Philosophical differences...GOP vs. DNC

We have no problem with contributing to the healthcare of those who cannot afford it
Republicans will just let you die

Almost 50% pay no income not really.

Our President pays no income tax

He donates his income to charity, moron.
Like when he stole money from his own foundation?
That type of charity?
You mean like Hillary and Bill?
We have no problem with contributing to the healthcare of those who cannot afford it
Republicans will just let you die

Almost 50% pay no income not really.

Our President pays no income tax

He donates his income to charity, moron.
Show me his tax return to prove it
You show us his tax return to prove your claim.
Dims are the ones who admit they wouldn't lift a finger to help someone.
You just can’t stop lying.

America's Top Givers of 2016

1. Warren Buffet
2. Bill and Melinda Gates
3. Michael Bloomberg
4. George Soros

Buffet and Gates are two of the richest men in the world. They couldn't possibly spend all the money they have before they die.

Bloomberg and Soros give all their money to anti-American political operations. They do nothing to help the poor or the needy.

The question here is: how much do sanctimonious weasels like you give? The answer is that you give far less than conservatives give.
Can you imagine what they might do if they actually gave that money to help the needy instead of pumping into the destruction of the United States?
Right, Obama doesn't favor the wealthy:


Not his boat is it?

The Great Obama raised taxes on the wealthy and provided free and low cost health insurance to the poor

“The Kenyan Zulu FORCED America’s Best to pay for America’s Worst.”
The resident tards don’t even hear how fucking weird and twisted that sounds.

Democrats want EVERY American to have health coverage
Republicans will just let you die
You're admitting that you wouldn't lift a finger to help anyone who doesn't have health insurance.
Wrong again Fingerboy
I'm not wrong.
Democrats want EVERY American to have health coverage as long as someone else pays for it (see: Republicans)

We have no problem with contributing to the healthcare of those who cannot afford it
Republicans will just let you die
If you have no trouble doing that, then why do you need government to compel it?

Because that is a function of government

Helping those who need help
No, helping those in need, i.e. charity, is a function of churches an other non-profits. But then, libs have done everything in their power to destroy charities, especially faith-based charities. They'd much rather charity be funded by tax-payer dollars. After all, those reliant on re-election to continue their suction grip on their wealth will pander to those most likely to be vote for "free" stuff. You know, the "free" stuff government has confiscated from those of us who have worked for and earned it?
Churches do well with their bake sales

But substantial charity requires government

In the first place, that isn't charity. In the second place, people would give a lot more to charity if the government wasn't looting them incessantly. Third, there were be a much reduced need for assistance if private organizations were providing it. They would do a lot better job of separating the truly needy from the merely lazy.
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My youngest continues to ask questions about the ‘Parties” and their distinct differences. She’s gonna follow this me explain things to a 15 year old.
I’ll get things started.
“Let’s get the lower 50% whom contribute very little to do better and contribute more.”
“Let’s get the the people already paying our way to pay more.”

“Let’s lockdown our borders and focus on taking care of Americans.”
“Let’s allow Mexicans, Central and South Americans in to mooch off taxpayers...WE’RE RICH!”

Dems: let’s help people who need helping
GOP: Let’s help billionaires
You proven that wrong. Liberals destroyed the black family in about 50 years, through welfare.
What nonsense

Welfare provide both a safety net as well as a path out of poverty

Republicans offer the poor nothing other than prisons
Okay, what has welfare done to minorities for 50 years plus. Please tell me the positive.
We have no problem with contributing to the healthcare of those who cannot afford it
Republicans will just let you die

Almost 50% pay no income not really.

Our President pays no income tax

He donates his income to charity, moron.
Show me his tax return to prove it
You show us his tax return to prove your claim.

Not my job

If Crooked Donnie wants to prove it......SHOW YOUR TAXES
My youngest continues to ask questions about the ‘Parties” and their distinct differences. She’s gonna follow this me explain things to a 15 year old.
I’ll get things started.
“Let’s get the lower 50% whom contribute very little to do better and contribute more.”
“Let’s get the the people already paying our way to pay more.”

“Let’s lockdown our borders and focus on taking care of Americans.”
“Let’s allow Mexicans, Central and South Americans in to mooch off taxpayers...WE’RE RICH!”

Dems: let’s help people who need helping
GOP: Let’s help billionaires
You proven that wrong. Liberals destroyed the black family in about 50 years, through welfare.
What nonsense

Welfare provide both a safety net as well as a path out of poverty

Republicans offer the poor nothing other than prisons
Okay, what has welfare done to minorities for 50 years plus. Please tell me the positive.
Millions of minorities have gotten off of welfare through jobs and education programs

What have Republicans done for them
We have no problem with contributing to the healthcare of those who cannot afford it
Republicans will just let you die

Almost 50% pay no income not really.

