Philosophical differences...GOP vs. DNC

Article 1, Section 1

Not hardly.

U.S. Constitution - Article 1 Section 1

Article 1 - The Legislative Branch
Section 1 - The Legislature

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
Congress has the power to enact legislation per the will of We the People
It doesn't have the power to enact whatever it likes, moron.

Sure they do

If you do not like it....take them to court
Only a congenital dumbass believes Congress can do whatever it likes.
My youngest continues to ask questions about the ‘Parties” and their distinct differences. She’s gonna follow this me explain things to a 15 year old.
I’ll get things started.
“Let’s get the lower 50% whom contribute very little to do better and contribute more.”
“Let’s get the the people already paying our way to pay more.”

“Let’s lockdown our borders and focus on taking care of Americans.”
“Let’s allow Mexicans, Central and South Americans in to mooch off taxpayers...WE’RE RICH!”

Show her the platforms of each and let her make her own conclusions.

There’s a flaw in that Liberals / Lefties children don’t have a firm grasp of the economic side of things...they translate the emotional feel good “stuff’ quite easily which works in the DNC’s favor. Children are naive and they fall for the feels...the problem is, if we all disregard the economics who’s gonna pay us to feel good?

I think you greatly underestimate kids.

Most of my son's classmates were opposed to a mandatory state rise in the minimum wage when they discussed it at fourteen. They all knew it would mean they would have a harder time competing for jobs, and there would be less jobs to compete for against grown adults.

It's simple supply and demand of jobs. You force employers to raise the wages, there will be less jobs. Kids aren't really as dumb as you might think.
Article 1, Section 1

Not hardly.

U.S. Constitution - Article 1 Section 1

Article 1 - The Legislative Branch
Section 1 - The Legislature

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
Congress has the power to enact legislation per the will of We the People
It doesn't have the power to enact whatever it likes, moron.

Sure they do

If you do not like it....take them to court
Only a congenital dumbass believes Congress can do whatever it likes.
Of course they can
They have a constitutional right to pass legislation
If you think that legislation is illegal or unconstitutional, our constitution makes the court system available to you
DNC: Let's flood this country with low wage labor who go on welfare so native born Americans can see their wages swirl down the drain.
Disproven 1000 times.
Facts are like kryptonite to you
Migrants help our economy.

Immigration is a boast to the American economy:

Just another lie you bought from your pussygrabber.



Folks like you just can't get that difference into your head, can you?

You just don't want to make the distinction, do you?

In my town, I'd say at least half the professional licensed medical professionals are from overseas, these are LEGAL MIGRANTS, not illegal aliens. Do you understand the difference?

Do you understand how the article you provided does nothing to prove what you want to prove. . . i.e., that we should lay off of border enforcement or let the unskilled illegal alien just continue collecting section 8, SNAP, and medicaid?

From your OWN ARTICLE;"

"But Ali says his company and many others like it depend on skilled labor, both from domestic workers and from international talent. And he says the U.S. could do a better job of making the immigration process more fair and attractive to keep global companies and workers from going somewhere else."Look at health care positions," he says. "A huge portion of all physicians in the United States are foreign born. Not only is our economy dependent on [immigration], but our health and our lives are dependent on it. We need to communicate that we want [these skilled workers]."

These are NOT economic illegals flooding in, stop confusing the issue.
My youngest continues to ask questions about the ‘Parties” and their distinct differences. She’s gonna follow this me explain things to a 15 year old.
I’ll get things started.
“Let’s get the lower 50% whom contribute very little to do better and contribute more.”
“Let’s get the the people already paying our way to pay more.”

“Let’s lockdown our borders and focus on taking care of Americans.”
“Let’s allow Mexicans, Central and South Americans in to mooch off taxpayers...WE’RE RICH!”
dblack is right.

For all intents and puposes there really aren't much differences between the two, they are largely cosmetic.

