Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: ‘Salvation’ Depends on Being ‘Useful.’

Were Jesus alive today...Trumpers/conservatives would call HIM a "Marxist"
Oh, bullcorn. Jesus was a conservative Christian. He never referred anyone to a government program, but always to God.

Basically you are arguing we should freely give to the poor. Even with government programs the poor often times are not taken care of. When exactly do you suppose we will step up and do what the Bible instructs us to do?
You obviously aren't aware of Christian hospitals, inner city gospel missions, the Salvation Army. Catholic Charities, overseas missions, etc.

I am quite aware of them. I have supported them on these pages many times. They are not meeting the needs alone. When will we stand up and do that? And if we will not, what then?
Were Jesus alive today...Trumpers/conservatives would call HIM a "Marxist"
Oh, bullcorn. Jesus was a conservative Christian. He never referred anyone to a government program, but always to God.

Basically you are arguing we should freely give to the poor. Even with government programs the poor often times are not taken care of. When exactly do you suppose we will step up and do what the Bible instructs us to do?
You obviously aren't aware of Christian hospitals, inner city gospel missions, the Salvation Army. Catholic Charities, overseas missions, etc.
Soup kitchens, shelters, famine and disaster relief, and all the rest. No government, no corporation, no other organization at all has been as charitable as Christianity has.

Many do really great things. I never said otherwise. Despite that, are the needs of the poor being met? How much bigger of a hole would they be in if the above was all that was available?
About 6 years ago, my sister was contacted by a woman who claimed to be our sister. Our uncle confirmed to us that our mother had had a baby girl as the product of an affair, and he had paid her hospital bill for the delivery. We have welcomed our sister into the family. I hope your experience is similar.

I found a right wing "family values" Christian website that defined "adultery" as a relationship between a man and a women who is betrothed, or married. If the woman is single, and the man is married, it's not adultery. So these right wing hypocrites have found a way to excuse adulterous affairs. These hypocrites can justify anything.
There's no question Trump has a past. But he's done more for people of faith than any preceding president. So maybe there's hope for the old goat after all

He hasn't done ANYTHING for people of faith. He has pandered to the worst instincts of the religious right on abortion, birth control, moving the American embassy to Jerusalem. In terms of protection religious minorities, attacks on synagogues and mosques have increased, as have mass shootings in churches, and he's attempted to ban all Muslim immigration as well as trying to codify discrimination against minorities on the basis of religious beliefs. Those are attacks on the religious freedoms of the majority of Americans.

Last but not least, Trump isn't doing this on the basis of right and wrong, he's trying to ensure the religious right continues to instruct their parishoners to vote for him.
The fewer muslims in the United States the better.

Why do you say this? Even if they're bad, we've already got graham and falwell and those sorts of fools.
About 6 years ago, my sister was contacted by a woman who claimed to be our sister. Our uncle confirmed to us that our mother had had a baby girl as the product of an affair, and he had paid her hospital bill for the delivery. We have welcomed our sister into the family. I hope your experience is similar.

I found a right wing "family values" Christian website that defined "adultery" as a relationship between a man and a women who is betrothed, or married. If the woman is single, and the man is married, it's not adultery. So these right wing hypocrites have found a way to excuse adulterous affairs. These hypocrites can justify anything.
There's no question Trump has a past. But he's done more for people of faith than any preceding president. So maybe there's hope for the old goat after all

He hasn't done ANYTHING for people of faith. He has pandered to the worst instincts of the religious right on abortion, birth control, moving the American embassy to Jerusalem. In terms of protection religious minorities, attacks on synagogues and mosques have increased, as have mass shootings in churches, and he's attempted to ban all Muslim immigration as well as trying to codify discrimination against minorities on the basis of religious beliefs. Those are attacks on the religious freedoms of the majority of Americans.

Last but not least, Trump isn't doing this on the basis of right and wrong, he's trying to ensure the religious right continues to instruct their parishoners to vote for him.
The fewer muslims in the United States the better.

Why do you say this? Even if they're bad, we've already got graham and falwell and those sorts of fools.
Muslims take, they don't give. Christians are much more tolerant than muslims.

You are out of your mind. I have known a lot of Muslims. There are many Muslims in my community. They are the same as everyone else. We help each other.

