Peter King (R-NY), a leader of the coming "moderate reasonable GOP", justifies spying

Dec 5, 2011
Congressman Peter King, chairman of the House subcommittee on counterterrorism and intelligence, speaking on NBC's "Meet the Press," said: "The president should stop apologizing, stop being defensive."

"The reality is the NSA has saved thousands of lives, not just in the United States but also in France and Germany and throughout Europe. The French are some ones to talk; the fact is, they've carried out spying operations against the United States, both the government and industry. As far as Germany, that's where the Hamburg plot began, which led to 9/11. They've had dealings with Iran and Iraq, North Korea ..."

Yeah, the GOP needs more guys like King, McCain and Graham... :cool:
Peter King has surprised me by so correct on so many things.

CF's dismay is evidence to keep King in Congress.
Congressman Peter King, chairman of the House subcommittee on counterterrorism and intelligence, speaking on NBC's "Meet the Press," said: "The president should stop apologizing, stop being defensive."

"The reality is the NSA has saved thousands of lives, not just in the United States but also in France and Germany and throughout Europe. The French are some ones to talk; the fact is, they've carried out spying operations against the United States, both the government and industry. As far as Germany, that's where the Hamburg plot began, which led to 9/11. They've had dealings with Iran and Iraq, North Korea ..."

Yeah, the GOP needs more guys like King, McCain and Graham... :cool:

Every body spy's on everybody. Had "W" listened to what the agencies of many foriegn nations, including Russia, were trying to tell him in the summer of 2001, 9-11 might have been prevented. That we went so far as to listen into Merkels private phone is a bit too much. But the worst is that we outsourced the processing of the information to private firms, instead of trusted government employess of sufficient maturity and knowledge to understand what is at stake. Revealing this kind of information for the whole world to see, demonstrates that Snowden has completely crossed the line. He is a traitor to this nation, now only seeks to do as much damage to it as possible.
Peter (Pan) King (R-NY) says moderate, lite socialist Republicans will build a coalition to work with Out of the Closet Socialists and NeoConservatives to pragmatically build bigger government.

News at 11.
Congressman Peter King, chairman of the House subcommittee on counterterrorism and intelligence, speaking on NBC's "Meet the Press," said: "The president should stop apologizing, stop being defensive."

"The reality is the NSA has saved thousands of lives, not just in the United States but also in France and Germany and throughout Europe. The French are some ones to talk; the fact is, they've carried out spying operations against the United States, both the government and industry. As far as Germany, that's where the Hamburg plot began, which led to 9/11. They've had dealings with Iran and Iraq, North Korea ..."

Yeah, the GOP needs more guys like King, McCain and Graham... :cool:
GEE, King sounds just like your MessiahRushie!

December 19, 2005
RUSH: This whole NSA thing, this is how the template was set. And I'm not going to accept the premise that civil liberties have been violated. Somebody tell me what civil liberties have been violated.

I want to know, give me one person who is in jail who has been falsely charged because of the Patriot Act. Folks, I'm going to leave myself out of this. Tempting but I'm going to leave myself out of this. Patriot Act hasn't been diddly-squat to me. I'm going to leave myself out of this. I want to know, what civil liberty is being violated? I want the press to answer this question. If we're going to go to war to protect our civil liberties, what the hell civil liberties have been lost? What are we losing? What are the civil liberties that we have lost? The press is disloyal as ever, nobody is stopping their anti-American reporting apart from a prosecutor that they demanded. What's the press been stopped from doing, what civil liberties have anybody been prevented from utilizing? What? Somebody tell me. Oh, you know who -- I'm sorry. I'm sorry. My friends, I apologize. I forgot what this is about. We are talking about the civil liberties of terrorists. They're the ones who must be protected. They're the ones who are protected against so-called torture. They must be given the rights -- thank you, Senator McCain -- afforded to US citizens under the US Constitution. They're the ones who must get lawyers. That's right: the Patriot Act is screwing with the terrorists. Sorry. "
Oh dear gawd, the moderate reasonable gop

when do we get that of the Democrat party?

their name should be changed to, the radical Socialist/Communist party
King is a rising leader of a moderate mainstream GOP that rebukes and resists the TeaPs. Good for him.
King is a rising leader of a moderate mainstream GOP that rebukes and resists the TeaPs. Good for him.

Socialist Lite.

"We want consolidated federal government, less individual liberty and a higher debt ratio. We are the moderates."


but of course, isn't that we should all be striving for...and kicking around the people in this country

that big ole tent keep getting smaller and smaller
Can somebody explain how spying on the entire world, 60 million phone calls in Spain in a single year and 70 million in France (Spanish Media: NSA 'Spied on 60 Million Phone Calls' |, and trying to pass this off as targeting "terrorists" is somehow the "moderate" and "reasonable" position to take?

Have you seen who this government deems a terrorist? If not, it will make more sense when you find out.

Yes, I'm just interested to see whether anybody can make the actual argument with a straight face.
I am glad Peter King is speaking out. Faux right wingers needed to be reminded all this shit started under Bush. A lot of them act as if it started on Obama's watch.

Did you hear we've been listening in to Angela Merkel's personal phone since 2002?


Remember, kids, waterboarding isn't torture! A long line of psychopath right wing nazis who can never be confused for RINOs have said so.
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Every body spy's on everybody. Had "W" listened to what the agencies of many foriegn nations, including Russia, were trying to tell him in the summer of 2001, 9-11 might have been prevented. That we went so far as to listen into Merkels private phone is a bit too much. But the worst is that we outsourced the processing of the information to private firms, instead of trusted government employess of sufficient maturity and knowledge to understand what is at stake. Revealing this kind of information for the whole world to see, demonstrates that Snowden has completely crossed the line. He is a traitor to this nation, now only seeks to do as much damage to it as possible.

Had obama listened to the Russians, the Boston Marathon would not have been bombed.

Edward Snowden has transcended patriotism and is now on his way to sainthood for what he's doing to the obama regime.
I am glad Peter King is speaking out. Faux right wingers needed to be reminded all this shit started under Bush. A lot of them act as if it started on Obama's watch.

Did you hear we've been listening in to Angela Merkel's personal phone since 2002?


Remember, kids, waterboarding isn't torture! A long line of psychopath right wing nazis who can never be confused for RINOs have said so.

No we have had the capability of listening in to private phone calls since 2002, but the actual tapping of her private line didn't start until 2010.

Then obama didn't stop with surveillance of heads of state, but went on to gather information from ordinary foreign citizens who were doing nothing more than going about their ordinary lives. Just like he was doing to Americans.
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Can somebody explain how spying on the entire world, 60 million phone calls in Spain in a single year and 70 million in France (Spanish Media: NSA 'Spied on 60 Million Phone Calls' |, and trying to pass this off as targeting "terrorists" is somehow the "moderate" and "reasonable" position to take?

It was irony. Mr. King is anti-Tea party, so the media likes him.

It looks like the so called "GOP moderate business wing" is pro-business with taxpayers money: pro-war and mass espionage.
Peter King is pretty much the definition of establishment Republican.

He's thinking ahead, to a point in the future when Republicans take the White House again, and will want lots of precedence for expanding executive power.

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