about and still be a Christian but for some, this seems to be the exception.

Franklin Graham will explain away Trump's many adulterous affairs. His taking the Lord's name in vain but this? Well that's just not acceptable.
There's no excuse for adulterous affairs.
Interesting you would say that on my post
I am the result of an affair.
Neither wanted me around so I was put up for adoption. solved this 70 year mystery.

About 6 years ago, my sister was contacted by a woman who claimed to be our sister. Our uncle confirmed to us that our mother had had a baby girl as the product of an affair, and he had paid her hospital bill for the delivery. We have welcomed our sister into the family. I hope your experience is similar.

I found a right wing "family values" Christian website that defined "adultery" as a relationship between a man and a women who is betrothed, or married. If the woman is single, and the man is married, it's not adultery. So these right wing hypocrites have found a way to excuse adulterous affairs. These hypocrites can justify anything.
They are wrong. Doesn't matter which one is married.
He's no less or no more of a Christian than any of us.
If he’s engaging in homosexual practices he’s not a Christian

It's funny. It seems you can engage in every other thing the Bible speaks out about and still be a Christian but for some, this seems to be the exception.

Franklin Graham will explain away Trump's many adulterous affairs. His taking the Lord's name in vain but this? Well that's just not acceptable.
There's no excuse for adulterous affairs.
Interesting you would say that on my post
I am the result of an affair.
Neither wanted me around so I was put up for adoption. solved this 70 year mystery.

About 6 years ago, my sister was contacted by a woman who claimed to be our sister. Our uncle confirmed to us that our mother had had a baby girl as the product of an affair, and he had paid her hospital bill for the delivery. We have welcomed our sister into the family. I hope your experience is similar.

I found a right wing "family values" Christian website that defined "adultery" as a relationship between a man and a women who is betrothed, or married. If the woman is single, and the man is married, it's not adultery. So these right wing hypocrites have found a way to excuse adulterous affairs. These hypocrites can justify anything.
I live in Idaho. My bio line is California and Ohio. None of my siblings took a test. After 70 years what do you say. It's nothing more than knowledge at this point. I have not spoken to my 3 remaing brothers or 1 sister.
Why do you think that you have any right to define what Christianity is and judge another Christian? graham, jeffress, southern baptists, are all pretty twisted themselves.

Go pray your way. Let other people pray their way. There is no reason for you to interfere with the spiritual lives of others.

I have the First Amendment right to define Christianity however I want, and there isn’t a damned thing you can do about it. I can judge other Christians if I want as well.

Funny how you attack me and question my right to define what a Christian is, then you turn around and call certain Christians twisted yourself. It’s almost unreal how fucking retarded you people are.

Yes, little boy. You have the right to define Christianity however you want, but for yourself only. Buttigieg has the same right. Why are you attacking him? I have the same right. As I said before, I think that the southern baptists are a pretty twisted group of people who have no recognition of Jesus at all. They are not a pretty people. Islam is not a religion? There is something called the "end times"? Women must subject themselves to the penis in their households? This is bullshit. All they seem to want to do is cause more mayhem between Christian groups, as well as people of other faiths. Europeans have done this for centuries, then they landed this cancer on the North American continent.

I never claimed Buttplug didn’t have the same right.

The rest of your post is a bunch of nonsense I’m not going to bother trying to decipher, other than the last little bit on how you really feel about Western civilization. It explains a lot about you. You’re welcome to move to Africa or the Middle East at any time if you hate Europeans so much.

So what you're saying is that YOUR First Amendment rights matter, but Lysistra has no right to her own beliefs. Non-Catholic women find the Catholic Church to be odious, at best. There is far too much emphasis on women's sexuality, and on sexuality in general. Women have no power, authority, and their spiritual lives are ruled by men who have taken vows of celibacy and consider women to be the source of all sin. Eve ate that apple and ruined it all.

Here's the problem for you Hawk: Everyone's right to freedom of religion is exactly the same as yours. You don't get to define religion for anyone but yourself. That's the real meaning of the First Amendment. You're free to believe as you wish but YOU HAVE TO EXTEND THAT FREEDOM TO EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE COUNTRY AND NONE THEM ARE REQUIRED TO BELIEVE AS YOU DO.

Conservatives are really quick to claim rights for themselves, but not to extend the same rights to those who disagree with them. Worse, they foolishly believe that other people having equal rights, somehow dimishes their rights, when in fact, the opposite is true. When everyone is free to worship as they believe, there is peace. The attempts to restricts the rights of others, generates conflict.

