Phony Scandals?

Issues of the type referenced in the OP

  • are real scandals.

    Votes: 62 80.5%
  • are phony scandals.

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • are not easily judged. I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 3.9%

  • Total voters
Oh we care. We're waiting for 2014 to roll around so we can show just how much!

After the republican government shutdown disaster, you’re in for a letdown.

Ha, and now your party is the one calling for delays! The same thing you bashed the Republicans for shutting the government down over!


The Democrats see the danger of the corner they've painted themselves into with no way out as they tried to pin this on others...

Remember their agenda? Blame, Minimize, Deny, Obfuscate...

Which never through history has been a winner as to truth...

It has no agenda..TRUTH is fast closing in on them.
I can ignore the trolls who just want to make childish schoolyard taunts or provoke in order to flame folks just as easily on this thread as any other. And encourage other serious people to do so.

The LIVs are a problem if the media is successful in convincing the people that Obama is still the messiah who will lead them to Utopia and Republicans are horned devils who want to take away their candy. The media doesn't have to word it like that of course. They just have to strategically throw in code words that trigger negative images and/or use unflattering pictures and headlines for those who don't read past the headlines.

But Amelia is right that LIVs aren't as likely to vote. I'm just hoping the disastrous ACA rollout will inspire the Tea Partiers to keep their spirits and energy up despite the effort from the Left, including the powers of government such as the IRS, to demoralize and demonize them.

Agreed, and fear not...The TEA Party (the people) see what's going on, and will correct this abomination next year. Republicans you see, are blameless...they didn't vote for ObamaCare...and it's on record.

I hope you're right T. The media has been pretty successful in demonizing the Tea Party and too many Republicans are gutless wonders and cave under media pressure. And unfortunately, we still don't have enough people, Democrat or Republican, with Tea Party values to hold much power yet.

Because the leftie Obama worshippers will not admit there is even a problem re the scandals, and the media either won't cover it at all or downplays it until it is rarely ever seen by most, it is pretty much up to Fox News, talk radio, the few folks doing going solid research out there on the internet, and we patriots on message boards to keep people informed and keep pushing for real reforms.
I can ignore the trolls who just want to make childish schoolyard taunts or provoke in order to flame folks just as easily on this thread as any other. And encourage other serious people to do so.

The LIVs are a problem if the media is successful in convincing the people that Obama is still the messiah who will lead them to Utopia and Republicans are horned devils who want to take away their candy. The media doesn't have to word it like that of course. They just have to strategically throw in code words that trigger negative images and/or use unflattering pictures and headlines for those who don't read past the headlines.

But Amelia is right that LIVs aren't as likely to vote. I'm just hoping the disastrous ACA rollout will inspire the Tea Partiers to keep their spirits and energy up despite the effort from the Left, including the powers of government such as the IRS, to demoralize and demonize them.

Agreed, and fear not...The TEA Party (the people) see what's going on, and will correct this abomination next year. Republicans you see, are blameless...they didn't vote for ObamaCare...and it's on record.

I hope you're right T. The media has been pretty successful in demonizing the Tea Party and too many Republicans are gutless wonders and cave under media pressure. And unfortunately, we still don't have enough people, Democrat or Republican, with Tea Party values to hold much power yet.

Because the leftie Obama worshippers will not admit there is even a problem re the scandals, and the media either won't cover it at all or downplays it until it is rarely ever seen by most, it is pretty much up to Fox News, talk radio, the few folks doing going solid research out there on the internet, and we patriots on message boards to keep people informed and keep pushing for real reforms.

People are awakening as they suffer 'stickershock' seeing their premiums go up as high as 200+ some areas...and NOTE Obama/Sebilius are in a hurry to get the site UP and running...? (ON PURPOSE) And people can't SEE their rates until INFORMATION that is NONE of the FED's Business is gathered...will they see WHAT they are in for? (TOO LATE)!

They want MILLIONS signed on to this abomination to FREEDOM/LIBERTY so they can claim they can't reverse every other usurpation cloaked in LAW these progressives come up with solely for their power over US to circumvent the Constitution they have worked hard at for the past 100 years...

GIG IS UP, progressives.



H/T To Foxfyre...(I am right)...

Incumbent on ALL fair minded people to sound the alarm of what these elitists are up to...And what THEy aren't subject to...what THEY have exempted themselves from...Paul and Paulette Reveres...Spread the word.
Have any of you acquired Peter Schweizer's new book: Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Thier Own Pockets? It has only been out a couple of weeks I think but skyrocketed to the NY Times top ten on the best sellers list. I just ordered it for my Kindle--headed out to the Pecos Wilderness for a few days, and will read it on the road. Fox News gave it a brief review this morning, and Schwizer is exposing this stuff indiscriminately regardless of political party.

It's harder to decide which is the bigger scandal:

1. The power grab that is forcing government into more and more of our lives and that takes away our liberties, choices, options, and opportunities. . . .

2. Or the allure of personal power, prestige, influence, and unimaginable wealth that professional politicians and bureaucrats acquire at our expense and are willing to trash the country in the process of acquiring it.

