Phony Scandals?

Issues of the type referenced in the OP

  • are real scandals.

    Votes: 62 80.5%
  • are phony scandals.

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • are not easily judged. I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 3.9%

  • Total voters
Hell, I've called for his impeachment. Not that I think it's the right thing to do right now. But talk is cheap and its easy to pop off with phrases I am not really serious about putting into practice. It's like saying in frustration "I could strangle you" when nobody thinks I mean that literally. (Usually.) But give me Joe Biden, give me Hillary Clinton, give me almost ANYBODY other than Barack Obama right now. I can't think of many in high office who have done as much damage to this country as he has.

Then why waste time on scandals, which, by your own admission, do not rate as high crimes or misdemeanors.

And if they aren't crimes, how can they be scandals?

Why aren't you over on the impeachment thread telling those good GOPers how foolish they are?
Has nothing to do with the GOP. How many times must a POTUS (ANY POTUS), subvert the Constitution with impunity and get away with it?

I see Obama doing things that brought others down. WHY isn't he being called out on it? Is he and/or his minions threatening those that would blow the whistle?

I would say that IS the case.
Then let him bring his bill to the House floor for a vote...

Oh, wait..

Are you the quality of drone that hate sites like ThinkProgess are putting out these days? :eek:

Not sure what you're saying. Are you saying that because Dewhurst is idiotic, TP should not have bothered to quote him? ..or that they misquoted him?... Or that I misquoted TP?

Or what is actually happening - Dewhurst is demagoguing Obama before a guilable Tea Party crowd Just like Rick Perry did about succession in order to win an election, and we should just leave him alone.

And that has what to do with scandals, phony or otherwise, in the Obama Administration?

The ultimate GOP goal of the scandal hearings is impeachment. Read the impeachment thread!
Not sure what you're saying.

That you're an idiot.

Are you saying that because Dewhurst is idiotic, TP should not have bothered to quote him? ..or that they misquoted him?... Or that I misquoted TP?

{Clause 5: The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment. }

Lt. Governors have no power to impeach presidents, sparky.

Or what is actually happening - Dewhurst is demagoguing Obama before a guilable Tea Party crowd Just like Rick Perry did about succession in order to win an election, and we should just leave him alone.

I'm thinking it's more likely that you're trolling before a not so gullible message board crowd.

The hate sites should withhold your stipend this week; failure to perform...

You fail to grasp my nuance. That's ok...I'll dial it back in the future. :)
Not sure what you're saying. Are you saying that because Dewhurst is idiotic, TP should not have bothered to quote him? ..or that they misquoted him?... Or that I misquoted TP?

Or what is actually happening - Dewhurst is demagoguing Obama before a guilable Tea Party crowd Just like Rick Perry did about succession in order to win an election, and we should just leave him alone.

And that has what to do with scandals, phony or otherwise, in the Obama Administration?

The ultimate GOP goal of the scandal hearings is impeachment. Read the impeachment thread!
NO the goal is doing their jobs IAW the US Constitution. YOU really need to take off the partisan blinders sport.
Not sure what you're saying.

That you're an idiot.

{Clause 5: The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment. }

Lt. Governors have no power to impeach presidents, sparky.

Or what is actually happening - Dewhurst is demagoguing Obama before a guilable Tea Party crowd Just like Rick Perry did about succession in order to win an election, and we should just leave him alone.

I'm thinking it's more likely that you're trolling before a not so gullible message board crowd.

The hate sites should withhold your stipend this week; failure to perform...

You fail to grasp my nuance. That's ok...I'll dial it back in the future. :)
And that's the problem with you and your fellow travelers...NUANCE...GREY AREAS. The truth you pretend to seek will remain hidden.
Not sure what you're saying.

That you're an idiot.

Are you saying that because Dewhurst is idiotic, TP should not have bothered to quote him? ..or that they misquoted him?... Or that I misquoted TP?

{Clause 5: The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment. }

Lt. Governors have no power to impeach presidents, sparky.

