Phony Scandals?

Issues of the type referenced in the OP

  • are real scandals.

    Votes: 62 80.5%
  • are phony scandals.

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • are not easily judged. I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 3.9%

  • Total voters
I don't know whether it qualifies as 'scandal', but I know the White House Press Corp is unhappy that they are being barred from attending most meetings involving Obama or his high level people lately and are not allowed to take photographs. Makes you wonder what's up with that huh?

However it at least amplifies the scandals that then Senators Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Patrick Leahy are all on record as vehemently objecting to a GOP threat to impose a 'nuclear option' during the Bush Administration--an option that most Republicans were lukewarm to and therefore it didn't happen.

As of yesterday, Harry Reid changed the rules to allow the 'nuclear option' as the standard policy of the Senate from this day forth. This is of course was for the primary purpose of allowing Obama to pack the DC circuit court with people who won't challenge him on anything and give him pretty much free rein to do whatever he wants.

Scandal? It is to me.

Here is what they said back then though:
The Hypocrisy Is Nuclear: Top Democrat Amnesia on the Nuclear Option | Western Free Press
You don't get it do you Mamooth. It hasn't been our side pushing impeachment. It has been YOUR side desperate to get legs onto that rumor and off the real scandals out there. Like Obamacare.

yeah they are always distracting the american people with something while they sign things behind our back.a DC trick of the trade.
You don't get it do you Mamooth. It hasn't been our side pushing impeachment. It has been YOUR side desperate to get legs onto that rumor and off the real scandals out there. Like Obamacare.

yeah they are always distracting the american people with something while they sign things behind our back.a DC trick of the trade.

Certainly they are desperate hoping for another George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin type incident or a Sandra Fluke moment or ANYTHING that will divert the media's attention from Obamacare right now. And of course they are hoping that it will work like it always does--the current sound and fury will die down to a low murmer and everybody will move on. By the time the 2014 election rols around it will be 'old news' that the media will be allowed to ignore.

All but a few sources are already trying to ignore the steadily emerging evidence that the Administration knew about the problems well in advance and deliberately lied to us about it. If ANY other President had been dishonest enough or crass enough to say he wasn't advised of the problems with his signature piece of legislation, the hue and cry would have been deafening. But the media is letting Obama get away with that.

Their problem this time, however, is that the damage keeps escalating, and as more and more people realize how they will be affected, this one might not blow over so easily.
Crickets? Are scandals so routine nobody cares anymore?

I'd like to add obstruction, sequester, and shutdown to the list of scandals.

I think they most certainly qualify under the reasons you've listed.

Couldn't agree more. All Obama's doing. Oh think that conservatives are responsible don't you? :cuckoo:

Yes! And,obviously, the OP does too, else she would have included them in the initial list!
You don't get it do you Mamooth. It hasn't been our side pushing impeachment. It has been YOUR side desperate to get legs onto that rumor and off the real scandals out there. Like Obamacare.

yeah they are always distracting the american people with something while they sign things behind our back.a DC trick of the trade.

Certainly they are desperate hoping for another George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin type incident or a Sandra Fluke moment or ANYTHING that will divert the media's attention from Obamacare right now. And of course they are hoping that it will work like it always does--the current sound and fury will die down to a low murmer and everybody will move on. By the time the 2014 election rols around it will be 'old news' that the media will be allowed to ignore.

All but a few sources are already trying to ignore the steadily emerging evidence that the Administration knew about the problems well in advance and deliberately lied to us about it. If ANY other President had been dishonest enough or crass enough to say he wasn't advised of the problems with his signature piece of legislation, the hue and cry would have been deafening. But the media is letting Obama get away with that.

Their problem this time, however, is that the damage keeps escalating, and as more and more people realize how they will be affected, this one might not blow over so easily.

thats true!. places like twitter and face book have let people know whats happening and people are not fooled any more.people see all the lies and cover ups now as they un fold in real time.becaues the media news will not tell the truth.come 2014 we can only pray and hope that all the coruption can be got out.
yeah they are always distracting the american people with something while they sign things behind our back.a DC trick of the trade.

Certainly they are desperate hoping for another George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin type incident or a Sandra Fluke moment or ANYTHING that will divert the media's attention from Obamacare right now. And of course they are hoping that it will work like it always does--the current sound and fury will die down to a low murmer and everybody will move on. By the time the 2014 election rols around it will be 'old news' that the media will be allowed to ignore.

All but a few sources are already trying to ignore the steadily emerging evidence that the Administration knew about the problems well in advance and deliberately lied to us about it. If ANY other President had been dishonest enough or crass enough to say he wasn't advised of the problems with his signature piece of legislation, the hue and cry would have been deafening. But the media is letting Obama get away with that.

