Phony Scandals?

Issues of the type referenced in the OP

  • are real scandals.

    Votes: 62 80.5%
  • are phony scandals.

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • are not easily judged. I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 3.9%

  • Total voters
The CBS News report says that the leaked versions sent out by the Republicans were different from the batch the White House later released.

CBS: Republicans altered Benghazi emails

Dem Congressman slams GOP for "doctored" Benghazi emails

It's not no one cares. It's once it was discovered that Republicans are "creating" the scandals through political opportunism, people have lost interest.

yep. Issa (R) has called fox .....errr..... wolf so much people know not to believe him ;) doctored emails and hen-pecked witnesses selected by Fire Bug? No thanks. Focus on the economy instead of rw orchestrated witch hunts. :thup:

Well the President is on his 17th--count em 17th!!!--speech tour focused on getting some job creation going. What do you think the odds are that #17 will accomplish any more than #1 through #16 have accomplished? So far the only new idea he has come up with is to include "phony scandals" into every speech to make sure that leads the evening news.
Something of interest for some and something to ignore for other's tomorrow night CNN's Erin Burnett will have a special on Benghazi.

I get the feeling that Erin Burnett is appreciating having some freedom at last to criticize or at least question the current administration. CNN had been as much lapdog and surrogate propaganda wing for the Obama Administration as any others for years now. But they seem to be growing some cajones lately.

You have to remember Obama is in his last term so there is no real point in kissing up to him now they might resting their lips for Hillary if she runs in 2016.
The CBS News report says that the leaked versions sent out by the Republicans were different from the batch the White House later released.

CBS: Republicans altered Benghazi emails

Dem Congressman slams GOP for "doctored" Benghazi emails

It's not no one cares. It's once it was discovered that Republicans are "creating" the scandals through political opportunism, people have lost interest.

yep. Issa (R) has called fox .....errr..... wolf so much people know not to believe him ;) doctored emails and hen-pecked witnesses selected by Fire Bug? No thanks. Focus on the economy instead of rw orchestrated witch hunts. :thup:

Well the President is on his 17th--count em 17th!!!--speech tour focused on getting some job creation going. What do you think the odds are that #17 will accomplish any more than #1 through #16 have accomplished? So far the only new idea he has come up with is to include "phony scandals" into every speech to make sure that leads the evening news.

Maybe he's doing that because he has a House held hostage (voted 40 times on something that will go nowhere :thup: ) by the tea party minority who the Republican Speaker is scared of? :eusa_whistle:
I just finished watching the Benghazi special on CNN and what you will discover if you didn't already know is from the administration seemingly being unaware of how bad the situation in Benghazi was even before the attack the lack of security at the consulate to having no military option nearby to respond in case of trouble to Susan Rice and the video story and finally to the total lack of any progress in finding those responsible this has been and continues to be a royal cluster fuck.
yep. Issa (R) has called fox .....errr..... wolf so much people know not to believe him ;) doctored emails and hen-pecked witnesses selected by Fire Bug? No thanks. Focus on the economy instead of rw orchestrated witch hunts. :thup:

Well the President is on his 17th--count em 17th!!!--speech tour focused on getting some job creation going. What do you think the odds are that #17 will accomplish any more than #1 through #16 have accomplished? So far the only new idea he has come up with is to include "phony scandals" into every speech to make sure that leads the evening news.

Maybe he's doing that because he has a House held hostage (voted 40 times on something that will go nowhere :thup: ) by the tea party minority who the Republican Speaker is scared of? :eusa_whistle:

It takes a majority to pass something. The minority controls nothing. The house represents the people. If they've voted 40 times on something, don't you think the senate who represents the states and the president should give it a fair hearing? Exactly who is being the obstructionist here? I'll give you a hint, Reid and Obama. When will they listen to the people's representatives?
Scandals are only 'phony' when the accused are Democrats. These same charges occur with a GOP admin, they get traction.

The lwing's echo chamber and drum beaters in the 'msm' taking their ques from the WHite House talking points. Its comical to watch.
Phony scandals?

By one pundit's account, since his first inauguration, President Obama is on his 17th speech making tour focusing on job creation. This time the catch phrase he uses again and again, and is being picked up by surrogate talking heads, is that the Republicans try to block efforts to create jobs with distractions such as, among other things, 'phony scandals.'


