Petraeus could receive additional punishment for mishandling classified documents...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
The Pentagon is considering retroactively demoting retired Gen. David Petraeus after he admitted to giving classified information to his biographer and mistress while he was still in uniform, three people with knowledge of the matter told The Daily Beast.
The decision now rests with Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, who is said to be willing to consider overruling an earlier recommendation by the Army that Petraeus not have his rank reduced. Such a demotion could cost the storied general hundreds of thousands of dollars—and deal an additional blow to his once-pristine reputation.
“The secretary is considering going in a different direction” from the Army, a defense official told The Daily Beast, because he wants to be consistent in his treatment of senior officers who engage in misconduct and to send a message that even men of Petraeus’s fame and esteemed reputation are not immune to punishment.

Exclusive: Pentagon May Demote David Petraeus

Is Hillary Clinton next?
The 3 and 4 star grades may be reduced to two star, Major General, at the discretion of the civilian command.

Yes, it would be a big loss in cash and reputation.
Is Hillary Clinton next?

Translation- no one is going to do anything to Petreaus, but you are hoping, hoping, hoping for him to get a more serious punishment so that you can justify your vendetta against Hillary.

Hey, maybe you guys can take a clue from Bernie, and actually challenge her ON THE ISSUES!!!
Is Hillary Clinton next?

Translation- no one is going to do anything to Petreaus, but you are hoping, hoping, hoping for him to get a more serious punishment so that you can justify your vendetta against Hillary.

Hey, maybe you guys can take a clue from Bernie, and actually challenge her ON THE ISSUES!!!

4 honorable people dying due to her sorry service is an ISSUE.
4 honorable people dying due to her sorry service is an ISSUE.

Yeah, except you guys have had EIGHT- count them - EIGHT investigations on Benghazi, and really found no culpability on Hillary's part in the fact that Ambassador Stevens went to Benghazi despite a deteriorating security situation.

Don't worry, though, you've got a Michael Bay movie, though. You can just pretend that's accurate.

4 honorable people dying due to her sorry service is an ISSUE.

Yeah, except you guys have had EIGHT- count them - EIGHT investigations on Benghazi, and really found no culpability on Hillary's part in the fact that Ambassador Stevens went to Benghazi despite a deteriorating security situation.

Don't worry, though, you've got a Michael Bay movie, though. You can just pretend that's accurate.


Hate to break it to you son, but covering for her won't move you up in the get a piece line.
Hate to break it to you son, but covering for her won't move you up in the get a piece line.

Duly noted your dumb racist ass couldn't refute the point.

But keep screaming about Paula Jones and Benghazi, and then nominate a crazy person, it will be fun to watch you scratch your heads in November wondering why she won 40 states.
Is Hillary Clinton next?

Translation- no one is going to do anything to Petreaus, but you are hoping, hoping, hoping for him to get a more serious punishment so that you can justify your vendetta against Hillary.

Hey, maybe you guys can take a clue from Bernie, and actually challenge her ON THE ISSUES!!!

How do you get around Mrs. Clinton's obvious lie about Bosnia? How? Why?
4 honorable people dying due to her sorry service is an ISSUE.

Yeah, except you guys have had EIGHT- count them - EIGHT investigations on Benghazi, and really found no culpability on Hillary's part in the fact that Ambassador Stevens went to Benghazi despite a deteriorating security situation.

Don't worry, though, you've got a Michael Bay movie, though. You can just pretend that's accurate.


Well, I for one, am very glad that the investigations proved that no one died at Benghazi on Mrs. Clinton's and Obama's watch. Would have meant that our ambassador was left in a country through incompetence. Which means of course he was left in harms way by design. Or he really isn't dead.
How do you get around Mrs. Clinton's obvious lie about Bosnia? How? Why?

Why is it relevant? she went into Bosnia when it was still a war zone, and I'm sure we all saw the pictures of her, we probably didn't see the hundreds of security guys who were spread out all around her ready to put down anything that glinted.

