Philippines Temporarily Halts Anti-Drug Raids, Citing Crimes By Police

Odium Tipsycatlover
Both repugnant people that support this brutality.

Why shouldn't drug dealers be shot where they stand?

They sell bad Smack and Meth to even teenagers and we should what, hold their little hands or something?

Some lowlife tries to get at our kids and they may very well get shot where they stand

Incredible the Leftists defending drug dealers


You don't want them executed, to us that's as good as defending them in the name of Human Rights.

There is a big difference between execution and turning them loose.

We can argue the merits of capital punishment vs life in prison, but it's meaningless if you don't have a justice system in the first place.
The system may be different but the rhetoric...

Duterte campaigned on the promise of death to drug dealers, saying he would dump their bodies into Manila Bay and allegedly encouraging citizens to shoot drug dealers. "Forget the laws on human rights," he told supporters in a speech before election day.
Sounds eerily similar to "there used to be consequences -- they'd be carried out on a stretcher" and "beat the crap out of 'em", not to mention "I could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and not lose votes".

Drug dealers forfeit their Human Rights when they sell bad Smack and Meth to teenagers and even use children as Drug Mules.

Not only should drug dealers be shot where they stand, paedophiles should be shot where they stand also, why do Leftists defend all the scum of this planet in the name of Human Rights?

I fully support a pedophile being shot dead, there is no cure and they nearly always reoffend.

I don't support extrajudicial killings period. In Philippines - they've given a fee license for citizens to murder those they think are dealers and users. THINK they are. No trial, no due process.

If there is proof kill them, if they think there is give them a trial....and if found guilty kill them

"Southern trees bear a strange fruit,
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root,
Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze,
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.

Pastoral scene of the gallant south,
The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth,
Scent of magnolias, sweet and fresh,
Then the sudden smell of burning flesh.

Here is fruit for the crows to pluck,
For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck,
For the sun to rot, for the trees to drop,
Here is a strange and bitter crop."

I am very close to a child who was sexually abused for years, she received a life sentence, full of counseling, nightmares at 3 AM, she struggled at even mimicking a happy life a child should have....the son of a bitch that did it to her needed to die and took the cowards way out by suicide....when I heard he had I smiled

Don't harp at me about child sexual'll never change my mind. Kill them
No one is defending drug dealers - that's just the kind of dishonest meme the right likes to push. It's whether you are defending law and order, and respect due process - or defending out and out lawlessness and murder.

I've already stated they should be shot dead and most certainly if children are involved.

Again: NO ONE is defending drug dealers

Where did I say you were? I simply said shoot

"Incredible the Leftists defending drug dealers, well not incredible, considering they also defend the 7th Century Satanic Death Cult."

I didn't post that.

Apologies - you're right.
Drug dealers forfeit their Human Rights when they sell bad Smack and Meth to teenagers and even use children as Drug Mules.

Not only should drug dealers be shot where they stand, paedophiles should be shot where they stand also, why do Leftists defend all the scum of this planet in the name of Human Rights?

I fully support a pedophile being shot dead, there is no cure and they nearly always reoffend.

I don't support extrajudicial killings period. In Philippines - they've given a fee license for citizens to murder those they think are dealers and users. THINK they are. No trial, no due process.

If there is proof kill them, if they think there is give them a trial....and if found guilty kill them

"Southern trees bear a strange fruit,
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root,
Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze,
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.

Pastoral scene of the gallant south,
The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth,
Scent of magnolias, sweet and fresh,
Then the sudden smell of burning flesh.

Here is fruit for the crows to pluck,
For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck,
For the sun to rot, for the trees to drop,
Here is a strange and bitter crop."

I am very close to a child who was sexually abused for years, she received a life sentence, full of counseling, nightmares at 3 AM, she struggled at even mimicking a happy life a child should have....the son of a bitch that did it to her needed to die and took the cowards way out by suicide....when I heard he had I smiled

Don't harp at me about child sexual'll never change my mind. Kill them

I understand where you are coming from.
No surprisingly...this got way out of hand...yet, people applaude Duterte :cuckoo:

Philippines Temporarily Halts Anti-Drug Raids, Citing Crimes By Police

The leader of the Philippine National Police said Monday that the agency's anti-drug units would be shut down and the deadly crackdown on people who use and sell drugs would be suspended.

Instead, the crackdown will temporarily shift to inside the police force itself.

"We will cleanse our ranks ... then maybe after that, we can resume our war on drugs," police Chief Ronald Dela Rosa said, according to the BBC.