Their problem this time, however, is that the damage keeps escalating, and as more and more people realize how they will be affected, this one might not blow over so easily.

thats true!. places like twitter and face book have let people know whats happening and people are not fooled any more.people see all the lies and cover ups now as they un fold in real time.becaues the media news will not tell the truth.come 2014 we can only pray and hope that all the coruption can be got out.

Well it's a sad truth that if it were not for the internet, all the people who don't watch Fox News or listen to talk radio, which is the majority of the people, most people would not even know about the scandals because even when the mainstream media reports them, it does so in a way as to not attract much attention or imply that they are of much importance. We can no longer depend on the mainstream media to inform us. Unless it is something about somebody on the right in which case it gets a LOT of attention.

Which is why I hope those of us who do seek the truth instead of what is politically correct or expedient will not grow weary of keeping the focus on the worst as well as the best. Americans have become so conditioned to the 30-second sound bite or the one liners that too many of us have too short attention spans or too little patience to learn the stuff that is really important. Which is one reason we have allowed our country to be in the sorry shape it is in.

So let us not become weary of shining the light of truth on what ails us.
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Certainly they are desperate hoping for another George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin type incident or a Sandra Fluke moment or ANYTHING that will divert the media's attention from Obamacare right now. And of course they are hoping that it will work like it always does--the current sound and fury will die down to a low murmer and everybody will move on. By the time the 2014 election rols around it will be 'old news' that the media will be allowed to ignore.

All but a few sources are already trying to ignore the steadily emerging evidence that the Administration knew about the problems well in advance and deliberately lied to us about it. If ANY other President had been dishonest enough or crass enough to say he wasn't advised of the problems with his signature piece of legislation, the hue and cry would have been deafening. But the media is letting Obama get away with that.

Their problem this time, however, is that the damage keeps escalating, and as more and more people realize how they will be affected, this one might not blow over so easily.

thats true!. places like twitter and face book have let people know whats happening and people are not fooled any more.people see all the lies and cover ups now as they un fold in real time.becaues the media news will not tell the truth.come 2014 we can only pray and hope that all the coruption can be got out.

Well it's a sad truth that if it were not for the internet, all the people who don't watch Fox News or listen to talk radio, which is the majority of the people, most people would not even know about the scandals because even when the mainstream media reports them, it does so in a way as to not attract much attention or imply that they are of much importance. We can no longer depend on the mainstream media to inform us. Unless it is something about somebody on the right in which case it gets a LOT of attention.

Which is why I hope those of us who do seek the truth instead of what is politically correct or expedient will not grow weary of keeping the focus on the worst as well as the best. Americans have become so conditioned to the 30-second sound bite or the one liners that too many of us have too short attention spans or too little patience to learn the stuff that is really important. Which is one reason we have allowed our country to be in the sorry shape it is in.

So let us not become weary of shining the light of truth on what ails us.

that's true. i use to listen to talk radio to get the i can listen to it on the computer. and social networks.
Me too, Naomibee. I listened to a lot of talk radio when I was still working and was spending hours on the road, and then it was usually running in the background back in the office when I was writing up reports into the wee hours of the morning.

I really infrequently listen to talk radio these days and I do get the majority of my news from internet sources. But I still have occasion in to listen in on Rush or Sean or Laura or Levin for maybe a short segment and we do fairly often at least watch O'Reilly's opening monlogue if we don't stay with the program to the end. My favorite on Fox News is Greta--she does very little editorializing and crams a lot of pithy stuff into her program plus she doesn't talk over her guest spots like O'Reilly does. He drives me crazy doing that.

But the scandals are out there. They would have been hugely condemned by almost everybody not all that long ago, but the bar for truth, honesty, and integrity has been set so low on the left, they honestly don't care how corrupt or dishonest their guys are just so long as they win. That's true even of some on the right, but I think a lot of us have not been so completely corrupted yet.
Me too, Naomibee. I listened to a lot of talk radio when I was still working and was spending hours on the road, and then it was usually running in the background back in the office when I was writing up reports into the wee hours of the morning.

I really infrequently listen to talk radio these days and I do get the majority of my news from internet sources. But I still have occasion in to listen in on Rush or Sean or Laura or Levin for maybe a short segment and we do fairly often at least watch O'Reilly's opening monlogue if we don't stay with the program to the end. My favorite on Fox News is Greta--she does very little editorializing and crams a lot of pithy stuff into her program plus she doesn't talk over her guest spots like O'Reilly does. He drives me crazy doing that.

But the scandals are out there. They would have been hugely condemned by almost everybody not all that long ago, but the bar for truth, honesty, and integrity has been set so low on the left, they honestly don't care how corrupt or dishonest their guys are just so long as they win. That's true even of some on the right, but I think a lot of us have not been so completely corrupted yet.

