Phony Scandals?

Issues of the type referenced in the OP

  • are real scandals.

    Votes: 62 80.5%
  • are phony scandals.

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • are not easily judged. I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 3.9%

  • Total voters
on Fox News but otherwise I have only seen the story mentioned in the more obscure internet media

The tea party House doesn't care for Holder you say? I am shocked, shocked I tell you :doubt: Keep stirrin that pot FoxFyre :rolleyes: :thup:

Do you like Holder, Dottie? Do you condone his lying to Congress to cover his ass re Fast & Furious? This is a-okay with you? You see it as a phony scandal that our fearless leader tried to convince us is all these things are? And of course since our fearless leader has proved to be such an honest and honorable and up front guy lately, we all should believe him about that. Is that right?
You understand everything the GOP and FOX said about all the phony scandals was a lie, right? Even if you don't understand it, the nation does, which is why most correctly consider you ODSers to be part of a liars' cult.

But you won't care. You've made your choices, cult allegiance over truth. If you continue to refuse to step outside of the right-wing-fringe cult bubble, you can keep pretending all of the lies you parroted were true, and that you haven't been well-used as a primo UsefulIdiot.

Thing is, you can only cry "wolf!" so many times before everyone just tunes you out. Y'all passed that limit years ago, which is why no one outside of the cult pays any attention to you.
You understand everything the GOP and FOX said about all the phony scandals was a lie, right? Even if you don't understand it, the nation does, which is why most correctly consider you ODSers to be part of a liars' cult.

But you won't care. You've made your choices, cult allegiance over truth. If you continue to refuse to step outside of the right-wing-fringe cult bubble, you can keep pretending all of the lies you parroted were true, and that you haven't been well-used as a primo UsefulIdiot.

Thing is, you can only cry "wolf!" so many times before everyone just tunes you out. Y'all passed that limit years ago, which is why no one outside of the cult pays any attention to you.

So you are saying that the government did not do all those things? There was no hold up of not-profit status for Tea Party and other conservative groups by the IRS? The entire media was wrong that some in the media had their privacy violated? That the entire media has been wrong that the government overstepped its authority in seizure of e-mails? That Obama has told us the absolute truth? That Holder did not lie to Congress despite the irrefutable prove, signed in his own handwriting, that he did? That Obama has been absolutely honest and upfront in his selling of Obamacare to the American people?

Wow. I have to say that such loyalty, devotion, religious zeal, and dogmaticness is pretty amazing.
So you are saying that the government did not do all those things?

In some cases no, in some cases the government treated everyone the same, and in some cases, it had little to do with Obama.

There was no hold up of not-profit status for Tea Party and other conservative groups by the IRS?

Nope. That was a giant stinking pile of BS. That's why that phony scandal collapsed so completely.

The entire media was wrong that some in the media had their privacy violated? That the entire media has been wrong that the government overstepped its authority in seizure of e-mails?

And it's been going on since long before Obama took office. Being consistent, the liberals have been ripping Obama hard for his part in it. Being a wildly inconsistent party shill, you only started caring after Bush left office, and if there was a Republican president again, you'd instantly go back to ignoring the issue.

That Obama has told us the absolute truth?

Not relevant. You need to explain why you only go berserk over Obama for little things, while giving a free pass to the endless parade of whoppers from your own side. A saying about motes and beams comes to mind.

That Holder did not lie to Congress despite the irrefutable prove, signed in his own handwriting, that he did?

No. Remember, FOX News and Republican committee reports are not regarded as accurate sources by those outside of your cult. But good luck with that impeachment. Oh wait, it's gone nowhere. Some scandals are too obviously phony for even the Republican House to touch.

Now, we liberals have serious issues with Holder, mainly having to do with him kissing up to bankers, as opposed to prosecuting them. He's a corporate tool, which should make him the darling of Republicans.
You understand everything the GOP and FOX said about all the phony scandals was a lie, right? Even if you don't understand it, the nation does, which is why most correctly consider you ODSers to be part of a liars' cult.

But you won't care. You've made your choices, cult allegiance over truth. If you continue to refuse to step outside of the right-wing-fringe cult bubble, you can keep pretending all of the lies you parroted were true, and that you haven't been well-used as a primo UsefulIdiot.

