Phony Scandals?

Issues of the type referenced in the OP

  • are real scandals.

    Votes: 62 80.5%
  • are phony scandals.

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • are not easily judged. I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 3.9%

  • Total voters
Well I'm not getting my information on this stuff from Fox News, Impenitent--what I posted today came from other sources.

Which of the scandals mentioned thus far do you consider to be 'fable'?

Not that I'm judging, but your chosen username is an indication of your most trusted name in news.

And I don't know your posting history, but just going back a few posts, you say, "Okay, it has been mentioned briefly on Fox News but.".

And regardless of which source you cite, Fox has obviously put their spin, and their considerable bounce, on it.

But, as to the subject at hand, they are are fables, until you show me the stained dress. If you had it, you would impeach.

You couldn't resist.

Ah another word co-opted by the Left I suppose. Now we can't mention 'fox' without it referencing Fox news. Nevermind that the name Foxfyre pre-dates the Fox News Channel by decades, but in your world you will create a correlation no matter how stupid that is.

I will ask you the same question that I have asked other blindly tunnel visioned, partison leftists: If Fox News is not to ever be considered as a proper news source, what DO you consider to be a proper news source? And please give your evidence for why it is superior to Fox News. And your evidence for why Fox News is not. And if you are not willing to do that, I would appreciate you changing the subject and taking your prejudices to one of the many leftist threads bashing Fox News. They are legion out there.

Now to return to the thread topic, which of the scandals mentioned do you consider to be 'fable' and why?
Your base will LIKE IT LIKE IT LIKE IT
Even if it's a FABLE FABLE FABLE

Thank God...someone who has the answers.
I mean...if you can call them fables, then you must have the answers that would make such scandals fables.

So please...answer me a few things.....

Fast and furious...

Who DID know of the fast and furious operation and who approved it?
What DOJ programs were deemed more important for the3 AG to be aware of seeing as he said he had so many programs going on at once, he could not know of all of them. (before you answer, take into consideration that Fast and Furious involved the smuggling of arms across the borders of a sovereign nation and furnishing them to the enemy of that nation) what would be more important?


Exactly how did ANYONE know how long the siege would take place and how long the protectors would be able to hold off the attackers...seeing as they all claimed that no reinforcements were sent in because there was not enough time to get there.


Yes, some liberal groups were targeted. ALL groups were targeted. Afterall, that was the job of the department in question. The real question is...why did many conservative groups NEVER get an answer leaving them in limbo? An answer of "non approval" is better than no answer at all for it gives you the right to re-apply with changes made.


If they are fables and not scandals, then you MUST have the answers...

So please.....answer the questions. Prove them fables.
Nothing but a bunch of trumped up phony RW scandals.

Okay, your opinion is noted. Now, because we certainly don't want you to be accused of being a mindless troll spouting assigned talking points that you can't back up, please choose one and show how it is trumped up and phony.
Well I'm not getting my information on this stuff from Fox News, Impenitent--what I posted today came from other sources.

Which of the scandals mentioned thus far do you consider to be 'fable'?

Not that I'm judging, but your chosen username is an indication of your most trusted name in news.

And I don't know your posting history, but just going back a few posts, you say, "Okay, it has been mentioned briefly on Fox News but.".

And regardless of which source you cite, Fox has obviously put their spin, and their considerable bounce, on it.

But, as to the subject at hand, they are are fables, until you show me the stained dress. If you had it, you would impeach.

You couldn't resist.

We have the stained dresses...thus why they are scandals...

Fast and Furious.....the administration admits that we were smuggling arms across the border and furnishing them to the enemy of an ally...that is the stained dress.....but has no idea who knew about it, who approved it and no one was held accountable......that makes it a scandal

Benghazi......the administration admits that it was decided that there was not enough time to get in there and help...that's the stained dress......but it has yet to explain how it knew how long the siege would last. That makes it a scandal

IRS....records show that conservative groups received no answers at all over months, sometimes years while liberal group[s got answers within weeks, sometimes a few months...that is the stained dress.....but no one knows why. That makes it a scandal
Well I'm not getting my information on this stuff from Fox News, Impenitent--what I posted today came from other sources.

Which of the scandals mentioned thus far do you consider to be 'fable'?

