Phony Scandals?

Issues of the type referenced in the OP

  • are real scandals.

    Votes: 62 80.5%
  • are phony scandals.

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • are not easily judged. I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 3.9%

  • Total voters
theres work to be done for this great nation and yet the Repubs, w/ Issa (R) in the lead, are leading us on these manufactured witch hunts. Why republicans :( WHY?!!! :mad:

Where are the fucking emails?

Post them, Herr Goebbels - or at least a link to them?

And I wonder if it went over Mother Jones' (and Dottie's) head that the CBS clip concluded with Major Garrett stating the CIA had altered informtion presented as the official version to the public, but 'there was no evidence the President or State Department ordered those changes."

That to me is the biggest scandal of all. That the President and State Department are completely out of the loop of stuff they should be intensely aware of and hands on with?

I see what you did there. If Obama ordered some alleged thing to occur, you blame him. If he DIDN'T order it, you blame him. :lol:

Phony scandal.
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You assume Fox News is telling the truth. I have shown they got what happened in Benghazi all wrong.

And I see what you did there. If Obama ordered some alleged thing to occur, you blame him. If he DIDN'T order it, you blame him. :lol:

Phony scandal.

Yes, anything that is against your little tin god Obama is phony, and you can offer logic of "derp derp derp derp derp derpity derp derp derp" to prove it..
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OKay guys.....back on track please. I would appreciate those with a clue not allowing the professional detractors from diverting the topic.


I asked G5000 for his sources. So far they are not forthcoming. So we are safe in relegating those comments to be his opinion only and let it go at that.

Meanwhile the plot thickens. Was Ambassador Stevens in on a CIA gun running operation? Is THAT why the Administration is doing its damndest to keep a lid on this?

he mainstream media in the United States have increasingly come to the conclusion that the Benghazi attacks were related to a secret gun-running operation managed by the U.S. government to ferry weapons used by Libyan rebels to Syria. Establishment media outlets reporting on the reputed CIA gun-running operation over the past week included Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera, London’s Daily Telegraph newspaper, and CNN television. The New American reported the same likely theory back in October and December 2012.

The September 11, 2012 terrorist attacks against the U.S. government compound in Benghazi in Libya resulted in the death of U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

Stevens was officially on a diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya’s second largest city, though it has become abundantly clear that the U.S. “Special Mission Compound” building had more to do with the CIA than diplomacy. The idea that Stevens could have been involved in redirecting arms from Libya to Syria is hardly a stretch. He had the perfect résumé for gun-running, as he had helped manage gun-running to the Libyan rebels during the insurgency against former dictator Moammar Gadhafi. The White House named Stevens liaison to the Libyan rebels in March 2011, months before Gadhafi’s August 2011 ouster.

The August 1 CNN story on Benghazi mentioned above reported the gun-running story only as “speculation,” but CNN charged that there were “dozens of CIA operatives on the ground during the Benghazi attack,” and that “the CIA is involved in what one source calls an unprecedented attempt to keep the spy agency’s Benghazi secrets from ever leaking out.” These attempts include “frequent, even monthly polygraph examinations, according to a source with deep inside knowledge of the agency’s workings” in an attempt to intimidate witnesses who may be called before congressional investigators.

The CIA has responded to the CNN story with denials that it is trying to quash whistleblowers. “CIA employees are always free to speak to Congress if they want,” a CIA statement to the August 2 London Telegraph claimed. “The CIA enabled all officers involved in Benghazi the opportunity to meet with Congress. We are not aware of any CIA employee who has experienced retaliation, including any non-routine security procedures, or who has been prevented from sharing a concern with Congress about the Benghazi incident.”

Of course, the same cannot be said of State Department employees. State Department officer Gregory Hicks told congressional investigators, in the words of the New York Times, that he “was later ‘effectively demoted’ to desk officer at headquarters, in what he believes was retaliation for speaking up” to congressional investigators.

The most significant impact of the revelations of the gun-running operations lies in that gun-running to oust a foreign government is an act of war, and the gun-running had not been authorized by Congress (which has the exclusive power over war under Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution).
More here:
» Mainstream Media on Benghazi: It Was About Gun-Running Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

And is the writer of the piece right about the bolded paragraph above?
What you fools have not figured out is that you cannot stick to the facts and feel some pathological need to pile a mountain of manufactured bullshit on top of anything negative which happens on Obama's watch.

A consulate is attacked. Let's pile on lies about Obama watching them die! Let's make up a stand down order! Let's create an imaginary 7 hour battle in the consulate!

