Pharmacist Denies Anti-Bleeding Medication Because Woman Might Have Had an Abortion

I strongly disagree. Particularly when the woman used a public pharmacy, not a hospital pharmacy for the meds. The liability in this thing happens to be at the feet of the abortion clinic not the public pharmacy. The dirtballs in the abortion clinic had an obligation to provide those meds, kiddo. They have no right to expect any citizen to pony up care in any way in such an abhorrent scenario.

I also disagree that any refusal to participate in the actions of an abortionist is somehow akin to the Police or Fire Departments refusing assistance due to the color of a house or personal preferences. Even in a hospital setting, Professionals most certainly can and do refuse to participate in the actions of abortionists and refuse to participate in the care of such patients. Hospital Boards are also free to refuse abortions and abortion care. As well, Professionals are also free to refuse to provide care in other areas of medical attention as well. For example, Nurses are free to refuse nursing in mental wards.

It is not morally reprehensible that the Pharmacist refused to fill the prescription. It was reprehensible that the abortionist threw his/her patient out in the public sector with a prescription rather than the meds and expected others to be wheedled into the agenda of her care.

The fact is, there is such a thing as strong personal preferences in many matters, and nobody has the right to force anything or any agenda that is regarded as abhorrent on anyone. Even Nurses and Doctors. The fact is, when such strong personal preferences are there, such a Nurse or Doctor is not going to provide the same quality of care to such a patient as a non-abhorrent patient would receive.

So it's really best if the abhorrent seeks help somewhere else. The abhorrent found the abortionist and I'm very sure the abhorrent can sniff out other abhorrents with relative ease.

I absolutely refuse, under any condition and situation, to assist in any way the work of an abortionist and his/her screwing monkey who hired them to murder her baby.

If such a female comes to me, I shall not assist her in any way. Miss Piggy can go elsewhere. I do not have to provide care or treatment and I won't.

And finally, if that woman was bleeding she still required medical care in the abortion clinic. She should have been sent back to the butcher.

I certainly hope you are not in the medical field...for your sake and for everyone else's.

You might want to read a little further and try some comprehension. The Pharmacist did in fact make a call to determine the nature of the prescription. Pharmacists have that right and in fact do this many times a day on a variety of meds. A red flag should have gone up when the so-called Nurse claimed Patient Privacy in the matter. Not once has any Doctor, Nurse, or clinic worker EVER used such an excuse in response to a Pharmacy call, that I can recall UNLESS there is something going on they are trying to hide. There was something way way wrong in this picture and the Pharmacist did the correct thing by not filling that prescription.

That med happens to be a dangerous med and for your information Pharmacists are indeed charged with seeking and supplying information to Patients and have every right to refuse a prescription. Nurses as well have the right to refuse administering a med.

The abortion butcher wanted someone else to take the liability. That's what this is about.

One step further, sugarplum, had that Patient gone to a legit GYN -- rather than an abortion butcher -- she would have been placed in the hospital for a D&C and testing done for that bleeding. I do not know one single OB/GYN who would have sent a Patient home with such a symptom OR been stupid enough to write a prescription like that. Just because it's in the pharmacy doesn't mean it's safe or that other medical things should not have been done. This deal reeked of abortion.

You place more value on the life of a female who allows the murder of her baby than you do the baby, and I disagree strongly with that. Neither do I think such bimbos should have the compassion and all the ideas that what she is doing is acceptable. It isn't acceptable.

It is also unacceptable that abortionists think they can drag the entire medical profession into their killing field -- and drag all women into their heinous crap. I don't buy it now and never have. And won't ever. One step further, you might want to check the history of Planned Parenthood. They are hardly honorable. But, boy they are supposedly experts when it comes to your private parts, eh? That trash should not get one cent of public monies.

You are aware I suppose, that one of the major conflicts in the Democratic Party happens to be the issue of abortion? If you think all Dems support that crap you are very wrong. I'll never forget one of the meetings -- we got a talk from Catholics who assist abortion clinics, and then a talk from a Rabbi who claimed the pre-born aren't humans. And I'll tell you something, if this abortion issue doesn't reek of really disgusting religious bullshit, I don't know what does.

Finally, if I give care it's proper care. I don't kill Patients. If you consider that out of step, I strongly suggest you might want to think about your own mental state.

Wait a minute, Quantum Windbag and Allie CLAIMED THIS EVENT NEVER HAPPENED.
Which is it?
Uh excuse me -- the abortionists should have given the woman the meds she needed, not sent her out with a prescription. One step further, the Pharmacist is under no law to provide info on other pharmacies that might fill the prescription.