Thing is, you can only cry "wolf!" so many times before everyone just tunes you out. Y'all passed that limit years ago, which is why no one outside of the cult pays any attention to you.

What the partisan right fails to realize, among many other things, is that their subjective perceptions and speculations concerning the phony ‘scandals’ does not constitute hard, objective evidence.
You understand everything the GOP and FOX said about all the phony scandals was a lie, right? Even if you don't understand it, the nation does, which is why most correctly consider you ODSers to be part of a liars' cult.

But you won't care. You've made your choices, cult allegiance over truth. If you continue to refuse to step outside of the right-wing-fringe cult bubble, you can keep pretending all of the lies you parroted were true, and that you haven't been well-used as a primo UsefulIdiot.

Thing is, you can only cry "wolf!" so many times before everyone just tunes you out. Y'all passed that limit years ago, which is why no one outside of the cult pays any attention to you.

What the partisan right fails to realize, among many other things, is that their subjective perceptions and speculations concerning the phony ‘scandals’ does not constitute hard, objective evidence.

You obviously have not read the thread when all those scandals were thoroughly documented with sources other than Fox News and/or any other sources you would probably consider unrealiable.

So what is reliable to you? Daily Kos? MSNBC? ThinkProgress?

What is a 'reliable source' to somebody as far left of center as you?
basing your "inquisition" on something Roger Ailes keeps pounding the drum over, on his infotainment channel, is a risky proposition to say the least.

You notice no Righties seem to be posting here either. Theres a reason for that- they don't want to have happen what happened w/ Starr- a $70,000,000, taxpayer-funded, rw fishing expedition that told everyone what they already knew- middle-aged men like having consensual sex w/ younger ladies.

You people need to get your priorities straight :eusa_eh: IF you are able.
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basing your "inquisition" on something Roger Ailes keeps pounding the drum over, on his infotainment channel, is a risky proposition to say the least.

You notice no Righties seem to be posting here either. Theres a reason for that- they don't want to have happen what happened w/ Starr- a $70,000,000, taxpayer-funded, rw fishing expedition that told everyone what they already knew- middle-aged men like having consensual sex w/ younger ladies.

You people need to get your priorities straight :eusa_eh: IF you are able.

No righties have been posting here? You didn't read the thread either did you.

This thread was not a fishing expedition. It was to explore the well publicized President's claim that these were 'phony scandals'. And I think we did a pretty damn good job of substantiating that they were not.

So what do you consider to be a reliable source Dottie? We used a LOT of sources other than Fox News.

And how about it Republicans/conservatives/libertarians/rightwingers? I know some of you are still reading in here because I see the thanks on the posts.

Do you agree with Dottie that you don't want to be associated with some kind of witch hunt here? That these after all WERE phony scandals?
Just to get a couple of things on the list here. . . .

The website isn't finished
We'll be reimbursing the insurance companies out of our pockets.

Did anybody catch the hearing with the professional hackers this week? Seems they called in some guys who had checked out security vulnerabilities on the site and they report that the most amateur hacker can easily compromise the site and access any information on it. Does that generate a feeling of security for you apologists for the website? Does it make you feel good that your personal information, including your social secuity number, is there for the taking?

Another witness reports that as much as 40% of the website hasn't even been constructed yet. That would be the part that reimburses the insurance companies which might give the insurance companies some pause for thought.

Not likely though as still another witness tells us that buried within those thousands of pages of the legislation is a provision that requires the federal government--make that we the taxpayers--reimburse the insurance companies for any loss they might incur due to implementation of Obamacare.

And finally most of the people are beginning to figure out that their President either flat out lied to pass what is becoming an incxreasingly unpopular terrible piece of legislation - or - he is the most incompetent person this country has ever elected to high office:

President Obama's job approval rating has plunged to the lowest of his presidency, according to a new CBS News poll released Wednesday, and Americans' approval of the Affordable Care Act has dropped it's lowest since CBS News started polling on the law.

Thirty-seven percent now approve of the job Mr. Obama is doing as president, down from 46 percent in October -- a nine point drop in just a month. Mr. Obama's disapproval rating is 57 percent -- the highest level for this president in CBS News Polls.
A rocky beginning to the opening of the new health insurance exchanges has also taken its toll on how Americans perceive the Affordable Care Act. Now, approval of the law has dropped to 31 percent - the lowest number yet recorded in CBS News Polls, and a drop of 12 points since last month. Sixty-one percent disapprove (a high for this poll), including 46 percent who say they disapprove strongly.

