Philosophical differences...GOP vs. DNC

Point to a Dim who doesn't favor the wealthy.

The Great Obama
Right, Obama doesn't favor the wealthy:


Not his boat is it?

The Great Obama raised taxes on the wealthy and provided free and low cost health insurance to the poor

“The Kenyan Zulu FORCED America’s Best to pay for America’s Worst.”
The resident tards don’t even hear how fucking weird and twisted that sounds.

Democrats want EVERY American to have health coverage
Republicans will just let you die
Na, not really.
Progressives want to force socialized medicine on people that want nothing to do with it will never use it and cannot afford it...
So shut the fuck up
My youngest continues to ask questions about the ‘Parties” and their distinct differences. She’s gonna follow this me explain things to a 15 year old.
I’ll get things started.
“Let’s get the lower 50% whom contribute very little to do better and contribute more.”
“Let’s get the the people already paying our way to pay more.”

“Let’s lockdown our borders and focus on taking care of Americans.”
“Let’s allow Mexicans, Central and South Americans in to mooch off taxpayers...WE’RE RICH!”

Show her the platforms of each and let her make her own conclusions.

There’s a flaw in that Liberals / Lefties children don’t have a firm grasp of the economic side of things...they translate the emotional feel good “stuff’ quite easily which works in the DNC’s favor. Children are naive and they fall for the feels...the problem is, if we all disregard the economics who’s gonna pay us to feel good?

No, not really. At 15 she can think and research for herself. (I have a 16 year old daughter) If the platforms favor Democrats, that's not the fault of their platform, but the Republicans. It's not the Democrats fault that a majority of Americans favor their policies over Republican policies on just about every issue you can name.
Are you stupid in the head?
The divide in this country is rural and urban, the two will NEVER agree... as the way it should be.
So shut the fuck up

I am a rural dweller. My daughter goes to a public high school with fewer than 100
My youngest continues to ask questions about the ‘Parties” and their distinct differences. She’s gonna follow this me explain things to a 15 year old.
I’ll get things started.
“Let’s get the lower 50% whom contribute very little to do better and contribute more.”
“Let’s get the the people already paying our way to pay more.”

“Let’s lockdown our borders and focus on taking care of Americans.”
“Let’s allow Mexicans, Central and South Americans in to mooch off taxpayers...WE’RE RICH!”

Show her the platforms of each and let her make her own conclusions.

There’s a flaw in that Liberals / Lefties children don’t have a firm grasp of the economic side of things...they translate the emotional feel good “stuff’ quite easily which works in the DNC’s favor. Children are naive and they fall for the feels...the problem is, if we all disregard the economics who’s gonna pay us to feel good?

No, not really. At 15 she can think and research for herself. (I have a 16 year old daughter) If the platforms favor Democrats, that's not the fault of their platform, but the Republicans. It's not the Democrats fault that a majority of Americans favor their policies over Republican policies on just about every issue you can name.
Are you stupid in the head?
The divide in this country is rural and urban, the two will NEVER agree... as the way it should be.
So shut the fuck up

I am a rural dweller. My daughter goes to a public high school with fewer than 100
Rural America and urban America are different in every way, obvious by the way they vote.
The divide will never be bridged… That’s life
Democrats want EVERY American to have health coverage
Republicans will just let you die

Democrats want EVERY American to have health coverage as long as someone else pays for it (see: Republicans)

We have no problem with contributing to the healthcare of those who cannot afford it
Republicans will just let you die
If you have no trouble doing that, then why do you need government to compel it?

Because that is a function of government

Helping those who need help
The federal government helping people? Now that’s the best joke I’ve heard all day… Take your fucking federal government and shove it up your fucking ass
GOP: Pledge unthinking loyalty to Donald Trump. He gives you absolution. Whatever is wrong in your life, there is someone else to blame. The media, the Deep State, the Democrats, immigrants, Muslims.

