Philosophical differences...GOP vs. DNC

Almost 50% pay no income not really.

Our President pays no income tax

He donates his income to charity, moron.
Show me his tax return to prove it
You show us his tax return to prove your claim.

Not my job

If Crooked Donnie wants to prove it......SHOW YOUR TAXES

So you are telling us that the Hussein IRS let the Donald get away with not paying taxes.....and you have no proof.

Sure, Corky.:itsok:
My youngest continues to ask questions about the ‘Parties” and their distinct differences. She’s gonna follow this me explain things to a 15 year old.
I’ll get things started.
“Let’s get the lower 50% whom contribute very little to do better and contribute more.”
“Let’s get the the people already paying our way to pay more.”

“Let’s lockdown our borders and focus on taking care of Americans.”
“Let’s allow Mexicans, Central and South Americans in to mooch off taxpayers...WE’RE RICH!”

Dems: let’s help people who need helping
GOP: Let’s help billionaires
You proven that wrong. Liberals destroyed the black family in about 50 years, through welfare.
What nonsense

Welfare provide both a safety net as well as a path out of poverty

Republicans offer the poor nothing other than prisons
Okay, what has welfare done to minorities for 50 years plus. Please tell me the positive.
Millions of minorities have gotten off of welfare through jobs and education programs

What have Republicans done for them

...gotten them jobs and off welfare.
Dems: let’s help people who need helping
GOP: Let’s help billionaires
You proven that wrong. Liberals destroyed the black family in about 50 years, through welfare.
What nonsense

Welfare provide both a safety net as well as a path out of poverty

Republicans offer the poor nothing other than prisons
Okay, what has welfare done to minorities for 50 years plus. Please tell me the positive.
Millions of minorities have gotten off of welfare through jobs and education programs

What have Republicans done for them
Since Trump won, what have democrats done? Beside kayne westing minorities?
Dems are powerless.....for now
Our President pays no income tax

He donates his income to charity, moron.
Show me his tax return to prove it
You show us his tax return to prove your claim.

Not my job

If Crooked Donnie wants to prove it......SHOW YOUR TAXES

So you are telling us that the Hussein IRS let the Donald get away with not paying taxes.....and you have no proof.

Sure, Corky.:itsok:

Crooked Donnie admits he is a freeloader
Dems are emotional critters..............Emotion NOT FACTS drive them.......They play the Victim card all the time........and say they are for the 1st Amendment but when someone wants to speak contrary to their views they burn half the place down........Such as Berkley........They think burning the flag is ok, and protesters even shit on the flag...........they think kneeling for the anthem is acceptable........and that we have a responsibility to accept all the people from poor countries in and then pay them Entitlements when we are in debt up to our asses............They build a high speed train when they need water......they Ban and threaten to throw you in jail for a plastic straw..........they order you to install Solar Panels to build a new home whether you agree or not..........They allow social misfits to have public displays of sexual bondage and live sex acts on the streets of San FranSicko.........they want to BAN ICE.......they have attacked Military recruiting centers......the tell their people to go out and stalk the opposing side...........they PAY PROTESTERS to riot at other candidates events and then blame it on them.......their states pay more money for everything, power, gas, taxes.....and then they wonder why people live in tents.......they believe in a foreign policy of appeasement........not strength.........they try to ban energy sector jobs and went as far as saying they would put coal and oil out of business........They draw a red line and say or else.......when breached they draw another line.........they use Federal Agencies to attack citizens without a blink of an eye......when caught they say oh de da..............they use judicial activism to create laws.............they are ok with a president using a pen and phone to enact policy.......they invaded Libya and then ran guns to Syria falling into the hands of the enemy..........

SHALL WE CONTINUE LIBBIES........plenty more.
Dems are emotional critters..............Emotion NOT FACTS drive them.......They play the Victim card all the time........and say they are for the 1st Amendment but when someone wants to speak contrary to their views they burn half the place down........Such as Berkley........They think burning the flag is ok, and protesters even shit on the flag...........they think kneeling for the anthem is acceptable........and that we have a responsibility to accept all the people from poor countries in and then pay them Entitlements when we are in debt up to our asses............They build a high speed train when they need water......they Ban and threaten to throw you in jail for a plastic straw..........they order you to install Solar Panels to build a new home whether you agree or not..........They allow social misfits to have public displays of sexual bondage and live sex acts on the streets of San FranSicko.........they want to BAN ICE.......they have attacked Military recruiting centers......the tell their people to go out and stalk the opposing side...........they PAY PROTESTERS to riot at other candidates events and then blame it on them.......their states pay more money for everything, power, gas, taxes.....and then they wonder why people live in tents.......they believe in a foreign policy of appeasement........not strength.........they try to ban energy sector jobs and went as far as saying they would put coal and oil out of business........They draw a red line and say or else.......when breached they draw another line.........they use Federal Agencies to attack citizens without a blink of an eye......when caught they say oh de da..............they use judicial activism to create laws.............they are ok with a president using a pen and phone to enact policy.......they invaded Libya and then ran guns to Syria falling into the hands of the enemy..........