Had the bakers baked the cake, instead of publishing the names and addresses of the gay couple, and fighting the order to cease and desist their attacks on the gay couple, as their "right to free speech" the couple would have received a nice cake for their wedding, and the whole thing would have ended joyfully.

The bakers made a choice to make an issue on religious grounds, in violation of local laws. Instead of obeying court orders not to publish the names and addresses of the gay couple, the bakers kept fighting and fighting for the right to embarass, humiliate and threaten the gay couple, until the bakers lost everything, the couple nearly lost their children, and there is hate and resentment all around. Freedom has no value for anyone, unless it is there for everyone.

The religious right likes to claim victimhood, while they continue to attempt to restrict the rights of women to access safe, legal abortions, birth control (because it contributes to immoral lifestyles by preventing pregnancy), and in general, force their religious beliefs on their employees or students at their universities by writing their health insurance packages to exclude things THEY don't believe in. The health insurance is part of the employee's compensation package, and as such the employer should have NO RIGHT to determine what someone else's health insurance covers based on the employer's religious beliefs.

You’re confused. I never claimed Buttplug or LieSistrata never had the right to their own opinions. You seem to think that criticism of people is objecting to their right to that belief.

You have every “right” to be a moron and be wrong about everything. We have the right to point at you and laugh about it.

That's EXACTLY what you said. You said "Buttigieg doesn't get to define Christianity". Pete has the same right you do to define his Christianity.

You're really quick to say "You can't tell me what to believe!", but then you follow that with with statements that imply that only your definition of Christianity is valid. By what right do YOU get to define what others must believe? You seem to be missing the part where you don't get to define Christianity for anyone but you. You want us to respect your rights, but you don't have to respect ours.
The Vatican is wrong on abortion. God gave women choice. The Vatican denies that choice.

The Catholic Church, throughout recorded history has been corrupt and political. Not suprising that you consider a group which covers up corruption and pedophilia to be a reliable moral arbitor.

Wow, that's pretty impressive, that you have been around longer than the Vatican, have helped more people than the Vatican, have more money than the Vatican, know more than the Vatican and the best one is that you speak for God...quite impressive.

Do remember that "The Vatican" is merely a collective name for whatever group of guys was running an institution at any given point in human history, guys who have very consciously excluded the other half of the human species from the institution. It's just a boys' club. Their claim to having some sort of authority is absurd. BTW: over the course of centuries, these boys have screwed up big-time.
I agree with you. They lost their way and became a tradition of men. Christians should study the Bible and follow Jesus, the Head of the Church, not a Pope.

But do not take the bible as inerrant or infallible, learn to take much of what is in it as allegory. strip away anything that cannot be attributed to Jesus himself (like Paul, Timothy, Revelations), and consider all ancient pertinent writings including the Gnostic Gospels.

Learn to discern that which is connected to the thoughts and teachings of Jesus, and those writers who were merely concerned with continuing the primitive customs of the day, like a woman being "unclean" after childbirth and "unclean" for a certain time depending on the sex of the child she had, and requiring a guy to impregnate his dead brother's wife. I'm not even going to touch on animal sacrifices.

Also, compare it to what was going on spiritually among people all over the earth at the same time. There are deeper meanings to all of this that are universal among humans.
If you claim to be a Christian and don't believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, you're a wolf in sheep's clothing.

The bible is not the "inerrant Word of God." This is a protestant fundamentalist belief.
He's no less or no more of a Christian than any of us.
If he’s engaging in homosexual practices he’s not a Christian

It's funny. It seems you can engage in every other thing the Bible speaks out about and still be a Christian but for some, this seems to be the exception.

Franklin Graham will explain away Trump's many adulterous affairs. His taking the Lord's name in vain but this? Well that's just not acceptable.
There's no excuse for adulterous affairs.
Interesting you would say that on my post
I am the result of an affair.
Neither wanted me around so I was put up for adoption. solved this 70 year mystery.

About 6 years ago, my sister was contacted by a woman who claimed to be our sister. Our uncle confirmed to us that our mother had had a baby girl as the product of an affair, and he had paid her hospital bill for the delivery. We have welcomed our sister into the family. I hope your experience is similar.

I found a right wing "family values" Christian website that defined "adultery" as a relationship between a man and a women who is betrothed, or married. If the woman is single, and the man is married, it's not adultery. So these right wing hypocrites have found a way to excuse adulterous affairs. These hypocrites can justify anything.
They are wrong. Doesn't matter which one is married.
"We be not born of fornication."
I used to think I was kind of the Joseph of the family
but now seeing how immoral by bio dad and mom were I kinda think more along the lines of Jephthat
The bible also says that homosexuality is an abomination, doesn't it? It's got nothing good to say about hypocrites either afaik...
He's no less or no more of a Christian than any of us.
If he’s engaging in homosexual practices he’s not a Christian

It's funny. It seems you can engage in every other thing the Bible speaks out about and still be a Christian but for some, this seems to be the exception.