Not that I'm judging, but your chosen username is an indication of your most trusted name in news.

And I don't know your posting history, but just going back a few posts, you say, "Okay, it has been mentioned briefly on Fox News but.".

And regardless of which source you cite, Fox has obviously put their spin, and their considerable bounce, on it.

But, as to the subject at hand, they are are fables, until you show me the stained dress. If you had it, you would impeach.

You couldn't resist.

Fox News is the only TV network that criticizes Big Ears, which is why the Left hates it. But all the other networks are part of the White House communications department. Do leftists want a completely subservient press?

So whether Fox News' criticism is accurate or not, means nothing to me. Every POTUS no matter party, must be regularly and vehemently criticized by the press. Because without it, the POTUS will abuse his Big Ears has done.

The press went after W with a vengeance. Much of it was unwarranted and inaccurate, but the MSM is operated by leftists, so this is expected. However I think their constant and diligent criticism of W prevented him from abusing the enormous power the office...but even so, it did not prevent him from doing tremendous damage.
Well I'm not getting my information on this stuff from Fox News, Impenitent--what I posted today came from other sources.

Which of the scandals mentioned thus far do you consider to be 'fable'?

Not that I'm judging, but your chosen username is an indication of your most trusted name in news.

And I don't know your posting history, but just going back a few posts, you say, "Okay, it has been mentioned briefly on Fox News but.".

And regardless of which source you cite, Fox has obviously put their spin, and their considerable bounce, on it.

But, as to the subject at hand, they are are fables, until you show me the stained dress. If you had it, you would impeach.

You couldn't resist.

Ah another word co-opted by the Left I suppose. Now we can't mention 'fox' without it referencing Fox news. Nevermind that the name Foxfyre pre-dates the Fox News Channel by decades, but in your world you will create a correlation no matter how stupid that is.

I will ask you the same question that I have asked other blindly tunnel visioned, partison leftists: If Fox News is not to ever be considered as a proper news source, what DO you consider to be a proper news source? And please give your evidence for why it is superior to Fox News. And your evidence for why Fox News is not. And if you are not willing to do that, I would appreciate you changing the subject and taking your prejudices to one of the many leftist threads bashing Fox News. They are legion out there.

Now to return to the thread topic, which of the scandals mentioned do you consider to be 'fable' and why?

Don't run away from your username! I know it can't always be held up as a beacon of truth, but just try to harken back to Oct 2007, when you chose it, and how it instantly indentfied you to your brethren!

Gang tat that it is - it is yours!- own it!

And now, in the words of Eric Holder to Louie Gohmert, you don't know what you are talking about! You can't possibly know!
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Not that I'm judging, but your chosen username is an indication of your most trusted name in news.

And I don't know your posting history, but just going back a few posts, you say, "Okay, it has been mentioned briefly on Fox News but.".

And regardless of which source you cite, Fox has obviously put their spin, and their considerable bounce, on it.

But, as to the subject at hand, they are are fables, until you show me the stained dress. If you had it, you would impeach.

You couldn't resist.

Ah another word co-opted by the Left I suppose. Now we can't mention 'fox' without it referencing Fox news. Nevermind that the name Foxfyre pre-dates the Fox News Channel by decades, but in your world you will create a correlation no matter how stupid that is.

I will ask you the same question that I have asked other blindly tunnel visioned, partison leftists: If Fox News is not to ever be considered as a proper news source, what DO you consider to be a proper news source? And please give your evidence for why it is superior to Fox News. And your evidence for why Fox News is not. And if you are not willing to do that, I would appreciate you changing the subject and taking your prejudices to one of the many leftist threads bashing Fox News. They are legion out there.

Now to return to the thread topic, which of the scandals mentioned do you consider to be 'fable' and why?

Don't run away from your username! I know it can't always be held up as a beacon of truth, but just try to harken back to Oct 2007, when you chose it, and how it instantly indentfied you to your brethren!

Gang tat that it is - it is yours!- own it!

And now, in the words of Eric Holder to Louie Gohmert, you don't know what you are talking about! You can't possibly know!

I have reported elsewhere at USMB why I chose my user name, where it came from, what it is, and how long I have been associating myself with it.