Our President pays no income tax

He donates his income to charity, moron.
Show me his tax return to prove it
You show us his tax return to prove your claim.
One of Trump's tax returns has been shown, and it showed he paid more than his fair share. That doesn't matter though.
My youngest continues to ask questions about the ‘Parties” and their distinct differences. She’s gonna follow this me explain things to a 15 year old.
I’ll get things started.
“Let’s get the lower 50% whom contribute very little to do better and contribute more.”
“Let’s get the the people already paying our way to pay more.”

“Let’s lockdown our borders and focus on taking care of Americans.”
“Let’s allow Mexicans, Central and South Americans in to mooch off taxpayers...WE’RE RICH!”

Dems: let’s help people who need helping
GOP: Let’s help billionaires
You proven that wrong. Liberals destroyed the black family in about 50 years, through welfare.
What nonsense

Welfare provide both a safety net as well as a path out of poverty

Republicans offer the poor nothing other than prisons
Okay, what has welfare done to minorities for 50 years plus. Please tell me the positive.
Millions of minorities have gotten off of welfare through jobs and education programs

What have Republicans done for them
Since Trump won, what have democrats done? Beside kayne westing minorities?
Almost 50% pay no income not really.

Our President pays no income tax

He donates his income to charity, moron.
Show me his tax return to prove it
You show us his tax return to prove your claim.

Not my job

If Crooked Donnie wants to prove it......SHOW YOUR TAXES

Will you and everybody in your family tree pay $38 million in income taxes over the course of your lifetimes?

My youngest continues to ask questions about the ‘Parties” and their distinct differences. She’s gonna follow this me explain things to a 15 year old.
I’ll get things started.
“Let’s get the lower 50% whom contribute very little to do better and contribute more.”
“Let’s get the the people already paying our way to pay more.”

“Let’s lockdown our borders and focus on taking care of Americans.”
“Let’s allow Mexicans, Central and South Americans in to mooch off taxpayers...WE’RE RICH!”

Lets get thing started

The GOP panders to liars like Brokeloser.
My youngest continues to ask questions about the ‘Parties” and their distinct differences. She’s gonna follow this me explain things to a 15 year old.
I’ll get things started.
“Let’s get the lower 50% whom contribute very little to do better and contribute more.”
“Let’s get the the people already paying our way to pay more.”

“Let’s lockdown our borders and focus on taking care of Americans.”
“Let’s allow Mexicans, Central and South Americans in to mooch off taxpayers...WE’RE RICH!”

Lets get thing started

The GOP panders to liars like Brokeloser.
Now is the time for the daughter to learn about Liberal trolls........LOL
Lets get thing started

The GOP panders to liars like @BrokeLoser.

Do you really want to play that game? Which party is it that panders to…

  • Violent criminals
  • Morally-defective sexual deviants
  • Abortionists
  • Invading foreign criminals
  • Islamist terrorists
  • Drug abusers
  • Welfare parasites

If you guessed the GOP, then you'd be wrong.
Democrats: Support education for all
Republicans: Think education is elitist and should be available only to those who can afford it

I think you mean....
Support other people paying for their education.
Support people paying for their own education.

Republicans look at education only for those who can afford it
The remainder provide an inexpensive labor pool
What political ideology primarily controls most colleges and universities?
GOP: Pledge unthinking loyalty to Donald Trump. He gives you absolution. Whatever is wrong in your life, there is someone else to blame. The media, the Deep State, the Democrats, immigrants, Muslims.

DNC: There are solutions if we discuss the problem, identify the cause and make the appropriate changes. Democracy works best when it works for everyone. Don't use oppression, suppression and discrimination as tools to benefit the few.
Alright, let's get to work. Let's discuss the problems and change. I am not opposed to changing so that all continue to have equal opportunities. I object when the fruits of my labors are confiscated in order to insure an equal outcome for those who are incapable or unwilling to invest the sweat equity needed to earn what I have earned.
Equal outcome is the phrase used by any opposition to equal opportunity. No one advocates equal outcome in a serious way.

If people are offered an affordable education, affordable healthcare, affordable housing it would make things just a little easier for them to determine their own outcomes.

Changes like free community college or trade schools will make opportunity at least visible. Universal healthcare like every other industrialized nation would make opportunity just a little easier to obtain. Affordable housing would bring dignity to families making opportunity just a little easier to realize.

