Petraeus could receive additional punishment for mishandling classified documents...

And like i said, we'll see if Hussein goes after Hitlery with the same zeal as he did Petraeus. Stay tuned.
I'm unfamiliar with either Hussein or Hitlery?

who are they?

You're being a bit disingenuous, no? Don't be a liar like Hitlery.
i know nobody by those names.

who are they?

Sure ya don't.
sadam is dead, i don't know for sure about all of his sons. any of them alive? thise are the only Hussein's i can think of.

and hitlery doesn't even begin to ring a bell

Hussein Obama and Hitlery Clinton.
I'm unfamiliar with either Hussein or Hitlery?

who are they?

You're being a bit disingenuous, no? Don't be a liar like Hitlery.
i know nobody by those names.

who are they?

Sure ya don't.
sadam is dead, i don't know for sure about all of his sons. any of them alive? thise are the only Hussein's i can think of.

and hitlery doesn't even begin to ring a bell

Hussein Obama and Hitlery Clinton.
still not sure who you're talking about, those people don't exist
Of course, no one wants to talk about that because Stevens is dead, and no one likes to kick a dead guy. So the republicans raise a shitload of money from dumb shits like you implying Hillary did something sinister, and after 8 investigations, admit that there was no wrongdoing on her part.

Your statements are ignorant and are a prime example of a blind hipocret.

No one is saying Mrs. Clinton did something sinister, what is being said is she lied, proven, and Stevens died because of her incompetence.
Truth used to matter. I attack "her" ideas all the time. Like her saying she wants to continue the work Obama started. She can't even run on her own "ideas." She is nothing but a dishonest coat tail riding no accomplishment liar. The reason I bring up Bosnia is it is so well proven. If she lies about something so damn obvious what else does she lie about? I'll answer for you, everything.

Get back to us when you have a substantive issue to discuss other than, "She lies about stuff".

You have some sort of evidence he did this? You have some evidence he did this without Mrs. Clinton's approval or Obama's? Remember this is a country that we just bombed the crap out of leading to the murder of their leader and a power vacuum in the middle east.

And if you want to criticize the stupidity of getting in the middle of Libya's civil war, that's fine. Except neither party really did at the time and we were kind of happy to see Khadafy go, given what a pain in the ass he had been since the 1970's. The point is, Stevens could have asked the Turkish Diplomat he was meeting with to meet him in Tripoli, he chose to meet him in Benghazi. So that means either 1) He ignored obvious danger and went or 2) the danger wasn't that obvious.

Of course, no one wants to talk about that because Stevens is dead, and no one likes to kick a dead guy. So the republicans raise a shitload of money from dumb shits like you implying Hillary did something sinister, and after 8 investigations, admit that there was no wrongdoing on her part.

OK, from this time forward, you are no longer allowed to say a word about Bush lying. People died and Mrs. Clinton lied.
They had months or warnings about an attack. Warnings the Brits and the Red Cross took seriously enough to pull their people out. That's exactly what State should have done.

Had State done that there would have been no Benghazi and those four men would still be alive.

Well, not necessarily. Going to try to explain this to you again because you aren't very bright. Stevens wasn't STATIONED in Benghazi. He was stationed in TRIPOLI. He traveled to Benghazi at the behest of a Turkish diplomat.

Two of the other guys killed were not State Department employees, they were CIA Contractors. And they were probably targeted because the local population knew that there was some nasty stuff going on there.

This isn't about 9-11 or the Iraq war. Its about the incompetence of Hitlery and her State Department.

Catch a clue. Clueless.

No, it's about how you guys are full of shit, like you always are. It's about you guys trying to impeach Clinton when most of your guys either had mistresses or were paying off little boys. It's about screaming about Benghazi when your side roiled the entire middle east by overthrowing Saddam and scattering Al Qaeda to the four winds.
OK, from this time forward, you are no longer allowed to say a word about Bush lying. People died and Mrs. Clinton lied.