And again, to prove you are not a paid troll with no other intention than to derail this thread, I will ask you one more time:

Please choose any scandal in the OP or that has been added subsequently, and give your best shot at showing that it is fable.
Well I'm not getting my information on this stuff from Fox News, Impenitent--what I posted today came from other sources.

Which of the scandals mentioned thus far do you consider to be 'fable'?

Not that I'm judging, but your chosen username is an indication of your most trusted name in news.

And I don't know your posting history, but just going back a few posts, you say, "Okay, it has been mentioned briefly on Fox News but.".

And regardless of which source you cite, Fox has obviously put their spin, and their considerable bounce, on it.

But, as to the subject at hand, they are are fables, until you show me the stained dress. If you had it, you would impeach.

You couldn't resist.

Fox News is the only TV network that criticizes Big Ears, which is why the Left hates it. But all the other networks are part of the White House communications department. Do leftists want a completely subservient press?

So whether Fox News' criticism is accurate or not, means nothing to me. Every POTUS no matter party, must be regularly and vehemently criticized by the press. Because without it, the POTUS will abuse his Big Ears has done.

The press went after W with a vengeance. Much of it was unwarranted and inaccurate, but the MSM is operated by leftists, so this is expected. However I think their constant and diligent criticism of W prevented him from abusing the enormous power the office...but even so, it did not prevent him from doing tremendous damage.

True. If it wasn't for Fox News, conservative talk radio, and the very few conservative internet news sources out there, few of us would have ever heard about most of this stuff because it would have been buried somewhere deep in the newspaper below the fold and not mentioned at all on the network nightly news. Obama's surrogate media is very efficient and effective in glossing over anything that might make him look bad while magnifying any sins of the loyal opposition.

But because there are still some media sources doing their jobs, we DO know about the scandals and are provided with sufficient information to judge for ourselves whether they are phony or not.
Well I'm not getting my information on this stuff from Fox News, Impenitent--what I posted today came from other sources.

Which of the scandals mentioned thus far do you consider to be 'fable'?

Not that I'm judging, but your chosen username is an indication of your most trusted name in news.

And I don't know your posting history, but just going back a few posts, you say, "Okay, it has been mentioned briefly on Fox News but.".

And regardless of which source you cite, Fox has obviously put their spin, and their considerable bounce, on it.

But, as to the subject at hand, they are are fables, until you show me the stained dress. If you had it, you would impeach.

You couldn't resist.

We have the stained dresses...thus why they are scandals...

Fast and Furious.....the administration admits that we were smuggling arms across the border and furnishing them to the enemy of an ally...that is the stained dress.....but has no idea who knew about it, who approved it and no one was held accountable......that makes it a scandal

Benghazi......the administration admits that it was decided that there was not enough time to get in there and help...that's the stained dress......but it has yet to explain how it knew how long the siege would last. That makes it a scandal

IRS....records show that conservative groups received no answers at all over months, sometimes years while liberal group[s got answers within weeks, sometimes a few months...that is the stained dress.....but no one knows why. That makes it a scandal

Easy to ask short questions, but the research and answers to them are long and arduous. Chances are, there are already threads devoted to them.

If your questions are relevant, have they not already been asked in the endless investigations?

If they haven't been asked, whose fault is that?
Well I'm not getting my information on this stuff from Fox News, Impenitent--what I posted today came from other sources.

Which of the scandals mentioned thus far do you consider to be 'fable'?

Not that I'm judging, but your chosen username is an indication of your most trusted name in news.

And I don't know your posting history, but just going back a few posts, you say, "Okay, it has been mentioned briefly on Fox News but.".

And regardless of which source you cite, Fox has obviously put their spin, and their considerable bounce, on it.

But, as to the subject at hand, they are are fables, until you show me the stained dress. If you had it, you would impeach.

You couldn't resist.

We have the stained dresses...thus why they are scandals...

Fast and Furious.....the administration admits that we were smuggling arms across the border and furnishing them to the enemy of an ally...that is the stained dress.....but has no idea who knew about it, who approved it and no one was held accountable......that makes it a scandal

Benghazi......the administration admits that it was decided that there was not enough time to get in there and help...that's the stained dress......but it has yet to explain how it knew how long the siege would last. That makes it a scandal

IRS....records show that conservative groups received no answers at all over months, sometimes years while liberal group[s got answers within weeks, sometimes a few months...that is the stained dress.....but no one knows why. That makes it a scandal

Add now Cooked Books i.e, Unemployment numbers just before the election...