Franklin Graham will explain away Trump's many adulterous affairs. His taking the Lord's name in vain but this? Well that's just not acceptable.
There's no excuse for adulterous affairs.
Interesting you would say that on my post
I am the result of an affair.
Neither wanted me around so I was put up for adoption. solved this 70 year mystery.

About 6 years ago, my sister was contacted by a woman who claimed to be our sister. Our uncle confirmed to us that our mother had had a baby girl as the product of an affair, and he had paid her hospital bill for the delivery. We have welcomed our sister into the family. I hope your experience is similar.

I found a right wing "family values" Christian website that defined "adultery" as a relationship between a man and a women who is betrothed, or married. If the woman is single, and the man is married, it's not adultery. So these right wing hypocrites have found a way to excuse adulterous affairs. These hypocrites can justify anything.
There's no question Trump has a past. But he's done more for people of faith than any preceding president. So maybe there's hope for the old goat after all
Wow, that's pretty impressive, that you have been around longer than the Vatican, have helped more people than the Vatican, have more money than the Vatican, know more than the Vatican and the best one is that you speak for God...quite impressive.

Do remember that "The Vatican" is merely a collective name for whatever group of guys was running an institution at any given point in human history, guys who have very consciously excluded the other half of the human species from the institution. It's just a boys' club. Their claim to having some sort of authority is absurd. BTW: over the course of centuries, these boys have screwed up big-time.
I agree with you. They lost their way and became a tradition of men. Christians should study the Bible and follow Jesus, the Head of the Church, not a Pope.

But do not take the bible as inerrant or infallible, learn to take much of what is in it as allegory. strip away anything that cannot be attributed to Jesus himself (like Paul, Timothy, Revelations), and consider all ancient pertinent writings including the Gnostic Gospels.

Learn to discern that which is connected to the thoughts and teachings of Jesus, and those writers who were merely concerned with continuing the primitive customs of the day, like a woman being "unclean" after childbirth and "unclean" for a certain time depending on the sex of the child she had, and requiring a guy to impregnate his dead brother's wife. I'm not even going to touch on animal sacrifices.

Also, compare it to what was going on spiritually among people all over the earth at the same time. There are deeper meanings to all of this that are universal among humans.
If you claim to be a Christian and don't believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, you're a wolf in sheep's clothing.

The bible is not the "inerrant Word of God." This is a protestant fundamentalist belief.
No, it's a Christian belief that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. Jesus quoted Scripture. Jesus commissioned the Apostle Paul.
He's no less or no more of a Christian than any of us.
If he’s engaging in homosexual practices he’s not a Christian

It's funny. It seems you can engage in every other thing the Bible speaks out about and still be a Christian but for some, this seems to be the exception.

Franklin Graham will explain away Trump's many adulterous affairs. His taking the Lord's name in vain but this? Well that's just not acceptable.
There's no excuse for adulterous affairs.
Interesting you would say that on my post
I am the result of an affair.
Neither wanted me around so I was put up for adoption. solved this 70 year mystery.

About 6 years ago, my sister was contacted by a woman who claimed to be our sister. Our uncle confirmed to us that our mother had had a baby girl as the product of an affair, and he had paid her hospital bill for the delivery. We have welcomed our sister into the family. I hope your experience is similar.

I found a right wing "family values" Christian website that defined "adultery" as a relationship between a man and a women who is betrothed, or married. If the woman is single, and the man is married, it's not adultery. So these right wing hypocrites have found a way to excuse adulterous affairs. These hypocrites can justify anything.
There's no question Trump has a past. But he's done more for people of faith than any preceding president. So maybe there's hope for the old goat after all
Our past doesn't matter. Every sin can be forgiven.
He's no less or no more of a Christian than any of us.
If he’s engaging in homosexual practices he’s not a Christian

It's funny. It seems you can engage in every other thing the Bible speaks out about and still be a Christian but for some, this seems to be the exception.

Franklin Graham will explain away Trump's many adulterous affairs. His taking the Lord's name in vain but this? Well that's just not acceptable.
There's no excuse for adulterous affairs.
Interesting you would say that on my post
I am the result of an affair.
Neither wanted me around so I was put up for adoption. solved this 70 year mystery.

About 6 years ago, my sister was contacted by a woman who claimed to be our sister. Our uncle confirmed to us that our mother had had a baby girl as the product of an affair, and he had paid her hospital bill for the delivery. We have welcomed our sister into the family. I hope your experience is similar.