Since President Rodrigo Duterte took office last summer, more than 7,000 suspected drug users and dealers have died in extrajudicial killings in the Philippines.

Earlier this month, investigators revealed that a Korean businessman had been kidnapped by anti-drug officers and strangled to death at the national police headquarters, The Philippine Star newspaper reports. The officers "later extorted ransom money from his family under the pretense that he was alive," according to The New York Times.

The businessman's killing prompted protests in Manila. Phelim Kine of Human Rights Watch wrote that it was an "ominous indicator of the breakdown of rule of law" under Duterte, and that "Philippine police have good reason to believe that they can literally get away with murder."

Dela Rosa announced that a counter-intelligence force would be created to catch, and potentially kill, corrupt

...Duterte campaigned on the promise of death to drug dealers, saying he would dump their bodies into Manila Bay and allegedly encouraging citizens to shoot drug dealers. "Forget the laws on human rights," he told supporters in a speech before election day.

Once he was sworn in, promises hardened into policy. "Do your duty, and in the process, you kill 1,000 persons, I will protect you," Duterte told police on July 1, the day after he was sworn in, Michael Sullivan reported for NPR.

So when they kill the cops will they still applaud?
Phase 1 is complete. Most of the worst are gone I'd say. Now they have found more evil, it's time to root it out as well. Phase 2 is in the works. I've got no problem with killing drug dealers. Believe me there will be a time in the USA when it will come to that too. Drugs have infected our society. The only cure is a bullet to the brain of evil men.
As I hear it Mexico is just going to let the drug cartels have us (not that I believe they've done a hell of a lot to stop the drug cartels from entering to begin with) so we may indeed get to the point of shooting dealers around the border.

I wonder if it will come to that politically here in the US.
It's has to some extent. Republicans are constantly assaulted by violent democrats. Hopefully Trump will be able to save the nation from you guys.

I wonder if it will come to that politically here in the US.
It's has to some extent. Republicans are constantly assaulted by violent democrats. Hopefully Trump will be able to save the nation from you guys.
The righties were told to keep hands off, did not, then cried when they got beat into the ground.

I am center right, you are Alt Right Christian, and you folks, unlike some of the Alt Right, are fully capable of hurting people.

The good thing is that LEO know most of you.

I wonder if it will come to that politically here in the US.
It's has to some extent. Republicans are constantly assaulted by violent democrats. Hopefully Trump will be able to save the nation from you guys.
The righties were told to keep hands off, did not, then cried when they got beat into the ground.

I am center right, you are Alt Right Christian, and you folks, unlike some of the Alt Right, are fully capable of hurting people.

The good thing is that LEO know most of you.
Republicans aren't the ones perpetrating violence. It's your side that does that. It's always been that way.
I'm pretty center and yea, the violence against fellow American's is mostly coming from the left. They were punching people in the airport. There was just a video of some BLM bitch telling their supporters to kill white peoples babies. Left wing actors and musicians saying they've /thought/ about blowing up the fucking white house...

I wonder if it will come to that politically here in the US.
It's has to some extent. Republicans are constantly assaulted by violent democrats. Hopefully Trump will be able to save the nation from you guys.
The righties were told to keep hands off, did not, then cried when they got beat into the ground.

I am center right, you are Alt Right Christian, and you folks, unlike some of the Alt Right, are fully capable of hurting people.

The good thing is that LEO know most of you.
Republicans aren't the ones perpetrating violence. It's your side that does that. It's always been that way.
I am not on the other side, goober.

I am GOP. But speaking of that . . . here is one of many examples. Your lying does not help you.

anti-Trump protesteers get beat up - Yahoo Video Search Results
I'm pretty center and yea, the violence against fellow American's is mostly coming from the left. They were punching people in the air port. There was just a video of some BLM bitch telling their supporters to kill white peoples babies. Left wing actors and musicians saying they've /thought/ about blowing up the fucking white house...
Arrest them then. Arrest anybody who hits. Arrest anybody who threatens violence.
As far as I know not /one/ of them has been arrested because the left is largely apathetic to violence committed against Republicans and Trump supporters.
Sassy opposes the Rule of Law.

Shhhh "holly" ;) Yeah I caught it before it was closed.
I am glad you admit that you oppose the Rule of Law.
I support eradicating evil. If that bothers you...too bad. You mean nothing to me...nothing
No, killing outside of the Rule of Law is supporting evil.

You are morally challenged, yes.

However, if anyone rises up, the government simply orders martial law and orders anyone caught with a firearm or others means of violence outside of his or her home may be summarily tried and executed.

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