Why do you think that people like graham or falwell or jeffress are Christians?
Were Jesus alive today...Trumpers/conservatives would call HIM a "Marxist"
Oh, bullcorn. Jesus was a conservative Christian. He never referred anyone to a government program, but always to God.

Basically you are arguing we should freely give to the poor. Even with government programs the poor often times are not taken care of. When exactly do you suppose we will step up and do what the Bible instructs us to do?
You obviously aren't aware of Christian hospitals, inner city gospel missions, the Salvation Army. Catholic Charities, overseas missions, etc.
Soup kitchens, shelters, famine and disaster relief, and all the rest. No government, no corporation, no other organization at all has been as charitable as Christianity has.
When my parents` home took on 8 ft. of water from hurricane Ivan in 2004 the Salvation Army helped us with food and cleaning supplies during the emergency and the St. Vincent Depaul came through with a check for $150. FEMA wrote a check for $13,000 to help rebuild and replace things that were destroyed. $13,000 is a bit more than $150 and cleaning supplies. You think?
Oh, I see. You're the world's charity case.
Oh, bullcorn. Jesus was a conservative Christian. He never referred anyone to a government program, but always to God.

Basically you are arguing we should freely give to the poor. Even with government programs the poor often times are not taken care of. When exactly do you suppose we will step up and do what the Bible instructs us to do?
You obviously aren't aware of Christian hospitals, inner city gospel missions, the Salvation Army. Catholic Charities, overseas missions, etc.
Soup kitchens, shelters, famine and disaster relief, and all the rest. No government, no corporation, no other organization at all has been as charitable as Christianity has.
When my parents` home took on 8 ft. of water from hurricane Ivan in 2004 the Salvation Army helped us with food and cleaning supplies during the emergency and the St. Vincent Depaul came through with a check for $150. FEMA wrote a check for $13,000 to help rebuild and replace things that were destroyed. $13,000 is a bit more than $150 and cleaning supplies. You think?
Oh, I see. You're the world's charity case.
My elderly parents nearly had their home destroyed and that makes me a charity case? It`s not quite noon yet but so far you`re the leading asshole for the day.
Were Jesus alive today...Trumpers/conservatives would call HIM a "Marxist"
Oh, bullcorn. Jesus was a conservative Christian. He never referred anyone to a government program, but always to God.

Basically you are arguing we should freely give to the poor. Even with government programs the poor often times are not taken care of. When exactly do you suppose we will step up and do what the Bible instructs us to do?
You obviously aren't aware of Christian hospitals, inner city gospel missions, the Salvation Army. Catholic Charities, overseas missions, etc.
Soup kitchens, shelters, famine and disaster relief, and all the rest. No government, no corporation, no other organization at all has been as charitable as Christianity has.

Do not speak in general about Christianity. It cannot be done. It was a disappointment to find out how bigoted some of these organizations actually are. I used to give to the Salvation Army since I was little and my mother gave me money to put in the red pot. No more. I now give to non-bigoted charities.

Which charities are you giving to that are helping the homeless? Around here there are two providing shelter. The Salvation Army and the Latrobe Street Mission.

Latrobe Street Mission

The mission is far more open minded than the Salvation Army but neither can meet the need on their own.
Were Jesus alive today...Trumpers/conservatives would call HIM a "Marxist"
Oh, bullcorn. Jesus was a conservative Christian. He never referred anyone to a government program, but always to God.

Basically you are arguing we should freely give to the poor. Even with government programs the poor often times are not taken care of. When exactly do you suppose we will step up and do what the Bible instructs us to do?
You obviously aren't aware of Christian hospitals, inner city gospel missions, the Salvation Army. Catholic Charities, overseas missions, etc.
Soup kitchens, shelters, famine and disaster relief, and all the rest. No government, no corporation, no other organization at all has been as charitable as Christianity has.

Many do really great things. I never said otherwise. Despite that, are the needs of the poor being met? How much bigger of a hole would they be in if the above was all that was available?
Before our government turned as progressive as it did a century ago, people were not keeling over in the streets. They had family, community, the church. With runaway taxation and the "war on poverty," the plight of the poor has not got any better. It's worse, in fact, or have you not seen pictures of San Francisco and Honolulu?