In the rightwing blogosphere and echo chamber, perhaps, devoid of any objective, documented facts or evidence.

But those ‘scandals’ are out there – somewhere…
Me too, Naomibee. I listened to a lot of talk radio when I was still working and was spending hours on the road, and then it was usually running in the background back in the office when I was writing up reports into the wee hours of the morning.

I really infrequently listen to talk radio these days and I do get the majority of my news from internet sources. But I still have occasion in to listen in on Rush or Sean or Laura or Levin for maybe a short segment and we do fairly often at least watch O'Reilly's opening monlogue if we don't stay with the program to the end. My favorite on Fox News is Greta--she does very little editorializing and crams a lot of pithy stuff into her program plus she doesn't talk over her guest spots like O'Reilly does. He drives me crazy doing that.

But the scandals are out there. They would have been hugely condemned by almost everybody not all that long ago, but the bar for truth, honesty, and integrity has been set so low on the left, they honestly don't care how corrupt or dishonest their guys are just so long as they win. That's true even of some on the right, but I think a lot of us have not been so completely corrupted yet.

In the rightwing blogosphere and echo chamber, perhaps, devoid of any objective, documented facts or evidence.

But those ‘scandals’ are out there – somewhere…

Oh there has been plenty of back tracking evidence by this administration in an effort to "save face" surrounding some of the big events that shadows this president's damaged legacy. Of course the left's media, like those of MSNBC will do their best to salvage and save a man, who has a way of creating "this thrill going up their leg".
Me too, Naomibee. I listened to a lot of talk radio when I was still working and was spending hours on the road, and then it was usually running in the background back in the office when I was writing up reports into the wee hours of the morning.

I really infrequently listen to talk radio these days and I do get the majority of my news from internet sources. But I still have occasion in to listen in on Rush or Sean or Laura or Levin for maybe a short segment and we do fairly often at least watch O'Reilly's opening monlogue if we don't stay with the program to the end. My favorite on Fox News is Greta--she does very little editorializing and crams a lot of pithy stuff into her program plus she doesn't talk over her guest spots like O'Reilly does. He drives me crazy doing that.

But the scandals are out there. They would have been hugely condemned by almost everybody not all that long ago, but the bar for truth, honesty, and integrity has been set so low on the left, they honestly don't care how corrupt or dishonest their guys are just so long as they win. That's true even of some on the right, but I think a lot of us have not been so completely corrupted yet.

In the rightwing blogosphere and echo chamber, perhaps, devoid of any objective, documented facts or evidence.

But those ‘scandals’ are out there – somewhere…

Oh there has been plenty of back tracking evidence by this administration in an effort to "save face" surrounding some of the big events that shadows this president's damaged legacy. Of course the left's media, like those of MSNBC will do their best to salvage and save a man, who has a way of creating "this thrill going up their leg".

The left's assigned talking point on the Left seems to be to parrot over and over: 'not a shred of evidence.' Of course they haven't read the thread or they would have seen myriad links to LOTS of evidence.

Nor has a single person accepted my challenge to take ANY ONE of the scandals listed in the OP and show how it is NOT something that should be questioned or criticized--i.e. NOT a scandal. Or, if phrasing it like that is too much like asking them to prove a negative, they could show how these things were necessary or important to do or have produced honorable results. That it would have been a good thing for Republicans to have done if they had been in power. Not one has even attempted to do that.

And nobody is suggesting that the rightwing has lily white clean hands either. Of course they do not. But neither have they occupied the White House the last five years and/or are in the position of having power to set policy at this time.

Question: If somebody in the past committed a sin, then it is okay for those now to commit the same or new sins? Does it justify bad behavior now? Does it mean we are not allowed to discuss current questionable decisions or purely bad or dishonest behavior in government now?
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Question: If somebody in the past committed a sin, then it is okay for those now to commit the same or new sins? Does it justify bad behavior now? Does it mean we are not allowed to discuss current questionable decisions or purely bad or dishonest behavior in government now.

i say NO. AND NO it doses not justify bad behavior. i think we should be able to discuss any thing still although on my face book you are always being monitored so they only allow what they want you to have .
You don't get it do you Mamooth. It hasn't been our side pushing impeachment. It has been YOUR side desperate to get legs onto that rumor and off the real scandals out there. Like Obamacare.

Searching for your user name and impeachment get 60 hits. :)

Next you will tell us how brer rabbit really didn't want to be thrown in the briar patch! :)
You don't get it do you Mamooth. It hasn't been our side pushing impeachment. It has been YOUR side desperate to get legs onto that rumor and off the real scandals out there. Like Obamacare.

