Petition to BAN any discussion of Child Porn

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Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
... who's with me?

What is there to discuss? It's disgusting, wrong, damaging, illegal, etc.

Should be a "bannable" topic....
I have no problem with it being a bannable offense. As long as they are banned for discussing it instead of discussing the problem of pedophiles.
Hard to draw the line. I will admit to my severe aversion of it. This is a board for adults.
It's also 70% about politics with a few other topics thrown in.

I see no need for it to be a topic of discussion here. There are many other "places" if people want to take their illegal perversions there...
Nothing wrong with speaking to the WRONGNESS of it......
But bringing it up at all only feeds the sickness others may have about it - to the positive or negative....
Nothing wrong with speaking to the WRONGNESS of it......
But bringing it up at all only feeds the sickness others may have about it - to the positive or negative....

Tell it to news sites for their 3,640,000 results.
.gov sites 124,000 results

Has to be talked about because it's major problem. What people do with the information is on them, not those discussing it as the problem it is.
I'm glad you feel it is a problem. People seem to think otherwise, and some of your comments also seem to IMPLY otherwise.....

Not going down that road, but, it's highly offensive.

I would not want to have a topic discussing graphic violence either.

Arrest, jail time etc. are the punishments for illegal behaviors. I don't see where discussion leads to solutions on a message board.
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I'm glad you feel it is a problem. People seem to think otherwise, and some of our comments also seem to IMPLY otherwise.....

Not going down that road, but, it's highly offensive.

I would not want to have a topic discussing graphic violence either.

Arrest, jail time etc. are the punishments for illegal behaviors. I don't see where discussion leads to solutions on a message board.

Both child porn and violence (all violence) are disturbing subjects to discuss. But censoring them doesn't fix them. In fact it only ensures they get worse because now they're off people's radar. I want child sex crimes ON people's radar and in their faces.
By the by Bonzi, what a perv does with discussions is actually very old settled law. Came up decades back over those old Sears catalogs with underwear ads using actual minors. Some claimed the catalogs were child pornography because pedophiles used them as such. Supreme Court disagreed. See if I can find the link. Would have to see my bookmark file (over 16 years old) to understand the problem finding one link among literally hundreds of others :)
173 F.3d 28

"We believe, however, that it is a mistake to look at the actual effect of the photograph on the viewer, rather than upon the intended effect. See Villard, 885 F.2d at 125. If Amirault's subjective reaction were relevant, a sexual deviant's quirks could turn a Sears catalog into pornography. See id.; Wiegand, 812 F.2d at 1245 ("Private fantasies are not within the statute's ambit.").

As with a discussion resulting in a perv getting some unintended thrill out of it.
Nothing wrong with speaking to the WRONGNESS of it......
But bringing it up at all only feeds the sickness others may have about it - to the positive or negative....
This thread just brought it up. Thanks for that.
Why are you so obsessed with child porn? Someone steal your stash?

are you stupid or something?
I realize I am for even proposing they would BAN discussion of it.
I hope my contempt for it would show.
But I know Mudda you have been on my ass since day one.... even if you agreed, you would disagree....
So what exactly do you disagree with child porn about?

if brought up should be removed. Including this thread....

Disagree. Disucssion's always better than silence. Even your desire to censor something has value.
some things should be set in stone and put to rest.
people's behavior won't change.... unless they want to change it
only triggers - which can be minimized
Legit thread getting distracted by trolls and people foolishly acknoeldging them.

unless the op is a pedo sock and a silly boob as well.. that would be bad.

let's discuss why you think it is foolish to acknowledge what silly boob posted?

it never occurred to me to stop anyone from discussing any topic but the op brought it up.

then like flies on shit you see pedophile jokes and offers to post child porn.

"what about the children whose photos or videos he has in his possession? What circumstances occurred whereby they were used for pornography? Who did this to them? How are these photos distributed? Who is trying to help these children?"

Child Pornography: Basic Facts About a Horrific Crime

^ there's something to discuss for ya, perv...
Legit thread getting distracted by trolls and people foolishly acknoeldging them.

unless the op is a pedo sock and a silly boob as well.. that would be bad.

let's discuss why you think it is foolish to acknowledge what silly boob posted?

it never occurred to me to stop anyone from discussing any topic but the op brought it up.

then like flies on shit you see pedophile jokes and offers to post child porn.

"what about the children whose photos or videos he has in his possession? What circumstances occurred whereby they were used for pornography? Who did this to them? How are these photos distributed? Who is trying to help these children?"

Child Pornography: Basic Facts About a Horrific Crime

^ there's something to discuss for ya, perv...

Trolls troll precisely for the negative reaction. Why do what they want? Ignore it, focus on the legitimate discussion participants instead. Forget who's it is, but someone's sig is well-taken "never argue with a fool, they bring you down to their level then beat you with experience." Absolutely right.
The Crimes Against Children Research Center is an excellent resource on trends concerning the crime of child pornography. A recent report states that "child pornography is the visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct includes acts such as intercourse, bestiality and masturbation as well as lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area. Possession of child pornography is a felony under federal law and in every state. The federal statutes that criminalize child pornography possession define 'child' as age 17 or younger." A staggering statistic in this report stated that peer to peer (P2P) users (those who share images) were more likely to have images of very young children and violent images. Of P2P users arrested in 2009, 33 percent had photos of children age three or younger and 42 percent had images of children that showed sexual violence.

Child pornography is one of the fastest growing businesses online, with estimated annual revenue of $3 billion. According to the Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection, child pornography is usually distributed two ways. It's either commercial child pornography that is distributed for profit, or non-commercial child pornography that is offered free or traded among offenders, like the P2P networks. ASACP estimates that the United States has the largest share of commercialized child pornography websites with close to 50 percent of the global volume. Websites that distribute commercial child pornography offer thousands of images and videos. Most children exploited are pre-adolescent. Some children appear to have been subjected to physical as well as sexual violence.
Wow, don't turn on CNN right now...

Big banner caption "Students facing child porn charges" and a lengthy discussion segment about the Colorado sexting flap.
Not discussing the problem only serves to enable the perpetrators. If you want to find cockroaches, shine a very bright light on them. As for banning the topic, readers can skip over what they don't want to read.

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By the by Bonzi, what a perv does with discussions is actually very old settled law. Came up decades back over those old Sears catalogs with underwear ads using actual minors. Some claimed the catalogs were child pornography because pedophiles used them as such. Supreme Court disagreed. See if I can find the link. Would have to see my bookmark file (over 16 years old) to understand the problem finding one link among literally hundreds of others :)
Why doesn't it surprise me that you would bookmark hundreds of links regarding child pornography?

(raises an eyebrow)

Lemme guess, didn't like the Christmas thread? :)
ADDRESS the OP boys and girls.
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