If government would just leave charities alone, maybe things would be better.
Basically you are arguing we should freely give to the poor. Even with government programs the poor often times are not taken care of. When exactly do you suppose we will step up and do what the Bible instructs us to do?
You obviously aren't aware of Christian hospitals, inner city gospel missions, the Salvation Army. Catholic Charities, overseas missions, etc.
Soup kitchens, shelters, famine and disaster relief, and all the rest. No government, no corporation, no other organization at all has been as charitable as Christianity has.
When my parents` home took on 8 ft. of water from hurricane Ivan in 2004 the Salvation Army helped us with food and cleaning supplies during the emergency and the St. Vincent Depaul came through with a check for $150. FEMA wrote a check for $13,000 to help rebuild and replace things that were destroyed. $13,000 is a bit more than $150 and cleaning supplies. You think?
Oh, I see. You're the world's charity case.
My elderly parents nearly had their home destroyed and that makes me a charity case? It`s not quite noon yet but so far you`re the leading asshole for the day.
An award from you means nothing. But today, I say thank you.
Oh, bullcorn. Jesus was a conservative Christian. He never referred anyone to a government program, but always to God.

Basically you are arguing we should freely give to the poor. Even with government programs the poor often times are not taken care of. When exactly do you suppose we will step up and do what the Bible instructs us to do?
You obviously aren't aware of Christian hospitals, inner city gospel missions, the Salvation Army. Catholic Charities, overseas missions, etc.
Soup kitchens, shelters, famine and disaster relief, and all the rest. No government, no corporation, no other organization at all has been as charitable as Christianity has.

Many do really great things. I never said otherwise. Despite that, are the needs of the poor being met? How much bigger of a hole would they be in if the above was all that was available?
Before our government turned as progressive as it did a century ago, people were not keeling over in the streets. They had family, community, the church. With runaway taxation and the "war on poverty," the plight of the poor has not got any better. It's worse, in fact, or have you not seen pictures of San Francisco and Honolulu?

Yes people were. Women without husbands had to turn to prostitution in many cases. The life was very hard and short for these women. We had homes for children that were little more than places for widespread abuse of these children.

I do not think you know our history very well.
Basically you are arguing we should freely give to the poor. Even with government programs the poor often times are not taken care of. When exactly do you suppose we will step up and do what the Bible instructs us to do?
You obviously aren't aware of Christian hospitals, inner city gospel missions, the Salvation Army. Catholic Charities, overseas missions, etc.
Soup kitchens, shelters, famine and disaster relief, and all the rest. No government, no corporation, no other organization at all has been as charitable as Christianity has.

Many do really great things. I never said otherwise. Despite that, are the needs of the poor being met? How much bigger of a hole would they be in if the above was all that was available?
Before our government turned as progressive as it did a century ago, people were not keeling over in the streets. They had family, community, the church. With runaway taxation and the "war on poverty," the plight of the poor has not got any better. It's worse, in fact, or have you not seen pictures of San Francisco and Honolulu?

Yes people were. Women without husbands had to turn to prostitution in many cases. The life was very hard and short for these women. We had homes for children that were little more than places for widespread abuse of these children.

I do not think you know our history very well.
Oh, I forgot, today we don't have prostitution and homes for children.
Oh, bullcorn. Jesus was a conservative Christian. He never referred anyone to a government program, but always to God.

Basically you are arguing we should freely give to the poor. Even with government programs the poor often times are not taken care of. When exactly do you suppose we will step up and do what the Bible instructs us to do?
You obviously aren't aware of Christian hospitals, inner city gospel missions, the Salvation Army. Catholic Charities, overseas missions, etc.
Soup kitchens, shelters, famine and disaster relief, and all the rest. No government, no corporation, no other organization at all has been as charitable as Christianity has.

Many do really great things. I never said otherwise. Despite that, are the needs of the poor being met? How much bigger of a hole would they be in if the above was all that was available?
Before our government turned as progressive as it did a century ago, people were not keeling over in the streets. They had family, community, the church. With runaway taxation and the "war on poverty," the plight of the poor has not got any better. It's worse, in fact, or have you not seen pictures of San Francisco and Honolulu?

If government would just leave charities alone, maybe things would be better.
Those were great times a century ago when 10 year olds had a right to get blown up in a coal mine alongside dad and grandpap.
You obviously aren't aware of Christian hospitals, inner city gospel missions, the Salvation Army. Catholic Charities, overseas missions, etc.
Soup kitchens, shelters, famine and disaster relief, and all the rest. No government, no corporation, no other organization at all has been as charitable as Christianity has.