Unemployment Numbers Falsified in Run-up to 2012 Election
Not that I'm judging, but your chosen username is an indication of your most trusted name in news.

And I don't know your posting history, but just going back a few posts, you say, "Okay, it has been mentioned briefly on Fox News but.".

And regardless of which source you cite, Fox has obviously put their spin, and their considerable bounce, on it.

But, as to the subject at hand, they are are fables, until you show me the stained dress. If you had it, you would impeach.

You couldn't resist.

We have the stained dresses...thus why they are scandals...

Fast and Furious.....the administration admits that we were smuggling arms across the border and furnishing them to the enemy of an ally...that is the stained dress.....but has no idea who knew about it, who approved it and no one was held accountable......that makes it a scandal

Benghazi......the administration admits that it was decided that there was not enough time to get in there and help...that's the stained dress......but it has yet to explain how it knew how long the siege would last. That makes it a scandal

IRS....records show that conservative groups received no answers at all over months, sometimes years while liberal group[s got answers within weeks, sometimes a few months...that is the stained dress.....but no one knows why. That makes it a scandal

Easy to ask short questions, but the research and answers to them are long and arduous. Chances are, there are already threads devoted to them.

If your questions are relevant, have they not already been asked in the endless investigations?

If they haven't been asked, whose fault is that?

Translation. I got nothing but I am the troll assigned to screw up this thread today?

They are legitimate questions pertinent to the thread topic and whether or not they have been discussed elsewhere, they are relevent here. Can you answer them. Or not? If you can't why are you participating in this thread?

And my challenge to you still stands.
Not that I'm judging, but your chosen username is an indication of your most trusted name in news.

And I don't know your posting history, but just going back a few posts, you say, "Okay, it has been mentioned briefly on Fox News but.".

And regardless of which source you cite, Fox has obviously put their spin, and their considerable bounce, on it.

But, as to the subject at hand, they are are fables, until you show me the stained dress. If you had it, you would impeach.

You couldn't resist.

We have the stained dresses...thus why they are scandals...

Fast and Furious.....the administration admits that we were smuggling arms across the border and furnishing them to the enemy of an ally...that is the stained dress.....but has no idea who knew about it, who approved it and no one was held accountable......that makes it a scandal

Benghazi......the administration admits that it was decided that there was not enough time to get in there and help...that's the stained dress......but it has yet to explain how it knew how long the siege would last. That makes it a scandal

IRS....records show that conservative groups received no answers at all over months, sometimes years while liberal group[s got answers within weeks, sometimes a few months...that is the stained dress.....but no one knows why. That makes it a scandal

Add now Cooked Books i.e, Unemployment numbers just before the election...

Unemployment Numbers Falsified in Run-up to 2012 Election

Yeah thanks for the link T. As I posted earlier this morning, this is one I am watching and am not quite ready to accept as a bonafide scandal. It could just be one of those rumors that somebody grabbed and ran with. But I'm sure some of the dedicated internet investigative reporters are on it, and if it turns out to be the real deal, it could be a HUGE scandal. Or at least it should be.

However, possibly wandering into conspiracy theory territory but 'wag the dog' has become a reality of modern day politics. . . .

. . . .I wouldn't put it past the Obama administration to leak it deliberately and hope it does develop legs knowing it won't develop legs that will have any bearing on the next election. But meanwhile, it is intended to get the HUGE scandal of Obamacare off the front pages for now.
Not that I'm judging, but your chosen username is an indication of your most trusted name in news.

And I don't know your posting history, but just going back a few posts, you say, "Okay, it has been mentioned briefly on Fox News but.".

And regardless of which source you cite, Fox has obviously put their spin, and their considerable bounce, on it.

But, as to the subject at hand, they are are fables, until you show me the stained dress. If you had it, you would impeach.

You couldn't resist.

We have the stained dresses...thus why they are scandals...