DNC: There are solutions if we discuss the problem, identify the cause and make the appropriate changes. Democracy works best when it works for everyone. Don't use oppression, suppression and discrimination as tools to benefit the few.
Only a fool wants a shit eating democracy, This is supposed to be a republic. Fuck face
Democrats want EVERY American to have health coverage as long as someone else pays for it (see: Republicans)

We have no problem with contributing to the healthcare of those who cannot afford it
Republicans will just let you die
If you have no trouble doing that, then why do you need government to compel it?

Because that is a function of government

Helping those who need help
No, helping those in need, i.e. charity, is a function of churches an other non-profits. But then, libs have done everything in their power to destroy charities, especially faith-based charities. They'd much rather charity be funded by tax-payer dollars. After all, those reliant on re-election to continue their suction grip on their wealth will pander to those most likely to be vote for "free" stuff. You know, the "free" stuff government has confiscated from those of us who have worked for and earned it?
Churches do well with their bake sales

But substantial charity requires government
You are a fool…
What nonsense

Welfare provide both a safety net as well as a path out of poverty

Republicans offer the poor nothing other than prisons
Okay, what has welfare done to minorities for 50 years plus. Please tell me the positive.
Millions of minorities have gotten off of welfare through jobs and education programs

What have Republicans done for them
Since Trump won, what have democrats done? Beside kayne westing minorities?
Dems are powerless.....for now
What did Obama do for them?
13 million jobs
We have no problem with contributing to the healthcare of those who cannot afford it
Republicans will just let you die
If you have no trouble doing that, then why do you need government to compel it?

Because that is a function of government

Helping those who need help
No, helping those in need, i.e. charity, is a function of churches an other non-profits. But then, libs have done everything in their power to destroy charities, especially faith-based charities. They'd much rather charity be funded by tax-payer dollars. After all, those reliant on re-election to continue their suction grip on their wealth will pander to those most likely to be vote for "free" stuff. You know, the "free" stuff government has confiscated from those of us who have worked for and earned it?
Churches do well with their bake sales

But substantial charity requires government
You are a fool…

What a Trumpian comeback
You claim to be moderate...........I don't agree...........
Another lie. I have never claimed to be moderate. I also address that lie, specifically, in the second line of my sig.

Those of us who can think for ourselves expose people like you for what you are, and I understand that would trigger you.

Not my problem. When you lie like this, it illustrates my point.

I do hope the young lady for whom this thread is intended is reading this.
For you to refer to me as a liar in the same aspect of Jake the Fake is a Joke.........

I've seen your threads trying BS social experiments..........trying to act all righteous while YOU NEVER RENDER A REAL OPINION..........

Which is exactly why I place you in the NOSE BLEED SECTION of the bleachers..........

What is your position on career politicians who GET PAID by do their bidding..............

NAME SOME.........SPECIFICS........I call the ones on the right RINO'S.......McCain being a prime name some on the left for me........plenty there and plenty on the right still there.
Happy to! I would take the following specific steps:

1. Short, strict term limits
2. Publicly-funded elections
3. Far stricter limits on lobbyist spending, all the way down to zero if needed
4. Balanced Budget Amendment

This combination of requirements would immediately change the landscape of private political spending.

There is no one on this board who offers more specific, independent ideas than me.

You're welcome to continue asking for examples.

Term limits take away the voter's power. Also, I want experienced people making policy decisions and to mentor new members. Term limits have hurt California.

A balanced budget amendment would never work. Congress would just declare things outside the budgetary process or exclude military spending. We need accounting reform, not budget reform.

If I ran the world all but individual donations of no more than oh $500 to $1000 per candidate. No PACs, no committees, no special interest groups, only individuals.

There would be no political ads allowed on television. Candidates would each get a set number of time on public airwaves to plead their case.

Lobbyists would be banned from giving any money to anyone for anything. They lobby with the strength of their voting supporters, that's it.

I'd make Primaries happen on a rotating regional basis so nobody always gets to be first all the time and everybody else fights for the rest.