Some Tea Party groups are given extra scrutiny by the IRS. Out of proportion to left wing groups? We don't know. No one seems interested in finding out how many organizations applied for tax free status and what the left/right ratio was, and what the left/right ratio was for the orgs that were given special handling. But let's say Obama ordered it!

Obama travels to Africa to re-solidify our trade relationships. Let's say it was a vacation wtih a big bill!

Obama travels to the G-8 summit. Let's not talk about economic shit we don't understand. Let's make it a vacation!

When will you figure out how you are damaging your own credibility more than you are damaging Obama? You think all these lie won't eventually catch up to you?

Apparently you don't. Because you continue to make more up. You continue to obediently copy and paste the bullshit being manufactured for you.

But less and less people are buying it. Don't be the last rube on your block to quit drinking the piss.

You fools are actually strenghtening Obama. That's why I hate your guts.
VOTER: So you want to repeal ObamaCare. I don't like ObamaCare, either. But then what will you do to bring down health care costs?

RUBE: Obama watched the ambassador die! Benghazi!

VOTER: How will you get the economy going again?

RUBE: Obama went on an African vacation! Jobs!

VOTER: Hello? Is this thing on?
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Where are the fucking emails?

Post them, Herr Goebbels - or at least a link to them?

And I wonder if it went over Mother Jones' (and Dottie's) head that the CBS clip concluded with Major Garrett stating the CIA had altered informtion presented as the official version to the public, but 'there was no evidence the President or State Department ordered those changes."

That to me is the biggest scandal of all. That the President and State Department are completely out of the loop of stuff they should be intensely aware of and hands on with?

I see what you did there. If Obama ordered some alleged thing to occur, you blame him. If he DIDN'T order it, you blame him. :lol:

Phony scandal.

If it happens wthin his administration he has a duty to get to the bottom of it and to take appropriate action. Instead he brushes everything under the rug rather than deal with it. Why? After it happening over and over you begin to believe he may actually condone it.
And I wonder if it went over Mother Jones' (and Dottie's) head that the CBS clip concluded with Major Garrett stating the CIA had altered informtion presented as the official version to the public, but 'there was no evidence the President or State Department ordered those changes."

That to me is the biggest scandal of all. That the President and State Department are completely out of the loop of stuff they should be intensely aware of and hands on with?

I see what you did there. If Obama ordered some alleged thing to occur, you blame him. If he DIDN'T order it, you blame him. :lol:

Phony scandal.

If it happens wthin his administration he has a duty to get to the bottom of it and to take appropriate action. Instead he brushes everything under the rug rather than deal with it. Why? After it happening over and over you begin to believe he may actually condone it.

Brushes under the rug...what? All the manufactured bullshit? Yep.

As for the actual things going on, charges have been brought against someone for Benghazi, and the IRS is being investigated. Obama has visited and communicated with our allies in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. Those were not "vacations".

The rubes are adding a lot of noise to the signal. Start paying attention to the substance, and not the smoke. There is plenty to find fault with in the actual substance, but it requires more than two brain cells.
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And I wonder if it went over Mother Jones' (and Dottie's) head that the CBS clip concluded with Major Garrett stating the CIA had altered informtion presented as the official version to the public, but 'there was no evidence the President or State Department ordered those changes."

That to me is the biggest scandal of all. That the President and State Department are completely out of the loop of stuff they should be intensely aware of and hands on with?

I see what you did there. If Obama ordered some alleged thing to occur, you blame him. If he DIDN'T order it, you blame him. :lol:

Phony scandal.

If it happens wthin his administration he has a duty to get to the bottom of it and to take appropriate action. Instead he brushes everything under the rug rather than deal with it. Why? After it happening over and over you begin to believe he may actually condone it.

He doesn't just brush it under the rug. He comes right out and says "He didn't know" - "He was not briefed on that." - "He wasn't in that loop" - "He found out about it the same way the rest of us did - in the morning papers."

If that is the case and he isn't reading memos or attending briefings, what the hell is he doing with his time? Why isn't he demanding that if a dog farts in Duluth, somebody better tell him about it? What is his job anyway? Why is Jay Carney, the chief spokesperson for the President, so uninformed on almost everything he is asked outside of assigned talking points?

According to at least one source, Obama doesn't send much time studying or researching and almost no time in briefings or getting to the bottom of things. He does spend a LOT of time playing card games, golfing, bowling, and perfecting his 3-pt shots. From last September, via NY Times and reported in Forbes:

Kantor’s portrait of Obama is stunning. It paints a picture of a CEO who is unfocused and lost.