- The fact that the families of those killed and wounded in Benghazi still can't get straight answers from the administration, and witnesses are ordered into silence is a 'phony scandal'?

- GSA employees spending millions of tax payer dollars having a high old time and making videos of themselves is not a scandal? Ditto federal employees in other agencies?

- IRS blocking hundreds of applications of conservative groups and almost no applications of liberal groups in the years prior to the 2010 and 2012 elections is not a scandal?

- Labeling a news reporters as a possible felon to justify a personal investigation of him, for no reason other than he was investigating some of these things, is not a scandal?

- Collecting e-mails and other personal information from all AP reporters is not a scandal?

- Collecting phone et al information from millions of Americans is not a scandal?

- Federal investigation/continued persecution of one citizen declared not guilty by a jury of his peers when hundreds/thousands of racially motivated henious crimes go unmentioned at the federal level is not a scandal?

- The fact that every single time the President has declared he knew nothing of federal misconduct and found out about it the same way we did--in the media--is not a scandal?

What do you think? Billions of the people's money, our privacy, our civil liberties are at stake in all of these things. Are these phony scandals? Are they worthy of media and citizen attention? How out of the loops should a President be allowed to be before that in itself becomes a scandal?

Here's the problem. Similar to the issues listed and many more are common to all administrations. Today, because of social media and forums such as this and a 24-7-365 'news cycle' they get more attention then in the past (notwithstanding Watergate).

Example: Benghazi gets much more attention and more blame is placed on The President than President Bush received for his failure to stop the catastrophic attack on the World Trade Center.

Obama has not overreacted to Benghazi, he hasn't invaded Libya or Syria and has removed our troops from Iraq and is removing them from Afghanistan. He's using drones to track and kill AQ and in the process keeping more of our troops out of harms way.

The Problem, and why I respect The President, is he is damned when he does (anything), damned if he does nothing, and damned for everything he says and does by a very loud minority and yet continues to keep his cool and work hard (a term used by GWB but never evident).
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Well the President is on his 17th--count em 17th!!!--speech tour focused on getting some job creation going. What do you think the odds are that #17 will accomplish any more than #1 through #16 have accomplished? So far the only new idea he has come up with is to include "phony scandals" into every speech to make sure that leads the evening news.

Maybe he's doing that because he has a House held hostage (voted 40 times on something that will go nowhere :thup: ) by the tea party minority who the Republican Speaker is scared of? :eusa_whistle:

It takes a majority to pass something. The minority controls nothing. The house represents the people. If they've voted 40 times on something, don't you think the senate who represents the states and the president should give it a fair hearing? Exactly who is being the obstructionist here? I'll give you a hint, Reid and Obama. When will they listen to the people's representatives?

At least the House is doing their job. If they had not, then the Obama worshippers would have said, well, if you didn't like it, why didn't you pass legislation to stop it? Well they HAVE passed legislation that the Senate leader won't allow out of committee, won't allow to be debated, won't allow a vote.

And I hope the House continues to do its job. I am sick and tired of weak and feckless Republicans that are too timid to stand for anything. I applaud those willing to put it out there and do what is right.

The fact that the Senate will not do its job, and we have a President who appears totally unaware of anything going on around him and gets involved in nothing unless it is a photo op re something like Trayvon Martin should be a huge scandal.
I just finished watching the Benghazi special on CNN and what you will discover if you didn't already know is from the administration seemingly being unaware of how bad the situation in Benghazi was even before the attack the lack of security at the consulate to having no military option nearby to respond in case of trouble to Susan Rice and the video story and finally to the total lack of any progress in finding those responsible this has been and continues to be a royal cluster fuck.

Do you honestly think there has been any effort to find those responsible for Benghazi? Seems to me the Administration is doing its damndest to bury it and just make it go away now. I didn't get to see the special, but did they honestly say that the administration was unaware of how bad the situation in Benghazi was? The nominal hearings they have had suggested that our people in Benghazi had repeatedly requested additional security.

If the President and Secretary of State didn't know that, WHY didn't they know that? It is both their jobs to know things like that. Why haven't heads rolled when they were not informed by those whose duty was to inform them? Why haven't they both demanded disciplinary action for those who wee derelict in their duty?

And did the CNN story deal with that and also mention why the CIA was there at the time of the attack? If not, then sigh. I am disappointed in CNN yet again.

