Petition to declare George Soros a terrorist and seize his assets surpasses 100k signatures

Doc, why are you saying that? Is George Soros representing a jewish agenda? As I recall nobody brought up jews as a religion or jewish people as a nation. It is you guys who keep referring to the jewish people when Soros' name comes up. So, you know something I don't.

It's a dogwhistle. Don't play dumb.

The fact that you keep referring to a "Jewish agenda" kinda blows up your spot.
I do not think it does Doc. I am genuinely interested why you guys bring the jewish people into the conversation when we talk about Soros. I said "a jewish agenda" and the key element is the "a" expressing uncertainty. I did not say "the" I said "a." Pay attention Doc, don't place words and expressions into my mouth. You are assuming a lot what's not there thus indicating paranoia.

Try reading some history - read some Nazi propaganda from early in their rise to power, or some Father Coughlin speeches, or just google search for "Jewish bankers", or "the Rothschilds".

Then replace every instance of "Jews", "Jewish bankers" or anything like that with "Soros", and see how it looks to you. I think you'll see that it looks a whole lot like posts in this thread.

That's stretching it a lot Doc darling.

So what are you saying that nobody should even mention George Soros by name? It seems a great deal of deflection and strange paranoia is on display every time someone mentions George Soros, why would this be, NOBODY ever mentions that George Soros is Jewish except for the people on the Left who deflect.


You can mention whoever you want by name. I'm not telling you what to say.

Just know that whenever you guys rail against Soros, we know that you mean Jews.
Interesting assumption Doc. So, if I talk about George Patton then I actually talk about the American people at large?
Doc, why are you saying that? Is George Soros representing a jewish agenda? As I recall nobody brought up jews as a religion or jewish people as a nation. It is you guys who keep referring to the jewish people when Soros' name comes up. So, you know something I don't.

It's a dogwhistle. Don't play dumb.

The fact that you keep referring to a "Jewish agenda" kinda blows up your spot.
I do not think it does Doc. I am genuinely interested why you guys bring the jewish people into the conversation when we talk about Soros. I said "a jewish agenda" and the key element is the "a" expressing uncertainty. I did not say "the" I said "a." Pay attention Doc, don't place words and expressions into my mouth. You are assuming a lot what's not there thus indicating paranoia.

Try reading some history - read some Nazi propaganda from early in their rise to power, or some Father Coughlin speeches, or just google search for "Jewish bankers", or "the Rothschilds".

Then replace every instance of "Jews", "Jewish bankers" or anything like that with "Soros", and see how it looks to you. I think you'll see that it looks a whole lot like posts in this thread.

That's stretching it a lot Doc darling.

So what are you saying that nobody should even mention George Soros by name? It seems a great deal of deflection and strange paranoia is on display every time someone mentions George Soros, why would this be, NOBODY ever mentions that George Soros is Jewish except for the people on the Left who deflect.


You can mention whoever you want by name. I'm not telling you what to say.

Just know that whenever you guys rail against Soros, we know that you mean Jews.

Well that's just being paranoid IMHO.
It's a dogwhistle. Don't play dumb.

The fact that you keep referring to a "Jewish agenda" kinda blows up your spot.
I do not think it does Doc. I am genuinely interested why you guys bring the jewish people into the conversation when we talk about Soros. I said "a jewish agenda" and the key element is the "a" expressing uncertainty. I did not say "the" I said "a." Pay attention Doc, don't place words and expressions into my mouth. You are assuming a lot what's not there thus indicating paranoia.

Try reading some history - read some Nazi propaganda from early in their rise to power, or some Father Coughlin speeches, or just google search for "Jewish bankers", or "the Rothschilds".

Then replace every instance of "Jews", "Jewish bankers" or anything like that with "Soros", and see how it looks to you. I think you'll see that it looks a whole lot like posts in this thread.

That's stretching it a lot Doc darling.

So what are you saying that nobody should even mention George Soros by name? It seems a great deal of deflection and strange paranoia is on display every time someone mentions George Soros, why would this be, NOBODY ever mentions that George Soros is Jewish except for the people on the Left who deflect.