Searching for your user name and impeachment get 60 hits. :)

Next you will tell us how brer rabbit really didn't want to be thrown in the briar patch! :)

That's racist......:mad:

This was great, Mudwhistle. You gotta love Judge Jeanine.

Okay the latest in the growing scandal of Obamacare, and she laid out the early components:

1. The person who designed it didn't understand what he was designing.
2. The Democrats who passed it didn't read it.
3. And Obama who signed it into law exempts himself, his family, and his buddies and cronies from having to participate in any part of it. And he continues to deny that there are any systemic problems with Obamacare.

The last numbers I heard were that the costs of that non functioning website have passed $600 million dollars now and are escalating.

And this week, our Fearless Leader made another executive decision that overturns the law passed by Congress. This time his papal bull declared that the renewal period in 2014 would be moved from October to November 15 which of course is safely AFTER the election. Why? Because they now know that as bad and expensive as it is now, the sticker shock on those renewals will be eye popping and certain to promote a voter backlash.

So will the mainstream media keep the public apprised of all that? Or will they continue to protect Obama and his image?

This was great, Mudwhistle. You gotta love Judge Jeanine.

Okay the latest in the growing scandal of Obamacare, and she laid out the early components:

1. The person who designed it didn't understand what he was designing.
2. The Democrats who passed it didn't read it.
3. And Obama who signed it into law exempts himself, his family, and his buddies and cronies from having to participate in any part of it. And he continues to deny that there are any systemic problems with Obamacare.

The last numbers I heard were that the costs of that non functioning website have passed $600 million dollars now and are escalating.

And this week, our Fearless Leader made another executive decision that overturns the law passed by Congress. This time his papal bull declared that the renewal period in 2014 would be moved from October to November 15 which of course is safely AFTER the election. Why? Because they now know that as bad and expensive as it is now, the sticker shock on those renewals will be eye popping and certain to promote a voter backlash.

So will the mainstream media keep the public apprised of all that? Or will they continue to protect Obama and his image?

Moving it back is a two edged sword.

If the Republicans take care of business they can demonize it to the point that it will become a toxic issue for the voters on election day. If they wanted to be like Democrats and use their own tactics against them, they can make it out to be worse than it really is.

After all, the Dems, and Obama in particular, don't have any credibility anymore.

This was great, Mudwhistle. You gotta love Judge Jeanine.

Okay the latest in the growing scandal of Obamacare, and she laid out the early components:

1. The person who designed it didn't understand what he was designing.
2. The Democrats who passed it didn't read it.
3. And Obama who signed it into law exempts himself, his family, and his buddies and cronies from having to participate in any part of it. And he continues to deny that there are any systemic problems with Obamacare.

The last numbers I heard were that the costs of that non functioning website have passed $600 million dollars now and are escalating.

And this week, our Fearless Leader made another executive decision that overturns the law passed by Congress. This time his papal bull declared that the renewal period in 2014 would be moved from October to November 15 which of course is safely AFTER the election. Why? Because they now know that as bad and expensive as it is now, the sticker shock on those renewals will be eye popping and certain to promote a voter backlash.

So will the mainstream media keep the public apprised of all that? Or will they continue to protect Obama and his image?

Moving it back is a two edged sword.

If the Republicans take care of business they can demonize it to the point that it will become a toxic issue for the voters on election day. If they wanted to be like Democrats and use their own tactics against them, they can make it out to be worse than it really is.

After all, the Dems, and Obama in particular, don't have any credibility anymore.

I hope the Republicans DON'T do that. Obama and the Democrats are doing a fine job shooting themselves in the foot, and don't need any assistance from the GOP. The GOP needs to pick its battles more prudently and focus on the most serious stuff to dig their heels in on. Otherwise they do look like the party of 'no' and are being stubborn and obstinate on purpose and for no realy good reason.

I am sick to death of defending and/or demonizing things based on the party who proposed or passed them or depending on whether the person has a D or an R after his/her name.

But we can't stick our heads in the sand either. Our responsibility as the people is to keep the checks and balances on the government that is supposed to be responsible to US; not the other way around. So we have to keep shining the light of truth on this stuff. Or they'll do any damn thing they want to us and we will be helpless to defend ourselves in any way.
Crickets? Are scandals so routine nobody cares anymore?

They're simply political allegations until the inquisition of General Darryll Issa can prove otherwise. Watching the way Secreatary Clinton's remarks have been twisted to fit the insuisitors from the hoi polloi on the right, I'm less convinced their is anything worth investigating. The author of the OP supports conviction without trial or probative evidence, it seems, and allegations as sufficient proof, as do the members of the Echo Chamber.

Postscript: The above was posted before reading post 499 above. I appreciate Foxfyer's remarks, but still believe Darryll Issa is partisan shit disturber who bring allegation of wrongdoing foreward for solely partisan purposes.
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