The Media & Establishment Witch Hunt Of Donald Trump Trying To Brand Him A Racist

Is President Trump A Racist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 24.0%
  • No

    Votes: 19 76.0%
  • I am Confused by The Biased Reporting of The Media & Comments By His Detractors & Don't Kno

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I want America to come together, and be ONE NATION UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE
Can I say that again?


People who want to divide us and Play Identity Politics, promote Multiculturalism, and Segregation are NOT AMERICANS! if you have to divide a country against itself just to be elected, you should not be elected, you should be DEPORTED.

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."


You, Me, and EVEN LEFTY!
that means the alt left and let's not let this group take over our country. stop pandering these cop killers and media traitors. stop it already, alt left is as bad as alt right.

The fact is that it was the alt-right who committed acts of violence in Charlottesville and Trump refused to condemn them. There was no moral equivalence.

I'm going to quote you:"The fact is that it was the alt-right who committed acts of violence in Charlottesville and Trump refused to condemn them." now to tear it apart
A) THE FACT??? Alt-right committed acts of violence? TRUE. An ideologically driven idiot much like the Black Lives Matter Member in Dallas Shot 5 cops.
Did the ANTIFA commit acts of violence? TRUE!

B) "Trump refused to condemn them" YOU ARE A LIAR BECAUSE THE FACT IS THIS:
Trump calls KKK, white supremacists 'repugnant' - CNNPolitics
"Racism is evil -- and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists,
and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans,
" Trump said in response to the attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend.
"Those who spread violence in the name of bigotry strike at the very core of America," Trump said


By the way did Obama ever condemn the Black Lives Matter ideological idiot who like the "neo-nazi" who hit the woman, shot 5 Dallas Cops?

President Obama defended the Black Lives Matter movement Tuesday at a memorial service for five slain Dallas police officers, saying bigotry remains a problem in police departments across the U.S. While paying tribute to the fallen officers for sacrificing their lives to protect anti-police protesters from a sniper, Mr. Obama also called on law enforcement agencies to root out bias that he said is contributing to violence on the streets of America.
Te president, who has been criticized by law enforcement officials for supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, doubled down on that theme in front of the slain officers’ colleagues and families, saying Americans “cannot simply turn away and dismiss those in peaceful protest as troublemakers or paranoid.”
Obama defends Black Lives Matter protests at police memorial in Dallas

Where was your indignation at Obama? Where was the MSM? NOWHERE !
I want America to come together, and be ONE NATION UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE
Can I say that again?


People who want to divide us and Play Identity Politics, promote Multiculturalism, and Segregation are NOT AMERICANS! if you have to divide a country against itself just to be elected, you should not be elected, you should be DEPORTED.

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."


You, Me, and EVEN LEFTY!
that means the alt left and let's not let this group take over our country. stop pandering these cop killers and media traitors. stop it already, alt left is as bad as alt right.

The fact is that it was the alt-right who committed acts of violence in Charlottesville and Trump refused to condemn them. There was no moral equivalence.

I'm going to quote you:"The fact is that it was the alt-right who committed acts of violence in Charlottesville and Trump refused to condemn them." now to tear it apart
A) THE FACT??? Alt-right committed acts of violence? TRUE. An ideologically driven idiot much like the Black Lives Matter Member in Dallas Shot 5 cops.
Did the ANTIFA commit acts of violence? TRUE!
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B) "Trump refused to condemn them" YOU ARE A LIAR BECAUSE THE FACT IS THIS:
Trump calls KKK, white supremacists 'repugnant' - CNNPolitics
"Racism is evil -- and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists,
and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans,
" Trump said in response to the attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend.
"Those who spread violence in the name of bigotry strike at the very core of America," Trump said


By the way did Obama ever condemn the Black Lives Matter ideological idiot who like the "neo-nazi" who hit the woman, shot 5 Dallas Cops?

President Obama defended the Black Lives Matter movement Tuesday at a memorial service for five slain Dallas police officers, saying bigotry remains a problem in police departments across the U.S. While paying tribute to the fallen officers for sacrificing their lives to protect anti-police protesters from a sniper, Mr. Obama also called on law enforcement agencies to root out bias that he said is contributing to violence on the streets of America.
Te president, who has been criticized by law enforcement officials for supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, doubled down on that theme in front of the slain officers’ colleagues and families, saying Americans “cannot simply turn away and dismiss those in peaceful protest as troublemakers or paranoid.”
Obama defends Black Lives Matter protests at police memorial in Dallas

Where was your indignation at Obama? Where was the MSM? NOWHERE !
they won't because they are the true bigots. a bigot is someone that can't call out a group that are bigots bigot like these leftist alt lefts.
You're missing the point.

The point isn't what he's done in the past.

The point is what he's doing _now_, which is kissing the ass of Nazis.

He didn't have to suck up the the white supremacist Republican base before. He does have to suck up to them now, so he's sucking up to them now.
He's doing no such thing, you lying piece of shit. Trump simply stated the truth by pointing out that ANTIFA and BLM are not the heroes of this whole sordid affair, and that's what you hate.
You're missing the point.

The point isn't what he's done in the past.

The point is what he's doing _now_, which is kissing the ass of Nazis.