Or what is actually happening - Dewhurst is demagoguing Obama before a guilable Tea Party crowd Just like Rick Perry did about succession in order to win an election, and we should just leave him alone.

I'm thinking it's more likely that you're trolling before a not so gullible message board crowd.

The hate sites should withhold your stipend this week; failure to perform...

I said Dewhurst was calling for Obama's impeachment, in direct contradiction of jarheads assertion:

"The fact that you think impeachment is a GOP consideration (or would be a GOP consideration) shows how little you know about our government and our constitution."

I didn't say that Dewhurst could personally do it, nor did I say the talking heads of Fox could do it.

That demagoguing merely excites the excitable Fox viewers,Tea Partiers, and, obviously, gullible USMB members
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I said Dewhurst was calling for Obama's impeachment, in direct contradiction of jarheads assertion:

And you still fail to grasp that what this Dewhurst person calls for has no bearing on anything.

"The fact that you think impeachment is a GOP consideration (or would be a GOP consideration) shows how little you know about our government and our constitution."

Still don't grasp that only the House can impeach, huh sparky?

Jerome (one tooth) said that all Republicans should be killed. He registered democrat to get his Obama EBT card.


Jeezus but you morons are dense....

I didn't say that Dewhurst could personally do it, nor did I say the talking heads of Fox could do it.

That demagoguing merely excites the excitable Fox viewers,Tea Partiers, and, obviously, gullible USMB members

Derp derp derp indeed, sparky.....
Not sure what you're saying. Are you saying that because Dewhurst is idiotic, TP should not have bothered to quote him? ..or that they misquoted him?... Or that I misquoted TP?

Or what is actually happening - Dewhurst is demagoguing Obama before a guilable Tea Party crowd Just like Rick Perry did about succession in order to win an election, and we should just leave him alone.

And that has what to do with scandals, phony or otherwise, in the Obama Administration?

The ultimate GOP goal of the scandal hearings is impeachment. Read the impeachment thread!

I'm sure you are instructed to say that as that is clearly in the current assigned talking points for all the folks they send out to message boards to obfusicate, detract, derail, and otherwise deflect any discussions critical of the current Administration. I don't want to think all of you who can actually put a coherent sentence together are actually so stupid as to believe what you write. It's bad enough that so may are dishonest enough to write it in the face of overwhelming evidence otherwise.

But it's nice you took the trouble to scour the country to find a Republican who suggested impeachment. That makes your argument so much more credible that all Republicans think that are are trying to make it happen. Even though I doubt you would say that the critics of former Presidents had the sole motive of impeachment in mind when they voiced their opinions.

What is sad is that some would stoop so incredibly low to suggest such a thing to avoid looking at the issues that some of us are criticizing and/or objecting to.
Phony scandals?

By one pundit's account, since his first inauguration, President Obama is on his 17th speech making tour focusing on job creation. This time the catch phrase he uses again and again, and is being picked up by surrogate talking heads, is that the Republicans try to block efforts to create jobs with distractions such as, among other things, 'phony scandals.'


- The fact that the families of those killed and wounded in Benghazi still can't get straight answers from the administration, and witnesses are ordered into silence is a 'phony scandal'?

- GSA employees spending millions of tax payer dollars having a high old time and making videos of themselves is not a scandal? Ditto federal employees in other agencies?

- IRS blocking hundreds of applications of conservative groups and almost no applications of liberal groups in the years prior to the 2010 and 2012 elections is not a scandal?

- Labeling a news reporters as a possible felon to justify a personal investigation of him, for no reason other than he was investigating some of these things, is not a scandal?

- Collecting e-mails and other personal information from all AP reporters is not a scandal?

- Collecting phone et al information from millions of Americans is not a scandal?

- Federal investigation/continued persecution of one citizen declared not guilty by a jury of his peers when hundreds/thousands of racially motivated henious crimes go unmentioned at the federal level is not a scandal?

- The fact that every single time the President has declared he knew nothing of federal misconduct and found out about it the same way we did--in the media--is not a scandal?