You have a CEO who is not meeting his numbers and who is suffering a declining popularity with his customers. You want to help this CEO recover, but then you learn he doesn’t want your help. He is smarter than you and eager to tell you this. Confidence or misplaced arrogance? You’re not sure at first. If the company was performing well, you’d ignore it. But the company is performing poorly, so you can’t.

With some digging, you learn, to your horror, that the troubled CEO spends a lot of time on — what the hell? — bowling? Golf? Three point shots? While the company is going south?

What do you do? You fire that CEO. Clint Eastwood was right. You let the guy go.

Why are Obama worshippers so willing to think that is okay?
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I see what you did there. If Obama ordered some alleged thing to occur, you blame him. If he DIDN'T order it, you blame him. :lol:

Phony scandal.

If it happens wthin his administration he has a duty to get to the bottom of it and to take appropriate action. Instead he brushes everything under the rug rather than deal with it. Why? After it happening over and over you begin to believe he may actually condone it.

He doesn't just brush it under the rug. He comes right out and says "He didn't know" - "He was not briefed on that." - "He wasn't in that loop" - "He found out about it the same way the rest of us did - in the morning papers."

If that is the case and he isn't reading memos or attending briefings, what the hell is he doing with his time? Why isn't he demanding that if a dog farts in Duluth, somebody better tell him about it? What is his job anyway? Why is Jay Carney, the chief spokesperson for the President, so uninformed on almost everything he is asked outside of assigned talking points?

Why are Obama worshippers so willing to think that is okay?

Ever read about the women who are constantly abused by their husband, boyfriend, live-in... Whatever and they won't do anything about it?

Of course you have.

Call them what you want... Enabler, Co Dependent.... Whatever.

But it's a mental illness.

I have no respect for dimocraps because they're just letting obama use them like a two dollar whore.

Well..... Basically, I have no respect for dimocraps anyway.

That's just one of the reasons. Of many. Thousands, really
OKay guys.....back on track please. I would appreciate those with a clue not allowing the professional detractors from diverting the topic.

And is the writer of the piece right about the bolded paragraph above?

Regardless of this, the sloppy attempt to claim that the fully documented and proven IRS predation on conservatives and the Tea Party members is the act of a hack attempting to distract from the facts.
OKay guys.....back on track please. I would appreciate those with a clue not allowing the professional detractors from diverting the topic.

And is the writer of the piece right about the bolded paragraph above?

Regardless of this, the sloppy attempt to claim that the fully documented and proven IRS predation on conservatives and the Tea Party members is the act of a hack attempting to distract from the facts.

Not if they can provide any credible evidence that was the case. Of course they haven't provided that. I'm just asking that we who do care about the topic not allow them to divert attention from the topic. They would dearly love to start a food fight and have the thread closed or moved. I don't want that to happen and all we have to do to prevent it is not to take their bait.

Soooooooo, I can see it happening once or twice that the President or the Secretary of State might not be aware that something important was happening. But if they have ANY honor, after that happened, their subordinates would get a very clear directive that never again would they be in a position of saying "I didn't know" or "I wasn't briefed on that" or "I was out of that loop." They would take pride in their jobs and accept the responsibility to be in charge and direct things as they should be.

To constantly say "I didn't know" is to be the most inept, incompetent, and feckless of leaders. Again, what is his job? What do we expect a President to be? To know? To do?

And when we have one who obviously doesn't do his job and is clueless about what is going on in his own Administration, why is that not a scandal?
Not if they can provide any credible evidence that was the case. Of course they haven't provided that.

Since it is proven that the IRS did do this, it cannot be "phony."

The criminal acts by the IRS are real. derp5000 and other hacks may try to distract by moving the goal posts from "phony" to "well, Obama didn't directly order the attacks."

Regardless of whether Obama personally ordered the attacks, the scandal is quite very real.

I'm just asking that we who do care about the topic not allow them to divert attention from the topic. They would dearly love to start a food fight and have the thread closed or moved. I don't want that to happen and all we have to do to prevent it is not to take their bait.

Soooooooo, I can see it happening once or twice that the President or the Secretary of State might not be aware that something important was happening. But if they have ANY honor, after that happened, their subordinates would get a very clear directive that never again would they be in a position of saying "I didn't know" or "I wasn't briefed on that" or "I was out of that loop." They would take pride in their jobs and accept the responsibility to be in charge and direct things as they should be.

To constantly say "I didn't know" is to be the most inept, incompetent, and feckless of leaders. Again, what is his job? What do we expect a President to be? To know? To do?