Some folks call those solutions Socialism and shut down further debate. Some say those changes cost too much, yet when massive tax breaks for the wealthiest among us are proffered, we seem to be able to carve out the federal budget to make that happen.

Everyone pays taxes. I have no children, yet I am taxed to pay for schools. My home is on a secure area of town. The cops spend most of their time patrolling the poorer neighborhoods. Yet I pay taxes supporting the police. Are my taxes being unjustly confiscated to pay for services I do not use? Schools ensure the future and I, for one, have no problem supporting the future, as those who came before me supported my future.

Is it reasonable that a nation which touts being among the wealthiest, most secure and most free cannot afford to make life just a little easier for the vast majority of its citizens? In a time where wages are stagnant, the richest are getting richer by making nothing but more money on the money they already have, why should people worry about securing medical care, education and decent safe and affordable housing?
GOP: Pledge unthinking loyalty to Donald Trump. He gives you absolution. Whatever is wrong in your life, there is someone else to blame. The media, the Deep State, the Democrats, immigrants, Muslims.

DNC: There are solutions if we discuss the problem, identify the cause and make the appropriate changes. Democracy works best when it works for everyone. Don't use oppression, suppression and discrimination as tools to benefit the few.
Alright, let's get to work. Let's discuss the problems and change. I am not opposed to changing so that all continue to have equal opportunities. I object when the fruits of my labors are confiscated in order to insure an equal outcome for those who are incapable or unwilling to invest the sweat equity needed to earn what I have earned.
Equal outcome is the phrase used by any opposition to equal opportunity. No one advocates equal outcome in a serious way.

If people are offered an affordable education, affordable healthcare, affordable housing it would make things just a little easier for them to determine their own outcomes.

Changes like free community college or trade schools will make opportunity at least visible. Universal healthcare like every other industrialized nation would make opportunity just a little easier to obtain. Affordable housing would bring dignity to families making opportunity just a little easier to realize.

Some folks call those solutions Socialism and shut down further debate. Some say those changes cost too much, yet when massive tax breaks for the wealthiest among us are proffered, we seem to be able to carve out the federal budget to make that happen.

Everyone pays taxes. I have no children, yet I am taxed to pay for schools. My home is on a secure area of town. The cops spend most of their time patrolling the poorer neighborhoods. Yet I pay taxes supporting the police. Are my taxes being unjustly confiscated to pay for services I do not use? Schools ensure the future and I, for one, have no problem supporting the future, as those who came before me supported my future.

Is it reasonable that a nation which touts being among the wealthiest, most secure and most free cannot afford to make life just a little easier for the vast majority of its citizens? In a time where wages are stagnant, the richest are getting richer by making nothing but more money on the money they already have, why should people worry about securing medical care, education and decent safe and affordable housing?

“If people are offered an affordable education, affordable healthcare, affordable housing it would make things just a little easier for them to determine their own outcomes.”

You keep parroting the same shit...your people, those bottom feeders and weirdos you champion DO get free K-12 education, FREE or low cost healthcare and housing subsidized by’s the folks you hate, the middle class and upper middle class who gets fucked.
They’re good parents who want to keep their good, moral children away from your trash and illegals so they pay for private schools, they earn just enough NOT to qualify for ‘discounted’ healthcare and they’re forced out of low cost housing communities because they don’t want to coexist with your trash and illegals.
“Your people” ride free and are the cause for nearly EVERYTHING that negatively affects good Americans. You know this.
Try again.
GOP: Pledge unthinking loyalty to Donald Trump. He gives you absolution. Whatever is wrong in your life, there is someone else to blame. The media, the Deep State, the Democrats, immigrants, Muslims.

DNC: There are solutions if we discuss the problem, identify the cause and make the appropriate changes. Democracy works best when it works for everyone. Don't use oppression, suppression and discrimination as tools to benefit the few.
Alright, let's get to work. Let's discuss the problems and change. I am not opposed to changing so that all continue to have equal opportunities. I object when the fruits of my labors are confiscated in order to insure an equal outcome for those who are incapable or unwilling to invest the sweat equity needed to earn what I have earned.
Equal outcome is the phrase used by any opposition to equal opportunity. No one advocates equal outcome in a serious way.

If people are offered an affordable education, affordable healthcare, affordable housing it would make things just a little easier for them to determine their own outcomes.

Changes like free community college or trade schools will make opportunity at least visible. Universal healthcare like every other industrialized nation would make opportunity just a little easier to obtain. Affordable housing would bring dignity to families making opportunity just a little easier to realize.

Some folks call those solutions Socialism and shut down further debate. Some say those changes cost too much, yet when massive tax breaks for the wealthiest among us are proffered, we seem to be able to carve out the federal budget to make that happen.