When the folks wake up to what is really going on, and they mobilize to show their discontent, the PTB, the establishment, brainwash them to think that they are part of either the left or right. The establishment MSM purposely make them dwell on trivial shit. I see what you folks are arguing about, and none of that shit will solve the core root problems. The folks that run the show are laughing at both sides, partisans of all stripes.

But it is all a lie.

It doesn't matter who you are, or what you feel, we all are stuck in the same boat unless you have more than, say a couple hundred million dollars, and have formed tax exempt foundation which can you can join the club and start bullshitting the public about what you are really doing with your capital reserves.

Everyone is fed up with the corruption, and the establishment just divides us all.


Hope your daughter has had all her shots................need them to enter the realm of politics........

They are ugly.........they are mud slinging events..............

They are to divide us...........the same career politicians want us at each others we don't unite and come after them and their corruption..............

They have been doing it forever.
Democrats: Support education for all
Republicans: Think education is elitist and should be available only to those who can afford it

Democrats: The tooth fairy will pay for it
Republicans: Are Democrats fucking stupid?

Winner, winner chicken dinner!

Another conservative demonstrating their education for the elite philosophy

I'm in the 3% fool, you mooching greedy tax and spend scumbags on the left need to get a job and pay your own damn bills.
The overwhelming majority of the masses could care less about education as defined by learning from books and amassing knowledge, and perhaps wisdom. Most would be perfectly happy earning enough to feed themselves and their families. Many have proved perfectly satisfied being kept as fed animals
Democrats: Support education for all
Republicans: Think education is elitist and should be available only to those who can afford it

Democrats: The tooth fairy will pay for it
Republicans: Are Democrats fucking stupid?

Winner, winner chicken dinner!

Another conservative demonstrating their education for the elite philosophy

I'm in the 3% fool, you mooching greedy tax and spend scumbags on the left need to get a job and pay your own damn bills.
The overwhelming majority of the masses could care less about education as defined by learning from books and amassing knowledge, and perhaps wisdom. Most would be perfectly happy earning enough to feed themselves and their families. Many have proved perfectly satisfied being kept as fed animals
The overwhelming majority of Americans support public education .......Conservatives want us ignorant
Democrats: The tooth fairy will pay for it
Republicans: Are Democrats fucking stupid?

Winner, winner chicken dinner!

Another conservative demonstrating their education for the elite philosophy

I'm in the 3% fool, you mooching greedy tax and spend scumbags on the left need to get a job and pay your own damn bills.
The overwhelming majority of the masses could care less about education as defined by learning from books and amassing knowledge, and perhaps wisdom. Most would be perfectly happy earning enough to feed themselves and their families. Many have proved perfectly satisfied being kept as fed animals
The overwhelming majority of Americans support public education .......Conservatives want us ignorant

Cool story bro ^^^ :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Point to a Dim who doesn't favor the wealthy.

The Great Obama
Right, Obama doesn't favor the wealthy:


Not his boat is it?

The Great Obama raised taxes on the wealthy and provided free and low cost health insurance to the poor

“The Kenyan Zulu FORCED America’s Best to pay for America’s Worst.”
The resident tards don’t even hear how fucking weird and twisted that sounds.

Democrats want EVERY American to have health coverage
Republicans will just let you die
EVERYONE dies. Some die sooner, some later, but even the rich die.
Democrats want EVERY American to have health coverage
Republicans will just let you die

Democrats want EVERY American to have health coverage as long as someone else pays for it (see: Republicans)

We have no problem with contributing to the healthcare of those who cannot afford it
Republicans will just let you die
Then, by all means, be my guest. Adopt a few who cannot afford health care and contribute your little heart out. DO NOT assume you know better how to confiscate and distribute what I earn. I wish to contribute to the healthcare of myself and my family. Guess what? There are rules (laws) that prohibit me from continuing to pay for health insurance for my adult children, and their children.
Oh, and you do know the difference between health CARE and health INSURANCE, do you not?
Democrats want EVERY American to have health coverage
Republicans will just let you die

Democrats want EVERY American to have health coverage as long as someone else pays for it (see: Republicans)

We have no problem with contributing to the healthcare of those who cannot afford it
Republicans will just let you die
Then, by all means, be my guest. Adopt a few who cannot afford health care and contribute your little heart out. DO NOT assume you know better how to confiscate and distribute what I earn. I wish to contribute to the healthcare of myself and my family. Guess what? There are rules (laws) that prohibit me from continuing to pay for health insurance for my adult children, and their children.
Oh, and you do know the difference between health CARE and health INSURANCE, do you not?