Republicans are nearly unanimous in their disapproval of the law, and now more than two-thirds of independents agree. Almost six in ten Democrats continue to support the law, but their support has dropped 16 points from last month - from 74 percent in October to 58 percent today. Support has dropped 11 points among independents and five points among Republicans.
Poll: Obamacare support, Obama approval sink to new lows - CBS News
The second thing is just now beginning to be mentioned mostly in the internet press. It is too early to determine if it will turn out to be credible or if it will grow legs, but. . . .

The rumble is that back in 2012, a couple of months before the election, President Obama was making repeated campaign speeches about the lower unemployment numbers and the wonderful new jobs that his administration had created. Now it appears that the administration may have manufactured those numbers - on purpose - to shore up Obama's approval rating ahead of the election.

Apparently a Congressional investigation is underway. We'll see how it goes and I'll reserve judgment on this one until there is more conclusive information available.
Your base will LIKE IT LIKE IT LIKE IT
Even if it's a FABLE FABLE FABLE
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Well I'm not getting my information on this stuff from Fox News, Impenitent--what I posted today came from other sources.

Which of the scandals mentioned thus far do you consider to be 'fable'?
One things for sure.

If any of this had happened while Bush or any other Rep were POTUS you can bet you ass every single one would be a SCANDAL and would be on cable news 24/7.
Your base will LIKE IT LIKE IT LIKE IT
Even if it's a FABLE FABLE FABLE

From their empty little NOODLE NOODLE NOODLE
LMAO How bout ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN. Doubt they would give Bush or any Rep the pass they gave Barry and his pack of incomeptant boobs.

You focus on FOX and AM radio. I'll focus on everybody else.
One things for sure.

If any of this had happened while Bush or any other Rep were POTUS you can bet you ass every single one would be a SCANDAL and would be on cable news 24/7.

Of course it would. In fact it WAS. Bush couldn't mispronounce a word without the media making a federal case out of it for days.

Another scandal that involves the current administration indirectly. . . .

There seems to be a new trend among primarily black youth who are playing a sometimes deadly "Knock Out" game. They go out to do what some have characterized as 'polar bear hunting'--meaning looking for a white victim - and then pass by and sucker punch the person in an attempt to knock them cold with one punch. According to what I've read, several of these people have been seriously injured and three or four of them have died when their head struck something when they fell.

It is reported to be rampant in Washington DC and other major cities. Here is one account reported in St. Louis:

Violent ?Knock Out Game? Played Here Before ? and Elsewhere « CBS St. Louis

But you really have to hunt and have a good search engine to find much about this in the mainstream media. So it's reprehensible, evil, cruel, indefensible. . . .but where is the scandal?

The scandal is in the silence of the media, by such figures as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, and by our fearless leader, Barack Obama. If this was white on black crime instead of black on white, it would be emblazoned as hate crimes across every front page and would lead every newscast. There would be demands for investigations and indictments and demands for justice. Look how George Zimmerman is STILL on the front pages with each incident.

But what do we hear from them on this? Crickets. No public demand for investigation. No passionate speeches about the injustice and cruelty and profiling and racism. No appeal to the black youth to cease and desist or demands for justice to be done.

It's enough to make a body scream.
Well I'm not getting my information on this stuff from Fox News, Impenitent--what I posted today came from other sources.

Which of the scandals mentioned thus far do you consider to be 'fable'?

Not that I'm judging, but your chosen username is an indication of your most trusted name in news.

And I don't know your posting history, but just going back a few posts, you say, "Okay, it has been mentioned briefly on Fox News but.".

And regardless of which source you cite, Fox has obviously put their spin, and their considerable bounce, on it.

But, as to the subject at hand, they are are fables, until you show me the stained dress. If you had it, you would impeach.

You couldn't resist.
Your base will LIKE IT LIKE IT LIKE IT
Even if it's a FABLE FABLE FABLE

From their empty little NOODLE NOODLE NOODLE
Well, I asked for that! :)

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