What do you think? Billions of the people's money, our privacy, our civil liberties are at stake in all of these things. Are these phony scandals? Are they worthy of media and citizen attention? How out of the loops should a President be allowed to be before that in itself becomes a scandal?

The Obama Cult no longer drinks the KoolAid, that's too diluted; they're snorting it straight from the can
Phony scandals?

By one pundit's account, since his first inauguration, President Obama is on his 17th speech making tour focusing on job creation. This time the catch phrase he uses again and again, and is being picked up by surrogate talking heads, is that the Republicans try to block efforts to create jobs with distractions such as, among other things, 'phony scandals.'


- The fact that the families of those killed and wounded in Benghazi still can't get straight answers from the administration, and witnesses are ordered into silence is a 'phony scandal'?

- GSA employees spending millions of tax payer dollars having a high old time and making videos of themselves is not a scandal? Ditto federal employees in other agencies?

- IRS blocking hundreds of applications of conservative groups and almost no applications of liberal groups in the years prior to the 2010 and 2012 elections is not a scandal?

- Labeling a news reporters as a possible felon to justify a personal investigation of him, for no reason other than he was investigating some of these things, is not a scandal?

- Collecting e-mails and other personal information from all AP reporters is not a scandal?

- Collecting phone et al information from millions of Americans is not a scandal?

- Federal investigation/continued persecution of one citizen declared not guilty by a jury of his peers when hundreds/thousands of racially motivated henious crimes go unmentioned at the federal level is not a scandal?

- The fact that every single time the President has declared he knew nothing of federal misconduct and found out about it the same way we did--in the media--is not a scandal?

What do you think? Billions of the people's money, our privacy, our civil liberties are at stake in all of these things. Are these phony scandals? Are they worthy of media and citizen attention? How out of the loops should a President be allowed to be before that in itself becomes a scandal?

The Obama Cult no longer drinks the KoolAid, that's too diluted; they're snorting it straight from the can

You know I really wish somebody on the left could offer a comprehensive argument as to why any one of the 'scandals' we have brought up are wrongly classified as scandals. I could really respect somebody with the character and insight to do that.

But alas, nobody has even tried.
Phony scandals?

By one pundit's account, since his first inauguration, President Obama is on his 17th speech making tour focusing on job creation. This time the catch phrase he uses again and again, and is being picked up by surrogate talking heads, is that the Republicans try to block efforts to create jobs with distractions such as, among other things, 'phony scandals.'


- The fact that the families of those killed and wounded in Benghazi still can't get straight answers from the administration, and witnesses are ordered into silence is a 'phony scandal'?

- GSA employees spending millions of tax payer dollars having a high old time and making videos of themselves is not a scandal? Ditto federal employees in other agencies?

- IRS blocking hundreds of applications of conservative groups and almost no applications of liberal groups in the years prior to the 2010 and 2012 elections is not a scandal?

- Labeling a news reporters as a possible felon to justify a personal investigation of him, for no reason other than he was investigating some of these things, is not a scandal?

- Collecting e-mails and other personal information from all AP reporters is not a scandal?

- Collecting phone et al information from millions of Americans is not a scandal?

- Federal investigation/continued persecution of one citizen declared not guilty by a jury of his peers when hundreds/thousands of racially motivated henious crimes go unmentioned at the federal level is not a scandal?

- The fact that every single time the President has declared he knew nothing of federal misconduct and found out about it the same way we did--in the media--is not a scandal?

What do you think? Billions of the people's money, our privacy, our civil liberties are at stake in all of these things. Are these phony scandals? Are they worthy of media and citizen attention? How out of the loops should a President be allowed to be before that in itself becomes a scandal?

The Obama Cult no longer drinks the KoolAid, that's too diluted; they're snorting it straight from the can

You know I really wish somebody on the left could offer a comprehensive argument as to why any one of the 'scandals' we have brought up are wrongly classified as scandals. I could really respect somebody with the character and insight to do that.

But alas, nobody has even tried.
But in a manner of speaking? They have. It illustrates the flaw in their character as the person they continue to defend. They defend the indefensible.
Not that I'm judging, but your chosen username is an indication of your most trusted name in news.