Everyone pays taxes. I have no children, yet I am taxed to pay for schools. My home is on a secure area of town. The cops spend most of their time patrolling the poorer neighborhoods. Yet I pay taxes supporting the police. Are my taxes being unjustly confiscated to pay for services I do not use? Schools ensure the future and I, for one, have no problem supporting the future, as those who came before me supported my future.

Is it reasonable that a nation which touts being among the wealthiest, most secure and most free cannot afford to make life just a little easier for the vast majority of its citizens? In a time where wages are stagnant, the richest are getting richer by making nothing but more money on the money they already have, why should people worry about securing medical care, education and decent safe and affordable housing?

“If people are offered an affordable education, affordable healthcare, affordable housing it would make things just a little easier for them to determine their own outcomes.”

You keep parroting the same shit...your people, those bottom feeders and weirdos you champion DO get free K-12 education, FREE or low cost healthcare and housing subsidized by’s the folks you hate, the middle class and upper middle class who gets fucked.
They’re good parents who want to keep their good, moral children away from your trash and illegals so they pay for private schools, they earn just enough NOT to qualify for ‘discounted’ healthcare and they’re forced out of low cost housing communities because they don’t want to coexist with your trash and illegals.
“Your people” ride free and are the cause for nearly EVERYTHING that negatively affects good Americans. You know this.
Try again.
Why are the middle class screwed by trickle down economists? When the top 10% get massive tax breaks, some in the neighborhood of $48,000 which would be a handsome annual income for those beleaguered middle class wage earners, how are the benefit supposed to trickle down to them? When has that voodoo economic theory ever actually worked?

Why must middle class wage earners have to hold down two or more jobs just to maintain middle class status?

Why do you denigrate the poor to make a point of supporting the rich? Most of the poor people in this nation are children. Why step on the necks of the poor so the rich can reach the bank counter?
GOP: Pledge unthinking loyalty to Donald Trump. He gives you absolution. Whatever is wrong in your life, there is someone else to blame. The media, the Deep State, the Democrats, immigrants, Muslims.

DNC: There are solutions if we discuss the problem, identify the cause and make the appropriate changes. Democracy works best when it works for everyone. Don't use oppression, suppression and discrimination as tools to benefit the few.
Alright, let's get to work. Let's discuss the problems and change. I am not opposed to changing so that all continue to have equal opportunities. I object when the fruits of my labors are confiscated in order to insure an equal outcome for those who are incapable or unwilling to invest the sweat equity needed to earn what I have earned.
Equal outcome is the phrase used by any opposition to equal opportunity. No one advocates equal outcome in a serious way.

If people are offered an affordable education, affordable healthcare, affordable housing it would make things just a little easier for them to determine their own outcomes.

Changes like free community college or trade schools will make opportunity at least visible. Universal healthcare like every other industrialized nation would make opportunity just a little easier to obtain. Affordable housing would bring dignity to families making opportunity just a little easier to realize.

Some folks call those solutions Socialism and shut down further debate. Some say those changes cost too much, yet when massive tax breaks for the wealthiest among us are proffered, we seem to be able to carve out the federal budget to make that happen.

Everyone pays taxes. I have no children, yet I am taxed to pay for schools. My home is on a secure area of town. The cops spend most of their time patrolling the poorer neighborhoods. Yet I pay taxes supporting the police. Are my taxes being unjustly confiscated to pay for services I do not use? Schools ensure the future and I, for one, have no problem supporting the future, as those who came before me supported my future.

Is it reasonable that a nation which touts being among the wealthiest, most secure and most free cannot afford to make life just a little easier for the vast majority of its citizens? In a time where wages are stagnant, the richest are getting richer by making nothing but more money on the money they already have, why should people worry about securing medical care, education and decent safe and affordable housing?

“If people are offered an affordable education, affordable healthcare, affordable housing it would make things just a little easier for them to determine their own outcomes.”

You keep parroting the same shit...your people, those bottom feeders and weirdos you champion DO get free K-12 education, FREE or low cost healthcare and housing subsidized by’s the folks you hate, the middle class and upper middle class who gets fucked.
They’re good parents who want to keep their good, moral children away from your trash and illegals so they pay for private schools, they earn just enough NOT to qualify for ‘discounted’ healthcare and they’re forced out of low cost housing communities because they don’t want to coexist with your trash and illegals.
“Your people” ride free and are the cause for nearly EVERYTHING that negatively affects good Americans. You know this.
Try again.
Why are the middle class screwed by trickle down economists? When the top 10% get massive tax breaks, some in the neighborhood of $48,000 which would be a handsome annual income for those beleaguered middle class wage earners, how are the benefit supposed to trickle down to them? When has that voodoo economic theory ever actually worked?

