Photo-op That Was A Huge Security Risk: Secret Service Allows Obama To Risk His Life


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

Personally I think the head of the Secret Service needs to be fired for this.
Whoops. The last one already was fired.

I was scratching my head wondering why they allowed Obama to risk his life by exposing himself to a possible deadly contagion just to get a photo-op, especially since he claimed he doesn't do them a month ago when asked to go down to Ferguson MI to smooth things over.

Obama tries to calm Ebola quarantine fears with health care workers in at-risk period Daily Mail Online

Does anyone here feel that Obama should be risking his life like this?

Is this Ebola scare just one big fraud that got away from the Obama Administration?

What are your thoughts?
Can we please leave the secret service guys alone? They know what they're doing.
I think that was my point.

My suggestion is this possibly was all just a fraud perpetrated on America in October meant to do God only knows what to get votes for Democrats, but instead it went terribly wrong.

Judging from his precedence to date, this isn't beyond the realm of possibility.

Obama likes a self-created crisis, and likes to act like he's got a handle on the situation. A real crisis, not so much.
I compare Obama embracing Nina Pham (A woman who got Ebola trying to help people) and compare that to Reagan ignoring AIDS for years, and we all know who comes out looking better.

Spoiler Alert- it wasn't Reagan.

I compare Obama embracing Nina Pham (A woman who got Ebola trying to help people) and compare that to Reagan ignoring AIDS for years, and we all know who comes out looking better.

Spoiler Alert- it wasn't Reagan.


And the maker or poster of this "joke" knows the nurse is not a
I don't think there was a risk or Obama would not have taken the risk.

If there as any chance of him catching Ebola then he would be the most irresponsible of parents.

Obviously the hype drummed up by the government got out of hand and he is trying to reign it in by hugging a person, that seems to be exactly the way liberals cure everything, just sing kumbyya and blame Republicans.
Silly and ignorant OP.

You're on the internet. There's really no reason or excuse for continuing to believe faux Fearbola lies.
Our President is a very brave man risking his life that way

We should all be very proud of him
I compare Obama embracing Nina Pham (A woman who got Ebola trying to help people) and compare that to Reagan ignoring AIDS for years, and we all know who comes out looking better.

Spoiler Alert- it wasn't Reagan.


What you mean is your distorted memory of what Reagan did and didn't do. Once again you need a history lesson.

From the following article:

Comparing a political opponent to Hitler is obvious evidence of fanaticism, but we are living in hyper-partisan times. Rep. Henry Waxman’s official congressional website repeats the “seven years” calumny while adding that “the Reagan administration consistently refused to commit the resources and effort necessary to provide urgently needed research, health care, and preventive services.”

For the record, Reagan first mentioned AIDS, in response to a question at a press conference, on Sept. 17, 1985. On Feb. 5, 1986, he made a surprise visit to the Department of Health and Human Services where he said, “One of our highest public health priorities is going to be continuing to find a cure for AIDS.” He also announced that he’d tasked Surgeon General C. Everett Koop to prepare a major report on the disease. Contrary to the prevailing wisdom, Reagan dragged Koop into AIDS policy, not the other way around.

As for Waxman’s recollections about AIDS funding, he does an unusual thing for a politician: He’s forgotten the success he and other Democrats had in convincing Reagan to spend more money. The administration increased AIDS funding requests from $8 million in 1982 to $26.5 million in 1983, which Congress bumped to $44 million, a number that doubled every year thereafter during Reagan’s presidency.

Finally, the claim that Reagan spoke about AIDS sufferers with “disdain” is simply a smear. Nothing like that ever happened, except maybe in the fictional “The Reagans” miniseries in which Barbra Streisand’s husband played Reagan as a bigot and rube.

Read more: Ronald Reagan and AIDS Correcting the Record RealClearPolitics
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Our President is a very brave man risking his life that way

We should all be very proud of him

Yes, his military service speaks of his bravery.

Taking a chance with a disease that the government is quarantining people, if he really did that, is brave? I say stupid, are you saying Obama is stupid?

He's trying to show he's not a chickenshit!

Question: Why did the media make such a big deal over Ebola, then the administration acts like the threat of a spread is secondary to the damage a ban would cause to West Africa's economy?

Seems to me this was a trap that was set to pull the Republicans into taking a position that I'm sure would be perceived as racist. Problem is, it backfired. Rumors were spreading about plans by the administration to bring Ebola patients into the US for treatment, which proved to be false.

There are plenty of possibilities. At face value it looks like the administration is the only ones acting rationally.

I'm glad most of the GOP didn't take the bait.
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Our President is a very brave man risking his life that way

We should all be very proud of him

Yes, his military service speaks of his bravery.

Taking a chance with a disease that the government is quarantining people, if he really did that, is brave? I say stupid, are you saying Obama is stupid?

Care to name any recent President who risked his life to comfort an American hero the way Obama just did?

Bush? Reagan?

Both cowered when faced with danger. Did you ever see Reagan hug an AIDS patient?
Our President is a very brave man risking his life that way

We should all be very proud of him

Yes, his military service speaks of his bravery.

Taking a chance with a disease that the government is quarantining people, if he really did that, is brave? I say stupid, are you saying Obama is stupid?

Care to name any recent President who risked his life to comfort an American hero the way Obama just did?

Bush? Reagan?

Both cowered when faced with danger. Did you ever see Reagan hug an AIDS patient?

If you think there was real danger I suggest you suffer from partisan disease. If anyone took a risk of contracting such a disease they would be both stupid and irresponsible, are you saying that Obama is stupid and or irresponsible?

But I think I understand now. The government hypes the risk, the propaganda arm takes over and spreads what they say is fear that has gripped America. The American people don't actually do anything but it is portrayed as if we are rioting and wringing our hands over Ebola. So that gives an opportunity of a president that is not viewed very favorably to pretend to risk his life to show there is no risk? Do you understand how stupid that sounds if that is what he is doing? Or are you contending there is a real risk and he doesn't give a crap about Michelle or his kids?

Which is it, there is a risk, and he is brave. Or he knows that there is no risk and is showing us that there is no risk and you are just blowing smoke once again?

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