He didn't have to suck up the the white supremacist Republican base before. He does have to suck up to them now, so he's sucking up to them now.
Nonsense. Complete jibberish but let me ask you a question.

You said above that the past isn't what matters...

So why the fuck are we tearing down historical markers of the past?
Sorta like hunting a GINORMOUS Orange Elephant chained to a tree with a Yuuuge Confederate Battle Flag hovering 100 feet in the air and fireworks going off every 30 mins or so
You're missing the point.

The point isn't what he's done in the past.

The point is what he's doing _now_, which is kissing the ass of Nazis.

He didn't have to suck up the the white supremacist Republican base before. He does have to suck up to them now, so he's sucking up to them now.

You think he is "sucking" up for what REASON?
No you are a victim of the MSM biased news and you don't need to believe me READ the FACTS!
But knowing how ignorant people are of the truly ANTI-AMERICAN MSM fewer and fewer of you are believing the MSM!

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Trump id not a babe in the woods. As with all of Trump's problems, he provides plenty of ammunition to be used against himself. A 6 year old child could figure this out. Yet Trump cannot. The picture of John Kelly, his hands folded and looking down is a perfect metaphor for Trump.
They don't realize who gives them their marching orders. I do because I listen to Rush then I come here to argue with his parrots.

So we finally found the one member of this board who actually listens to the bloated, over-opinionated ego-maniac, Rush Limbaugh...

The one who admits it.

And I listen when my conservative coworker drives to lunch
The nazi sympathizer prez said a Mexican American judge wasn't fit to try a case because he is Mexican.

His first day of his campaign he came out slinging his racism by saying Mexicans were murderers and rapists " and some are good people."
He carried that racist birther lie around with him for 5 full years.

The neonazis and white supremacists embrace him because he promised to take America back again.. they heard MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN.

It's indisputable that this POS is a stone cold racist and most that support him are also ,
If you look at their history....this is what they have always been, and will always be sans one moderate-conservative (JFK) who brought some respect to the party

Other than that, their Symbol, THE JACKASS is AMERICA's Equivalent of THE SWASTIKA

Always has been, and Always Will Be.


And all KKK found someone to believe in because he shares their values : DT.
They all voted for him.
Democrats have to make up something. The Russian probe has now been exposed as nothing more than a democrat campaign cash slush fund. An ILLEGAL democrat campaign cash slush fund by the way.

Lawmakers raise cash off Trump-Russia probe

UH-OH! Top FBI Investigator Quits Special Counsel Mueller's Russia Investigation

No wonder Peter Stzork ran off. He doesn't want to go down with Mueller.
You lie so easily must be from all the practice you have.
Bob Mueller is a republican.
And why did that one lawyer leave. Do you even know?
But it's UH- OH . Lmao
Let's all take a moment to thank the Antifa heroes. After the police gave them a free pass to riot, the Nazis were roaming unchecked through town, assaulting every unarmed protestor they could see, especially old people and women. Antifa stopped them.

That's why the conservative white supremacist backers here are all so enraged at antifa. The conservatives wanted a bigger body count, to "send a message" to liberals. They especially wanted a lot more small women and elderly people assaulted, because, well, they're conservatives, and attacking the helpless is what gets them off. Antifa stopped the conservative assaults on unarmed peaceful protestors, and conservatives will hate them forever because of that.
For the Regressives, calling someone a "racist" is not an indication that they have specific evidence that the target is actually a racist.

It simply means they have identified an opportunity to call that person a racist, because that person came within about 500 miles of the topic of race.

The Regressives have been more than happy to dilute a terribly important word into irrelevance in their quest for ideological advantage.

The real racism that obviously still exists is more difficult to accurately address in such artificial environment, but the Regressives don't care. Slash & burn.
Let's all take a moment to thank the Antifa heroes. After the police gave them a free pass to riot, the Nazis were roaming unchecked through town, assaulting every unarmed protestor they could see, especially old people and women. Antifa stopped them.

That's why the conservative white supremacist backers here are all so enraged at antifa. The conservatives wanted a bigger body count, to "send a message" to liberals. They especially wanted a lot more small women and elderly people assaulted, because, well, they're conservatives, and attacking the helpless is what gets them off. Antifa stopped the conservative assaults on unarmed peaceful protestors, and conservatives will hate them forever because of that.

You have to be a troll. No one can actually be this stupid and still be able to turn on a computer.

For the Regressives, calling someone a "racist" is not an indication that they have specific evidence that the target is actually a racist.

It simply means they have identified an opportunity to call that person a racist, because that person came within about 500 miles of the topic of race.

The Regressives have been more than happy to dilute a terribly important word into irrelevance in their quest for ideological advantage.

The real racism that obviously still exists is more difficult to accurately address in such artificial environment, but the Regressives don't care. Slash & burn.

There are plenty of actual racists on this board, Tank and McGarrett come to mind.

The calling card of the true racist is that they are PROUD of it.
You have to be a troll. No one can actually be this stupid and still be able to turn on a computer.

^^^ Triggered

The Trumpflakes refuse to look at anything except white supremacist propaganda. Some of them are unaware of just how violent their Nazi BFF's were, and unaware of how many people antifa saved.

They're like the GoodGermans who believed the Nazi propaganda about how violent the Jews were.

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