I too am opposed to abortion, and no I would not do one single thing that would have assisted in any way, the actions of an abortionist. If some bimbo or screwing monkey demands the murder of her baby, she ain't getting my help on anything. Period.

And if she bled out, you might want to consider what they did to her helpless innocent baby to kill it.

I'm on the side of the baby in this picture, not the screwing monkey.

I hate to disagree with you, but the way I see it is that someone who is truly pro-life wants to save the life of not only the baby, but also the life of the mother regardless of her sexual proclivity. In my humble opinion, being pro-life is not just about stopping abortion. It is about saving not only the life of the baby or babies, but also the life of the mother.

For this pharmacist to deny what may or may not have been a life saving drug is simply wrong. As for the abortionist having released the woman before she was medically fit to be released, my understanding is that this happens quite often. Women who have had abortions end up in the hospital either with internal bleeding or infection. The pharmacists, again in my humble opinion, should have provided the necessary services. She was not aiding in an abortion. She may have been saving the life of a victim of a botched abortion.

We also have North Carolina State Representative wanting to cut off funding for HIV/AIDS patients "because they are people living perverted lifestyles".

Ah, conscience clauses, such garbage.

People that decide whether or not I need a prescription are me and my doctor, NOT the pharmacist.

And, unlike Nazi Germany and many current religous run countries, the people who determine and think about the morals of the medicine MY doctor prescribes for me are:

If any pharmacist has some asinine qualm about WHAT THEIR JOB REQUIRES THEM TO DO, then they shouldn't have gone into the job in the first place.

I fail to understand how this is hard for anyone with an education beyond the 6th grade to understand.
But wait a minute! I now fully understand. They are not worried at all about morals.
They want total control over a women's body
I strongly disagree. Particularly when the woman used a public pharmacy, not a hospital pharmacy for the meds. The liability in this thing happens to be at the feet of the abortion clinic not the public pharmacy. The dirtballs in the abortion clinic had an obligation to provide those meds, kiddo. They have no right to expect any citizen to pony up care in any way in such an abhorrent scenario.

I also disagree that any refusal to participate in the actions of an abortionist is somehow akin to the Police or Fire Departments refusing assistance due to the color of a house or personal preferences. Even in a hospital setting, Professionals most certainly can and do refuse to participate in the actions of abortionists and refuse to participate in the care of such patients. Hospital Boards are also free to refuse abortions and abortion care. As well, Professionals are also free to refuse to provide care in other areas of medical attention as well. For example, Nurses are free to refuse nursing in mental wards.

It is not morally reprehensible that the Pharmacist refused to fill the prescription. It was reprehensible that the abortionist threw his/her patient out in the public sector with a prescription rather than the meds and expected others to be wheedled into the agenda of her care.

The fact is, there is such a thing as strong personal preferences in many matters, and nobody has the right to force anything or any agenda that is regarded as abhorrent on anyone. Even Nurses and Doctors. The fact is, when such strong personal preferences are there, such a Nurse or Doctor is not going to provide the same quality of care to such a patient as a non-abhorrent patient would receive.

So it's really best if the abhorrent seeks help somewhere else. The abhorrent found the abortionist and I'm very sure the abhorrent can sniff out other abhorrents with relative ease.

I absolutely refuse, under any condition and situation, to assist in any way the work of an abortionist and his/her screwing monkey who hired them to murder her baby.

If such a female comes to me, I shall not assist her in any way. Miss Piggy can go elsewhere. I do not have to provide care or treatment and I won't.

And finally, if that woman was bleeding she still required medical care in the abortion clinic. She should have been sent back to the butcher.

I certainly hope you are not in the medical field...for your sake and for everyone else's.

You might want to read a little further and try some comprehension. The Pharmacist did in fact make a call to determine the nature of the prescription. Pharmacists have that right and in fact do this many times a day on a variety of meds. A red flag should have gone up when the so-called Nurse claimed Patient Privacy in the matter. Not once has any Doctor, Nurse, or clinic worker EVER used such an excuse in response to a Pharmacy call, that I can recall UNLESS there is something going on they are trying to hide. There was something way way wrong in this picture and the Pharmacist did the correct thing by not filling that prescription.

That med happens to be a dangerous med and for your information Pharmacists are indeed charged with seeking and supplying information to Patients and have every right to refuse a prescription. Nurses as well have the right to refuse administering a med.

The abortion butcher wanted someone else to take the liability. That's what this is about.