And I don't know your posting history, but just going back a few posts, you say, "Okay, it has been mentioned briefly on Fox News but.".

And regardless of which source you cite, Fox has obviously put their spin, and their considerable bounce, on it.

But, as to the subject at hand, they are are fables, until you show me the stained dress. If you had it, you would impeach.

You couldn't resist.

Fox News is the only TV network that criticizes Big Ears, which is why the Left hates it. But all the other networks are part of the White House communications department. Do leftists want a completely subservient press?

So whether Fox News' criticism is accurate or not, means nothing to me. Every POTUS no matter party, must be regularly and vehemently criticized by the press. Because without it, the POTUS will abuse his Big Ears has done.

The press went after W with a vengeance. Much of it was unwarranted and inaccurate, but the MSM is operated by leftists, so this is expected. However I think their constant and diligent criticism of W prevented him from abusing the enormous power the office...but even so, it did not prevent him from doing tremendous damage.

True. If it wasn't for Fox News, conservative talk radio, and the very few conservative internet news sources out there, few of us would have ever heard about most of this stuff because it would have been buried somewhere deep in the newspaper below the fold and not mentioned at all on the network nightly news. Obama's surrogate media is very efficient and effective in glossing over anything that might make him look bad while magnifying any sins of the loyal opposition.

But because there are still some media sources doing their jobs, we DO know about the scandals and are provided with sufficient information to judge for ourselves whether they are phony or not.

Agreed. But it must be remembered that until Rush hit the air waves in 1988, there was nearly zero conservative viewpoints in the national press. Fox News did not appear until 1996. The press has long been dominated by the left and still is.

What does the Left think about conservative members of the press? They have done their best to condemn and terminate them.

The MSM's near complete love of Ds is very harmful. If the press does not expose corruption and abuse of power, wherever it exists, Americans and America is harmed.

Remember NBC had the Monica story, but buried it to protect BJ Bubba. It took an obscure website (obscure then) to expose it. Could the MSM be protecting Big Ears now?
And that has what to do with scandals, phony or otherwise, in the Obama Administration?

The ultimate GOP goal of the scandal hearings is impeachment. Read the impeachment thread!

I'm sure you are instructed to say that as that is clearly in the current assigned talking points for all the folks they send out to message boards to obfusicate, detract, derail, and otherwise deflect any discussions critical of the current Administration. I don't want to think all of you who can actually put a coherent sentence together are actually so stupid as to believe what you write. It's bad enough that so may are dishonest enough to write it in the face of overwhelming evidence otherwise.

But it's nice you took the trouble to scour the country to find a Republican who suggested impeachment. That makes your argument so much more credible that all Republicans think that are are trying to make it happen. Even though I doubt you would say that the critics of former Presidents had the sole motive of impeachment in mind when they voiced their opinions.

What is sad is that some would stoop so incredibly low to suggest such a thing to avoid looking at the issues that some of us are criticizing and/or objecting to.
At a buck a post, it ain't like I'm gettin' rich,lady!

What do you have against hard working, common people? :)

But taking note of your only possibly believable criticism, I did not "scour the the country" looking for train riding idiot republicans to criticize, Dewhurst is my Lt Gov. Sometime secessionist, Rick Perry, is my neighbor. I know where n*****head is, and I know what evil lurks in the hearts of men.

When you grow up here, the easy decision is to become one of them.

But, God, you haven't seen what I've seen, or heard what I've heard.

Yes, I'll be your opponent!

I'll do it for free.
Fox News is the only TV network that criticizes Big Ears, which is why the Left hates it. But all the other networks are part of the White House communications department. Do leftists want a completely subservient press?

So whether Fox News' criticism is accurate or not, means nothing to me. Every POTUS no matter party, must be regularly and vehemently criticized by the press. Because without it, the POTUS will abuse his Big Ears has done.

The press went after W with a vengeance. Much of it was unwarranted and inaccurate, but the MSM is operated by leftists, so this is expected. However I think their constant and diligent criticism of W prevented him from abusing the enormous power the office...but even so, it did not prevent him from doing tremendous damage.