Many do really great things. I never said otherwise. Despite that, are the needs of the poor being met? How much bigger of a hole would they be in if the above was all that was available?
Before our government turned as progressive as it did a century ago, people were not keeling over in the streets. They had family, community, the church. With runaway taxation and the "war on poverty," the plight of the poor has not got any better. It's worse, in fact, or have you not seen pictures of San Francisco and Honolulu?

Yes people were. Women without husbands had to turn to prostitution in many cases. The life was very hard and short for these women. We had homes for children that were little more than places for widespread abuse of these children.

I do not think you know our history very well.
Oh, I forgot, today we don't have prostitution and homes for children.

One is now largely illegal and the other is now highly regulated but if this is how you want to admit you are wrong, so be it.
Come on Dems.

Nominate the out of the closet homo.

You'll carry the blacks and hispanics by just race baiting, right...

Soup kitchens, shelters, famine and disaster relief, and all the rest. No government, no corporation, no other organization at all has been as charitable as Christianity has.

Many do really great things. I never said otherwise. Despite that, are the needs of the poor being met? How much bigger of a hole would they be in if the above was all that was available?
Before our government turned as progressive as it did a century ago, people were not keeling over in the streets. They had family, community, the church. With runaway taxation and the "war on poverty," the plight of the poor has not got any better. It's worse, in fact, or have you not seen pictures of San Francisco and Honolulu?

Yes people were. Women without husbands had to turn to prostitution in many cases. The life was very hard and short for these women. We had homes for children that were little more than places for widespread abuse of these children.

I do not think you know our history very well.
Oh, I forgot, today we don't have prostitution and homes for children.

One is now largely illegal and the other is now highly regulated but if this is how you want to admit you are wrong, so be it.
Do you know your history? Do you think before the Progressive Era, prostitution was not largely illegal? And so what if children's homes are highly regulated? It's just more government interference, and look what a wonderful it's done reducing homelessness among children.
Many do really great things. I never said otherwise. Despite that, are the needs of the poor being met? How much bigger of a hole would they be in if the above was all that was available?
Before our government turned as progressive as it did a century ago, people were not keeling over in the streets. They had family, community, the church. With runaway taxation and the "war on poverty," the plight of the poor has not got any better. It's worse, in fact, or have you not seen pictures of San Francisco and Honolulu?

Yes people were. Women without husbands had to turn to prostitution in many cases. The life was very hard and short for these women. We had homes for children that were little more than places for widespread abuse of these children.

I do not think you know our history very well.
Oh, I forgot, today we don't have prostitution and homes for children.

One is now largely illegal and the other is now highly regulated but if this is how you want to admit you are wrong, so be it.
Do you know your history? Do you think before the Progressive Era, prostitution was not largely illegal? And so what if children's homes are highly regulated? It's just more government interference, and look what a wonderful it's done reducing homelessness among children.

Government intervention into childrens homes has been positive. In the west prostitution was not illegal. Even in places where it was, it wasn't enforced. We did NOT take care of these people and we would not today either. Many places do all they can and it's still not enough. We have the third home to pay for.
Before our government turned as progressive as it did a century ago, people were not keeling over in the streets. They had family, community, the church. With runaway taxation and the "war on poverty," the plight of the poor has not got any better. It's worse, in fact, or have you not seen pictures of San Francisco and Honolulu?

Yes people were. Women without husbands had to turn to prostitution in many cases. The life was very hard and short for these women. We had homes for children that were little more than places for widespread abuse of these children.

I do not think you know our history very well.
Oh, I forgot, today we don't have prostitution and homes for children.

One is now largely illegal and the other is now highly regulated but if this is how you want to admit you are wrong, so be it.
Do you know your history? Do you think before the Progressive Era, prostitution was not largely illegal? And so what if children's homes are highly regulated? It's just more government interference, and look what a wonderful it's done reducing homelessness among children.

Government intervention into childrens homes has been positive. In the west prostitution was not illegal. Even in places where it was, it wasn't enforced. We did NOT take care of these people and we would not today either. Many places do all they can and it's still not enough. We have the third home to pay for.
By west, you mean America? And you're right, it was illegal, even if not enforced.

At any rate, government is never charitable. Taxes fund it, not donations. No government, no corporation, no other charity has been more charitable than Christianity.
Oh, bullcorn. Jesus was a conservative Christian. He never referred anyone to a government program, but always to God.

