Phony Scandals?

Issues of the type referenced in the OP

  • are real scandals.

    Votes: 62 80.5%
  • are phony scandals.

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • are not easily judged. I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 3.9%

  • Total voters
Expect very soon to see a similar announcement re the NSA invasion of privacy re those e-mails and other massive information gathering. Would you believe the government is now laying the groundwork to insist that it's okay everybody. Don't worry about it. The government didn't plan to do anything with all that stuff anyway, so it's all okay. Relax. Nothing to see here. There is no there there.
Expect very soon to see a similar announcement re the NSA invasion of privacy re those e-mails and other massive information gathering. Would you believe the government is now laying the groundwork to insist that it's okay everybody. Don't worry about it. The government didn't plan to do anything with all that stuff anyway, so it's all okay. Relax. Nothing to see here. There is no there there.

"Hello, I am from the government and I am here to help you"
Expect very soon to see a similar announcement re the NSA invasion of privacy re those e-mails and other massive information gathering. Would you believe the government is now laying the groundwork to insist that it's okay everybody. Don't worry about it. The government didn't plan to do anything with all that stuff anyway, so it's all okay. Relax. Nothing to see here. There is no there there.

Quick-----burn everything I sent you
Update that didn't attract much attention here:

For the second time in a month, an IRS official has taken the Fifth Amendment before a Congressional committee, this time in an investigation about whether that official helped a friend win a $500 million IT contract with the tax agency.

"Mr. Chairman, on the advice of counsel, I respectfully decline to answer any questions and invoke my Fifth Amendment privilege to remain silent," said Gregory Roseman, the Deputy Director of Enterprise Networks and Tier Systems Support at the IRS.

While this investigation has nothing to do with the questions of IRS targeting of Tea Party groups, the move to take the Fifth by Roseman came at the same witness table where Lois Lerner had done so in late May;. . . .

. . . .After Roseman was excused by Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), the panel delved into questions for IRS officials and Braulio Castillo, who heads Strong Castle, Inc., the company that lawmakers say was helped by Roseman.

"Prior to January 2012, when Braulio Castillo purchased Signet/Strong Castle, the business had $250,000 in annual revenue," read part of a report from the House Oversight Committee.

"In just six months, it won over $500 million of potential awards – overwhelmingly these awards came from the IRS," the panel found.

Another IRS official takes the Fifth | Jamie Dupree's Washington Insider |

Are ya'll comfortable with people taking $500 million in contracts from the federal government and then refusing to testify about what they did with that money? Does it bother you that this is yet another IRS scandal and STILL no heads are rolling? And the media is STILL disinterested?
Meanwhile Lois Lerner, the apparent lynch pin center of the IRS scandal, has still not testified what she knows before Congress, received many months of full pay and benefits while on administrative leave, and now has elected to retire with a very lucrative pension and benefits.

Does anybody out there care?
Oh, and the disastrous roll out of Obamacare this month coupled with the lies we were told to sell it that are now being exposed also qualifies as a scandal.

At least in my opinion.
Meanwhile Lois Lerner, the apparent lynch pin center of the IRS scandal, has still not testified what she knows before Congress, received many months of full pay and benefits while on administrative leave, and now has elected to retire with a very lucrative pension and benefits.

Does anybody out there care?

Oh we care. We're waiting for 2014 to roll around so we can show just how much!
Meanwhile Lois Lerner, the apparent lynch pin center of the IRS scandal, has still not testified what she knows before Congress, received many months of full pay and benefits while on administrative leave, and now has elected to retire with a very lucrative pension and benefits.

Does anybody out there care?

Oh we care. We're waiting for 2014 to roll around so we can show just how much!

I dunno TK. The election is more than a year away. And when we have a media who will not do their jobs out of partisan loyalties, it is really hard to keep things in the minds of even many responsible Americans. And too many Americans have too short a memory and too uncertain loyalties to think this will matter to them a year from now. :(
Meanwhile Lois Lerner, the apparent lynch pin center of the IRS scandal, has still not testified what she knows before Congress, received many months of full pay and benefits while on administrative leave, and now has elected to retire with a very lucrative pension and benefits.

Does anybody out there care?

Oh we care. We're waiting for 2014 to roll around so we can show just how much!

After the republican government shutdown disaster, you’re in for a letdown.
Meanwhile Lois Lerner, the apparent lynch pin center of the IRS scandal, has still not testified what she knows before Congress, received many months of full pay and benefits while on administrative leave, and now has elected to retire with a very lucrative pension and benefits.

Does anybody out there care?

Oh we care. We're waiting for 2014 to roll around so we can show just how much!

I dunno TK. The election is more than a year away. And when we have a media who will not do their jobs out of partisan loyalties, it is really hard to keep things in the minds of even many responsible Americans. And too many Americans have too short a memory and too uncertain loyalties to think this will matter to them a year from now. :(


The ‘media’ are doing their jobs; and part of their job is to not waste time on contrived partisan nonsense from the right.