True. If it wasn't for Fox News, conservative talk radio, and the very few conservative internet news sources out there, few of us would have ever heard about most of this stuff because it would have been buried somewhere deep in the newspaper below the fold and not mentioned at all on the network nightly news. Obama's surrogate media is very efficient and effective in glossing over anything that might make him look bad while magnifying any sins of the loyal opposition.

But because there are still some media sources doing their jobs, we DO know about the scandals and are provided with sufficient information to judge for ourselves whether they are phony or not.

Agreed. But it must be remembered that until Rush hit the air waves in 1988, there was nearly zero conservative viewpoints in the national press. Fox News did not appear until 1996. The press has long been dominated by the left and still is.

What does the Left think about conservative members of the press? They have done their best to condemn and terminate them.

The MSM's near complete love of Ds is very harmful. If the press does not expose corruption and abuse of power, wherever it exists, Americans and America is harmed.

Remember NBC had the Monica story, but buried it to protect BJ Bubba. It took an obscure website (obscure then) to expose it. Could the MSM be protecting Big Ears now?

Yes, I remember all that well. We had always depended upon the media to inform us of what we could not know on our own, and until the anti-establishment movement of the 1960's started moving into and pretty well controlling education, the media, and the Democratic Party, the media had served its role well and honorably for the most part.

As a passionate student of modern history, and as a former member of that same media off an on over the years, it is my opinion that it was because the media had largely abandoned its mission to be the Fourth Estate and the harbinger of truth and light into dark places, that sky rocketed a Rush Limbaugh into stardom almost overnight once he was syndicated. It had been so long that those of us on the right had heard our point of view expressed that it was like a breath of fresh air. We were hungry for it and we were beginning to despair that we were all alone in the world. It was great to discover that we were not.

And of course Rush's success is what propelled the whole conservative talk movement as station after station dumped their music or other formats to adopt news/talk that is the format for the Number 1 station in most markets these days.

It is the same syndrome that has produced Fox News' success. The networks and CNN had become such shills for the left that it was extremely frustrating for those of us who wanted the rest of the story. Fox has provided that, and has done so in an honorable and balanced way, and those hungry for that have become its audience.

Those who hate talk radio, hate the conservative press, and hate Fox News hate them all not because they are dishonest, but because they report news that would otherwise be buried or downplayed to the point that the left always looks good. The poliicies of the left don't often look good in the cold hard light of truth. So truth is not a virtue that the left appreciates.

And THAT was the motive for this thread in the first place. To look for the truth re the current scandals even if the scandal turned out not to be what it first appears and the Administration or Congress could be exhonerated.

I keep waiting for those on the Left to start producing the evidence that the scandals are not scandals at all. But all they seem to be able to post are rude or snarky comments that there is nothing to them. Sorry folks, but that just isn't evidence enough for me.
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At a buck a post, it ain't like I'm gettin' rich,lady!

What do you have against hard working, common people? :)

I heard that originally Common Dreams was going to pay you $1 per IQ point per hour to post here.

BUT since that fell below minimum wage, they had to go with the buck a post thingy...

But taking note of your only possibly believable criticism, I did not "scour the the country" looking for train riding idiot republicans to criticize, Dewhurst is my Lt Gov. Sometime secessionist, Rick Perry, is my neighbor. I know where n*****head is, and I know what evil lurks in the hearts of men.

Since he has no more influence on the process than you or Rdean have, it's not particularly relevant, now is it?

When you grow up here, the easy decision is to become one of them.

But, God, you haven't seen what I've seen, or heard what I've heard.

Yes, I'll be your opponent!

I'll do it for free.

You're going to give up your gig as a professional demagogue?
True. If it wasn't for Fox News, conservative talk radio, and the very few conservative internet news sources out there, few of us would have ever heard about most of this stuff because it would have been buried somewhere deep in the newspaper below the fold and not mentioned at all on the network nightly news. Obama's surrogate media is very efficient and effective in glossing over anything that might make him look bad while magnifying any sins of the loyal opposition.