You can mention whoever you want by name. I'm not telling you what to say.

Just know that whenever you guys rail against Soros, we know that you mean Jews.
Interesting assumption Doc. So, if I talk about George Patton then I actually talk about the American people at large?

No, if you talk about General Patton, you're probably talking about George C. Scott.
Whenever you guys say "George Soros", you really mean "The Evil Jews Who Control The World."

It's the same song you guys have been singing for centuries.
Doc, why are you saying that? Is George Soros representing a jewish agenda? As I recall nobody brought up jews as a religion or jewish people as a nation. It is you guys who keep referring to the jewish people when Soros' name comes up. So, you know something I don't.

It's a dogwhistle. Don't play dumb.

The fact that you keep referring to a "Jewish agenda" kinda blows up your spot.
I do not think it does Doc. I am genuinely interested why you guys bring the jewish people into the conversation when we talk about Soros. I said "a jewish agenda" and the key element is the "a" expressing uncertainty. I did not say "the" I said "a." Pay attention Doc, don't place words and expressions into my mouth. You are assuming a lot what's not there thus indicating paranoia.

Try reading some history - read some Nazi propaganda from early in their rise to power, or some Father Coughlin speeches, or just google search for "Jewish bankers", or "the Rothschilds".

Then replace every instance of "Jews", "Jewish bankers" or anything like that with "Soros", and see how it looks to you. I think you'll see that it looks a whole lot like posts in this thread.

That's stretching it a lot Doc darling.

So what are you saying that nobody should even mention George Soros by name? It seems a great deal of deflection and strange paranoia is on display every time someone mentions George Soros, why would this be, NOBODY ever mentions that George Soros is Jewish except for the people on the Left who deflect.
Soros seems to be the one the paraniod center on.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, agreed. Like I said, as it pertains to me here, you jumped in on another exchange with a pre-ejaculatory urge for another exchange in a completely different direction. You didn't get what you were all self stroked up for, so now pouting is in order. Have a nice day.
Your immature "Yaaaaaaaawn" response displays your mental abilities. Your sexual allusions also reflect the state of your two brain cells. Keep on trolling since you are unable to carry on an intelligent adult conversation.
Have a lovely day, perhaps someone else will have your much needed "discussion" about Soros and Jews with you.
I do not think it does Doc. I am genuinely interested why you guys bring the jewish people into the conversation when we talk about Soros. I said "a jewish agenda" and the key element is the "a" expressing uncertainty. I did not say "the" I said "a." Pay attention Doc, don't place words and expressions into my mouth. You are assuming a lot what's not there thus indicating paranoia.

Try reading some history - read some Nazi propaganda from early in their rise to power, or some Father Coughlin speeches, or just google search for "Jewish bankers", or "the Rothschilds".

Then replace every instance of "Jews", "Jewish bankers" or anything like that with "Soros", and see how it looks to you. I think you'll see that it looks a whole lot like posts in this thread.

That's stretching it a lot Doc darling.

So what are you saying that nobody should even mention George Soros by name? It seems a great deal of deflection and strange paranoia is on display every time someone mentions George Soros, why would this be, NOBODY ever mentions that George Soros is Jewish except for the people on the Left who deflect.


You can mention whoever you want by name. I'm not telling you what to say.

Just know that whenever you guys rail against Soros, we know that you mean Jews.
Interesting assumption Doc. So, if I talk about George Patton then I actually talk about the American people at large?

No, if you talk about General Patton, you're probably talking about George C. Scott.
Actually, your assumption puts you in the league of highschoolers. You seem to be arrogant in assuming that nobody reads and studies history, military history or reads books except for anti jewish propaganda. Come on Doc don't belittle people before you actually know them.
So you want to have our govt. seize assets of a man that has not been convicted of a crime? Tell me you are a conservative republican since only a tyrannical person would do as such..

Normally most of us would be against this, but Soros is the closest to the anti-Christ as we are going to get.

Arrest him, but him on trial for treason and executed the scumbag

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no one thinks about Soros except for rightwingnhut loons.

again, worry yourself more about mercer, trumptard.... he's the one funding your white supremacists.