You fools still going with this lie?


Not a single one of you little Goebbels can produce them. Oh, you talk ABOUT them - but the actual emails? Nope...

Why? Simple - they don't exist and never did - just more sleaze from the leftist scum hoping to distract from the facts.

I don't know whether the altered e-mails exist or not, but the fact that nobody has been allowed to see them does make that very suspicious. And it is a further scandal if the Administration would try to deflect from the main issue with that kind of dishonest innuendo, and that their loyal surrogates--probably paid or rewarded in some othe way--dutifully report the innuendo as fact in interviews and on message boards.

Issa doctored nothing. The leaker read the content of e-mails from the Congressional Chair from memory, over the phone, to Major Malfunction at CBS (commie broadcasting system)

So naturally, there were differences when the actual e-mails were officially disclosed.

dimocrap voters and supporters never fail to remind me of the chronically battered women who won't do anything about their abuser.....

He beats them, he lies to them, he cheats on them, he mis-leads them, he steals from them, he talks down to them, he takes them for granted, he belittles them.....

And they love him anyway.

Almost like a cult or something..... :eek:
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I just finished watching the Benghazi special on CNN and what you will discover if you didn't already know is from the administration seemingly being unaware of how bad the situation in Benghazi was even before the attack the lack of security at the consulate to having no military option nearby to respond in case of trouble to Susan Rice and the video story and finally to the total lack of any progress in finding those responsible this has been and continues to be a royal cluster fuck.

Do you honestly think there has been any effort to find those responsible for Benghazi? Seems to me the Administration is doing its damndest to bury it and just make it go away now. I didn't get to see the special, but did they honestly say that the administration was unaware of how bad the situation in Benghazi was? The nominal hearings they have had suggested that our people in Benghazi had repeatedly requested additional security.

If the President and Secretary of State didn't know that, WHY didn't they know that? It is both their jobs to know things like that. Why haven't heads rolled when they were not informed by those whose duty was to inform them? Why haven't they both demanded disciplinary action for those who wee derelict in their duty?

And did the CNN story deal with that and also mention why the CIA was there at the time of the attack? If not, then sigh. I am disappointed in CNN yet again.

in the hearings it was very clear they had been ignored on all the requests, even though sending them the lists of all the incidents that had been happening there. They had even denied them the use of a military plane they had had around for months and removed, in case of problems, even though they showed them all the incdents that had been happening within the commercial airport there.

You fools still going with this lie?


Not a single one of you little Goebbels can produce them. Oh, you talk ABOUT them - but the actual emails? Nope...

Why? Simple - they don't exist and never did - just more sleaze from the leftist scum hoping to distract from the facts.

dimocraps neither care nor need for something to be true in order for them to run with it and make it their cause celebre.

They accomplished what they need to be accomplished......

Get another lie out there so the Low Information crowd can be misled with it.

Truth matters nothing to dimocraps. What matters is diverting The People's attention from their own failures.....

With heir lapdogs in the LSM leading the charge

Issa doctored nothing. The leaker read the content of e-mails from the Congressional Chair from memory, over the phone, to Major Malfunction at CBS (commie broadcasting system)

So naturally, there were differences when the actual e-mails were officially disclosed.

dimocrap voters and supporters never fail to remind me of the chronically battered women who won't do anything about their abuser.....

He beats them, he lies to them, he cheats on them, he mis-leads them, he steals from them, he talks down to them, he takes them for granted, he belittles them.....

And they love him anyway.

Almost like a cult or something..... :eek:

And because nobody seems willing to release the 'doctored e-mails' as evidence, it really looks like the lie is the attempt to divert from a Benghazi coverup--the real scandal--rather than any attempt by the GOP to mislead. Apparently somebody was allowed to see some emails but was not allowed to make copies of them. And working from memory later, maybe some things were reported not as accurately? But even that is in question.

A pretty good summary of that issue is here: Did The GOP Alter Benghazi Emails? | Politics

But you are right. The Obama cult M.O. is ALWAYS to deflect, divert, obfusicate, and try to make somebody else the bad guy. ANYTHING that will keep the real issues from being acknowledged or discussed.