Redistricting would be removed as a function of the legislature.
Single term limits is the only way to start to drain the swamp, only fucking morons want the career politicians in there forever so shut the fuck up
Okay, what has welfare done to minorities for 50 years plus. Please tell me the positive.
Millions of minorities have gotten off of welfare through jobs and education programs

What have Republicans done for them
Since Trump won, what have democrats done? Beside kayne westing minorities?
Dems are powerless.....for now
What did Obama do for them?
13 million jobs
Fuck Obama care keep that shit to yourself

Yes America is divided...........when our gov't attacks our beliefs.........weaponizes federal agencies.........You get Animosity......

Yes America is divided...........when Americans see groups like Antifa burn our flag.....riot.................You get Animosity......

Yes America is divided...........when Americans see DRACONIAN laws in places like California........which is what they want for all America........You get Animosity.......

We are divided.............which is exactly why the Founders stated AS LOCAL AS POSSIBLE......Live and let live........States decide for themselves what is best for their people.............Limited Federal Gov't..........

What is best for New York City......isn't best for the farm belt............or rural areas............they have different concerns..........and KNOW THEIR CONCERNS while they don't know the real concerns of Urban areas..................

Which is part of the Federalist papers...........and reasons we are supposed to be a Republic...........

Also people say side Dems..........have many saying it's evil.........others say this is what we really have........

What we really have is called Crony Capitalism..........where the Gov't picks and chooses winners.......and they are then rewarded with money and join the millionaires club............

They are only supposed to referee the game...........not decide who wins it...........and that is the corruption we have today....

Attacked by Obama's Federal Agencies......the weaponization of the Federal Agencies that are supposed to serve us.........

You claim to be moderate...........I don't agree...........
Another lie. I have never claimed to be moderate. I also address that lie, specifically, in the second line of my sig.

Those of us who can think for ourselves expose people like you for what you are, and I understand that would trigger you.

Not my problem. When you lie like this, it illustrates my point.

I do hope the young lady for whom this thread is intended is reading this.
For you to refer to me as a liar in the same aspect of Jake the Fake is a Joke.........

I've seen your threads trying BS social experiments..........trying to act all righteous while YOU NEVER RENDER A REAL OPINION..........

Which is exactly why I place you in the NOSE BLEED SECTION of the bleachers..........

What is your position on career politicians who GET PAID by do their bidding..............

NAME SOME.........SPECIFICS........I call the ones on the right RINO'S.......McCain being a prime name some on the left for me........plenty there and plenty on the right still there.
Happy to! I would take the following specific steps:

1. Short, strict term limits
2. Publicly-funded elections
3. Far stricter limits on lobbyist spending, all the way down to zero if needed
4. Balanced Budget Amendment

This combination of requirements would immediately change the landscape of private political spending.

There is no one on this board who offers more specific, independent ideas than me.

You're welcome to continue asking for examples.

Term limits take away the voter's power. Also, I want experienced people making policy decisions and to mentor new members. Term limits have hurt California.

A balanced budget amendment would never work. Congress would just declare things outside the budgetary process or exclude military spending. We need accounting reform, not budget reform.

If I ran the world all but individual donations of no more than oh $500 to $1000 per candidate. No PACs, no committees, no special interest groups, only individuals.

There would be no political ads allowed on television. Candidates would each get a set number of time on public airwaves to plead their case.

Lobbyists would be banned from giving any money to anyone for anything. They lobby with the strength of their voting supporters, that's it.

I'd make Primaries happen on a rotating regional basis so nobody always gets to be first all the time and everybody else fights for the rest.

Redistricting would be removed as a function of the legislature.
Single term limits is the only way to start to drain the swamp, only fucking morons want the career politicians in there forever so shut the fuck up

Then vote for someone else, Captain Tourette’s.

Assassinated...................Democrat of old...................would be labeled a traitor to the Dems today...........

And history proved him correct even though they took him out..............

These types of Democrats that could be reasoned with NO LONGER REALLY EXIST........the Blue Dogs were moderate Dems........were wiped out after Obamacare..........................
Dems: Healthcare is a basic human right
GOP: Let em die
Fuck face, I have no right to healthcare but I do have a right to earn my health care. So quit pushing that shit on us.

Maybe you missed the “Grownups” meeting, but 49 year old men don’t say “fuck face” in every other post. There, now you’re all caught up.

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