3. Or the deception and/or gestapo tactics used to cover their asses when they get caught or screw up. . . .
Have any of you acquired Peter Schweizer's new book: Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Thier Own Pockets? It has only been out a couple of weeks I think but skyrocketed to the NY Times top ten on the best sellers list. I just ordered it for my Kindle--headed out to the Pecos Wilderness for a few days, and will read it on the road. Fox News gave it a brief review this morning, and Schwizer is exposing this stuff indiscriminately regardless of political party.

It's harder to decide which is the bigger scandal:

1. The power grab that is forcing government into more and more of our lives and that takes away our liberties, choices, options, and opportunities. . . .

2. Or the allure of personal power, prestige, influence, and unimaginable wealth that professional politicians and bureaucrats acquire at our expense and are willing to trash the country in the process of acquiring it.

3. Or the deception and/or gestapo tactics used to cover their asses when they get caught or screw up. . . .

We are on the fast track of becoming the EU West...

This crap has to stop. People have to wake up and understand what they are in danger of losing...if that hasn't already happened...?
Is the 'phony scandal' group still convinced all this has been blown out of proportion or never happened?

The Washington Post has assigned four pinnochios to the President's promises re Obamacare. The most blatant of those cited were these repeated over and over and over again:

That means that no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”

“And if you like your insurance plan, you will keep it. No one will be able to take that away from you. It hasn’t happened yet. It won’t happen in the future.”​


Obama?s pledge that ?no one will take away? your health plan

And the mainstream media is finally getting on board with other scandals. "60 Minutes" has scheduled a presumably scathing expose on Benghazi.

And we are seeing reports that the President, who solemnly swore to PBS that the government was not accessing and reading people's e-mails apparently was also clueless that both Yahoo and Google e-mail accounts are now have been compromised by NSA snoopers.

Plus the more recent protests from the Vatican and Angela Merkel, among others, who resent being under U.S. surveillance.

Do ya'll still believe this guy is the best President we have ever had? Why?
And now after four years of looking us straight in the eye and saying "If you like the insurance plan you have, you can keep it, period." "If you like the doctor you have, you can keep him, period." . . .

This week our fearless leader went on camera and looked us straight in the eye and said, "What we have said from the beginning, that if you had insurance when the ACA went into effect and it did not change, you can keep it."

And of course the talking heads who are now blaming the insurance companies and employers and sort of ignoring the fact that it is the government who ORDERED the insurance companies to change and FORCED impossible requirements on employers that is resulting in massive ejection of policyholders by the insurance companies and in massive rollbacks, layoffs, and reduction of hours by employers who can no longer afford to offer insurance coverage for their employees.

Why is this not a huge scandal, people. Why?
Adding the firing of Earline Davis, employee at the government ACA call center, to the mix of scandals that should not pass unnoted.

What do ya'll think. Is THAT a phony scandal too?
And now after four years of looking us straight in the eye and saying "If you like the insurance plan you have, you can keep it, period." "If you like the doctor you have, you can keep him, period." . . .

This week our fearless leader went on camera and looked us straight in the eye and said, "What we have said from the beginning, that if you had insurance when the ACA went into effect and it did not change, you can keep it."

And of course the talking heads who are now blaming the insurance companies and employers and sort of ignoring the fact that it is the government who ORDERED the insurance companies to change and FORCED impossible requirements on employers that is resulting in massive ejection of policyholders by the insurance companies and in massive rollbacks, layoffs, and reduction of hours by employers who can no longer afford to offer insurance coverage for their employees.

Why is this not a huge scandal, people. Why?

Well, yes it is a scandal. But any criticism is simply met with "racist", so it"s kind of pointless. Sad but true.
And now after four years of looking us straight in the eye and saying "If you like the insurance plan you have, you can keep it, period." "If you like the doctor you have, you can keep him, period." . . .

This week our fearless leader went on camera and looked us straight in the eye and said, "What we have said from the beginning, that if you had insurance when the ACA went into effect and it did not change, you can keep it."

And of course the talking heads who are now blaming the insurance companies and employers and sort of ignoring the fact that it is the government who ORDERED the insurance companies to change and FORCED impossible requirements on employers that is resulting in massive ejection of policyholders by the insurance companies and in massive rollbacks, layoffs, and reduction of hours by employers who can no longer afford to offer insurance coverage for their employees.

Why is this not a huge scandal, people. Why?

Well, yes it is a scandal. But any criticism is simply met with "racist", so it"s kind of pointless. Sad but true.

And that is another scandal that should be so apparent to freedom loving Americans: the scandal of keeping racism alive and well so that a president, who happens to be black, cannot be criticized for anything, and also keep the folks on the liberal plantation to ensure that government will not be hindered in its enormous appetite to benefit itself.
You know folks, if anybody is still reading in here. . . .