And when we have one who obviously doesn't do his job and is clueless about what is going on in his own Administration, why is that not a scandal?

The topic of phony scandals should be directly addressed - when derp5000 names even proven scandals like the IRS attacks on conservative groups "phony," we must recognize that he is just a democrat troll - but we should also refute his partisan bullshit.

Obama is his boss, Obama says the scandals that plague his corrupt administration are phony, so G5000 mindlessly bleats "derp derp derp phony." He should not be permitted to get away with his idiocy.
I see what you did there. If Obama ordered some alleged thing to occur, you blame him. If he DIDN'T order it, you blame him. :lol:

Phony scandal.

If it happens wthin his administration he has a duty to get to the bottom of it and to take appropriate action. Instead he brushes everything under the rug rather than deal with it. Why? After it happening over and over you begin to believe he may actually condone it.

Brushes under the rug...what? All the manufactured bullshit? Yep.

As for the actual things going on, charges have been brought against someone for Benghazi, and the IRS is being investigated. Obama has visited and communicated with our allies in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. Those were not "vacations".

The rubes are adding a lot of noise to the signal. Start paying attention to the substance, and not the smoke. There is plenty to find fault with in the actual substance, but it requires more than two brain cells.

You see, I hve been paying attention to the substance, obviously you have not. I have listened in on all the hearings and testimony as well as looked at all the documents that have been released thus far. I also know of all the information that has been asked for and not released. I have also seen where they chose to not release the first 67 hours of communications after the Benghazi attacks.
This President and others are doing all in their power to make those not doing such believe that there is nothing there. You know, make the people truly uninformed believe they are 'phony scandals'.
If it happens wthin his administration he has a duty to get to the bottom of it and to take appropriate action. Instead he brushes everything under the rug rather than deal with it. Why? After it happening over and over you begin to believe he may actually condone it.

Brushes under the rug...what? All the manufactured bullshit? Yep.

As for the actual things going on, charges have been brought against someone for Benghazi, and the IRS is being investigated. Obama has visited and communicated with our allies in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. Those were not "vacations".

The rubes are adding a lot of noise to the signal. Start paying attention to the substance, and not the smoke. There is plenty to find fault with in the actual substance, but it requires more than two brain cells.

You see, I hve been paying attention to the substance, obviously you have not. I have listened in on all the hearings and testimony as well as looked at all the documents that have been released thus far. I also know of all the information that has been asked for and not released. I have also seen where they chose to not release the first 67 hours of communications after the Benghazi attacks.
This President and others are doing all in their power to make those not doing such believe that there is nothing there. You know, make the people truly uninformed believe they are 'phony scandals'.

And those governed by partisanship, or paid to obey the partisan directives, will defend the government in that until they die, I suppose. Those of us who believe in liberty, justice, and the Amerian way so to speak are not so willing to roll over and play dead when the government orders that.

A scandal does not stop being a scandal because some 'too blind to see' people don't want there to be a scandal.
I just finished watching the Benghazi special on CNN and what you will discover if you didn't already know is from the administration seemingly being unaware of how bad the situation in Benghazi was even before the attack the lack of security at the consulate to having no military option nearby to respond in case of trouble to Susan Rice and the video story and finally to the total lack of any progress in finding those responsible this has been and continues to be a royal cluster fuck.

Do you honestly think there has been any effort to find those responsible for Benghazi? Seems to me the Administration is doing its damndest to bury it and just make it go away now. I didn't get to see the special, but did they honestly say that the administration was unaware of how bad the situation in Benghazi was? The nominal hearings they have had suggested that our people in Benghazi had repeatedly requested additional security.

If the President and Secretary of State didn't know that, WHY didn't they know that? It is both their jobs to know things like that. Why haven't heads rolled when they were not informed by those whose duty was to inform them? Why haven't they both demanded disciplinary action for those who wee derelict in their duty?

And did the CNN story deal with that and also mention why the CIA was there at the time of the attack? If not, then sigh. I am disappointed in CNN yet again.
CNN did not say the administration was unaware of the situation in Benghazi they either underestimated the threat or just downplayed it the main reason given for the C.I.A. being in there was to try and separate friend from foe and round up a lot of the weapons flowing freely the CNN piece was not a partisan hit piece on the administration but on the whole it wasn't sympathetic to it either is was a good fair piece.
I just finished watching the Benghazi special on CNN and what you will discover if you didn't already know is from the administration seemingly being unaware of how bad the situation in Benghazi was even before the attack the lack of security at the consulate to having no military option nearby to respond in case of trouble to Susan Rice and the video story and finally to the total lack of any progress in finding those responsible this has been and continues to be a royal cluster fuck.