"no one thinks about Soros except for rightwingnhut loons."

No one obsesses about Nazi's and has a Nazi Fetish except LWNJs....and....also you know :eusa_whistle:

Poor Jillian has watched "Marathon Man" too many times :rolleyes-41:
Who was driving a car into crowds, carrying torches and chanting "jew will not replace us" hon?

Get some new material sugar pants.
Yeah, won't go near that will ya. Ya know darling? Thats the first comment you've made to me since "Why don't you go find some jungle bunnies to play with". And then you weren't around for a while. Remember?
We are talking about George Soros. Why are you deflecting? Ah, you have nothing substantial to say, is that it?

Because George Soros is the phantom menace of the rightwingnut imagination. I simply told you who the real danger is so the trumptards look in the right direction.
Let me put it to you this way.

George Soros wouldn't be the boogeyman that he is to you guys, if he wasn't Jewish.

That's clear as day.

Jews can do no wrong according to you people, no matter what specific individual ones do, nobody is allowed to criticize them because muh holocaust.
Let me put it to you this way.

George Soros wouldn't be the boogeyman that he is to you guys, if he wasn't Jewish.

That's clear as day.

Jews can do no wrong according to you people, no matter what specific individual ones do, nobody is allowed to criticize them because muh holocaust.

Jewish folks are one thing, Irael is another.

  • Israeli arms sales to Europe grew from $724M in 2014 to $1.63B in 2015
  • Although the size of New Jersey Israel is one of the top 10 arms dealing nations in the world
  • Israel produces 60% of all drones worldwide and sells to over 50 countries, at times selling to both sides of a given conflict, and Israel fueled the drones arms race between India and Pakistan
Palestine is an open air weapons testing and crowd control laboratory with Palestinians being used in the development phase; Gaza is a lab of mass destruction. US super bunker busters were supplied to the Israelis in 2014 and investors stock shot up; war is just business after all.

The “War in Terror” has been a boon to the industry, you’ve seen what amounts to advertisement in every “news” outlet, we are being whipped up into a frenzy once again. The industry also pioneers crowd control research on the Palestinians, and Israel is involved in the training of American forces and law enforcement. We see this in the militarization of our own police departments, Ferguson was but one example of how our system is prepping to Palestinianize our own population, and in fact Ferguson now has Israeli developed/sold skunk spray post the Ferguson events, although no incidents have yet been reported of use on American streets. It’s pretty clear that the Israeli occupation style power structure is moving toward the same in America; a warehousing of the poor in a post industrial age with diminishing living wage jobs and privatized for profit prisons complete with a return to convict leasing.

Much of the security monitoring and mass surveillance technologies are also produced in Israel and sold across the globe. “Targeted assassination” was invented in Israel, which Obama was quite fond of. Abu Ghraib torture methods? Israel.

The US and Israel are not allies. The US and Israeli arms dealers are allies, and war is the business they are both in. We are all collateral damage.

And the US supported cleansing in Gaza continues:

Gaza could be 'uninhabitable' by 2020 if trends continue, says UN
Let me put it to you this way.

George Soros wouldn't be the boogeyman that he is to you guys, if he wasn't Jewish.

That's clear as day.

It is not because he is Jewish, it is because he is evil, sitting in his ivory tower funding destruction to America.
"no one thinks about Soros except for rightwingnhut loons."

No one obsesses about Nazi's and has a Nazi Fetish except LWNJs....and....also you know :eusa_whistle:

Poor Jillian has watched "Marathon Man" too many times :rolleyes-41:
Who was driving a car into crowds, carrying torches and chanting "jew will not replace us" hon?

Get some new material sugar pants.
Yeah, won't go near that will ya. Ya know darling? Thats the first comment you've made to me since "Why don't you go find some jungle bunnies to play with". And then you weren't around for a while. Remember?
We are talking about George Soros. Why are you deflecting? Ah, you have nothing substantial to say, is that it?

Because George Soros is the phantom menace of the rightwingnut imagination. I simply told you who the real danger is so the trumptards look in the right direction.

