Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine linked to rare blood disease - Israeli study

haha, where did you find that worthless quack site? The link they cited doesn't even say what they say it says. Just some charlatans trying to sell snake oil, there.
WTF does a 5 year old need the dang shot. And specifically what is wrong with that sites post. When does a child get a fully developed immune system?

Now what is the chance BY STATISTICS of a 5 year old dying from Covid?

At What Age Does A Child’s Immune System F​

ully Develop?​

Children’s immune systems continue to develop after they are born. They are at risk of illnesses including viruses and bacteria as their immune system develops and immunological memory kicks in to fight off invaders. Typically immune systems become fully developed around age 7-8 (1).

At What Age Does A Child’s Immune System F​

ully Develop?​

Children’s immune systems continue to develop after they are born. They are at risk of illnesses including viruses and bacteria as their immune system develops and immunological memory kicks in to fight off invaders. Typically immune systems become fully developed around age 7-8 (1).
Some levels of immunoglobulins are not achieved until 12 years of age.
It was just found that ClarieH’s finding of the report for SARS-CoV-2 mutation R203M links to heart looping via Smad3, by default implicating the cardiac involvement to vaccine reactions. Heart looping is a phenomenon of the developing heart.
It's not only with Pfizer that people is having heart related problems,

France Joins Canada, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark and Finland – in Warning of Heart-Related Health Risks with Moderna Vaccine​

Published November 10, 2021

It's not only with Pfizer that people is having heart related problems,

France Joins Canada, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark and Finland – in Warning of Heart-Related Health Risks with Moderna Vaccine​

Published November 10, 2021

So what is the risk? What percentage? How does that compare with the risk of not getting vaccinated?

Do you ever puzzle out these questions and wonder about them? Ever?
So what is the risk? What percentage? How does that compare with the risk of not getting vaccinated?

Do you ever puzzle out these questions and wonder about them? Ever?

This is the risk:

It’s because they risk contraction of myocarditis — inflammation of the heart muscle that causes arrhythmias.

It also risks blood clots in the heart, a stroke or heart attack that can cause death.

If you want to learn more take some time to research it by yourself.
That is not the risk. The risk would be the incidence of that.

So you don't ever puzzle out any of those questions? Just tralala, not knowing anything about anything makes Skye happy, tralala

If you want to participate in a sensible conversation, then it's fine.

But If you want to troll, like you are doing now, then it's bye bye.

Check that out Skye. off topic but the 4 threads on it appeared to have died out. Seems the CDC, WHO, Bill Gates Foundation were PARTNERS with ECo Labs working out of Wuhan.
It's not only with Pfizer that people is having heart related problems,

France Joins Canada, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark and Finland – in Warning of Heart-Related Health Risks with Moderna Vaccine​

Published November 10, 2021

Both Moderna and Pfizer are mRNA. This should be further scrutinized, due to such things as anti-freeze (ethylene glycol/polyethylene glycol). The spike protein doesn’t seem to be enough of the virus for some reason and in conjunction with additives.

Tromethamine / Polyethylene Glycol
So is it possible for the evolution of a python that kills its prey via cardiac arrest, and which also is infected with a nidovirus (coronaviruses are also nidoviruses) to have assisted in the evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that is invoking thrombotic-cardiac symptoms in the hosts that it infects? We no longer think that this is a far-fetched idea.

Check that out Skye. off topic but the 4 threads on it appeared to have died out. Seems the CDC, WHO, Bill Gates Foundation were PARTNERS with ECo Labs working out of Wuhan.

It wouldn't surprise me at all.

Bill Gates and all those like him, Fauci included, following that agenda are very sick people.

It wouldn't surprise me at all.

Bill Gates and all those like him, Fauci included, following that agenda are very sick people.

View attachment 562679
I just posted a thread on this. Even the Pentagon was funding Eco Health Alliance for bioweapons research in Wuhan.

These fuckers caused this. They should be hung.
Not to forget Obama-Biden funding of Duke-NUS Singapore. Technology there is connected to vaccination of the Russian military, Eco Health Alliance’s Daszak attended the Nipah conference in Singapore, and a henipahvirus (Mojiang virus, Tongguan copper mine) came out of the same mine as SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative. Is the reading prisoner really that gullible to think it was a coincidence that Fau Chi’s senate testimony about influenza was published on the same day that the sick Tongguan miners went into the hospital, when the first one went in on the penultimate day?
On 6 Nov (post #156) we mentioned dogs and cats, and the virus that we saw that linked to canine, feline and porcine sequences, was RsSHC014, the virus that came from Kunming. While still analyzing that virus, reports from China resonate with myocarditis in dogs and cats:

China: Pet Slaughter

I just posted a thread on this. Even the Pentagon was funding Eco Health Alliance for bioweapons research in Wuhan.

These fuckers caused this. They should be hung.
Just one little problem with your kangaroo court of one, there:

You have no good evidence the novel coronavirus came from the lab.

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