All she has to do is release the level of security they gave her when they sent her in, and yeah, it would look a lot more impressive.

Again, you guys have been trying to attack the Clintons on a personal level because you really can't attack their ideas.
Well, I for one, am very glad that the investigations proved that no one died at Benghazi on Mrs. Clinton's and Obama's watch. Would have meant that our ambassador was left in a country through incompetence. Which means of course he was left in harms way by design. Or he really isn't dead.

The fact that Ambassador Stevens CHOSE to leave his secure embassy in Tripoli to go to an unsecure mission in Benghazi despite a deteriorating security situation is hardly Hillary's fault. Nor is it her fault he locked himself into a smokey room and suffocated.

Now, if you want to blame someone, how about blaming the Republican Congress that slashed 100 MILLION dollars from State Department security?
How do you get around Mrs. Clinton's obvious lie about Bosnia? How? Why?

Why is it relevant? she went into Bosnia when it was still a war zone, and I'm sure we all saw the pictures of her, we probably didn't see the hundreds of security guys who were spread out all around her ready to put down anything that glinted.

All she has to do is release the level of security they gave her when they sent her in, and yeah, it would look a lot more impressive.

Again, you guys have been trying to attack the Clintons on a personal level because you really can't attack their ideas.

Truth used to matter. I attack "her" ideas all the time. Like her saying she wants to continue the work Obama started. She can't even run on her own "ideas." She is nothing but a dishonest coat tail riding no accomplishment liar. The reason I bring up Bosnia is it is so well proven. If she lies about something so damn obvious what else does she lie about? I'll answer for you, everything.
Well, I for one, am very glad that the investigations proved that no one died at Benghazi on Mrs. Clinton's and Obama's watch. Would have meant that our ambassador was left in a country through incompetence. Which means of course he was left in harms way by design. Or he really isn't dead.

The fact that Ambassador Stevens CHOSE to leave his secure embassy in Tripoli to go to an unsecure mission in Benghazi despite a deteriorating security situation is hardly Hillary's fault. Nor is it her fault he locked himself into a smokey room and suffocated.

Now, if you want to blame someone, how about blaming the Republican Congress that slashed 100 MILLION dollars from State Department security?

You have some sort of evidence he did this? You have some evidence he did this without Mrs. Clinton's approval or Obama's? Remember this is a country that we just bombed the crap out of leading to the murder of their leader and a power vacuum in the middle east.
Well, I for one, am very glad that the investigations proved that no one died at Benghazi on Mrs. Clinton's and Obama's watch. Would have meant that our ambassador was left in a country through incompetence. Which means of course he was left in harms way by design. Or he really isn't dead.

The fact that Ambassador Stevens CHOSE to leave his secure embassy in Tripoli to go to an unsecure mission in Benghazi despite a deteriorating security situation is hardly Hillary's fault. Nor is it her fault he locked himself into a smokey room and suffocated.

Now, if you want to blame someone, how about blaming the Republican Congress that slashed 100 MILLION dollars from State Department security?

How bout blaming Hitlery and her incompetent State Department.

They had months of warnings and did nothing.

Because of that nothing four good men died.

As for the money?? That's been debunked so many times its ridiculous.

Its just to bad no one in State, Hitlery included, will ever pay any price for the deaths of four good men.

Its also to bad that some folks can't tell what incompetence is even when its looking them right in the eye.
Truth used to matter. I attack "her" ideas all the time. Like her saying she wants to continue the work Obama started. She can't even run on her own "ideas." She is nothing but a dishonest coat tail riding no accomplishment liar. The reason I bring up Bosnia is it is so well proven. If she lies about something so damn obvious what else does she lie about? I'll answer for you, everything.

Get back to us when you have a substantive issue to discuss other than, "She lies about stuff".

You have some sort of evidence he did this? You have some evidence he did this without Mrs. Clinton's approval or Obama's? Remember this is a country that we just bombed the crap out of leading to the murder of their leader and a power vacuum in the middle east.