"But the Foreign Ministry issued a clarification Sunday, saying that Israel also objects to Soros’ activities. The clarification came on the orders of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to the Israeli daily Haaretz...[...]
Israel pans both Hungarian anti-Semitism and its target, George Soros
Who was driving a car into crowds, carrying torches and chanting "jew will not replace us" hon?

Get some new material sugar pants.
Yeah, won't go near that will ya. Ya know darling? Thats the first comment you've made to me since "Why don't you go find some jungle bunnies to play with". And then you weren't around for a while. Remember?
We are talking about George Soros. Why are you deflecting? Ah, you have nothing substantial to say, is that it?

Because George Soros is the phantom menace of the rightwingnut imagination. I simply told you who the real danger is so the trumptards look in the right direction.

"But the Foreign Ministry issued a clarification Sunday, saying that Israel also objects to Soros’ activities. The clarification came on the orders of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to the Israeli daily Haaretz...[...]
Israel pans both Hungarian anti-Semitism and its target, George Soros
Israel is a terrorist state, fuck 'em.
Get some new material sugar pants.
Yeah, won't go near that will ya. Ya know darling? Thats the first comment you've made to me since "Why don't you go find some jungle bunnies to play with". And then you weren't around for a while. Remember?
We are talking about George Soros. Why are you deflecting? Ah, you have nothing substantial to say, is that it?

Because George Soros is the phantom menace of the rightwingnut imagination. I simply told you who the real danger is so the trumptards look in the right direction.

"But the Foreign Ministry issued a clarification Sunday, saying that Israel also objects to Soros’ activities. The clarification came on the orders of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to the Israeli daily Haaretz...[...]
Israel pans both Hungarian anti-Semitism and its target, George Soros
Israel is a terrorist state, fuck 'em.

no. it isn't.

anti-semites are pathologial
Yeah, won't go near that will ya. Ya know darling? Thats the first comment you've made to me since "Why don't you go find some jungle bunnies to play with". And then you weren't around for a while. Remember?
We are talking about George Soros. Why are you deflecting? Ah, you have nothing substantial to say, is that it?

Because George Soros is the phantom menace of the rightwingnut imagination. I simply told you who the real danger is so the trumptards look in the right direction.

"But the Foreign Ministry issued a clarification Sunday, saying that Israel also objects to Soros’ activities. The clarification came on the orders of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to the Israeli daily Haaretz...[...]
Israel pans both Hungarian anti-Semitism and its target, George Soros
Israel is a terrorist state, fuck 'em.

no. it isn't.

anti-semites are pathologial
Jewish folks and the state of Israel are two different things.

  • Israeli arms sales to Europe grew from $724M in 2014 to $1.63B in 2015
  • Although the size of New Jersey Israel is one of the top 10 arms dealing nations in the world
  • Israel produces 60% of all drones worldwide and sells to over 50 countries, at times selling to both sides of a given conflict, and Israel fueled the drones arms race between India and Pakistan
Palestine is an open air weapons testing and crowd control laboratory with Palestinians being used in the development phase; Gaza is a lab of mass destruction. US super bunker busters were supplied to the Israelis in 2014 and investors stock shot up; war is just business after all.

The “War in Terror” has been a boon to the industry, you’ve seen what amounts to advertisement in every “news” outlet, we are being whipped up into a frenzy once again. The industry also pioneers crowd control research on the Palestinians, and Israel is involved in the training of American forces and law enforcement. We see this in the militarization of our own police departments, Ferguson was but one example of how our system is prepping to Palestinianize our own population, and in fact Ferguson now has Israeli developed/sold skunk spray post the Ferguson events, although no incidents have yet been reported of use on American streets. It’s pretty clear that the Israeli occupation style power structure is moving toward the same in America; a warehousing of the poor in a post industrial age with diminishing living wage jobs and privatized for profit prisons complete with a return to convict leasing.

Much of the security monitoring and mass surveillance technologies are also produced in Israel and sold across the globe. “Targeted assassination” was invented in Israel, which Obama was quite fond of. Abu Ghraib torture methods? Israel.