One step further, sugarplum, had that Patient gone to a legit GYN -- rather than an abortion butcher -- she would have been placed in the hospital for a D&C and testing done for that bleeding. I do not know one single OB/GYN who would have sent a Patient home with such a symptom OR been stupid enough to write a prescription like that. Just because it's in the pharmacy doesn't mean it's safe or that other medical things should not have been done. This deal reeked of abortion.

You place more value on the life of a female who allows the murder of her baby than you do the baby, and I disagree strongly with that. Neither do I think such bimbos should have the compassion and all the ideas that what she is doing is acceptable. It isn't acceptable.

It is also unacceptable that abortionists think they can drag the entire medical profession into their killing field -- and drag all women into their heinous crap. I don't buy it now and never have. And won't ever. One step further, you might want to check the history of Planned Parenthood. They are hardly honorable. But, boy they are supposedly experts when it comes to your private parts, eh? That trash should not get one cent of public monies.

You are aware I suppose, that one of the major conflicts in the Democratic Party happens to be the issue of abortion? If you think all Dems support that crap you are very wrong. I'll never forget one of the meetings -- we got a talk from Catholics who assist abortion clinics, and then a talk from a Rabbi who claimed the pre-born aren't humans. And I'll tell you something, if this abortion issue doesn't reek of really disgusting religious bullshit, I don't know what does.

Finally, if I give care it's proper care. I don't kill Patients. If you consider that out of step, I strongly suggest you might want to think about your own mental state.

That is the LAW....but again, thanks for confirming for us all that you have NO BUSINESS in the medical field. Please keep your sanctimonious judging of others to yourself.
Wow, the anti abortion crowd is a bunch of nut jobs.

Not all of them...but there are some real kooks in the mix. Let's not forget the guy who went to that Doctor's church to shoot and kill him. And around here we get the crazies who show up at Elementary schools with these big pictures of aborted fetus' (or at least that's what they say they are) and park their vans with those large pictures for all the little kids to see.
Are these the kids you all believe in "educating" about their abortion and reproductive rights?

I guess maybe you only want to educate them about SOME aspects of sex and abortion.
Wow, the anti abortion crowd is a bunch of nut jobs.

Not all of them...but there are some real kooks in the mix. Let's not forget the guy who went to that Doctor's church to shoot and kill him. And around here we get the crazies who show up at Elementary schools with these big pictures of aborted fetus' (or at least that's what they say they are) and park their vans with those large pictures for all the little kids to see.

How can they say they are pro life when these morons are saying they are ok with a woman who got an abortion bleeding to death? I have gotten into on this board with a couple of these nutjobs and they are bat shit crazy, but of course when I ask them if they are willing to volunteer to adopt a few of the babies that are going to be aborted they get even more angrier and spout off with more rhetoric.
I hate to disagree with you, but the way I see it is that someone who is truly pro-life wants to save the life of not only the baby, but also the life of the mother regardless of her sexual proclivity. In my humble opinion, being pro-life is not just about stopping abortion. It is about saving not only the life of the baby or babies, but also the life of the mother.

That is because you are rational and compassionate. Toss is not pro-life, she's just anti-abortion. There is a difference.

I also have my doubts that she is involved in healthcare. Her opinions on hospice are straight out of the 60's. She has no understanding of the HIPAA laws. She's either grossly misinformed or blatantly lying about the organ donation process. And she's about as compassionate as Torquemada. The health care providers I interact with understand that their job is not to judge a patient's actions and the relevant pathology it causes. There job is to care for them as best as they can. At an inner-city hospital, where I am learning medicine, we see all sorts of pathology that is a result of behavior that people consider immoral. Any health care provider that refused to treat Gonorrhea or Chlamydia in a single girl due to the fact that she was a "monkey" or some such bullshit would lose their license. Rightly so. Furthermore, in the course of treating them, if you come across as judgmental at all, you've screwed up already. Sometimes it is hard not to be judgmental, but it is an expected part of the profession.

It's part of being a professional.

For this pharmacist to deny what may or may not have been a life saving drug is simply wrong. As for the abortionist having released the woman before she was medically fit to be released, my understanding is that this happens quite often. Women who have had abortions end up in the hospital either with internal bleeding or infection. The pharmacists, again in my humble opinion, should have provided the necessary services. She was not aiding in an abortion. She may have been saving the life of a victim of a botched abortion.

Or it might have had nothing to do with abortion whatsoever. Despite contrary opinion, Planned parenthood offers the whole gamet of women's care:

Women's Health

The fact that this script was written by a Nurse Practitioner, who couldn't perform a D&C/Abortion procedure, leads me to speculate (so take it for what it's worth) that this might have just been regular gynecological care.