Except those guys didn't die because of anything Hillary did.

HIllary didn't make the CIA operate a black site in Benghazi that the locals were pissed off about.

Hillary didn't make Stevens lock himself in a smoked filled room.

unlike Bush's incompetence - ignoring warnings about 9/11, going after Iraq on faulty intelligence, badly planning the war and ignoring his generals - which really did lead to THOUSANDS of deaths.
They had months or warnings about an attack. Warnings the Brits and the Red Cross took seriously enough to pull their people out. That's exactly what State should have done.

Had State done that there would have been no Benghazi and those four men would still be alive.

Well, not necessarily. Going to try to explain this to you again because you aren't very bright. Stevens wasn't STATIONED in Benghazi. He was stationed in TRIPOLI. He traveled to Benghazi at the behest of a Turkish diplomat.

Two of the other guys killed were not State Department employees, they were CIA Contractors. And they were probably targeted because the local population knew that there was some nasty stuff going on there.

This isn't about 9-11 or the Iraq war. Its about the incompetence of Hitlery and her State Department.

Catch a clue. Clueless.

No, it's about how you guys are full of shit, like you always are. It's about you guys trying to impeach Clinton when most of your guys either had mistresses or were paying off little boys. It's about screaming about Benghazi when your side roiled the entire middle east by overthrowing Saddam and scattering Al Qaeda to the four winds.

No shit Sherlock. Benghazi was a consulate not the embassy.

Doesn't negate the fact that if State had done its job Benghazi wouldn't have happened.

They had warnings. Warnings the Brits and the Red Cross took seriously enough to pull their people out of Libya. Our State Department should have done the same.

Four good men died because of the nothing State did. If you can't see that then your one clueless idiot.

You have no problem deflecting to the Iraq war and Bush. Funny how the Libyan dictator was removed on Obamas watch. Wonder how that de stabilized things??

Catch a fucking clue you idiot.
OK, from this time forward, you are no longer allowed to say a word about Bush lying. People died and Mrs. Clinton lied.

Except those guys didn't die because of anything Hillary did.

HIllary didn't make the CIA operate a black site in Benghazi that the locals were pissed off about.

Hillary didn't make Stevens lock himself in a smoked filled room.

unlike Bush's incompetence - ignoring warnings about 9/11, going after Iraq on faulty intelligence, badly planning the war and ignoring his generals - which really did lead to THOUSANDS of deaths.

Joe, you've been told many times that protecting her won't get you a piece from her. Why do you keep trying by covering for her?
No shit Sherlock. Benghazi was a consulate not the embassy.

Doesn't negate the fact that if State had done its job Benghazi wouldn't have happened.

They had warnings. Warnings the Brits and the Red Cross took seriously enough to pull their people out of Libya. Our State Department should have done the same.

well, no, the Brits and RC pulled their people out of Benghazi, not Libya itself. That's where you get confused.

Four good men died because of the nothing State did. If you can't see that then your one clueless idiot.

Except you have had 8 Congressional investigations trying to find fault, and the only thing you got was the leadership of the House resigning because they got caught exploiting this for political purposes. It's like you fuckheads never learn. People slapped Romney down hard when that evil Mormon fuck tried to make political hay when it happened. and it's three years later, you are still trying to make a big deal out of this, and you keep getting slapped down. It's amazing, you're like the retard who keeps touching the stove.

You have no problem deflecting to the Iraq war and Bush. Funny how the Libyan dictator was removed on Obamas watch. Wonder how that de stabilized things??

Yeah, you see, Obama managed to remove Khadafy without costing us thousands of lives and trillions of dollars. Of course, it's hard to say if they would have removed Khadafy even if Obama stayed out of it, which he probably should have.

But I find it amazing that you aren't bothered by the thousands of Americans who died because of bad intelligence, faulty body armor, faulty planning, faulty vehicles, but MAN you are upset about these two mercenaries and some guy who locked himself into a smoky room.