Fast and Furious.....the administration admits that we were smuggling arms across the border and furnishing them to the enemy of an ally...that is the stained dress.....but has no idea who knew about it, who approved it and no one was held accountable......that makes it a scandal

Benghazi......the administration admits that it was decided that there was not enough time to get in there and help...that's the stained dress......but it has yet to explain how it knew how long the siege would last. That makes it a scandal

IRS....records show that conservative groups received no answers at all over months, sometimes years while liberal group[s got answers within weeks, sometimes a few months...that is the stained dress.....but no one knows why. That makes it a scandal

Easy to ask short questions, but the research and answers to them are long and arduous. Chances are, there are already threads devoted to them.

If your questions are relevant, have they not already been asked in the endless investigations?

If they haven't been asked, whose fault is that?

So you don't know the answers? The how do you know they are fables? Afterall, THOSE answers would put to rest the scandals

Yes, they have been asked, but not answered.

You see, that is how folks are being duped. The administration continually says "hearing after hearings and you guys are still digging"...and THAT is what YOU hear...

But being retired, I watch the hearings. When pertinent questions are asked such as the ones I presented they go unanswered.

What happens is the one answering,avoids the question and continues to do so until the questioners time is up.

Thus why additional hearings...and the same thing happens.

Brings me back to the first Obama campaign..

There were questions about the changing story regarding Obamas relationship with Bill Ayers....and they were not being answered by Bill Burton (the press spokesman for the campaign)....

SO one day, Megyn Kelley asked him again....

and his response....

"you guys keep on asking me that question and no matter how many times you ask it, my answer will not change."

So Megyn said "but that's the point, we keep on asking becuase you WONT answer."

And he said "just becuase you don't like my answer, doesn't mean I didn't answer it."

So she said "OK, answer it now and I wont ask again"...

His response?

"that is not what the American people want to hear about. They want to hear about the economy and jobs".....

In other answer.
They've all been very well schooled in the Alinsky method of dodging and weaving and leaving the illusion with the gullible that they answered the embarrassing question when they never do. :)
Your base will LIKE IT LIKE IT LIKE IT
Even if it's a FABLE FABLE FABLE
Let me guess ? Old Libby's jingle from the 70's? Still haven't grown up? From judging your posts? Not surprising. And no it wasn't cute in the least.

Yes! Libby's Libby's Libby's! You win the internets today!

Our memories and mental ages are about the same!

And my posts are generally well thought out, on point, and damn near thread-killers! Although,sometimes they are just for fun!

Can't you see that your scandals were mere fables? Why were they more prominently featured before the election, than afterward? Could it be they were just blown out of proportion for their electorial impact?

What is Issa doing today? Shouldn't he be drafting his articles of impeachment? Why is he not? Has he failed to listen to Fox, talk radio, or this message board?

Or has he just failed?
They've all been very well schooled in the Alinsky method of dodging and weaving and leaving the illusion with the gullible that they answered the embarrassing question when they never do. :)
It is said that brevity is the soul of wit. Too bad they never learned that lesson. Living their lives in grey areas has a tendency to have that effect.
Sigh. Impenitent seems to be just another troll to ignore until he steps far enough over the line to report. Why oh why are there so MANY like that on the left? :(

But I wonder if there is one honorable leftist in all of USMB who will accept my challenge:

Take one scandal listed in the OP and make a credible argument for why it is a phony scandal. And the fact that it was reported on Fox News or any other source will not be accepted as a credible argument. :)
Your base will LIKE IT LIKE IT LIKE IT
Even if it's a FABLE FABLE FABLE
Let me guess ? Old Libby's jingle from the 70's? Still haven't grown up? From judging your posts? Not surprising. And no it wasn't cute in the least.

Yes! Libby's Libby's Libby's! You win the internets today!

Our memories and mental ages are about the same!

And my posts are generally well thought out, on point, and damn near thread-killers! Although,sometimes they are just for fun!

Can't you see that your scandals were mere fables? Why were they more prominently featured before the election, than afterward? Could it be they were just blown out of proportion for their electorial impact?

What is Issa doing today? Shouldn't he be drafting his articles of impeachment? Why is he not? Has he failed to listen to Fox, talk radio, or this message board?

Or has he just failed?


The President has not been accused of committing a crime.

The fact that you think impeachment is a GOP consideration (or would be a GOP consideration) shows how little you know about our government and our constitution.

Sort of explains your lack of knowledge of what is going on in Washington right now.

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