The pharmacist obviously saw the script came from Planned Parenthood and inferred it was for post-abortion care and, erroneously, denied filling the script.

I am not sure what the state has or will do about it, but Walgreens is going to have a huge problem on it's hands if this becomes the norm.
Are these the kids you all believe in "educating" about their abortion and reproductive rights?

I guess maybe you only want to educate them about SOME aspects of sex and abortion.

Wow...and to think that I thought you had some logic in you.

Please equate coming to a campus and showing young students INVOLUNTARILY graphic color blow ups of blood and guts (not even clear if appendix or fetus)...with an class that parents must approve on the human body and 'good touch/bad touch'?
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Wow, the anti abortion crowd is a bunch of nut jobs.

Not all of them...but there are some real kooks in the mix. Let's not forget the guy who went to that Doctor's church to shoot and kill him. And around here we get the crazies who show up at Elementary schools with these big pictures of aborted fetus' (or at least that's what they say they are) and park their vans with those large pictures for all the little kids to see.

How can they say they are pro life when these morons are saying they are ok with a woman who got an abortion bleeding to death? I have gotten into on this board with a couple of these nutjobs and they are bat shit crazy, but of course when I ask them if they are willing to volunteer to adopt a few of the babies that are going to be aborted they get even more angrier and spout off with more rhetoric.

The woman wasn't bleeding to death.

You don't know anything about this particular case because NOBODY knows anything about it.

And abortion doesn't reduce child abuse, the adoption rate, or child neglect and abandonment, you propagandized idiot. Spend some time at the CDC site and please educate yourself.
Are these the kids you all believe in "educating" about their abortion and reproductive rights?

I guess maybe you only want to educate them about SOME aspects of sex and abortion.

Wow...and to think that I thought you had some logic in you.

Please equate coming to a campus and showing young students INVOLUNTARILY graphic color blow ups of blood and guts (not even clear if appendix or fetus)...with an class that parents must approve on the human body and 'good touch/bad touch'?

I'll bet you're all for handing out condoms at the same schools.

Get a grip.
Not all of them...but there are some real kooks in the mix. Let's not forget the guy who went to that Doctor's church to shoot and kill him. And around here we get the crazies who show up at Elementary schools with these big pictures of aborted fetus' (or at least that's what they say they are) and park their vans with those large pictures for all the little kids to see.

How can they say they are pro life when these morons are saying they are ok with a woman who got an abortion bleeding to death? I have gotten into on this board with a couple of these nutjobs and they are bat shit crazy, but of course when I ask them if they are willing to volunteer to adopt a few of the babies that are going to be aborted they get even more angrier and spout off with more rhetoric.

The woman wasn't bleeding to death.

You don't know anything about this particular case because NOBODY knows anything about it.

And abortion doesn't reduce child abuse, the adoption rate, or child neglect and abandonment, you propagandized idiot. Spend some time at the CDC site and please educate yourself.

Huh? fuck you bitch, Tossobama said she would let that woman bleed to death if she had tried to get an abortion, go ahead and look it up for yourself. You anti abortion retards have your fucking heads jammed up your asses don't you?:cuckoo:
You used the plural, idiot. Don't get mad at me because you can't articulate intelligently.
Are these the kids you all believe in "educating" about their abortion and reproductive rights?

I guess maybe you only want to educate them about SOME aspects of sex and abortion.

Wow...and to think that I thought you had some logic in you.

Please equate coming to a campus and showing young students INVOLUNTARILY graphic color blow ups of blood and guts (not even clear if appendix or fetus)...with an class that parents must approve on the human body and 'good touch/bad touch'?

Isn't it fascinating to see someone SO CONFIDENT of their position in a discussion that they are afraid to answer questions and rather do back alley neg reps on those who ask those inconvenient questions?

It was an Honor, Allie. A distinct Honor. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Are these the kids you all believe in "educating" about their abortion and reproductive rights?

I guess maybe you only want to educate them about SOME aspects of sex and abortion.

Wow...and to think that I thought you had some logic in you.

Please equate coming to a campus and showing young students INVOLUNTARILY graphic color blow ups of blood and guts (not even clear if appendix or fetus)...with an class that parents must approve on the human body and 'good touch/bad touch'?

I'll bet you're all for handing out condoms at the same schools.

Get a grip.

Condoms handed out at elementary schools?....PROVE it! Anyone here advocating handing out condoms at elementary schools? PROVE it!

Or did you just bear false witness?

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