And if you want to criticize the stupidity of getting in the middle of Libya's civil war, that's fine. Except neither party really did at the time and we were kind of happy to see Khadafy go, given what a pain in the ass he had been since the 1970's. The point is, Stevens could have asked the Turkish Diplomat he was meeting with to meet him in Tripoli, he chose to meet him in Benghazi. So that means either 1) He ignored obvious danger and went or 2) the danger wasn't that obvious.

Of course, no one wants to talk about that because Stevens is dead, and no one likes to kick a dead guy. So the republicans raise a shitload of money from dumb shits like you implying Hillary did something sinister, and after 8 investigations, admit that there was no wrongdoing on her part.
Its also to bad that some folks can't tell what incompetence is even when its looking them right in the eye.

So let me get this straight. You are all upset about the "incompetence" that got four guys (two of them paid mercenaries) killed because we didn't anticipate an attack.

But you are less upset about the incompetence that got 3000 people killed on 9/11, or the incompetence that got 5000 Americans and 500,000 Iraqis killed over weapons that didn't exist?

It seems your "outrage' is a little selective.
Its also to bad that some folks can't tell what incompetence is even when its looking them right in the eye.

So let me get this straight. You are all upset about the "incompetence" that got four guys (two of them paid mercenaries) killed because we didn't anticipate an attack.

But you are less upset about the incompetence that got 3000 people killed on 9/11, or the incompetence that got 5000 Americans and 500,000 Iraqis killed over weapons that didn't exist?

It seems your "outrage' is a little selective.

They had months or warnings about an attack. Warnings the Brits and the Red Cross took seriously enough to pull their people out. That's exactly what State should have done.

Had State done that there would have been no Benghazi and those four men would still be alive.

Deflect much??

This isn't about 9-11 or the Iraq war. Its about the incompetence of Hitlery and her State Department.

Catch a clue. Clueless.
How do you get around Mrs. Clinton's obvious lie about Bosnia? How? Why?

Why is it relevant? she went into Bosnia when it was still a war zone, and I'm sure we all saw the pictures of her, we probably didn't see the hundreds of security guys who were spread out all around her ready to put down anything that glinted.

All she has to do is release the level of security they gave her when they sent her in, and yeah, it would look a lot more impressive.

Again, you guys have been trying to attack the Clintons on a personal level because you really can't attack their ideas.

Didn't she say, I mean lie, that she was under sniper fire? That was proven to be incorrect.
Its also to bad that some folks can't tell what incompetence is even when its looking them right in the eye.

So let me get this straight. You are all upset about the "incompetence" that got four guys (two of them paid mercenaries) killed because we didn't anticipate an attack.

But you are less upset about the incompetence that got 3000 people killed on 9/11, or the incompetence that got 5000 Americans and 500,000 Iraqis killed over weapons that didn't exist?

It seems your "outrage' is a little selective.

Had BILL Clinton handled what led to 9/11 instead of handling a fatass intern with a cigar, the Republicans wouldn't have been left to deal with his mess.
The Pentagon is considering retroactively demoting retired Gen. David Petraeus after he admitted to giving classified information to his biographer and mistress while he was still in uniform, three people with knowledge of the matter told The Daily Beast.
The decision now rests with Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, who is said to be willing to consider overruling an earlier recommendation by the Army that Petraeus not have his rank reduced. Such a demotion could cost the storied general hundreds of thousands of dollars—and deal an additional blow to his once-pristine reputation.
“The secretary is considering going in a different direction” from the Army, a defense official told The Daily Beast, because he wants to be consistent in his treatment of senior officers who engage in misconduct and to send a message that even men of Petraeus’s fame and esteemed reputation are not immune to punishment.

Exclusive: Pentagon May Demote David Petraeus

Is Hillary Clinton next?
Well he made up his bed, now he must sleep in it.

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