But because there are still some media sources doing their jobs, we DO know about the scandals and are provided with sufficient information to judge for ourselves whether they are phony or not.

Agreed. But it must be remembered that until Rush hit the air waves in 1988, there was nearly zero conservative viewpoints in the national press. Fox News did not appear until 1996. The press has long been dominated by the left and still is.

What does the Left think about conservative members of the press? They have done their best to condemn and terminate them.

The MSM's near complete love of Ds is very harmful. If the press does not expose corruption and abuse of power, wherever it exists, Americans and America is harmed.

Remember NBC had the Monica story, but buried it to protect BJ Bubba. It took an obscure website (obscure then) to expose it. Could the MSM be protecting Big Ears now?

Yes, I remember all that well. We had always depended upon the media to inform us of what we could not know on our own, and until the anti-establishment movement of the 1960's started moving into and pretty well controlling education, the media, and the Democratic Party, the media had served its role well and honorably for the most part.

As a passionate student of modern history, and as a former member of that same media off an on over the years, it is my opinion that it was because the media had largely abandoned its mission to be the Fourth Estate and the harbinger of truth and light into dark places, that sky rocketed a Rush Limbaugh into stardom almost overnight once he was syndicated. It had been so long that those of us on the right had heard our point of view expressed that it was like a breath of fresh air. We were hungry for it and we were beginning to despair that we were all alone in the world. It was great to discover that we were not.

And of course Rush's success is what propelled the whole conservative talk movement as station after station dumped their music or other formats to adopt news/talk that is the format for the Number 1 station in most markets these days.

It is the same syndrome that has produced Fox News' success. The networks and CNN had become such shills for the left that it was extremely frustrating for those of us who wanted the rest of the story. Fox has provided that, and has done so in an honorable and balanced way, and those hungry for that have become its audience.

Those who hate talk radio, hate the conservative press, and hate Fox News hate them all not because they are dishonest, but because they report news that would otherwise be buried or downplayed to the point that the left always looks good. The poliicies of the left don't often look good in the cold hard light of truth. So truth is not a virtue that the left appreciates.

And THAT was the motive for this thread in the first place. To look for the truth re the current scandals even if the scandal turned out not to be what it first appears and the Administration or Congress could be exhonerated.

I keep waiting for those on the Left to start producing the evidence that the scandals are not scandals at all. But all they seem to be able to post are rude or snarky comments that there is nothing to them. Sorry folks, but that just isn't evidence enough for me.

Entirely agree.

The MSM instead of being the Fourth Estate, is actually the Fifth Column. Wow I just came up with that...I really like it...but I digress....sorry.

If the MSM actually did it's job fairly and honestly, Americans would be much better informed. The MSM divides Americans with their divisive and dishonest reporting. And the politicians use this to their advantage...duping millions of Americans.
Congress may soon investigate a media report claiming the Labor Department falsified the nation's jobless numbers a month before the 2012 election.

A Republican aide told the Washington Examiner the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is digging into the claim, published in the New York Post on Tuesday.

"The allegation that data gathered by the Census Bureau is being manipulated for any reason is extremely serious," the GOP aide told the Examiner. "The Oversight Committee has jurisdiction over the Census Bureau and will be thoroughly investigating these claims."

The Census Bureau is part of the Commerce, but in 2009 the Obama administration altered the chain of command so that the Census Bureau director now reports to the White House as well as the department secretary. Republicans protested the change, saying that it undercuts the independence and trustworthiness of the Census.

The Post reports that an employee at the Census Bureau, Julius Buckmon, fabricated data for the monthly employment report because he could not reach people to complete the survey.

Buckmon, the Post reported, was "not the only one" faking the data. . . .
Congress will investigate report of faked pre-election jobs data |

However, on Fox News last night, I can't remember which anchor, referred to the "GOP aide" who presumably leaked the story and says that this person now denies that she leaked it. Which no doubt accounts for why Fox news reporters and anchors are proceeding very cautiously on this story. So far they are doing a good job of reporting only the facts they have and are doing no speculation.

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