Phony Scandals?

Issues of the type referenced in the OP

  • are real scandals.

    Votes: 62 80.5%
  • are phony scandals.

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • are not easily judged. I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 3.9%

  • Total voters

You fools still going with this lie?


Not a single one of you little Goebbels can produce them. Oh, you talk ABOUT them - but the actual emails? Nope...

Why? Simple - they don't exist and never did - just more sleaze from the leftist scum hoping to distract from the facts.

I don't know whether the altered e-mails exist or not, but the fact that nobody has been allowed to see them does make that very suspicious. And it is a further scandal if the Administration would try to deflect from the main issue with that kind of dishonest innuendo, and that their loyal surrogates--probably paid or rewarded in some othe way--dutifully report the innuendo as fact in interviews and on message boards.

you Rightists are STILL behind the curve :eusa_eh: :eusa_whistle:

It's Official: Those Bogus Email Leaks Came From Republicans
Here's what happened. Republicans in Congress saw copies of these emails two months ago and did nothing with them. It was obvious that they showed little more than routine interagency haggling. Then, riding high after last week's Benghazi hearings, someone got the bright idea of leaking two isolated tidbits and mischaracterizing them in an effort to make the State Department look bad. Apparently they figured it was a twofer: They could stick a shiv into the belly of the White House and they could then badger them to release the entire email chain, knowing they never would.... To their surprise, the White House took Republicans up on their demand to make the entire email chain public, thus making it clear to the press that they had been burned. And now reporters are letting us all know who was behind it.

own it Foxy & uncensoredsheibmaus2008 :eusa_naughty:
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you Rightists are STILL behind the curve :eusa_eh: :eusa_whistle:

It's Official: Those Bogus Email Leaks Came From Republicans
Here's what happened. Republicans in Congress saw copies of these emails two months ago and did nothing with them. It was obvious that they showed little more than routine interagency haggling. Then, riding high after last week's Benghazi hearings, someone got the bright idea of leaking two isolated tidbits andmischaracterizing them in an effort to make the State Department look bad. Apparently they figured it was a twofer: They could stick a shiv into the belly of the White House and they could then badger them to release the entire email chain, knowing they never would.... To their surprise, the White House took Republicans up on their demand to make the entire email chain public, thus making it clear to the press that they had been burned. And now reporters are letting us all know who was behind it.

own it Foxy & uncensoredsheibmaus2008 :eusa_naughty:

So far left demagogues at Mother Jones talk about these alleged emails - but can't quite produce them for anyone...

Well damn - that's convincing...

Where are the fucking emails?

theres work to be done for this great nation and yet the Repubs, w/ Issa (R) in the lead, are leading us on these manufactured witch hunts. Why republicans :( WHY?!!! :mad:
Another example of a phony scandal: Obama's African "vacation". As the piss pouring fake right wing media established it as a "vacation", the retarded rabble were then trained to whine and bitch about the cost of the "vacation".

It was not a vacation. Foreign relations, and the trips necessary to carry that out, are one of the primary components of the President's job description.

Plus, the faux right did not whine and bitch when Obama's predecessor made a similar trip, thus establishing themselves not only as lying assholes, but hypocritical lying assholes.
Another phony scandal: Obama ordering the IRS to go after Tea Party groups. A completely made up lie, told shamelessly by the hacks, and repeated by the retards as gospel truth.
you Rightists are STILL behind the curve :eusa_eh: :eusa_whistle:

It's Official: Those Bogus Email Leaks Came From Republicans
Here's what happened. Republicans in Congress saw copies of these emails two months ago and did nothing with them. It was obvious that they showed little more than routine interagency haggling. Then, riding high after last week's Benghazi hearings, someone got the bright idea of leaking two isolated tidbits andmischaracterizing them in an effort to make the State Department look bad. Apparently they figured it was a twofer: They could stick a shiv into the belly of the White House and they could then badger them to release the entire email chain, knowing they never would.... To their surprise, the White House took Republicans up on their demand to make the entire email chain public, thus making it clear to the press that they had been burned. And now reporters are letting us all know who was behind it.

own it Foxy & uncensoredsheibmaus2008 :eusa_naughty:

So far left demagogues at Mother Jones talk about these alleged emails - but can't quite produce them for anyone...