I found a right wing "family values" Christian website that defined "adultery" as a relationship between a man and a women who is betrothed, or married. If the woman is single, and the man is married, it's not adultery. So these right wing hypocrites have found a way to excuse adulterous affairs. These hypocrites can justify anything.
There's no question Trump has a past. But he's done more for people of faith than any preceding president. So maybe there's hope for the old goat after all

He hasn't done ANYTHING for people of faith. He has pandered to the worst instincts of the religious right on abortion, birth control, moving the American embassy to Jerusalem. In terms of protection religious minorities, attacks on synagogues and mosques have increased, as have mass shootings in churches, and he's attempted to ban all Muslim immigration as well as trying to codify discrimination against minorities on the basis of religious beliefs. Those are attacks on the religious freedoms of the majority of Americans.

Last but not least, Trump isn't doing this on the basis of right and wrong, he's trying to ensure the religious right continues to instruct their parishoners to vote for him.
If he’s engaging in homosexual practices he’s not a Christian

It's funny. It seems you can engage in every other thing the Bible speaks out about and still be a Christian but for some, this seems to be the exception.

Franklin Graham will explain away Trump's many adulterous affairs. His taking the Lord's name in vain but this? Well that's just not acceptable.
There's no excuse for adulterous affairs.
Interesting you would say that on my post
I am the result of an affair.
Neither wanted me around so I was put up for adoption. solved this 70 year mystery.

About 6 years ago, my sister was contacted by a woman who claimed to be our sister. Our uncle confirmed to us that our mother had had a baby girl as the product of an affair, and he had paid her hospital bill for the delivery. We have welcomed our sister into the family. I hope your experience is similar.

I found a right wing "family values" Christian website that defined "adultery" as a relationship between a man and a women who is betrothed, or married. If the woman is single, and the man is married, it's not adultery. So these right wing hypocrites have found a way to excuse adulterous affairs. These hypocrites can justify anything.
There's no question Trump has a past. But he's done more for people of faith than any preceding president. So maybe there's hope for the old goat after all

He hasn't done ANYTHING for people of faith. He has pandered to the worst instincts of the religious right on abortion, birth control, moving the American embassy to Jerusalem. In terms of protection religious minorities, attacks on synagogues and mosques have increased, as have mass shootings in churches, and he's attempted to ban all Muslim immigration as well as trying to codify discrimination against minorities on the basis of religious beliefs. Those are attacks on the religious freedoms of the majority of Americans.

Last but not least, Trump isn't doing this on the basis of right and wrong, he's trying to ensure the religious right continues to instruct their parishoners to vote for him.
"these are not the droids we're looking for."
He's no less or no more of a Christian than any of us.
If he’s engaging in homosexual practices he’s not a Christian

It's funny. It seems you can engage in every other thing the Bible speaks out about and still be a Christian but for some, this seems to be the exception.

Franklin Graham will explain away Trump's many adulterous affairs. His taking the Lord's name in vain but this? Well that's just not acceptable.
There's no excuse for adulterous affairs.
Interesting you would say that on my post
I am the result of an affair.
Neither wanted me around so I was put up for adoption. solved this 70 year mystery.

About 6 years ago, my sister was contacted by a woman who claimed to be our sister. Our uncle confirmed to us that our mother had had a baby girl as the product of an affair, and he had paid her hospital bill for the delivery. We have welcomed our sister into the family. I hope your experience is similar.

I found a right wing "family values" Christian website that defined "adultery" as a relationship between a man and a women who is betrothed, or married. If the woman is single, and the man is married, it's not adultery. So these right wing hypocrites have found a way to excuse adulterous affairs. These hypocrites can justify anything.

The definition of "adultery" has been defined for centuries according to the marital status of the woman involved, which left a huge loophole for men who have taken marriage vows with one woman and then cheated on her. There is nothing "sacred" about this. If taking vows is a "sacred" act, and one is standing in front of an altar or under a chuppah and places a ring on another person's finger, this is supposed to be the holy bond, the promise to each other before God, that one does not break.

The various religions have not been very firm at all about this as it applies to men who have taken vows. I can't think of one religion that has a procedure for a woman to publicly accuse her husband of breaking his vows to her by having sex with another woman. None.

It must also be mentioned that only women wear the signs of their married status. Women traditionally take their husband's last name, their title is changed from "Miss" to "Mrs.," and they wear rings. Men remain "Mr." with their own birth names and are not required to wear rings signifying their married status. They carry no sign in public that they have a wife.

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