I have been wondering why I feel driven to do this. To expose the scandals. To expose the lies. I have been watching us rush headlong to eject our representative republic and embrace totalitarianism for awhile now. The scandals, the lies, and the incessant power grabs are all part of that. And it seems unstoppable and futile to even try. Why not just accept it and live what is left of my life without the frustration? I am at the age when there isn't a lot more they can do to me and I can die without a lot of regrets of what I missed out on.

But in a brief conversation I just had with another USMB friend, the light came on. And I knew why. I am in the winter of my life, but my kids and the generation that follows them are in the spring and summer of theirs.

I look at fresh intelligent young faces, full of hope and promise, and I don't want to consign them to less than America was intended to be. I don't want my legacy to be that I gave up on them and didn't at least try to save that America.

I hope there are enough left with that vision.
More 'evidence' that the Obama Administration knew of the situation in Benghazi long before that video was an issue. So we still have the question of why Susan Rice was sent out on a media blitz to report that the Benghazi massacre was a result of the video?

Susan Rice, then the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and other administration officials said in the days following the attacks that they appeared to have been sparked by an anti-Islamic video posted onto the Internet.

The guard also told CBS that he considered the security forces hired to protect the U.S. interests in Benghazi lax and suggested the attack appeared inevitable.

Fox News has previously reported that an Aug. 16, 2012, cable revealed that an “emergency meeting” was convened less than a month before the assault to warn that the consulate could not defend against a coordinated attack. Congressional hearings held over the past year have also covered how security was a concern in the run-up to the attack.

And Fox News reported last week that, according to a source on the ground in Libya, a former Guantanamo Bay detainee with Al Qaeda ties -- Sufian bin Qumu -- was in Benghazi the night of the attack. Fox News also reported that two other suspects have ties to the Al Qaeda senior leadership -- one believed to be a former courier and the other, a bodyguard for the network.

The guard who spoke with CBS noted that Al Qaeda tried to kill a British ambassador in Benghazi three months before the attack on the anniversary of 9/11. He added that the terror group said online that it would attack the Red Cross, the British, and then the Americans in Benghazi.
Report: First Western eyewitness in Benghazi to go public gives account of attack, warning signs | Fox News
Didn't read the entire thread, but Is the No Bid Contract for Michelle's Harvard friend now at CGI for the ACA Website design a scandal (and subsequent repair with millions of dollars more for the impaired and useless website). ????
Didn't read the entire thread, but Is the No Bid Contract for Michelle's Harvard friend now at CGI for the ACA Website design a scandal (and subsequent repair with millions of dollars more for the impaired and useless website). ????

It should be.

As well as the fact that Michelle's Harvard friend heads a CANADIAN firm. What in the hell are we doing outsourcing something like that? Not only to a Canadian firm, but to one that the Canadian government had already fired due to substandard work.

Canadian provincial health officials last year fired the parent company of CGI Federal, the prime contractor for the problem-plagued Obamacare health exchange websites, the Washington Examiner has learned.

CGI Federal’s parent company, Montreal-based CGI Group, was officially terminated in September 2012 by an Ontario government health agency after the firm missed three years of deadlines and failed to deliver the province’s flagship online medical registry.

The online registry was supposed to be up and running by June 2011.

Officials at the U.S. government's Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services awarded six technology contracts worth $87 million to CGI Federal for Obamacare website work, according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office.
Canadian officials fired IT firm behind troubled Obamacare website |
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The media is finally beginning to report on it but nothing like they would be doing if this was during the George W. Bush administration.

Luke Chung’s company has built online databases for nearly 30 years. He called the website design “flawed.”

“It’s not even ready for beta testing from my book,” Chung said. “I would be ashamed and embarrassed if my organization delivered something like that.”

CBS 2 checked and found government records showed the federal government dished out nearly $400 million in contracts to 55 contractors on the exchange website and data hub — including the exchange site for New Jersey.
Expert: Obamacare Website Is ?Not Even Ready For Beta Testing? « CBS New York

Well that has certainly been established in the last couple of weeks.

Obama has already tried to blame the Republicans for the failure of the website to work. And has, in effect, declared the faulty website another phony scandal.

So do you Obama supporters concur with that? The disastrous ACA rollout is a 'phony scandal'? Or no scandal at all?

Couldn't resist posting this:

From the CMA Show this week:

Okay, it has been mentioned briefly on Fox News but otherwise I have only seen the story mentioned in the more obscure internet media, but it appears there is something of a push in the House to impeach Eric Holder for perjury and obstructiion of justice in his testimony to Congress over the Fast and Furious scandal.

Ted Yoho plans push to impeach Eric Holder - John Bresnahan -

Even though there is clear evidence that Holder lied through his teeth in that testimony, I hope to God they do NOT do that. Holder just isn't a big enough fish to care about all that much but such a move would pull all the media attention and give the Obama administration great cover by diverting focus on the much more real scandals of Obamacare and the huge scandal of deception the Administration used to impose that on the American people.
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on Fox News but otherwise I have only seen the story mentioned in the more obscure internet media

The tea party House doesn't care for Holder you say? I am shocked, shocked I tell you :doubt: Keep stirrin that pot FoxFyre :rolleyes: :thup:
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