SHALL WE CONTINUE LIBBIES........plenty more.
Dems are emotional critters..............Emotion NOT FACTS drive them.......They play the Victim card all the time........and say they are for the 1st Amendment but when someone wants to speak contrary to their views they burn half the place down........Such as Berkley........They think burning the flag is ok, and protesters even shit on the flag...........they think kneeling for the anthem is acceptable........and that we have a responsibility to accept all the people from poor countries in and then pay them Entitlements when we are in debt up to our asses............They build a high speed train when they need water......they Ban and threaten to throw you in jail for a plastic straw..........they order you to install Solar Panels to build a new home whether you agree or not..........They allow social misfits to have public displays of sexual bondage and live sex acts on the streets of San FranSicko.........they want to BAN ICE.......they have attacked Military recruiting centers......the tell their people to go out and stalk the opposing side...........they PAY PROTESTERS to riot at other candidates events and then blame it on them.......their states pay more money for everything, power, gas, taxes.....and then they wonder why people live in tents.......they believe in a foreign policy of appeasement........not strength.........they try to ban energy sector jobs and went as far as saying they would put coal and oil out of business........They draw a red line and say or else.......when breached they draw another line.........they use Federal Agencies to attack citizens without a blink of an eye......when caught they say oh de da..............they use judicial activism to create laws.............they are ok with a president using a pen and phone to enact policy.......they invaded Libya and then ran guns to Syria falling into the hands of the enemy..........

SHALL WE CONTINUE LIBBIES........plenty more.
You proven that wrong. Liberals destroyed the black family in about 50 years, through welfare.
What nonsense

Welfare provide both a safety net as well as a path out of poverty

Republicans offer the poor nothing other than prisons
Okay, what has welfare done to minorities for 50 years plus. Please tell me the positive.
Millions of minorities have gotten off of welfare through jobs and education programs

What have Republicans done for them
Since Trump won, what have democrats done? Beside kayne westing minorities?
Dems are powerless.....for now
What did Obama do for them?
Please learn to think for yourself, young lady. If you do, you'll come to understand that people on the ends of the spectrum have been mis-led and have chosen to place their own tribe over the country.

Challenge everything you hear, read, see. Don't take partisans for granted, there's a very, very good chance that they're not being fully honest with you. Think independently.

For your sake, and for ours.
Please learn to think for yourself, young lady. If you do, you'll come to understand that people on the ends of the spectrum have been mis-led and have chosen to place their own tribe over the country.

Challenge everything you hear, read, see. Don't take partisans for granted, there's a very, very good chance that they're not being fully honest with you. Think independently.

For your sake, and for ours.
Think for yourself agree..........

Now........Avoid those who always want you to give them solutions and never offer solutions............

Kinda like football.........If the teams fans were in charge ............their team would never lose...........Remember it's always easy from the Cheap Seats.......
Please learn to think for yourself, young lady. If you do, you'll come to understand that people on the ends of the spectrum have been mis-led and have chosen to place their own tribe over the country.

Challenge everything you hear, read, see. Don't take partisans for granted, there's a very, very good chance that they're not being fully honest with you. Think independently.

For your sake, and for ours.
Think for yourself agree..........

Now........Avoid those who always want you to give them solutions and never offer solutions............

Kinda like football.........If the teams fans were in charge ............their team would never lose...........Remember it's always easy from the Cheap Seats.......
I wouldn't know. My specific positions on the issues are listed in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

Have you provided such detail for us?
Please learn to think for yourself, young lady. If you do, you'll come to understand that people on the ends of the spectrum have been mis-led and have chosen to place their own tribe over the country.

Challenge everything you hear, read, see. Don't take partisans for granted, there's a very, very good chance that they're not being fully honest with you. Think independently.

For your sake, and for ours.
Think for yourself agree..........

Now........Avoid those who always want you to give them solutions and never offer solutions............

Kinda like football.........If the teams fans were in charge ............their team would never lose...........Remember it's always easy from the Cheap Seats.......
I wouldn't know. My specific positions on the issues are listed in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

Have you provided such detail for us?
In the past ........yep...........but my post was directed at's life from the nose bleed's emotional up there.......

Do you need a pair of binoculars.............
Please learn to think for yourself, young lady. If you do, you'll come to understand that people on the ends of the spectrum have been mis-led and have chosen to place their own tribe over the country.