Well damn - that's convincing...

Where are the fucking emails?


And of course Dottie most likely didn't even check out the link I provided that refutes/rebuts the Mother Jones version of the story. But then Mother Jones has not exactly been the poster child of journalistic accuracy, integrity, or responsibility. :)
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Another phony scandal: Obama's G-8 summit trip to Ireland. Billed as another expensive vacation by the retards even though Bush made an identical, more expensive trip for the identical purpose in 2004.
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Yet another phony scandal: The Vice President's trip to Europe to get our allies on the same page with respect to actions to take regarding Iran's nuclear ambitions. Billed as another vacation by the retards.
It would be nice if you could provide links to a credible source for your allegations g5000. Can you do that?
More lies fed to the rubes and faithfully parroted:

Last time I checked, Romney's offshore accounts didn't kill anyone.

Obama just sat there and watched as American's died; dispassionate and detached.

The situation room in cluding obumer watch the live feed.
You have no case so shut the hell up with your slant ignorance.


They got most of the consulate staff out and to safety but the three men left inside fought a 7 hour battle waiting for help that Barry and his boys decided was to risky to send.

What IS the excuse for Obama not ordering forces that were on standby to help?

Is there any doubt? There was a Marine base close enough to offer Helicopter gun ship support and the embassy was within the striking distance for US fighter planes. The president watched the 7 hour battle in real time and did nothing even when Veteran Seals called for help. With the cooperation of the US media the president managed to blame a You Tube movie promo that nobody ever saw.

Obama Watched Benghazi Attack From 'Situation Room'

"Lt. Col. Tony Schafer told Fox News that sources were telling him that the President was watching the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya in real-time. Schafer told Fox that "only the President" could have ordered backup for the Americans who were under siege by terrorists so the President was most certainly informed of the situation as it was unfolding. "I hate to say this," Schafer said, "according to my sources, yes, [the President] was one of those in the White House situation room in real-time watching this. And the question becomes, 'What did the President do or not do in the moments he saw this unveiling?' He -- only he -- could issue a directive to Secretary of Defense Panetta to do something." "

To coin an old adage, KMAM.

Fox News got what happened wrong. Again. And again. And again. It is amazing anyone is still using them as a reliable source of information.
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theres work to be done for this great nation and yet the Repubs, w/ Issa (R) in the lead, are leading us on these manufactured witch hunts. Why republicans :( WHY?!!! :mad:

Where are the fucking emails?

Post them, Herr Goebbels - or at least a link to them?

And I wonder if it went over Mother Jones' (and Dottie's) head that the CBS clip concluded with Major Garrett stating the CIA had altered informtion presented as the official version to the public, but 'there was no evidence the President or State Department ordered those changes."

That to me is the biggest scandal of all. That the President and State Department are completely out of the loop of stuff they should be intensely aware of and hands on with?

[ame=]I See Nothing I Know Nothing - YouTube[/ame]
Yet another phony scandal: The Vice President's trip to Europe to get our allies on the same page with respect to actions to take regarding Iran's nuclear ambitions. Billed as another vacation by the retards.

And we thought TM left a void no one could fill.

Well played derp5000, well played...

You can't refute it. Sorry to make your butt hurt.

Let us know the moment Obama pardons Hassan, mm-kay? It is amusing to watch you trying to pre-manufacture a phony scandal. :lol:
More lies fed to the rubes and faithfully parroted:

The only truth is that which comes from the party - faithfully reported by ThinkProgress - right derp5000?

Have you ever seen me use ThinkProgress as a source, retard?


Again, sorry to make your ass hurt. I quoted the exact words of the rubes. So it is undeniable they were repeating bogus lies.
Have you ever seen me use ThinkProgress as a source, retard?


Again, sorry to make your ass hurt. I quoted the exact words of the rubes. So it is undeniable they were repeating bogus lies.

I don't think you're smart enough to link an actual source - I suspect you just go to the leftist hate sites and get a 'feeling' for the idiocy you post here, derp5000.

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