You won't find one liberal willing to lead by example and voluntarily give their wealth to the poor. Not even their billionaires. They are all talk.
Democrats want EVERY American to have health coverage
Republicans will just let you die

Democrats want EVERY American to have health coverage as long as someone else pays for it (see: Republicans)

We have no problem with contributing to the healthcare of those who cannot afford it
Republicans will just let you die
If you have no trouble doing that, then why do you need government to compel it?

Because that is a function of government

Helping those who need help
No, helping those in need, i.e. charity, is a function of churches an other non-profits. But then, libs have done everything in their power to destroy charities, especially faith-based charities. They'd much rather charity be funded by tax-payer dollars. After all, those reliant on re-election to continue their suction grip on their wealth will pander to those most likely to be vote for "free" stuff. You know, the "free" stuff government has confiscated from those of us who have worked for and earned it?
The Great Obama
Right, Obama doesn't favor the wealthy:


Not his boat is it?

The Great Obama raised taxes on the wealthy and provided free and low cost health insurance to the poor

“The Kenyan Zulu FORCED America’s Best to pay for America’s Worst.”
The resident tards don’t even hear how fucking weird and twisted that sounds.

Democrats want EVERY American to have health coverage
Republicans will just let you die
EVERYONE dies. Some die sooner, some later, but even the rich die.
Republicans want you to die NOW
GOP: Pledge unthinking loyalty to Donald Trump. He gives you absolution. Whatever is wrong in your life, there is someone else to blame. The media, the Deep State, the Democrats, immigrants, Muslims.

DNC: There are solutions if we discuss the problem, identify the cause and make the appropriate changes. Democracy works best when it works for everyone. Don't use oppression, suppression and discrimination as tools to benefit the few.
Alright, let's get to work. Let's discuss the problems and change. I am not opposed to changing so that all continue to have equal opportunities. I object when the fruits of my labors are confiscated in order to insure an equal outcome for those who are incapable or unwilling to invest the sweat equity needed to earn what I have earned.
Democrats want EVERY American to have health coverage
Republicans will just let you die

Democrats want EVERY American to have health coverage as long as someone else pays for it (see: Republicans)

We have no problem with contributing to the healthcare of those who cannot afford it
Republicans will just let you die
If you have no trouble doing that, then why do you need government to compel it?

Because that is a function of government

Helping those who need help
No, helping those in need, i.e. charity, is a function of churches an other non-profits. But then, libs have done everything in their power to destroy charities, especially faith-based charities. They'd much rather charity be funded by tax-payer dollars. After all, those reliant on re-election to continue their suction grip on their wealth will pander to those most likely to be vote for "free" stuff. You know, the "free" stuff government has confiscated from those of us who have worked for and earned it?
Churches do well with their bake sales

But substantial charity requires government
My youngest continues to ask questions about the ‘Parties” and their distinct differences. She’s gonna follow this me explain things to a 15 year old.
I’ll get things started.
“Let’s get the lower 50% whom contribute very little to do better and contribute more.”
“Let’s get the the people already paying our way to pay more.”

“Let’s lockdown our borders and focus on taking care of Americans.”
“Let’s allow Mexicans, Central and South Americans in to mooch off taxpayers...WE’RE RICH!”

Dems: let’s help people who need helping
GOP: Let’s help billionaires
You proven that wrong. Liberals destroyed the black family in about 50 years, through welfare.
What nonsense

Welfare provide both a safety net as well as a path out of poverty

Republicans offer the poor nothing other than prisons
Then why are so many still lounging in that safety net and ignoring that walk out of poverty?

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