Why must middle class wage earners have to hold down two or more jobs just to maintain middle class status?

Why do you denigrate the poor to make a point of supporting the rich? Most of the poor people in this nation are children. Why step on the necks of the poor so the rich can reach the bank counter?

The tax cuts DID in fact “trickle down” to the middle class...ask sealybobo and Dont Taz Me Bro
You and all your twisted buddies just can’t admit it...we understand why you have to continue lying.
Poor people shouldn’t have “poor children” and when they do we buy them Top Ramen and Cup-O-Noodles, weed and booze. Because we’re nice.
GOP: Pledge unthinking loyalty to Donald Trump. He gives you absolution. Whatever is wrong in your life, there is someone else to blame. The media, the Deep State, the Democrats, immigrants, Muslims.

DNC: There are solutions if we discuss the problem, identify the cause and make the appropriate changes. Democracy works best when it works for everyone. Don't use oppression, suppression and discrimination as tools to benefit the few.
Alright, let's get to work. Let's discuss the problems and change. I am not opposed to changing so that all continue to have equal opportunities. I object when the fruits of my labors are confiscated in order to insure an equal outcome for those who are incapable or unwilling to invest the sweat equity needed to earn what I have earned.
Equal outcome is the phrase used by any opposition to equal opportunity. No one advocates equal outcome in a serious way.

If people are offered an affordable education, affordable healthcare, affordable housing it would make things just a little easier for them to determine their own outcomes.

Changes like free community college or trade schools will make opportunity at least visible. Universal healthcare like every other industrialized nation would make opportunity just a little easier to obtain. Affordable housing would bring dignity to families making opportunity just a little easier to realize.

Some folks call those solutions Socialism and shut down further debate. Some say those changes cost too much, yet when massive tax breaks for the wealthiest among us are proffered, we seem to be able to carve out the federal budget to make that happen.

Everyone pays taxes. I have no children, yet I am taxed to pay for schools. My home is on a secure area of town. The cops spend most of their time patrolling the poorer neighborhoods. Yet I pay taxes supporting the police. Are my taxes being unjustly confiscated to pay for services I do not use? Schools ensure the future and I, for one, have no problem supporting the future, as those who came before me supported my future.

Is it reasonable that a nation which touts being among the wealthiest, most secure and most free cannot afford to make life just a little easier for the vast majority of its citizens? In a time where wages are stagnant, the richest are getting richer by making nothing but more money on the money they already have, why should people worry about securing medical care, education and decent safe and affordable housing?

“If people are offered an affordable education, affordable healthcare, affordable housing it would make things just a little easier for them to determine their own outcomes.”

You keep parroting the same shit...your people, those bottom feeders and weirdos you champion DO get free K-12 education, FREE or low cost healthcare and housing subsidized by’s the folks you hate, the middle class and upper middle class who gets fucked.
They’re good parents who want to keep their good, moral children away from your trash and illegals so they pay for private schools, they earn just enough NOT to qualify for ‘discounted’ healthcare and they’re forced out of low cost housing communities because they don’t want to coexist with your trash and illegals.
“Your people” ride free and are the cause for nearly EVERYTHING that negatively affects good Americans. You know this.
Try again.
Why are the middle class screwed by trickle down economists? When the top 10% get massive tax breaks, some in the neighborhood of $48,000 which would be a handsome annual income for those beleaguered middle class wage earners, how are the benefit supposed to trickle down to them? When has that voodoo economic theory ever actually worked?

Why must middle class wage earners have to hold down two or more jobs just to maintain middle class status?

Why do you denigrate the poor to make a point of supporting the rich? Most of the poor people in this nation are children. Why step on the necks of the poor so the rich can reach the bank counter?

The tax cuts DID in fact “trickle down” to the middle class...ask sealybobo and Dont Taz Me Bro
You and all your twisted buddies just can’t admit it...we understand why you have to continue lying.
Poor people shouldn’t have “poor children” and when they do we buy them Top Ramen and Cup-O-Noodles, weed and booze. Because we’re nice.
People have children. That's nature's way. Why do you think cup o' noodles is nice? Can't folks have fruit and vegetables, or is nutrition Socialism too?

While we're discussing lying, which I do not do, why haven't you admitted that being a boor is not a virtue? Being a bully is a vice. And stepping on the necks of the poor to make your point doesn't convince people with a moral compass to join your side. Birds of a feather, as they say. You can't get quality people by offering up hate. That never works out well.

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