Basically you are arguing we should freely give to the poor. Even with government programs the poor often times are not taken care of. When exactly do you suppose we will step up and do what the Bible instructs us to do?
You obviously aren't aware of Christian hospitals, inner city gospel missions, the Salvation Army. Catholic Charities, overseas missions, etc.
Soup kitchens, shelters, famine and disaster relief, and all the rest. No government, no corporation, no other organization at all has been as charitable as Christianity has.
When my parents` home took on 8 ft. of water from hurricane Ivan in 2004 the Salvation Army helped us with food and cleaning supplies during the emergency and the St. Vincent Depaul came through with a check for $150. FEMA wrote a check for $13,000 to help rebuild and replace things that were destroyed. $13,000 is a bit more than $150 and cleaning supplies. You think?
Oh, I see. You're the world's charity case.

As someone who also experience the total loss of my home and everything in it, to a tornado, I find your comments beyond deplorable, but not unexpected. When I experienced this loss, family, friends, relatives, and customers at the bank where I worked, came forward with comfort, help and assistance. Going through a catastrophic loss is devasating for a family, and it doesn't end when the skies clear. It took me more than 6 months to see a nickel of insurance money, I had to find somewhere else to live in the interim, and the city condemned what was left of my house.

I also lost my sense of safety utterly. Children in our neighbourhood became hysterical when the skies got cloudy, and teachers said they refused to go outside at recess. I was plagued with what I now recognize as a form of PST, and I still feel terror in a windstorm. The suicide rate in our county went up 500% in the 12 months following the storm.

That you would make jokes about people going through a catastrophic loss, shows you to be a real piece of work.
Yes people were. Women without husbands had to turn to prostitution in many cases. The life was very hard and short for these women. We had homes for children that were little more than places for widespread abuse of these children.

I do not think you know our history very well.
Oh, I forgot, today we don't have prostitution and homes for children.

One is now largely illegal and the other is now highly regulated but if this is how you want to admit you are wrong, so be it.
Do you know your history? Do you think before the Progressive Era, prostitution was not largely illegal? And so what if children's homes are highly regulated? It's just more government interference, and look what a wonderful it's done reducing homelessness among children.

Government intervention into childrens homes has been positive. In the west prostitution was not illegal. Even in places where it was, it wasn't enforced. We did NOT take care of these people and we would not today either. Many places do all they can and it's still not enough. We have the third home to pay for.
By west, you mean America? And you're right, it was illegal, even if not enforced.

At any rate, government is never charitable. Taxes fund it, not donations. No government, no corporation, no other charity has been more charitable than Christianity.

And it's still not enough.
Basically you are arguing we should freely give to the poor. Even with government programs the poor often times are not taken care of. When exactly do you suppose we will step up and do what the Bible instructs us to do?
You obviously aren't aware of Christian hospitals, inner city gospel missions, the Salvation Army. Catholic Charities, overseas missions, etc.
Soup kitchens, shelters, famine and disaster relief, and all the rest. No government, no corporation, no other organization at all has been as charitable as Christianity has.
When my parents` home took on 8 ft. of water from hurricane Ivan in 2004 the Salvation Army helped us with food and cleaning supplies during the emergency and the St. Vincent Depaul came through with a check for $150. FEMA wrote a check for $13,000 to help rebuild and replace things that were destroyed. $13,000 is a bit more than $150 and cleaning supplies. You think?
Oh, I see. You're the world's charity case.

As someone who also experience the total loss of my home and everything in it, to a tornado, I find your comments beyond deplorable, but not unexpected. When I experienced this loss, family, friends, relatives, and customers at the bank where I worked, came forward with comfort, help and assistance. Going through a catastrophic loss is devasating for a family, and it doesn't end when the skies clear. It took me more than 6 months to see a nickel of insurance money, I had to find somewhere else to live in the interim, and the city condemned what was left of my house.

I also lost my sense of safety utterly. Children in our neighbourhood became hysterical when the skies got cloudy, and teachers said they refused to go outside at recess. I was plagued with what I now recognize as a form of PST, and I still feel terror in a windstorm. The suicide rate in our county went up 500% in the 12 months following the storm.

That you would make jokes about people going through a catastrophic loss, shows you to be a real piece of work.

The suicide
Pay attention, Class, if you can. FEMA is not a charity. And anecdotes do not disprove generalities.

I feel for you, but you leftards are clueless.

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