Have you noticed that not one of the Obama Administration apologists has offered ANY evidence, any statements of fact, to refute the criticism? All they have is to try to make somebody else a villain and divert the discussion to that?
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Issa doctored nothing. The leaker read the content of e-mails from the Congressional Chair from memory, over the phone, to Major Malfunction at CBS (commie broadcasting system)

So naturally, there were differences when the actual e-mails were officially disclosed.

dimocrap voters and supporters never fail to remind me of the chronically battered women who won't do anything about their abuser.....

He beats them, he lies to them, he cheats on them, he mis-leads them, he steals from them, he talks down to them, he takes them for granted, he belittles them.....

And they love him anyway.

Almost like a cult or something..... :eek:

And because nobody seems willing to release the 'doctored e-mails' as evidence, it really looks like the lie is the attempt to divert from a Benghazi coverup--the real scandal--rather than any attempt by the GOP to mislead. Apparently somebody was allowed to see some emails but was not allowed to make copies of them. And working from memory later, maybe some things were reported not as accurately? But even that is in question.

A pretty good summary of that issue is here: Did The GOP Alter Benghazi Emails? | Politics

But you are right. The Obama cult M.O. is ALWAYS to deflect, divert, obfusicate, and try to make somebody else the bad guy. ANYTHING that will keep the real issues from being acknowledged or discussed.

Have you noticed that not one of the Obama Administration apologists has offered ANY evidence, any statements of fact, to refute the criticism? All they have is to try to make somebody else a villain and divert the discussion to that?

None so blind as he who will not see... comes to mind.
I don't know whether the altered e-mails exist or not, but the fact that nobody has been allowed to see them does make that very suspicious. And it is a further scandal if the Administration would try to deflect from the main issue with that kind of dishonest innuendo, and that their loyal surrogates--probably paid or rewarded in some othe way--dutifully report the innuendo as fact in interviews and on message boards.

I think they were GOING to exist, that all the plans were made; but oddly I think it was the Trayvon Martin case that derailed them. When NBC was caught - dead to rights - fabricating evidence against Zimmerman, with the resultant backlash against the media for blatant fraud, it cooled the zeal to openly fabricate evidence. No doubt CBS paid a forger to create some emails, but after the problem of getting caught with Dan Rather, backed off at the last moment. CBS knew they could not pass the scrutiny of the internet.

Sure, some blowhards like Dot Com, lacking a semblance of integrity, will spout off about these - but you'll never see them - ever.
I don't know whether the altered e-mails exist or not, but the fact that nobody has been allowed to see them does make that very suspicious. And it is a further scandal if the Administration would try to deflect from the main issue with that kind of dishonest innuendo, and that their loyal surrogates--probably paid or rewarded in some othe way--dutifully report the innuendo as fact in interviews and on message boards.

I think they were GOING to exist, that all the plans were made; but oddly I think it was the Trayvon Martin case that derailed them. When NBC was caught - dead to rights - fabricating evidence against Zimmerman, with the resultant backlash against the media for blatant fraud, it cooled the zeal to openly fabricate evidence. No doubt CBS paid a forger to create some emails, but after the problem of getting caught with Dan Rather, backed off at the last moment. CBS knew they could not pass the scrutiny of the internet.

Sure, some blowhards like Dot Com, lacking a semblance of integrity, will spout off about these - but you'll never see them - ever.

Again I wasn't there so I don't know for sure what happened re those emails. I just have a hard time believing, given ALL the testimony that was on the record for all to see, that the GOP would have taken the risk to deliberately alter some e-mails. Even if they were capable of doing that, they didn't need to do that. And I am really skeptical when the actual e-mails are not released or allowed to be copied when accusations are made against the GOP.

But then sensible people have ability to see when things don't meet the smell test. And apologists refuse to even try to acknowledge stuff that doesn't meet the smell test, much less admit that it doesn't.

Interesting theory though that the Dems got scared off fabricating evidence? We KNOW they have done so in the past such as the phony Bush military records that wrecked Dan Rather's career when they got caught. We KNOW that the leftwing media has been caught manipulating facts such as the doctored photos Reuters was caught with during the last Hezbollah/Israel skirmish.

But without evidence that the Dems would have altered the emails in an effort to frame the Republicans, that's a stretch we probably shouldn't make.

And give Wry Catcher a cookie as the most dedicated on the thread in building straw men and trying to deflect the discussion away from the scandals. :)
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