Philippine catastrophe

At least 10,000 people are thought to have died in the central Philippine province of Leyte after Typhoon Haiyan, one of the strongest storms ever to make landfall, lashed the area, swallowing coastal towns, a senior police official said early on Sunday morning.

About 70-80% of the buildings in the area in the path of Haiyan in Leyte province was destroyed, said chief superintendent Elmer Soria. "We had a meeting last night with the governor and the other officials. The governor said based on their estimate, 10,000 died," he said.

Typhoon Haiyan: at least 10,000 reported dead in Philippine province | World news | The Observer
Still a lack of news out of the central part of the Philippines, due to the extreme damage, but they are now talking about as high as 10,000 dead in just one area. I see where the Europeans and the US are putting in disaster teams and relief supplies are being gathered. Our heavy lift airbases are essential in operations like this, and all nations, including Russia and China, should join in the costs of the maintenance of them, as we should share in some of the costs of like bases if they allow similiar use in such situations. When Mexico City was devastated by that earthquake, I saw that monster Russian cargo plan sitting in McChord, getting refuelded and serviced, on it's way there to deliver medical supplies.

My God! It's like Christmas came early for the AGWCult. the only thing better would have been if there was a school shooting as the typhoon struck
Doesn't look like you're going to be able to change the topic to AGW.
At least 10,000 people are thought to have died in the central Philippine province of Leyte after Typhoon Haiyan, one of the strongest storms ever to make landfall, lashed the area, swallowing coastal towns, a senior police official said early on Sunday morning.

About 70-80% of the buildings in the area in the path of Haiyan in Leyte province was destroyed, said chief superintendent Elmer Soria. "We had a meeting last night with the governor and the other officials. The governor said based on their estimate, 10,000 died," he said.

Typhoon Haiyan: at least 10,000 reported dead in Philippine province | World news | The Observer

The devastation is truly awful.
The Philippines need to rebuild stronger as typhoons are a part of life for this tropical nation.

Homes should be built solid(brick, steal enforced structures)
Sea walls
Higher up(20 feet) should be the limit where they build.

Some ideas that Americans along the gulf should also do.
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Still a lack of news out of the central part of the Philippines, due to the extreme damage, but they are now talking about as high as 10,000 dead in just one area. I see where the Europeans and the US are putting in disaster teams and relief supplies are being gathered. Our heavy lift airbases are essential in operations like this, and all nations, including Russia and China, should join in the costs of the maintenance of them, as we should share in some of the costs of like bases if they allow similiar use in such situations. When Mexico City was devastated by that earthquake, I saw that monster Russian cargo plan sitting in McChord, getting refuelded and serviced, on it's way there to deliver medical supplies.

My God! It's like Christmas came early for the AGWCult. the only thing better would have been if there was a school shooting as the typhoon struck

Doesn't look like you're going to be able to change the topic to AGW.

Yeah, Frank.
Just good ol' mother nature trying to regulate the population. Send some of that destruction toward the east coast and California. There's too many people in the world.


do a favor to mother nature - eradicate yourself first
I listened to CNN curious to hear what they were doing to help the Philippines (Nov 10th).

'USAID said in a statement that it is sending a disaster assistance response team to assess the damage, determine the humanitarian needs and keep key players posted on what's happening and what needs to happen next.'
Key players? (is this a ball game?) What's happening? (could it have been a hurricane hit?) What needs to happen next? (Call them on your cell phone, write down what they need and fly it over). Bunch of do nothing stupid idiots USAID. Get off your Big Asses!
Isn't 1/2 our Pac fleet in the Phillipines at any given time?

Cant get Japanese cargo/hospital ships there yesterday?
Lesson is -- dont depend on govt bureaucracy to be quick or efficient about "relief"..
call me cold hearted.., but, from my experiences in the Philippines over a 12 year period during the late 1960's to mid 1970's i contributed way too much then, so today all they get from me is, FUCK YOU PEOPLE !! :up:
call me cold hearted.., but, from my experiences in the Philippines over a 12 year period during the late 1960's to mid 1970's i contributed way too much then, so today all they get from me is, FUCK YOU PEOPLE !! :up:

What the hell are you talking about? Are you directing that invective at the victims of this terrible storm? :confused:
call me cold hearted.., but, from my experiences in the Philippines over a 12 year period during the late 1960's to mid 1970's i contributed way too much then, so today all they get from me is, FUCK YOU PEOPLE !! :up:

What the hell are you talking about? Are you directing that invective at the victims of this terrible storm? :confused:

Think we found a new ambassador to Manila. He's got some untreated issues.
i spent 10 years in and out of the Philippines during the VN War, i traveled the country quite extensively, walked on part of the "Bataan Death March Trail", whenever i stopped for an over night visit i encountered many con-artists/shysters and just plain crooks ! now what i read about all the looting and killing, my former views and current views confirm, FUCK YOU PEOPLE !! :lmao: ... :lmao:
You guys are talking about wind speeds as though wind speeds were consistent throughout the entire area of the hurricane.

Now I KNOW most of you know better than that...especially if you love in FLA
i spent 10 years in and out of the Philippines during the VN War, i traveled the country quite extensively, walked on part of the "Bataan Death March Trail", whenever i stopped for an over night visit i encountered many con-artists/shysters and just plain crooks ! now what i read about all the looting and killing, my former views and current views confirm, FUCK YOU PEOPLE !!

There are ne'er do wells in every country. You walked part of the trail where Filipinos and Americans suffered together during the war and all you can think of at this time is to cast invective at people who have suffered from a natural disaster of historic proportions? You're a POS.

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