The ironic thing is normally your side would hate Stevens because he was gay.
Do we need to go back through your posts and point out all the misspellings, incorrect punctuation, and poor grammar?

Probably not, Cleetus, as what you've learned in Home Skule was probably wrong.

Joe, you've been told many times that protecting her won't get you a piece from her. Why do you keep trying by covering for her?

Guy, you seem to be the one fascinated by her lady parts.

Does a president with a vagina scare you?
Do we need to go back through your posts and point out all the misspellings, incorrect punctuation, and poor grammar?

Probably not, Cleetus, as what you've learned in Home Skule was probably wrong.

Joe, you've been told many times that protecting her won't get you a piece from her. Why do you keep trying by covering for her?

Guy, you seem to be the one fascinated by her lady parts.

Does a president with a vagina scare you?

You wouldn't want us to because we'd show that education you claim to have didn't set in.

I'm not the one that supports her for that reason. Don't confuse pointing out why you do with fascination.

A female President doesn't scare me. I don't have a problem with a female being President. I have a problem when people choose one BECAUSE she is.

Don't fool yourself son. You do.
The Pentagon is considering retroactively demoting retired Gen. David Petraeus after he admitted to giving classified information to his biographer and mistress while he was still in uniform, three people with knowledge of the matter told The Daily Beast.
The decision now rests with Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, who is said to be willing to consider overruling an earlier recommendation by the Army that Petraeus not have his rank reduced. Such a demotion could cost the storied general hundreds of thousands of dollars—and deal an additional blow to his once-pristine reputation.
“The secretary is considering going in a different direction” from the Army, a defense official told The Daily Beast, because he wants to be consistent in his treatment of senior officers who engage in misconduct and to send a message that even men of Petraeus’s fame and esteemed reputation are not immune to punishment.

Exclusive: Pentagon May Demote David Petraeus

Is Hillary Clinton next?
Good. Although his mistakes pale in comparison to hillarys his accomplishments cannot compare with hers. He only won the Iraq war...while she managed to restart it and expand conflict all over the Middle East.

For Ogy...........sarcasm alert!
I'm not the one that supports her for that reason. Don't confuse pointing out why you do with fascination.

A female President doesn't scare me. I don't have a problem with a female being President. I have a problem when people choose one BECAUSE she is.

Don't fool yourself son. You do.

I'm not going to vote for Hillary because of her body parts, or even because I particularly like her.

I'm going to vote for her because everyone your side is offering right now is either a complete fucking lunatic or is the tool of some rich asshole. Or Both.

You see, the thing is, in 2012, the least crazy guy you could find thought he was wearing Magic Underwear.

In 2016, you guys can't even hit that low standard.
I'm not the one that supports her for that reason. Don't confuse pointing out why you do with fascination.

A female President doesn't scare me. I don't have a problem with a female being President. I have a problem when people choose one BECAUSE she is.

Don't fool yourself son. You do.

I'm not going to vote for Hillary because of her body parts, or even because I particularly like her.

I'm going to vote for her because everyone your side is offering right now is either a complete fucking lunatic or is the tool of some rich asshole. Or Both.

You see, the thing is, in 2012, the least crazy guy you could find thought he was wearing Magic Underwear.

In 2016, you guys can't even hit that low standard.

Liar. Maybe that's why you can't keep a job.

It makes you feel good inside to give the black boy a chance and you have the mentality that it would look good to vote for a female just for that reason.
Liar. Maybe that's why you can't keep a job.

It makes you feel good inside to give the black boy a chance and you have the mentality that it would look good to vote for a female just for that reason.

I didn't vote for Obama in 2008. I only voted for him in 2012 because I truly believe MORMONS ARE FUCKING EVIL!!!!!

This year, you guys are running a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, and wonder why no one takes you seriously.

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