Do you honestly think there has been any effort to find those responsible for Benghazi? Seems to me the Administration is doing its damndest to bury it and just make it go away now. I didn't get to see the special, but did they honestly say that the administration was unaware of how bad the situation in Benghazi was? The nominal hearings they have had suggested that our people in Benghazi had repeatedly requested additional security.

If the President and Secretary of State didn't know that, WHY didn't they know that? It is both their jobs to know things like that. Why haven't heads rolled when they were not informed by those whose duty was to inform them? Why haven't they both demanded disciplinary action for those who wee derelict in their duty?

And did the CNN story deal with that and also mention why the CIA was there at the time of the attack? If not, then sigh. I am disappointed in CNN yet again.
CNN did not say the administration was unaware of the situation in Benghazi they either underestimated the threat or just downplayed it the main reason given for the C.I.A. being in there was to try and separate friend from foe and round up a lot of the weapons flowing freely the CNN piece was not a partisan hit piece on the administration but on the whole it wasn't sympathetic to it either is was a good fair piece.

Thanks for that critique Blackhawk. The story has been submerged a bit by the more current woes of Paula Deen, movie stars, and rodeo clowns, but it isn't going away. If the Administration had just stood up on its hind legs and admitted they didn't act quickly enough or failed to take it seriously enough or otherwise just screwed up, there would have been a lot of immediate chatter but then the story would have gone away as just another tragic blip in history like the Marine barracks in Lebanon or the USS Cole, etc.

The scandal was the President and Secretary of State denying that they knew of any security problem at Benghazi when the evidence is pretty damning that they could have known and should have known. That heads didn't roll because they weren't briefed so that they could act is as telling as the other scenario that they did know and didn't act. In both cases, they were not doing their jobs.
And meanwhile the IRS scandal also is not going away due to the efforts of Fox News and a view other dedicated news organizations who are sticking to it like terriers.

The latest, some on the GOP side are now wanting to give Lois Lerner immunity and forcing her to come clean on what she has done and what she knows. They have determined that she was using her own private e-mail account to conduct some IRS business, and the only reason she would do that would be to shield that information from the Freedom of Information Act and make it more difficult to subpeona.

And in other IRS woes, it seems that some 30,000 small business owners are complaining about threatening letters from the IRS suggesting that they are under investigation for failure to report income. Why? Because the income they are reporting in recent years has been significantly less than what they have reported in the past. Hasn't the IRS noticed that the economy is stalled and small business is struggling as most of them have never experienced before?
Do you honestly think there has been any effort to find those responsible for Benghazi? Seems to me the Administration is doing its damndest to bury it and just make it go away now. I didn't get to see the special, but did they honestly say that the administration was unaware of how bad the situation in Benghazi was? The nominal hearings they have had suggested that our people in Benghazi had repeatedly requested additional security.

If the President and Secretary of State didn't know that, WHY didn't they know that? It is both their jobs to know things like that. Why haven't heads rolled when they were not informed by those whose duty was to inform them? Why haven't they both demanded disciplinary action for those who wee derelict in their duty?

And did the CNN story deal with that and also mention why the CIA was there at the time of the attack? If not, then sigh. I am disappointed in CNN yet again.
CNN did not say the administration was unaware of the situation in Benghazi they either underestimated the threat or just downplayed it the main reason given for the C.I.A. being in there was to try and separate friend from foe and round up a lot of the weapons flowing freely the CNN piece was not a partisan hit piece on the administration but on the whole it wasn't sympathetic to it either is was a good fair piece.

Thanks for that critique Blackhawk. The story has been submerged a bit by the more current woes of Paula Deen, movie stars, and rodeo clowns, but it isn't going away. If the Administration had just stood up on its hind legs and admitted they didn't act quickly enough or failed to take it seriously enough or otherwise just screwed up, there would have been a lot of immediate chatter but then the story would have gone away as just another tragic blip in history like the Marine barracks in Lebanon or the USS Cole, etc.

The scandal was the President and Secretary of State denying that they knew of any security problem at Benghazi when the evidence is pretty damning that they could have known and should have known. That heads didn't roll because they weren't briefed so that they could act is as telling as the other scenario that they did know and didn't act. In both cases, they were not doing their jobs.

A good take on the "clown scandal".

Blog: Clown controversy spirals out of control

"It bears repeating; clowning is performance art. Artistic expression is protected by the US Constitution. It was bad taste to have a bull threatening the president, but how it can be construed as racist is beyond belief."
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