The US and Israel are not allies. The US and Israeli arms dealers are allies, and war is the business they are both in. We are all collateral damage.

And the US supported cleansing of Gaza continues:

Gaza becoming uninhabitable as blockade tightens, says UN

Is Gaza becoming 'uninhabitable'?
Let me put it to you this way.

George Soros wouldn't be the boogeyman that he is to you guys, if he wasn't Jewish.

That's clear as day.

Jews can do no wrong according to you people, no matter what specific individual ones do, nobody is allowed to criticize them because muh holocaust.

Yep doesn't matter than has been one of the biggest enemies of Israel for sometime. Israel rightful views Soros as the monster he is!

Israel backs Hungary, says financier Soros is a threat

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Get some new material sugar pants.
Yeah, won't go near that will ya. Ya know darling? Thats the first comment you've made to me since "Why don't you go find some jungle bunnies to play with". And then you weren't around for a while. Remember?
We are talking about George Soros. Why are you deflecting? Ah, you have nothing substantial to say, is that it?

Because George Soros is the phantom menace of the rightwingnut imagination. I simply told you who the real danger is so the trumptards look in the right direction.

"But the Foreign Ministry issued a clarification Sunday, saying that Israel also objects to Soros’ activities. The clarification came on the orders of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to the Israeli daily Haaretz...[...]
Israel pans both Hungarian anti-Semitism and its target, George Soros
Israel is a terrorist state, fuck 'em.

No fuck you! No wonder you swing from a Soros's dick you are a worthless deadbeat leftist with no job skills or prospects

Sent from my iPhone using
We are talking about George Soros. Why are you deflecting? Ah, you have nothing substantial to say, is that it?

Because George Soros is the phantom menace of the rightwingnut imagination. I simply told you who the real danger is so the trumptards look in the right direction.

"But the Foreign Ministry issued a clarification Sunday, saying that Israel also objects to Soros’ activities. The clarification came on the orders of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to the Israeli daily Haaretz...[...]
Israel pans both Hungarian anti-Semitism and its target, George Soros
Israel is a terrorist state, fuck 'em.

no. it isn't.

anti-semites are pathologial
Jewish folks and the state of Israel are two different things.

  • Israeli arms sales to Europe grew from $724M in 2014 to $1.63B in 2015
  • Although the size of New Jersey Israel is one of the top 10 arms dealing nations in the world
  • Israel produces 60% of all drones worldwide and sells to over 50 countries, at times selling to both sides of a given conflict, and Israel fueled the drones arms race between India and Pakistan
Palestine is an open air weapons testing and crowd control laboratory with Palestinians being used in the development phase; Gaza is a lab of mass destruction. US super bunker busters were supplied to the Israelis in 2014 and investors stock shot up; war is just business after all.

The “War in Terror” has been a boon to the industry, you’ve seen what amounts to advertisement in every “news” outlet, we are being whipped up into a frenzy once again. The industry also pioneers crowd control research on the Palestinians, and Israel is involved in the training of American forces and law enforcement. We see this in the militarization of our own police departments, Ferguson was but one example of how our system is prepping to Palestinianize our own population, and in fact Ferguson now has Israeli developed/sold skunk spray post the Ferguson events, although no incidents have yet been reported of use on American streets. It’s pretty clear that the Israeli occupation style power structure is moving toward the same in America; a warehousing of the poor in a post industrial age with diminishing living wage jobs and privatized for profit prisons complete with a return to convict leasing.

Much of the security monitoring and mass surveillance technologies are also produced in Israel and sold across the globe. “Targeted assassination” was invented in Israel, which Obama was quite fond of. Abu Ghraib torture methods? Israel.

The US and Israel are not allies. The US and Israeli arms dealers are allies, and war is the business they are both in. We are all collateral damage.

And the US supported cleansing of Gaza continues:

Gaza becoming uninhabitable as blockade tightens, says UN

Is Gaza becoming 'uninhabitable'?

What a crock of shit! Gaza is better than pretty much ever Arab country to live in other than maybe Qatar or the UAE. So take your propaganda and shove it up your faggot

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