Challenge everything you hear, read, see. Don't take partisans for granted, there's a very, very good chance that they're not being fully honest with you. Think independently.

For your sake, and for ours.
Think for yourself agree..........

Now........Avoid those who always want you to give them solutions and never offer solutions............

Kinda like football.........If the teams fans were in charge ............their team would never lose...........Remember it's always easy from the Cheap Seats.......
I wouldn't know. My specific positions on the issues are listed in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

Have you provided such detail for us?
In the past ........yep...........but my post was directed at's life from the nose bleed's emotional up there.......

Do you need a pair of binoculars.............
Obviously you didn't read the link to which I referred.

The one that makes you a liar.

Keep those eyes closed shut. I'm sure it's comfy up there.
Please learn to think for yourself, young lady. If you do, you'll come to understand that people on the ends of the spectrum have been mis-led and have chosen to place their own tribe over the country.

Challenge everything you hear, read, see. Don't take partisans for granted, there's a very, very good chance that they're not being fully honest with you. Think independently.

For your sake, and for ours.
Think for yourself agree..........

Now........Avoid those who always want you to give them solutions and never offer solutions............

Kinda like football.........If the teams fans were in charge ............their team would never lose...........Remember it's always easy from the Cheap Seats.......
I wouldn't know. My specific positions on the issues are listed in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

Have you provided such detail for us?
In the past ........yep...........but my post was directed at's life from the nose bleed's emotional up there.......

Do you need a pair of binoculars.............
Obviously you didn't read the link to which I referred.

The one that makes you a liar.

Keep those eyes closed shut. I'm sure it's comfy up there.

This is what started the WAR against the Deep State...............the establishment is the Deep State.........Career politicians who serve themselves.....and line their pockets.........

No form of gov't will work unless we have ethical representatives.............

Everything I said in that quick hit about liberals being emotional and what they do is TRUE..........and what I stated to you about being in the nose bleed section...........I meant EVERY WORD OF IT.........

You claim to be moderate...........I don't agree...........

What are they teaching kids in schools like's one thing to protest..........but to get violent because you HELL WITH THAT.
You claim to be moderate...........I don't agree...........
Another lie. I have never claimed to be moderate. I also address that lie, specifically, in the second line of my sig.

Those of us who can think for ourselves expose people like you for what you are, and I understand that would trigger you.

Not my problem. When you lie like this, it illustrates my point.

I do hope the young lady for whom this thread is intended is reading this.

This is an undercover video of what the left did in the last election............paid to protest...........and wanting those paid to cause violence........

These same people paid to dig dirt on Trump.......paid Russian's in high places via Steele........and used it to WEAPONIZE FEDERAL AGENCIES........

But the real LIARS............Mr. Moderate..........don't put down what they do...........
You claim to be moderate...........I don't agree...........
Another lie. I have never claimed to be moderate. I also address that lie, specifically, in the second line of my sig.

Those of us who can think for ourselves expose people like you for what you are, and I understand that would trigger you.

Not my problem. When you lie like this, it illustrates my point.

I do hope the young lady for whom this thread is intended is reading this.
For you to refer to me as a liar in the same aspect of Jake the Fake is a Joke.........

I've seen your threads trying BS social experiments..........trying to act all righteous while YOU NEVER RENDER A REAL OPINION..........

Which is exactly why I place you in the NOSE BLEED SECTION of the bleachers..........

What is your position on career politicians who GET PAID by do their bidding..............

NAME SOME.........SPECIFICS........I call the ones on the right RINO'S.......McCain being a prime name some on the left for me........plenty there and plenty on the right still there.
You claim to be moderate...........I don't agree...........
Another lie. I have never claimed to be moderate. I also address that lie, specifically, in the second line of my sig.

Those of us who can think for ourselves expose people like you for what you are, and I understand that would trigger you.

Not my problem. When you lie like this, it illustrates my point.

I do hope the young lady for whom this thread is intended is reading this.
For you to refer to me as a liar in the same aspect of Jake the Fake is a Joke.........

I've seen your threads trying BS social experiments..........trying to act all righteous while YOU NEVER RENDER A REAL OPINION..........

Which is exactly why I place you in the NOSE BLEED SECTION of the bleachers..........

What is your position on career politicians who GET PAID by do their bidding..............

NAME SOME.........SPECIFICS........I call the ones on the right RINO'S.......McCain being a prime name some on the left for me........plenty there and plenty on the right still there.
Happy to! I would take the following specific steps:

1. Short, strict term limits
2. Publicly-funded elections
3. Far stricter limits on lobbyist spending, all the way down to zero if needed
4. Balanced Budget Amendment

This combination of requirements would immediately change the landscape of private political spending.

There is no one on this board who offers more specific, independent ideas than me.

You're welcome to continue asking for examples.

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