If there were substance to the phony scandals, they wouldn’t be phony.
Meanwhile Lois Lerner, the apparent lynch pin center of the IRS scandal, has still not testified what she knows before Congress, received many months of full pay and benefits while on administrative leave, and now has elected to retire with a very lucrative pension and benefits.

Does anybody out there care?

Oh we care. We're waiting for 2014 to roll around so we can show just how much!

I dunno TK. The election is more than a year away. And when we have a media who will not do their jobs out of partisan loyalties, it is really hard to keep things in the minds of even many responsible Americans. And too many Americans have too short a memory and too uncertain loyalties to think this will matter to them a year from now. :(

In particuliar LIV's...(Low info Voters), whom could care less as long as they get their Gubmint check...
I see that 48 low-information voters said the scandals were real. It's scary that such people go out and vote. Not scary that they're allowed to vote, since it's important to democracy that even stupid crazy people be allowed to vote. It's just scary that there are so many nutters in the world.
I can ignore the trolls who just want to make childish schoolyard taunts or provoke in order to flame folks just as easily on this thread as any other. And encourage other serious people to do so.

The LIVs are a problem if the media is successful in convincing the people that Obama is still the messiah who will lead them to Utopia and Republicans are horned devils who want to take away their candy. The media doesn't have to word it like that of course. They just have to strategically throw in code words that trigger negative images and/or use unflattering pictures and headlines for those who don't read past the headlines.

But Amelia is right that LIVs aren't as likely to vote. I'm just hoping the disastrous ACA rollout will inspire the Tea Partiers to keep their spirits and energy up despite the effort from the Left, including the powers of government such as the IRS, to demoralize and demonize them.
I can ignore the trolls who just want to make childish schoolyard taunts or provoke in order to flame folks just as easily on this thread as any other. And encourage other serious people to do so.

The LIVs are a problem if the media is successful in convincing the people that Obama is still the messiah who will lead them to Utopia and Republicans are horned devils who want to take away their candy. The media doesn't have to word it like that of course. They just have to strategically throw in code words that trigger negative images and/or use unflattering pictures and headlines for those who don't read past the headlines.

But Amelia is right that LIVs aren't as likely to vote. I'm just hoping the disastrous ACA rollout will inspire the Tea Partiers to keep their spirits and energy up despite the effort from the Left, including the powers of government such as the IRS, to demoralize and demonize them.

Agreed, and fear not...The TEA Party (the people) see what's going on, and will correct this abomination next year. Republicans you see, are blameless...they didn't vote for ObamaCare...and it's on record.
Meanwhile Lois Lerner, the apparent lynch pin center of the IRS scandal, has still not testified what she knows before Congress, received many months of full pay and benefits while on administrative leave, and now has elected to retire with a very lucrative pension and benefits.

Does anybody out there care?

Oh we care. We're waiting for 2014 to roll around so we can show just how much!

I dunno TK. The election is more than a year away. And when we have a media who will not do their jobs out of partisan loyalties, it is really hard to keep things in the minds of even many responsible Americans. And too many Americans have too short a memory and too uncertain loyalties to think this will matter to them a year from now. :(

But unlike liberals, we rely on reality, not the media. :)
Oh we care. We're waiting for 2014 to roll around so we can show just how much!

I dunno TK. The election is more than a year away. And when we have a media who will not do their jobs out of partisan loyalties, it is really hard to keep things in the minds of even many responsible Americans. And too many Americans have too short a memory and too uncertain loyalties to think this will matter to them a year from now. :(


The ‘media’ are doing their jobs; and part of their job is to not waste time on contrived partisan nonsense from the right.

If there were substance to the phony scandals, they wouldn’t be phony.

If the media were doing their jobs, they would do honest reporting, not cheerleading for the president. If they were doing their jobs, they wouldn't cover for the failures of the Democrats and attack the Republicans for theirs. If it were doing it's job as you claim, they wouldn't engage in "partisan nonsense" themselves.

I'll also have you know that the NSA scandal is exploding. It was just discovered that the US hacked the cell phones of 35 world leaders and obtained 70 million phone recordings--from France.

A new scandal has emerged in the disastrous rollout of Obamacare and the development of the website associated with it. Kathleen Sebelius is under fire for hoodwinking the president into thinking everything was going to be okay with it.

Your nonsense is nonsense, Clayton.
Meanwhile Lois Lerner, the apparent lynch pin center of the IRS scandal, has still not testified what she knows before Congress, received many months of full pay and benefits while on administrative leave, and now has elected to retire with a very lucrative pension and benefits.

Does anybody out there care?

Oh we care. We're waiting for 2014 to roll around so we can show just how much!

After the republican government shutdown disaster, you’re in for a letdown.

Ha, and now your party is the one calling for delays! The same thing you bashed the Republicans for shutting the government down over!


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